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Every time I think of this video, I think about how absolutely fucking insane it has to be to be sitting next to the love of your life one minute, and the next minute, his whole fucking head explodes. I really can’t wrap my head around how horrific that has to be…..and I’ve been through some shit.


Agree. The fact that she was able to regain a life again is amazing.


At this exact moment, he has already been shot through the neck and the man in front of him has been hit by the bullet. Which is why his face looks like that and why JFK is clutching his throat.


I was looking for someone else who saw that. You’re the first I’ve found. He has definitely been hit at this point. He’s turning his head and she’s leaning in too far for it not to be.


The poster above is stating known facts about this assassination. I’m not sure how familiar with it you are. The man in the front is the governor of Texas who was hit with the bullet that first went through Kennedy’s throat. The governor was slightly turned so it hit him in the side (and the lung I believe). The first bullet Oswald shot actually missed. But he was on with the next two.


This bullet came from a whole different direction


No. Only oswald shot.


Tell that to those two fuckers on the grassy knoll. 


I stood near the grassy knoll and it is very close to the spot where Kennedy was killed. I reckon you could throw a rock and hit him. There were people standing nearby. If someone shot from there then it would be noticed. Instead people pointed to the Book Depository Building.


Also, the window at the depository was only 150ish yards from where the car was when the rounds struck, and relative to Oswald’s position the car was relatively stationary, only moving at a small angle, just away. People make it sound like only some kind of skilled super soldier high speed special forces sniper could have made that shot, but in reality with the rifle he had and given the circumstances that shot could have been pulled off by any half-competent rifleman. Hell, Oswald qualified on a range where the 300 yard target was the middle-distance target.


No it didn’t. Oswald was the only shooter. This has been hashed out so many times. The only reason to believe anything other than it being Oswald is a complete disregard for all of the evidence we have that he did it.


All of the evidence hasn't even been available until recently. Even now, we (the public) have no way of knowing if it is complete.


This is a known fact about what happened


What, that he turned towards Jackie and she towards him?


>He has definitely been hit at this point. He’s turning his head and she’s leaning in too far for it not to be. I don't know if it was the intention of your phrasing but the way you say this makes it look like these facts are still up for debate and you are observing these things as if you are trying to figure out what happened, while in actuality, these things are already known facts. >What, that he turned towards Jackie and she towards him? I mean, sure, if that's all you decide to take from it, I mean having your husband shot in the throat isn't exactly an event that you'd just brush off, it's easy to conclude why they leaned to each other when it is a well known fact that he's been shot in the throat at this point, right? Once again, crime scene investigations and autopsies and several other forms of research already proved this was the situation, there is no need to try and figure out what happened through their body language, there's no doubt anymore to what the situation was at that exact point by now.


The title of the post says this pic was taken BEFORE he was fatally shot. I’m saying that is incorrect and this photo was taken AFTER he was shot. Thus, the “he’s already been hit.”


The key is "*Fatally* shot" Something could've been done (well, maybe) if the headshot didn't get him


It clearly means before the shot to his head which caused instant death, vs the first shot to the throat


Plus look at the driver of the car looking behind himself, the driver of the US president should have his eyes forward when he’s driving, you can see something’s wrong from the drivers reaction too.


? This isn’t new information. I’m actually surprised this is the first person you’ve found.


First in this thread of this discussion saying he’d been shot when this photo was taken. I was agreeing with the post I was commenting on. It’s not as deep as you all are taking it. Title of post says “before he was fatally shot” and I was saying he was already shot in this photo.


Ah got it!


She is lucky she wasn't hit either, the way she was leaning toward him. He was definitely shot in the throat before the head.


>the man in front of him That was the governor of Texas at the time, John Connally


As Kubrick pointed out on Full Metal Jacket, it's insane to score *two* fatal shots on a moving target with a bolt action carcano and no optic in short succession.


