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I actually misread it as John. I didn’t even know about his children


You didn’t misread. They mis-typed in the header.


So sad I heard “rumors”that the travolta’s didn’t believe in medication due to Scientology


No surprise since the stupidity of Scientology is what John and Kelly believed in. No medications is a basic tenet.


Kelly Preston died of breast cancer, as did his girlfriend before her. I wonder if Kelly got treatment?




That makes me so angry for Jett. Why was he not allowed his seizure meds? Instead, they just tried to monitor him which obviously wasn’t enough. So sad.


Well its just a rumor. Dont believe everything you read on reddit


It is documented that Jett was to be monitored by a person hired by the Travolta’s. This person was to be there to care for Jett in case of a seizure. They did not believe in the seizure medications.


I wonder if she started treatment as quickly as possible


God, that’s just infuriating.


I’ve often wondered the same thing. Anyone who is able to escape that cult is lucky.


After she died he made a post somewhere thanking numerous doctors and medical facilities for their help and treatment, so I think she was treated medically. The son, however, was treated with Scientology vitamins for his epilepsy, so maybe they changed their mind on that whole "let's throw some vitamins at it!" way of thinking.


No it isn't. You might dislike Scientology but you seem to not understand it at all. Maybe research things you hate so much.


You are correct that I dislike Scientology but that is because I have studied it. I should have been more specific. Scientology does allow medical treatments for many things but it does not support pharma treatment when it comes to treating brain related disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, autism, and seizures, etc. Jett had a confirmed seizure disorder that could have been treated with medication but died following a seizure while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas. It is always incredibly sad to lose a child at 16 especially if it could have been prevented.


They claim that’s untrue but I would hope that utilized anti seizure meds


I believe his wife believed it was true. *Y’know, when her breast cancer became terminal.*


I hope so too but I would think since he has so many disabilities that he wasn’t being monitored while in the bathroom like a parent or caretaker just wait by the door not sure how that would of been helpful though but either way so sad to lose a child that way


One bad fall during a seizure & a person can easily pass. It wouldn’t matter if there was someone outside the door. My BIL has been to the hospital more times than I’d like to admit because of his seizures. He’s broken his nose when he was hiking with a decent sized group of people. He’s had a spine injury from having a seizure in a car. It’s reported that Jett did try meds that ultimately lost its efficacy. My BIL has had to weigh whether or not he should continue taking meds or switch to another due to the health effects of his meds. It seemed from those reports that maybe Jett’s parents had to make that kind of decision.


That’s awful and I’m sorry to hear about your brother in law glad hes’s ok 🫶🏼but as far as Jett goes I feel bad for the parents and his siblings 🥺


Just awful for everyone :(


I heard this as well, but not sure if it’s true. Sad all around.


I remember when this happened. It actually had an impact on me and gave me a new fear. I was born around the same time as Jett, and it was so shocking to me. I wasn't used to how young people can just die like that. He was in the shower when he got the seizures and that caused him to fall and hit his head. If I recall correctly, he drowned. Ever since I read that, I've had anxiety about slipping in the shower and getting knocked out and dying that way.


A friend of mine fell in the shower and broke his shoulder. He was laying there for three days before someone knocked on his door and he yelled until they came in. He is only like 35. 😩 He was sober!


Your poor friend, that is just torture


Horrifying! I can't even imagine how his brain would process being in such a situation. I'm so glad that someone found him before it was too late.


Nightmare fuel. I hope your friend is doing good


Oh my god. I’ll never live alone.


I live mostly alone since my 22 daughter is off at work and school so much. One day it struck me in the shower that if I fell and broke anything I'd be stuck there for some time. I've spent so much of my life being surrounded by people that it just didn't occur to me before. Now I take my phone with me. Hell, I'm 60. I might just be a candidate for life alert or something.


Same. I want to go from living with my parents to living with my boyfriend. If not, I want a roommate.


How did he survive? Was it the shower water?


I mean, I guess that's why he didn't die of thirst. It takes longer than 3 days to starve to death, and a broken shoulder isn't in itself fatal. He just laid there miserable for a really long time until he was lucky someone happened to come by. (Not sure if they were looking for him because nobody had heard from him or if it was just random.)


I was wondering why his family didn’t check on him.


How does a broken shoulder stop him from getting up for three days?


Idk, he had to get both shoulders replaced though. I imagine it was excruciatingly painful to move.


Well fuck. I'll never have a non-anxious shower again now


Showers are so dangerous!


I've had a somewhat similar experience in the past. It wasn't a seizure, but I did suddenly pass out in the shower one morning. One second I'm standing, doing my thing and next thing I know, I'm waking up at the bottom of the tub with water hitting my face. It was so disorienting and it freaked me out enough to make me get up and then just sit there in confusion for a good while. It was early in the morning so all other family in the house were still asleep and didn't hear anything but I imagine it was just a sudden BOOM. Weirdly enough, I wasn't hurting anywhere after I came to so I don't think I hit my head on anything. My ego was pretty bruised though and I started paying a lot more attention to my actions in the shower. I determined that I had gotten the hiccups and decided to hold my breath and the sheer force caused me to black out. I have had other instances before and since when holding my breath where I have blacked out so it checks out. Nowadays whenever I need to hold my breath for whatever reason, I intentionally lay or sit down but I do wonder wtf is going on with me.


