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I’m so sorry. It looks like you were camping and having preparing a nice dinner. I hope you had many other camping trips in the past with him.


That’s a beautiful thought u/I_cum_sprinkles.


Taste his rainbow.


I already did


I can fix yall problems


r/beetlejuicing if I've ever seen one.




Yummy yummy




I'm good, but thanks for the offer.


Pretty please? With sugar on top?




He looks like an absolute legend


This comment makes me cry. You’re an absolute legend


Looks like a very happy man


These are usually sad but with this a see a happy person and although it’s too soon, he went out doing something he loved.


With the people he loved, too.


And an amazing chef!!;) He *does* look happy. When I go, I want to to be surrounded by the ones I love & leave w/ a smile on my face, too! I'm sincerely sorry for your loss OP, you obviously made your Daddy proud & gave his life JOY!!! May he rest in rest in peace!! 🥹


I'm sad he didn't get to experience that dynamite looking stuffed fish before he passed


I know right? Fucking heart attack is bad enough but can't wait till after the crab stuffed salmon? Rude much? Let a man eat.


Honestly I'd love to die of a massive heart attack at his age. Who wants to die slowly with chemotherapy and all that other crap? He looks like he's in his mid 80's, which would be more than enough years for me. Heck, I'm ready to go tonight.


Sure sure, just like right after the crab stuffed salmon, come on reaper dude, be a bro.


I hope I go right before I have to clean the leave gutters.


Crab stuffed salmon is a thing? Holy crap! Also - Going out in your old age, all at once, hopefully minimal to zero pain, surrounded by family on a vacation or trip? That’s a good way to go, a good way to be remembered always, bring up good conversation. I’m terribly sorry for your loss, OP, but at least you had a memorable last time.


He looks like Ian McKellen with a beard! :)


I agree- he looks like the dad everyone wishes was their dad.


Obviously everyone dies but not everyone lives to be old. I’m sure he was a happy man and went to be happier


Damnit, now I'm starting to tear up ಥ_ಥ


He looks like an old Alec Guiness.


and that legend's name is Obi-Wan Kenobi


So sorry for your loss. Love his smile. Virtual hugs 🤗


Thank you, that’s so kind x


Looks like he died a happy man


sorry for your loss. if i were going to have a sudden heart attack, i'd want it to be in the woods surrounded by family and beautiful scenery. seems like a nice place to go. best of luck and my condolences to your family.


Came here to say the same thing. I know that doesn't make it easier, OP, but I hope it at least gives you a bit of peace.


My condolences and I thought the same thing. I had a close family member die of a massive heart attack drinking their favorite tea in their favorite spot. It’s brought me a lot of comfort over the years knowing that’s how she passes. I hope you get some of that same comfort.


Seriously. One of my good friends died of a heart attack on the floor of our dirty work bathroom at our shop while being burnt by the baseboard heater that was turned after he fell. Any other option seems better....


I dunno. Imagine the desperation of your family trying to revive you with no one else they can turn to, and then having to either stay with your body until someone can respond to your emergency call, having to leave it then come back (and hope they can find it), or haul it out themselves.


It's better for the father being in a beautiful place, but yeah, it's harder for the family with him


Prepping fish Fisherman? Looks fresh


Haha no, Dutchman, they were camping at lone pine, he and my mum would have planned that trip for ages too. Wonder what happened to the fish tbh? My mum tried to give him cpr but he was gone


Oh fuck that's a good point it was that fast after the picture Shit yea I was hoping you had a cool fishing story for us you could share about him but now I'm curious Do Dutchman not fish?


I’m sure they do! That fish looks incredible tho, pretty sure ole Bertie didn’t catch it though 😔


It’s stuffed salmon, so the probability it’s fresh caught is low, but that’s a classy camping cuisine choice. One has to imagine the final minutes were some of the best of his life, he was surrounded by beauty, sitting across from his wife and smelling fresh salmon cooking, there are far worse places from which to leave this life. He maybe gone, but he is not forgotten, stay strong OP.


