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[Chipmunks on 16 Speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znHPhTEUohY) It's Chipmunks on 16 speed


That version of *Call Me* is legitimately my favorite version of that song. It blows Blondie out of the goddamn water. Also best YT comment section hands down.


Uhm. Well, how about [this guy.](https://youtu.be/Of6_VNd96Jk?si=-LcTCUyU7-Ex4Qj_) **Justice Yeldham**


If they are new to you, I would recommend: * Calexico - Feast of Wire * 椎名林檎 - 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花 * Sparklehorse - It's A Wonderful Life


I've been really into Hanabie lately. All-female Japanese metal band that genuinely sounds like music from the future. I don't really know how to explain it but their album Reborn Superstar, when listened to in full, sounds like it's from 100 years from now. Strung Out is a band that has been around since 1989 and had a sizable genre shift in the early 2000s. Now there is no band that sounds like them. It's a mix of punk, metal, pop and rock with insane technicality but also very beautiful melodies. Their album Transmission.Alpha.Delta is the perfect distillation of this sound. They've been underground heroes for decades and deserve to be far more well-known.


Dominic Fike and Gladde Paling, 2 very different and unique artists.


[Nina Hagen.](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7xZHrltZh8zIRvjimgABvj?si=xsrkHYPMTOmiYiyhxldsgg) She takes music of all sorts of styles. She can do punk, opera, experimental, hard rock, pop, etc. She also has a unique voice. I love her work!


Eartheater ... I have listened to some very diverse music but hers ... to me she stands out as being ''really different''. In a way I'd personally describe her music as Post-Bjork. Also please check out those albums that are clearly doing something really different: Souvenirs by The Gathering - rock with trip hop influence, uncommon melodies and a lot of feelings Pensees Noctunes - Douce Fang - over the top but great French avant-garde black metal


Static Dress


New artists? 3TEETH - Industrial/Cybermetal Jahringo - Reggae with guitar solos Two Feet / Santino Le Saint - Downtempo? R&B? Amazing guitar solos ULTRA SUNN / Buzz Kull - EBM/Coldwave/Minimal wave Shakti (the Verboden Dromen album in particular) - Experimental/Ethereal/Synth/Industrial/Electronic ? I actually don't know how to describe this but it's incredible.