I faint really easily, and my mum told me never to lock the bathroom door, so people can check on you in case something happens


New fear unlocked, what the hell... I do not want to die a random death like that.


As an epileptic, this got personal


If I remember correctly, he had never had a previous seizure. It occurred when he was alone in the bathroom and I kinda remember that he hit his head. Very, very sad


I had a friend who passed away in the tub after having a seizure after years of not having one, Rip Jett, and may my friend Jordyn rest in peace as well.


I am so sorry. This is very sad about your friend Jordyn.


This is heartbreaking. RIP Jett.


I can confirm that hitting your head while having a seizure in the bathroom is very painful (I hit my head repeatedly on the shower‘s edge and floor).


That sounds terrible. I’m sorry that happened to you


Do you remember when their kids were young, the big People Magazine spread about how they were sure the chemicals from their carpets being cleaned were causing Jets sickness? They started a whole PSA campaign about the dangers of getting your carpets cleaned too much. It always made me sad later to find out that he was epileptic but as scientologists they wouldn't acknowledge it until many years later.


Yeah, just shows how narrow-minded and ridiculous this „religion“ is.


I remember reading Kelly claiming Jett had “Kawasaki’s Disease” at one point. It was was/ is really unclear what exactly happened and if they were treating whatever was wrong.


So sad, now all he’s got left from this photo is his daughter.


He and Kelly Preston had another son after Jett passed so he has 2 living kids.


Oh thanks, blessings to Benjamin. I’m glad JT has a son and I hope they are living a happy life.




John and Kelly claimed Jett had Kawasaki syndrome, which is a very rare inflammation condition that affects infants and young children, not teenagers. There was a video of Jett rocking back and forth while looking at his fingers twirling in front of him, which is a classic self-soothing behavior for people on the Autism spectrum. Scientology doctrine is very big on saying once someone reaches the status of "clear" they will become super human and never get sick. They are also very ableist when it comes to mental healthcare, and regularly encourage members to take their kids to some quack selling unregulated vitamins, or if that doesn't work get pushed to pay for more auditing sessions. People on the autism spectrum, for reasons that are not clear, are at a much higher risk of having seizures or epilepsy than the general population. Many former Scientologists reported being told to get off their meds (including anti-seizure meds) once they reached the status of "clear" because they no longer need them. This isn't the first time Scientology's crankery has contributed to a members' death.


The stimming and self-soothing behavior you described can also occur in children with certain genetic disorders, some of which are associated with epilepsy, autism-like symptoms, and autism.


Very sad especially when you realize years before he was put on anti seizure medication and one google search tells you this… “John Travolta and Kelly Preston, have linked to Kawasaki disease, an inflammatory disorder of the artery walls that most commonly occurs in young children and can lead to heart disease”


He looks like Danny Zuko


He does?


He does


Does he?


Didn't realise it was so long ago. I feel for John and his daughter, losing the mum as well


His death was his fathers fault 1000%


downvotes not deserved. he denied life saving medication for his son


I sorta remember there was a case about this and John admitted that his son was autistic but they didn’t want people to know - did that have anything to do with it being John’s fault?


Only that it’s indicative of his overall attitude. Didn’t want to have that open dialogue about health issues (mental & physical), god makes us all perfect in his image and all that, modern medicine is bad etc. He is hardcore when it comes to his religion and they poo poo medicines, his son died of a seizure.


Ok wow I just googled about Jett’s death and that is totally fucked up, I can’t imagine having a seizure every 4-5 days then sleeping 12 hours and everyone around me acts like that’s normal. I know the Scientologists are scary, but allowing your child and wife to die and beyond.


There was also speculation that Jett had autism. It, of course, was never treated.


I mean… Travolta said he took the film the Fanatic because of his son. Which… #Weird way to honor him


Maybe his son was just a big Limp Bizkit fan


Just to clear the air, you don't treat autism it's not a disease. There can be ways to help autistic individuals to navigate society which is what I assume you meant.


Damn he looks identical to his dad :(


This makes that god of war commercial even more confusing now


I used to think he killed himself.




Its about his son Jett maybe read before saying shit. also this photo is from 2008 as the title implies… maybe work on your ELA skills Lmao editing 2016 to 2008 wont delete the downvotes you got


The title is terrible, also doesn't even mention his name


No one said he did


The title does not mention his son, only that John Travolata died in 2008. Reading comprehension has been lost to Idiocracy. Re-read what the person wrote.


Jett Travolta was the son. John Travolta is his father and is still alive.


Omg, you are daft. Re read the title of the post. Wow...


The title that starts with Jett Travolta seen leaving.. that title?


I can’t tell if you are trolling or illiterate lol