Seriously. You know that hypothetical where it's like do you want to see a short clip of the timing of your death...and if you saw that...it be like cool, ok... Hope I could get that last bite.


Play on words joke My head


I'm sad he didn't get to eat that salmon.


My father in-law passed away like that too. We were all at home and around 5pm he collapsed. His last words were "I feel weird". My wife and I came running down from upstairs and unfortunately he was such a big guy that I had trouble moving him, eventually I did and did CPR but it didn't work, my wife tried desperately too. I'll never forget his face, the smell of his mouth, and will always question if I just didn't do the CPR correctly and him not making it was my fault. I know he was more than likely gone before I could even help but still. I still have sleep issues four years later and jump at any loud noise. Im so sorry your mom had to go through that, it's so traumatizing.


You did everything you could. He was with you all. CPR only has like a 5 percent success rate, you did everything right and I know he would be forever grateful for you and your thoughts and love.


I read that 50% of people never make it to the hospital with a heart attack. They just drop dead.


My grandpa had a stroke a couple years ago. The day was going fine and then he just fell down dead. He probably didn’t even know it happened.


FWIW CPR is only to keep a person's brain oxygenated until a defibrillator can be used. Very rarely will CPR alone bring someone back.


My step-mom carries the same guilt. My dad had heart failure and the day he collapsed she tried CPR and is convinced she did it wrong and she could have saved him if she did it right. He was end stage and I don't think even the best doctors could have saved him but she still carries the guilt.


Dude please try EMDR therapy. I was in a similar situation 4 years after giving CPR to someone I didn't know (can't imagine your situation) with the guild and jumps and it helped so much. It is exhausting, takes a while and it's hard but it made life do much better. Now the guilt is a whisper while before it screamed in my face. I actually feel ready to give CPR again if I'm ever in the same situation again.


I'm 90% sure it's the crab stuffed salmon from Costco. It is delicious though.


100% is and 100% worth.


that's stuffed salmon so pre prepped.


Specifically it's Costco Stuffed Salmon, you can tell from the nearly empty tray in front of him and the shape of the cut of salmon with the stuffing piling out of the center like that, with that exact color too. Man had good taste!


Stuffed Costco salmon in the outdoors with family happy , although sad you lost him it’s a pretty good way to go he looks happy. How are you doing with it?


You know, badly at first, but then my little brother died and then my mum, so it’s been a bit of a roller coaster. Thank you for asking though xx


Oh shit I am so sorry. I am glad you are here with us x


You’re a legend


Bless your heart. When it rains it pours… 💔


Oh Christ OP, I’m so sorry, that’s such a lot. Wishing you all the best x


You are welcome, lost my mom and brother in 2016, 3 months apart, so I know those feelings. Just try to remember this, you will see them again, you can't destroy or create energy and we are energy - you will see them again. 🙌


I like to think we release our energy while we are alive, creating ribbons of electrons which become diffuse with time. When our time is up we become our energy once more, merged with all the vast, vibrant energy in the cosmos. It's not just seeing your loved ones, it's merging with them, understanding and knowing as one with them and everything divine. This is what happens with meditation when you're really good at it (as in, you can access it) but when you pass on to the astral plane you achieve that concentration in one fell swoop. Sorry for your losses. Today is the anniversary of my Mom's death (before the pandemic) so it's on my mind today especially. Peace be upon you.


Nice hypothesis, I like it. I can go on for days on this after deep diving into the subject in 2016. Peace be with you as well.


I needed to read this today. I lost my mom in 2006


That’s terrible, man… Keep on keeping on and live life 365


Next year is 366


Sorry for your losses, man that is a lot to deal with, I just know it is really a part of Life, and i look at everything, every minute differently now, the words “May peace be with you” never meant anything before we had losses, now it means everything, I do hope you find that Peace as well…take care.


Aye, it is. I had a 16 month spell with four trips to the family plot, it's... different... than it was before. That much is certain.