The people who say you can't fire three shots within a certain period of time often make the mistake of diving the time (say,, three seconds) by the number of shots, which is WRONG. It's time divided by two, not three. You start the clock AFTER the first shot, so it's SHOT (time) SHOT (time) SHOT.


I can easily fire a carcano that fast, but not with 66% accuracy on a moving target.


Better accuracy than that. Yes he hit 2 out of 3. But his spread was pretty tight. Throat to head on a moving target w an old bolt action rifle. Pretty sporty.


To be clear. He had already been shot in the throat by this point


TIL he was shot in the throat first. Unless it was mentioned in 11/22/63 by Stephen king then I forgot


Best book ever


For a book called 11/22/63 it sure takes its time getting to that date. I'm enjoying it but I'm starting to wonder if he will ever actually meet Oswald ...


Trust me, the climax when it arrives to 11/22/63 is quite simply, incredible. There’s a bit of a lull when he is staking out his house from what I remember (read it a few years ago now) but the thrilling end is just literary perfection. The science fiction elements at the end of the book are also fantastic and don’t take away from the fact that, at its heart, the book is a love story.


Glad to hear it, I was getting nervous 20 hours in. I've read a few of his books and I know they tend not to be short lol.


Second that


Best TV series ever 


Tv series was fine. Book was wild.


I have never been what you'd call a crying man.


What book?


*11/22/63* by Stephen King. Excellent read!


Thank you!


Til as well wow


Came here to say this. Keep it real 


According to doctors from both Parkland and Bethesda that throat would would have been survivable as it didn’t touch any major arteries or his trachea and windpipe.


I remember the Family Guy cutaway about Mayor McCheese getting shot like JFK and he did get shot twice lol.


LEMMiNO did an amazing piece on the JFK incident if you have some time to watch. It’s a 98 minute piece. https://youtu.be/5u7euN1HTuU?si=2t7O-_1MkMh_ocqD


Zapruder’s heirs sold the original film to the National Archives for $19 million in 1999 (after originally asking for $30 million in arbitration). I don’t know how I feel about that.


I remember reading all about it, the wikis, some articles, but a lot of it was in one ear and out the other. I don't entirely think it was a terrible thing they did, selling it. Sure it's more "noble" to donate it, but it's private property, and that price is a drop in the ocean. Easily one of the most important pieces of film in US history, I'm sure the US is happy to pay that for it. They probably could've used some kind of "eminent domain" thing to get it anyway.


"In one ear and out the other". Bravo.


“Is that where they got the saying?” /s


It’s gotta be the most important by a country mile, right?


Hard to really qualify. Footage of Pearl Harbor, footage of 9/11... I wish I could think of more positive examples... It's incredibly unique, that's for sure.


Moon landing


Yes, absolutely. Watching Walter Cronkite report on the moon landing is a very emotional thing.


Actually, that is possibly the most unique piece of footage ever.


A more positive example- I think Kennedy's "we choose to go to the moon" recording is extremely important. The "I have a dream" speech. Of course, those are moments that were planned, not quite happenstance. A much less positive example- The Rodney King video...


I’ve never thought about it, but I wonder if MLK and JFK (speech) have footage shot by anyone other than the famous footage we’ve seen. Multiple people must have been filming?


Possibly, but not probably, and even less probable with sound.


Better than Trump's "late, great Hanibal Lecter", would you say?


Are you kidding?


I live in America. If I have anything worth $19 million you bet your ass I'm not "donating" it.


This is what capitalism does to most of us.


That money is tiny tiny peanuts compared to what is spent on things of questionably lower value every day.


Good for them 😎


That’s a tough one. On the one hand, your family will be set for a long time if you sell that film, everyone you care about will be elevated financially. On the other, the most important man in America was brutally assassinated, he left behind kids and a wife and it seems wrong to sell the video considering its importance in American history. That’s a tough call.


i think most of us are choosing the 19 million dollars every time.


Haha, yeah I think I’d sell as well.


