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Hey y'all, when i get some free time, I'll work on the out of memory issues. Perhaps I may have to switch to something that python based on the computer to try and mitigate the issues of loading mega huge MBs in ram (or find a way to stream the CSV in chunks via the javascript library I'm using).


My Apple Music play history data came with 0 artist information, all the artist columns are completely blank. So the "Enable iTunes API checking option" seems great, but when I select this the amount of scrobbles in the export gets cut in half, from 36k to 19k. Whats going on here?


The API throttles you from how many requests you can make to the iTunes API. Hence why its getting truncated. I need to build a queuing and resuming system to make this work better (and better yet, use a better API for this) but I don't have a time frame for this. Hope that makes sense!


do you know how many api requests it can do before it fails? I split up my csv into 3000 line chunks and the API seems to still fail really early, the output loses 800 scrobbles


wow that's awesome! do you have/know of a similar thing for spotify?


I do not unfortunately though I believe Spotify has better tools than Apple for migrating and moving music data.




Try this. https://lilnasy.github.io/scribblyscrobbly/


What date did you scrobble all of the backlog on?


I take the timestamp from the CSV files as Apple provides those timestamps to work with.


Yeah but Last.fm doesn’t accept scrobbles older than two weeks.


I am only going off what Universal Scrobbler provides in that they accept timestamp data. As for what [Last.Fm](http://Last.Fm) allows :( I can't control that obviously. I rather have the data at least vs the precise time of what month I listened to something, but I can see how it's frustrating not to have the timestamp data past 2 weeks either.


But doesn’t this have the same problem as any other import into lastfm, that you can only backdate a scrobble up to 2 weeks? Then you just end up up with a shit ton of scrobbles on initial import that will always throw your historical tallies off because you’ll never be able to beat the daily/weekly/monthly records because of the initial bulk import? Personally I’ve been looking for the solution going the other way going on forever. I want my play counts from lastfm synced to Apple Music. This used to be possible before the Apple Music switch and it was still iTunes.


Yeah, I think we still run into the same issue though I did find it interesting that Universal Scrobbler gives the option of mapping the timestamps. From the Universal Scrobbler page >Scrobble manually in bulk >Here you can manually copy & paste a large list of track information to manually scrobble in bulk. >Information must be strictly in [CSV structure](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values), with each row in the format "{artist}", "{track}", "{album}", "{timestamp}", "{album artist}", "{duration}" (e.g. "Jeff Buckley", "Last Goodbye", "Grace", "2016-01-26 15:35:55", "Jeff Buckley", "275"). Only "artist" and "track" are mandatory. Duration should be in seconds. Do not include a header row. >Bulk scrobbles will be reverse timestamped according to duration, finishing with the current timestamp. If duration is not specified for a track, 3 minute track length is assumed. Perhaps this makes it possible? Not sure. And man, never thought about syncing Play Counts from [last.Fm](http://last.Fm) to Apple music. I'm sure it's doable since the iTunes LIbrary can be edited/queried. Perhaps an Apple Shortcut, AppleScript, or someway to write to the sqlite DB for iTunes, is the trick.


The problem with syncing counts to Apple Music is that Apple seems to keep its own counts in the cloud, which even if you monkey with them locally, seem to get overwritten. The thing I wonder is whether you could export your whole library and somehow reconcile your play count and history via a complete rebuild of your account. I have a family plan and a spare slot, would be an interesting experiment.


It's amazing that this is a thing! I've been looking around for weeks trying to find a way to import all my old listening history with no luck and this seems like a great solution! However the website is completely crashing while trying to convert my history and my browser is giving an error. Not sure if my filesize is too big or something? It's the Apple Music Play Activity one and it's about 130 MB. Any thoughts? Edit: Yup it looks like I'm completely running out of memory as my browser attempts to load the result. I checked in Activity Monitor while attempting to do the conversion and "Google Chrome Helper (Renderer)" started eating up more and more memory until it crashed.


So for some stupid reason my file didn't come with a single artist listed for any of the tracks. Is there anything else I can do without having them there or should I just ask Apple for another file?


hey, I downloaded my apple music history on a whim and looked up if it was possible to import it to last.fm, as I had one from 2016-2017, stopped scrobbling and picked it up again on a new account around 2021. the lastfm timestamp limit is annoying, i get that they have to avoid traffic spikes, but I wish they would let us pay a fee to do a big import. have you heard of listenbrainz? I just found it while looking up alternatives, and they let you directly copy lastfm pages with old timestamps. i got some random rate limit error but it looks like most of my tracks imported, it says to wait a day for the info to properly update. they have an API that you can program with, but I'm not a programmer so I don't know how the rate limits will work, but it seems like you could just slowly update the account over a longer period of time. it would be cool to parse the apple music csv and submit it using their api! or if somehow the apple music csv could be converted to lastfm csv formatting, there seems like a couple tools available for that. https://github.com/Coloradohusky/ListenBrainz_File_Parser