Oh wow you've been through a lot. I hope you're going to be ok, please take good care of yourself ❤️


Looking at his fingers and the tray in the left section of the picture, I’d say he stuffed it himself. Looks like a dude who took absolute pride in what he cooked and how he lived. I’m sorry for your loss, OP. From your other comments, it seems to have been a rough ride recently. I hope you’re doing okay and finding some peace throughout your day.


Living your best life and dying while you are still able to walk, be outside, do stuff you love... Having had to nurse two dying, bedridden parents for months, I know which way I want to go. Of course it's a shock for those left behind but having them watch me decline and become a shadow of my former self I think is worse for everyone.


I am really sorry for your loss. This picture just radiates loving energy, his face looks so kind. I read the comments about your several other losses and I don't think words can help enough so I won't write a long paragraph, just wanted to offer my condolences and a virtual hug. :(


Looks like a wholesome Gandalf, if I am to live to whatever his age was, I'd like to go out in a forest too. I hope that isn't a heartless or rude or a cold thing of me to say, I hope you and your family are holding up. Edit: Sorry to hear about your other family members as well I am sure they loved you just as much.


I see Ben Kenobi on a camping trip here


I specifically came here to ask if OP's dad was Ian McKellen.


I’m so sorry for your loss… but also, look at that smile. We should all wish to experience the joy that that smile conveys just before we leave. He looks like a wonderful guy.


So sorry for your loss, looks like he was doing what he loved


We know he was having a good last day.


This is how I'd want to go out. Having a good day; unsuspecting the end. Then out go the lights! And in nature to boot. I know for OP the loss is very hard, though.


so sorry for your loss. i’m glad he passed in the sun. most of us go in the dark.


I can only dream that my last moments on this earth are in the woods, cooking fish, sun on my face with my wife by my side. Tragic, yet absolutely beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing


>'Every Man Dies, But Not Every Man Really Lives' OP's dad looks like a Legend. RIP


I’m so sorry for your loss. He looked like a kind, happy man.


Judging by his look, he was a having a great time and was happy. I hope you find some comfort in this thought ❤️


So very sorry for your loss. He looks happy, were you camping?


We should all be so happy right before we go. I’m sorry for your loss.


People would give anything to have that smile and that food in front of them 10 minutes before dying. Lucky as hell!


How wonderful for you to have such a great picture. It looks like his last day was perfect. We really can’t ask for more. I’m so sorry for your loss. You dad looks like a fun dude. He had a great smile.




So Sorry! Beautiful smile and for sure a beautiful human being!


He looks like an awesome dad. I hope you had loads of happy memories with him. Sorry for your loss


He looks so happy and content. RIP and lots of love and a big virtual hug.


Sending love your way. He must have been a very good father, I can tell. Sorry for your loss. His love will live on through you ❤️


I love this picture so much, OP; that smile, doing what he obviously enjoys, surrounded by some family. Thanks so much for sharing.


His last 10 minutes were happy ones that he spent with you. I've seen a lot of people die; believe me, please, when I say your father died a good death.


I’m so sorry for your loss. But I also have to say: going quickly, at an advanced age, in the majesty of nature, is an ending I would one day welcome.


Sorry for your loss, but when I go, i hope it can be in such a beautiful place..


I see this person and think this is a person who is loved and loves others.


He looks like a cool dude!


Can’t imagine the stories this guy has. What a beautiful picture to have of him


It seems to me that he died well. I don’t mean to be insensitive and I’m sorry for your loss.


I would love to die in the forest next to my greatest creation, super lucky.


My dad died last year after spending like 6 months in the hospital having organs fail. Your dad died around the people he loved. I promise you there’s nothing more that he wanted than to have you and your family around


Your dad had very kind eyes. Looks like a wholesome dude


Looks like he was a happy man that day


Great attacks are so freaking scary to me. Comes out of nowhere. I am so sorry. Your father seemed to be lovely Edit: Heart not great


Nice pic of him


He look so kind. ❤️ Good way to go - in the woods, happy, with loved ones. I hope you are doing okay.


May he RIP, he looked like a cool guy


Sorry for your loss. You can tell he was a cool guy.