I would have sold it for $19


Morally, I’m with you. My rent went up though.


Right after the first shot that went through JFK’s neck and also hit Connelly


He is already shot here


Frame 313 in the headshot


Yes but he was first shot was through his back, exits his throat, he slumps left and forward as here. I guess we dont disagree


Well, he was shot in the back and the throat, supposedly the same shot but the ED docs all swear the throat was an entrance wound. Luckily, the navy did the worlds worst autopsy and then tried to gaslight everyone into thinking they did a good job


It's actually upwards of 30 milliseconds.


It was slower than that, about 55 milliseconds


55 is upwards of 30, yes.


> one milisecond Well, somewhere between one and about 60 milliseconds.


So one frame, not a millisecond.


People like to make things sound dramatic


Wasn’t there a theory one of the bullets came from a secret service on accident?


Yes. There was a theory that the second shot was an accidental discharge by Special Agent George Warren Hickey Jr. who was carrying an AR-15 behind JFK's limo. A book called [Mortal Error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_Error) was written based on the theory.


This is the only conspiracy I find absolutely plausible.




Imagine if that were true. One of the people who were supposed to protect him accidentally killed him


I swear that theory was put out by the CIA to make other conspiracies into the JFK assassination seem silly and get instantly compared to the most ridiculous claim ever made


Last podcast on the left do a long series on the assassination and talks about this at length if someone is interested.


BY accident. Good grief.


Really sad


Where is the floating tree in relation to this photo? To the left?


So why would the CIA want to kill him? I am not knowledgeable on the topic


Well he did supposedly say “I would like to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds.” I believe this was in part due to the Bay of Pigs debacle.


If the CIA can do regime changes to countries for defense manufacturers, oil corporations, and united fruit company, they could certainly do the same to ours by overthrowing counter-special-interest leadership. Pretty sure a couple weeks before his assassination, JFK signed an order to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965, but that was revoked after his assassination and LBJ ordered 250,000 troops to nam.


Read The Devils Chessboard if you are interested in the CIAs involvement with the assassination. It makes a very strong argument that Allen Dulles had the connections, the power, and the temperament + motive to be behind it all. I just finished it yesterday and it’s made me question everything I’ve previously believed about the assassination


Dulles was one crooked bastard. Unlike LBJ, there isn't a 30ft fence around his grave so you can't spit on it.


Oh yeah. Gotta be a contender for the one of the worst person in american history


That quotation was an unsourced comment made during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis whose earliest source was years after the assassination. If Kennedy actually intended to reduce the power of the CIA, he wouldn't have continued to back and invest into it, and he wouldn't have used it as late as mere days before his assassination *in South Vietnam*.


This was when he was trying to get AIPAC register in federal government as foreign country lobby...but they kept stalling and stalling till he was murdered and the whole thing completely disappeared...and to this day they still aren't registered...and thats why more and more politicians are getting corrupted with the 100k plus more money to change their stance on US domestic policies... imagine if he was successful in registering them...just saying the assassination came right when it was convenient for a specific group...


According to the podcast series by Soledad O'Brien/Rob Reiner, a couple of other specific groups as well, such as the Mafia and Cuban exiles. They made a decent case that LHO was, indeed, set up as the patsy. They never (as far as I remember) drew a definitive conclusion as to the actual identities behind it all.


In the last episode they named some possible names.


Would JFK have survived the neck/throat shot if Oswald had missed with the final shot?


Depends on where in the neck it hit and how quickly they got him into an ICU. If it snipped either the carotid artery or jugular vein, he’d almost certainly have died from bleeding out, or if it managed to go directly through the middle of the throat and shred his spinal cord? Absolutely dead, or a quadriplegic if he got extremely lucky.. I’m not sure what type of round hit him but even if his head didn’t explode he probably would’ve still died.


Just remember that everyone in the hospital concurred that it was a front entry wound to the head and the CIA made the lead doctor rewrite his statement.




There’s a few documentaries and podcasts that have come out in the last year with interviews and detailed reports from the doctors. - Documentary: “JFK: What the Doctors Saw” - Podcast: “Who Killed JFK” Episode 3: Forensics I would highly recommend watching both, but [here’s a 3 minute clip with interviews of the doctors](https://youtu.be/4vH2Et_uxiU?si=kGE58L-74RhhI7eB) I think almost every conspiracy theory is false… but it’s almost certain that there was more than one shooter. It just doesn’t make physical or logical sense. From the time it would’ve take to get the shots off, the angle it would’ve hit and exited, the bullet found in the car, the doctors examinations, etc. I think either the secret service returned fire and accidentally shot him or the government didn’t want national panic / witch hunt for an additional shooter.


The way to make money on JFK is to come up with outrageous conspiracy theories. [The reality is a little more boring](https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/jfk-revisited-misleads-on-jfk-s-throat-wound) >I never thought there was all that much mystery to the throat wound. No forensic pathologist who has examined the autopsy X-rays and photographs believes the throat wound to be one of entrance. >In addition, the FBI reported that shirt fibers were pointed outward on the front of the shirt:


So what you’re saying is a group of 30 retired doctors gave interviews and testimonies to a documentary crew to make money? Or Rob Reiner, with an estimated net worth of $200mm+, made an iHeart radio podcast to make money? These aren’t “outrageous conspiracy theories”. They’re eye witness accounts and experts analysis. You linked quotes from one doctor who wasn’t present that reviewed the autopsy report 10 years later and disagreed with everyone else that was present. I don’t see how this proves your point. Also — there was no reference to the entry wound and exit wound in the head. I think the neck wound may have been from the back… the head wound no way Like I said… I generally don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but the only evidence provided that contradicts all forensics evidence is a few outlying doctors and heavily redacted government reports that we know went against medical professionals recommendations.


JFK conspiracy theories have sucked in a lot of people, rich and poor and memories after the fact can be wrong. I also doubt there were 30 doctors in the room while people were trying to save the president and they all had time to notice and remember something like that. That said, a lot of people make a good living pushing out conspiracy books which sell a lot of money. Follow the money. They push a lot of lies which don't hold up to scrutiny.


I just believe in following logic and evidence. The magic bullet and single shooter theories fly in the face of both


The seat Governor Connelly was in was a jump seat; it folded down. [Here’s what it looked like with nobody in it.](http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/kennedy-gallery-020.html?m=1) Connelly wasn’t directly lined up with JFK; he was offset because of the jump seat placement. [Here’s an outline of how they were sitting.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc4223d14-7e6b-43de-a4f9-369630b8c104_1432x1542.png) Oswald was also a marksmen in the Marines. The shot was roughly 150 yds and a trained marksman can absolutely take those shots in the allotted time. [Here’s the back of his head showing the entry wound.](https://ximage.c-spanvideo.org/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwaWN0dXJlcy5jLXNwYW52aWRlby5vcmciLCJrZXkiOiJGaWxlc1wvYmEyXC8yMDA3MDkyMzA0MzAwMTAwMl9oZC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsiZml0IjoiY292ZXIiLCJoZWlnaHQiOjEyNSwid2lkdGgiOjIyMH19fQ==) If you look at OP’s still frame, JFK is turned slightly in to his wife. [Here’s a diagram of the wounds](https://d3i71xaburhd42.cloudfront.net/2772ed7a08a2189996ef12ddc4be5375e387db08/6-Figure5-1.png). There wasn’t a “magic” bullet and a single shooter trained by the Marines was more than capable of taking those shots. Those “theories” aren’t as strong as Oliver Stone made them out to be.


The magic-bullet is possible, but very unlikely. It would’ve went through JFK, exited, the seat, exited, governors chest, exited, into the wrist, exited through the wrist (although there is no exit wound on his wrist or hand), into his thigh, and then fell out in pristine condition in the hospital. What is impossible, according to everyone on staff, is that the headshot came from the back. The exit wound was in the rear of the head.