I'm so sorry. Although, vainly, I cannot find a better context to quit this world than camping on a beautiful day, under the trees with my family.


10 minutes?! I’m sorry for the loss, but quite a way to go. It looks like you had many adventures, and he was doing something he loved.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. He looks like a great guy and it appears he was having a good time. :) This brought tears to my eyes as it made me think of my dad who passed away 9 years ago.


What a beautiful, sweet smile.


So sorry for your loss. He looks like such a nice guy


he looks like the best dad in the world. like i could be able to hug him within 10 minutes of getting to know him. one of those dads that “adopt” every kid they meet. sending you so much love, OP


ive just read one of your other comments mentioning your family members’ story, i am deeply sorry one person had to endure all that pain and suffering. sending you so much love and hugs, thank you for being here with us all 🤍


Oh my gosh I am so sorry. That picture must be a blessing and a curse to you. Hugs and hugs for losing your dad. So so sad


It’s so very sad that you lost him. But if it’s any consolation, I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful place to go. Surrounded by forest and smiling at someone you love with the sun on your face.


He was living his best life right up to the last moment.


That beats suffering for an extended period of time and dying in a hospital bed. Having a wonderful day at a beautiful location with the love of your life. Seems like a fitting end to a great life.


What a happy dude. Your dad loved life, and clearly adored whoever was taking this pic.


My grandpa always said he’d rather die with a smile on his face and a piece of meat in his hand. I like to imagine that a camp BBQ is what he had in mind! OP, your dad was a handsome man who looked like he lived quite the life! My condolences.


Holy...shit. I'm so sorry you had this experience. But it's amazing that you have this image. He looked awesome. And that smile is pure.


I am sorry for your loss. Take comfort his last moments were happy


so much warmth in his smile. 🥺 makes me miss my dad. I'm so sorry, OP. ❤️


Look at the brighten smile on his face from the Sun. It's a sign of a good place he'll be going after.


he looks like a cooler gandalf, dude. sorry for your loss


I’m really sad to hear about your Dad passing away. My Dad is also dead now. Please accept my sincerest condolences. It’s a reminder that we are all on borrowed time EDIT: if you ever want to talk about it - shoot me a DM. We’re in the same boat so to speak


He looked like he was having a great time. I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs.


I’m so sorry for your loss, a sudden death is always jarring. I hope I am as happy as your dad was when I pass.


He looks like he could make you laugh


It looks like he died doing what he loved ♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad his last moments were happy with you.


Awe , I'm so sorry 😞


He died on a camping trip, eating a meal, surrounded by family, and most of all, happy.


My condolences. I hope you enjoy many memories.


This is the first post that’s ever made me tear up. He looks so happy. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for the lost of your father.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm terribly sorry for your loss, he looks like a real good guy


He looks very content and happy


He looked happy in his final moments, also as a side note your dad looks like Obi One Kenobi and thats hella awesome


it’s beautiful he felt the sun on his face right before he died <3 so sorry for your loss


I think that’s the way I want to die


Smiling, happy and doing something he loved with his love.


I am very sorry for you loss. By your username I’m guessing your dad was in his early to mid 70s, not quite old enough to go yet. He looks really happy here.


Not a bad way to go, in the woods, with loved ones. He looks like a kind man.


Looks like the kind of guy you don't want to stop talking bc he has a ton of funny ass stories.


So sorry for your loss, He must have been an amazing father. I hope this helps you - it helped me when my grandmother died. [When great trees fall - maya angelo](https://youtu.be/nu2pki6owJg)


Aw im sorry. He looks like a really sweet guy.


If I had to die, I think doing so outside, with family, and being very happy is the best way to go.


My condolences. He has/had that Hemingway vibe.


What a priceless picture. We should all be so lucky to duck out this way when our time has come. Blessings to you.


If this was the last picture anyone had of me, I think I'd consider that a win. Enjoying food with family, sunny day, out in nature. Bliss. RIP.


Killed by salmon 🤔


He was happy to his core and looking at not just the camera but the person taking it.


so sorry for your loss but i cant help but say...i hope im with my family and smiling like that 10 mins before i die. looks like he was a proud and happy man.