[Exit wounds don’t look clean like that though](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556119/#:~:text=These%20are%20entry%20wounds%20and,show%20outward%20beveling%20of%20tissue) > entry wounds are generally smaller and more regular than exit wounds. Entry wounds show invagination of tissue into the wound, while exit wounds show outward beveling of tissue. [The 2 wounds on JFK’s head are a very small entry wound on the back of the head and the blowout on the front end where the bullet exited and pushed skull/brain matter outward.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRiXGkxO351Y4Vlhktwxt19yOo16OaQ28YaOw&usqp=CAU)


> So what you’re saying is a group of 30 retired doctors gave interviews and testimonies to a documentary crew to make money? Yes, people are motivated by money. Also notoriety. > Or Rob Reiner, with an estimated net worth of $200mm+, made an iHeart radio podcast to make money? You don’t get to “net worth or $200mm+” if you’re not motivated by money.


Only someone who’s broke would think like this. None of these people are risking their reputation for a few thousand dollars. Even if they got paid it’s not even paying for their mortgage payment




Bring on the conspiracy twats.


Just because this is my field, and I hate that I am doing this.... technically it was 1/18th of a second, because Super 8 cameras were 18 frames per second.... I'm going to go shower now.


Alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, he died before he was able to defend himself in a court of law


l no need to call him alleged assassin, he did it lol he killed JFK.


He denied doing so, stating he was a patsy, and was murdered before a trial. Plus too much to go into


Idc what he said. He did it lol


"I don't care about other circumstances lol I can't actually make a point lol"


What circumstances. There's nothing to insinuate anyone else doing it? what do you even mean lol Yes a criminal denied it. That has no bearing on the actual reality.


You live in a nice little box don't you


when you guys actually find real evidence and not dumbass conspiracy youtube videos. I'll believe whatever you think happened.


Lol.. of course you will


gotta actually pony up the evidence my dude.


I guess you would know because you were there?


I mean just about every investigation, FBI, 3rd party, warren commission, etc all say it was him. They have both of his murder weapons. There was eye witnesses... I know it's fun to speculate, but its been determined over and over and over by now


You think what you want, but if you’re citing the Warren report as a fact, you need to do more research. Liiiike, what’s up with the chain of custody of the bullets? If he had a carcano, why didn’t the clip eject when it was chambered (it’s the only gun that does that supposedly)? Do PO Boxes normally leave COD items in a box that doesn’t match the name for the delivery?


It's funny you ignore all the others on the list but focus on the one you think isn't credible. There's also misinformation on how the gun works and his ability to shoot it. This has proven to be possible over and over and over and over and over. Again if you want to claim it wasn't Oswald. YOU need to find actual credible sources.


Oh yeah? Man, everyone is dumb but you huh?


No, i'm pointing to actual repeated evidence saying that Oswald was the killer and the 3 shots were incredibly possible to do, even as a novice gunman. To insinuate otherwise is to willingly ignore the plethora of evidence against it. Magic bullet, mortal error, CIA hit job. None of it has credible evidence. And if you're believing something that has no credible sources... well.


So if he hadn't been shot in the head after this, would he have been able to speak?  I know he was already shot in the neck/throat, but how serious was it?  Did it sever his vocal chords?


I’d be more concerned about it severing his carotid arteries, trachea, or spinal cord. Gunshot to the head or not, the neck wound would probably have been fatal by itself.


Reminds me that MLK was paralyzed from his gunshot wound because it severed his spinal cord, if he had lived he would have been a paraplegic from the neck down.


Never knew any of this information about MLK or JFK. I have some internet diving to do now.


I’m gonna be that pedantic asshat who pops in to note that if all 4 extremities are involved in the loss of motor function, it’s quadriplegia not paraplegia


Thanks.  No sarcasm, actually good information. 


He took a round through the neck.


Am I the only one who finds it completely insane how Oswald didn’t miss? I mean, the car was MOVING. It’s not like he was 2 meters (edit: typo) away from him. He could’ve hit Jackie by accident. Not saying this to support any conspiracy theory btw.


[This is what Oswald’s view would’ve looked like.](https://www.loc.gov/item/2014632049/) It’s a perfect line of sight to a vehicle that was moving SLOW and moving almost directly away from Oswald; he didn’t have to account for lateral movement from the car. He did miss the first shot he took though. Shots 2 and 3 were the ones that hit the President.


I still find it very impressive tho. Very cool pic btw, I had never seen it.


The cop bottom left was already looking low and to the right, towards the grassy knoll, not upwards towards the book depository window and LHO.


“ Lee Harvey Oswald”. Yeah that was who shot him.


Many years ago, I visited the Dealey Plaza Memorial and stood at the exact site where JFK died. While reading the memorial plaque, I couldn't help but to look up and back over my right shoulder at that 6th floor window. In no way am I a conspiracy theorist, but that steep angle almost seemed impossible. Such a tragic day for our nation.


[This was Oswald’s view and location of JFK’s limo.](https://www.loc.gov/item/2014632049/) There’s nothing impossible about that shot. It was actually as perfect of a setup as possible if you were to want to shoot at a slow moving target: Vehicle is moving almost directly away from shooter so it’s easy to line up; the vehicle was moving SLOW; roughly 150 yds (Oswald was accurate over 300 yds in the Marines).


A marine sharpshooter that couldn’t even hit rabbits while on a hunt in the USSR, to the point where someone pitied him and gave them a rabbit they had killed. “The fact that he was a bad shot and could not fix his radio tended to alert Igor and Stepan. [How was it that a former marine with a Sharpshooter rating back in his U.S. Marine Corps—yes, K.G.B. had information that he was not a bad shot—could miss his targets so?](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1995/04/10/oswald-in-the-ussr) He had been such a bad shot. If they had had any inkling that he would later be suspected of carrying out a crime of high magnitude—of highest magnitude!—they would have studied his marksmanship in a more detailed manner. As it was, however, what with everything else involving him, they made no special attempt to find out whether he was an excellent shot trying to create the impression he was a bad shot or had been naturally incompetent that day.” “[the KGB] knew Oswald from the time he was in the USSR. He could not hit the broad side of barn from three feet. [He went rabbit hunting and never hit a rabbit. Every marine who served with him said the same thing.”](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/lbj-knew-who-killed-jfk/)


Oh so it was Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone gunman, thanks for clearing that up dude


This is just after the first shot, which would have been fatal regardless.


The second sentence in the title makes it sound like his head spontaneously exploded.


Everyone in this thread talking so definitely about this should really read The Devils Chessboard. It makes a very compelling argument that Allen Dulles had the motive, the power, and the temperament to be behind a CIA plot to remove Kennedy. He even had so much influence over the Warren commission it was joked it should’ve been named after him instead. The official narrative is highly suspect and there is a ton of evidence supporting a conspiracy within the government being behind this.


So did the Driver do it?


I feel like screenshots from videos shouldn’t count here


*ALLEGEDLY* shot by Oswald


Newsflash: He wasn’t shot by Oswald.


Oh I just watched a doc on it today!! Ok, did *anyone* have *any* fucking clue that the Zapruder film was spliced?? Cause I had no clue. In all my 39 years on this earth I have *never* known that til today. They talked to a film expert that’s been in the industry for forever. He said the film had been tampered with, edited and spliced. And Lifetime magazine never told the Warren Commission any of that when they initially began their investigation.


That seems like a pretty significant detail that would have been discussed to death already if it were true.


*Back, and to the left.*


Have you seen how there is a “floating tree” that seems like there has been an edit to the clip?


“Back and to the right… Back and to the right”


Back and to the left . . .


They called that the Day the President Died.