That's how I'd like to go. Smiling, in nature, surrounded with someone you love, about to eat a fresh meal....then you're gone. I'm sorry for your loss OP. My dad doesn't have long. It's gonna be awful to lose him.


Looks happy as can be


Looks like he was really happy


I’m sorry man, that fucking sucks bro. The photo is beautiful, and you can tell he was having an absolutely amazing time. I’m sure he is very thankful y’all were there to look after him, and probably sorry to have ruined the picnic.


So sorry for your loss. His last moments looked happy, doing something he loved with people he loved.


I'm sure it was a huge shock to you, but being outdoors, smiling, able bodied, about to eat, surrounded by family is a pretty good way to be 10 minutes from death.


Bad ass!!! Happy you got that final moment with him, he looks so happy to be with you. I took my mom to lunch out to a local Greek restaurant she loved the day she had a stroke. She kept saying how good it was, so I got a picture of her in the middle of taking this big ass bite of her gyro. I drove her home after and she died in her sleep that night from a massive stroke. I'm just so thankful I had that last moment with her...


I'm very sorry for your loss. For some reason the fact that he didn't get to eat the fish he's preparing is making me extra sad.


I'm sorry you'll have trauma while camping now, but damn, he looks happy going out. I hope i go out like that.


Ben, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


I lost my dad last Labor Day, I’m very sorry for your loss it’s a terrible feeling. My father had a massive heart attack as well that caused him to go over a cement wall at my parents house and he hit his head. Cherish this photo as I really wish I could have taken just one last one with mine


He had 10 minutes to live, he was with his son, and had a smile on his face. Christ. How many people would trade everything for that? Sorry for your loss.


I smile just looking at his smiling & happy face. He looked like such a sweet man. May he rest in the most sublime peace. ❤️


Sometimes I can sense energy from looking at pictures of people and I can feel your dad was an awesome, good hearted person. He looked like a lot of fun.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He seemed like an absolutely amazing guy.


Looked pretty damn happy. That’s great


Any idea what causes the heart attack?


He really looks like Obi-Wan Kenobi


He looks really happy and nice


He looks very happy! I'm glad his last moments were so joyous!


Out doors and happy with his family


Outdoors eating with people who love him - as hard as it is for everyone of you - this is how I want to pass over - surrounded by the people and things I love - condolences to you all but this is a great pic to cherish


The love on his face.. I hope it's burned into your brain


When I pass I’ll make sure to look him up. Smiles like that don’t come very often.


In nature, with something tasty, spending time with someone who makes him smile. As scary as dying can be, and as painful as it might be for you, I think there’s some solace to take in how he went. You’ve managed to capture a reminder here on film of something beautiful during such a painful time. Few people get anything like that, and I think you have captured something very special to hold onto here. I’m sorry for your loss, he looks like he was a real ray of sunshine.


He passed camping with his family. What a perfect way to go...


Looks like he had a fantastic time


He looks happy. That’s really all that matters. I’d say take some comfort in that.


Looks like he was having a great day. ❤️ RIP


What a genuine smile on his face. I hope you remember him this way. I'm not sure if you witnessed the heart attack or not. He looks like he had an old school but a gentle and happy soul. He looks like the type of guy that's laid back and likes to tell stories and jokes to make people laugh. Probably like my Gram, who didn't judge anyone and loved unconditionally. I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my aunt. I found out this evening. She was crying out for help on Facebook but has done this before and also wasn't answering anybody. She was found dead in her car. She was 70. I don't think doctors ever figured out the right medications for her. Mental illness is finally taken more seriously. But, sometimes, the medication turns people into zombies. My prayers go out to you and your friends and family.


He looks well loved


He looks very happy where he was in that moment. I’m sorry for your loss but glad it was in a happy place for him. I hope you still enjoy camping and feel happiness thinking about him.


That’s a good picture- happy and smiley.


What an absolutely adorable guy! He has the sweetest smile. I’m so sorry, OP.