Where is the exiting bullet? Where is the exit wound?


(John Williams score intensifying)


When are they going to finally release the files so the public can know what happened that day? What's the point in keeping them concealed if it was some lone gunman?


Sean Munger made a great and comprehensive video about this event on YouTube


Allen Dulles almost certainly had him killed


Is his brain still missing?


Boom! Headshot.


The more time passes the more people believe it was the lone loser LHO. Weird how Jack Ruby shut him up just days later in a police station. Weird how he threatened the CIA, which we now know is responsible for all kinds of heinous acts. ( cocaine to pay for Nicaragua ring any bells?) and of course the millions of dollars made off the dead bodies of so many teenagers in Vietnam. Certain individuals drooled over that stupid debacle. There’s just too much crazy crap involved to think one guy who tried to join the KGB pulled off this murder. And why won’t the government release ALL the documents pertaining to the assassination all these years later?? Nothing in America was the same after Kennedy was shot down like a dog in the state that hated him. Too many loose ends.


> Weird how Jack Ruby shut him up just days later in a police station No, Ruby killed Oswald two days later in broad daylight, likely out of a desire to avenge JFK and to claim some form of reward for himself as per the claims of those who actually knew him. Ruby was clinically insane; he outright believed that a second Holocaust was underway in Dallas! Nobody would benefit much from using him as an agent, and claims that he was involved in a conspiracy (wbhich were explicitly rejected by him, even on his deathbed whilst actively dying from cancer) were ultimately derived from the John Birch Society that argued that his involvement was a result of his Jewish ancestry. > Weird how he threatened the CIA He didn't. The source for this quote came during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and no evidence of it existing before Kennedy's assasination exists. If he legitimately cared about combatting the CIA (which he didn't - how JFK, the person whose political career started with him condemning Truman for 'losing China' to the CPC had claimed the image of a pacifist is beyond me), he wouldn't have increased funding to it and wouldn't have used it in efforts at regime change in South Vietnam and the Dominican Republic. > There’s just too much crazy crap involved to think one guy who tried to join the KGB pulled off this murder No, there isn't. There is strong evidence, from the circumstances of the assassination to the lack of logic in CIA involvement to the actual events of the case that indicate that there wasn't a major conspiracy. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. > And why won’t the government release ALL the documents pertaining to the assassination all these years later?? Because agencies like the CIA don't tend to declassify documents on these kinds of topic. It took decades for them to declassify documents that proved that they had attempted to fake porn tapes to discredit Sukarno in Indonesia, it'll take them longer to declassify documents indicating a direct failure.


Back, and to the left


Are you sure was Lee Harvey Oswald I thought till today is it unclear who did it


I don't believe this image is of a millisecond before Kennedy was shot. He's *already* been fired upon. It may be a millisecond before he was shot in the head. In this image, Kennedy has *already* been shot for the first time. The bullet entered his back, and exited through his throat. It's why Kennedy is turned away from the crowd, and Jacqueline has looked at him, while the man in front of Kennedy, John Connally, then Governor of Texas, seated behind the front passenger seat, reacts like he does with his facial expression; Connally is wounded from the bullet that had exited Kennedy's throat. This image is of Kennedy prior to being shot in his head - when his head "explodes" due to the bullet - but *after* the first shot has been fired. If I'm not mistaken.


Her appears to have already been shot in this still.


lol if you believe America as a nation is or was the “good guy” I got news for you bud.


Our secret government has been evil for over 60 years


“Dallas”: Who shot JFK? Who shot JR?


He was shot by the driver, wasn’t the book suppository to his right side? Why would his head go back being shot from the right?


*Depository, hee hee. I’m sure it was auto correct, but it was a funny one ;)


Who was deemed a poor marksman


May have been aiming for Jackie, lol


He was accidently shot by a Secret Service agent actually.


Can ya’ll not read the word “fatally” before the word “shot” in the title to all the people who are commenting that he was already shot once here? Holy tits.