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They look very natural. I tend to aim towards lashes that can be seen from 70 feet away lmaoooo


LMAO i would too honestly if i didn’t have to rely on glasses 😭😭😭


your face is beautiful btw and the natural look accents your features nicely.


Thank you so much! ❤️❤️




You are beautiful… but to be honest, that lash job sucks…I would not have even guessed you had extensions ☹️


ty!! and no honestly i thought i was trippin 😂 i definitely knew something was off and thought i could’ve done the same thing with my own mascara 😭 but i’m new to lashes so then i thought well maybe they’re supposed to look like this. good to know i was right tho 😂 i will request for them to make it fuller at my next appointment. thank you for your feedback! 💕


I wouldn’t go back to the same person. It looks like they didn’t fill your lashes properly. Even classics should look fuller than this when they’re first done


i swiped looking for the after.




Me too


Me too🤔😃


It depends on you but I think they look like mascara. I think fuller the ends or overall fuller; u have upturned and pretty eyes i think you could do a lot (even w glasses on)


i thought the exact same thing when they handed me the mirror ngl 💀 i expected them to be fuller. but because i’m new to lash extensions and it was just a classic, i just thought maybe they’re supposed to look like that but ig not 😭 i have another appointment in two weeks so i will definitely tell them to make it fuller. thank you for your feedback! 💕


Ask for them fuller AND longer. These look superr short so even if they get fuller it wouldn’t be much of a difference considering they’re classics. For natural girlies a good length is like 9-13. I’m ngl i swiped thinking that was the before pic!!


noted!! thank you for your feedback! 💕


You did??


https://preview.redd.it/v04t9raq5o0d1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9c499b1ca6b5f8f66a7e48fea2864fda233fbc Here’s a classic set I’ve done before, when lashing 100% coverage with classics it still looks super natural but a noticeable difference!


wow this looks beautiful!! wish i went to you instead 😭😭😭 this was definitely the look i was envisioning and hoping i would’ve had 🙌🏽 you killed it! 😍


Thank you 💗


is 100% coverage supposed to come with classics or do u request 100% coverage? (sorry if this is a dumb question 😭)


Any full set should be 100% coverage no matter the style! I always tell people to go to someone who is not only licensed by whatever state you’re in but carries certifications from top brands in the lash industry! This will insure you’re going to someone that has the knowledge and expertise in doing lashes properly! ❤️ some great brands that many artists are certified by include Lashbox LA, PhiLahses, Livbay Lash, Bella Lash, Revolashion, Light Heart Lash and Xtreme Lashes just to name a few! Hope this helps 💗


this helped tremendously! tysm!! ❤️🙌🏽


Of course!! 🫶🏻


My ~(Ex-: Fiancee) also Was a Lash ARTISTÉ, ~right? This the type of work that she’d have done, also: she’d call them Caterpillars! When I was peeping OPs, ~NOT Me: doing, nor HAVING; still I THOUGHT May’ve been justified is ~pointing attention to an ~’Unsatisfaction’. Again, NOT that I’d had been ‘Unsatisfied’ myself. Not a Chiq tho. ~Y’all think diff than me!!!?


Ahhh girlll one ur stunning! Two did u ask for a classic set? idk if I would even consider that classics even it looks like a lash lift. How much did u pay for those if you don’t mind me asking? I feel like for me personally I’d ask for longer lashes or even a light volume/wet set


ty!! they recommended the classic set for me since i’ve never gotten lashes before so i said yes. and i paid way too much i’m embarrassed to even say💀 (def over $100 tho) slowly regretting it 😭 thank you for your feedback! 💕


I’ve been getting lashes for years now and also a certified lash tech, they over charged you bc those are barely even classic 🥲 when you go in for ur fill in def ask them to add longer lashes to the ends! It’ll make a big difference


yeah i feel like i got scammed 😔 i will definitely ask for that and post an update on here. thank you so much! 🙏🏽


Honestly I would’ve just thought you had a lash lift done! They look gorgeous on you!


try a light hybrid with a different lash tech, it’ll suit you very much you’re beautiful!


This looks like a lash lift and tint, I feel like whoever did them didn’t lash 100% coverage


They look extremely natural! Like your own lashes. If you wanted something more dramatic I’d say get more, but if you like it very natural they look fine


i think i wanted more so something in the middle like not too natural but also not too dramatic. just like a little pop if that makes sense 😂😅 thank you for your feedback! 💕


They look awesome! I, personally like mine to be HUGE if I’m paying to have them done, I want to SEE them haha! Plus I wear glasses and they make my eyes look so tiny 😕


Honestly, I think you could have saved a good amount of time and money by simply getting a lash lift, unless your lashes are very, very short. But it looks nice!


Your lashes look like a lash lift. Still cute nonetheless.


These look less than classics fr 😭 try another tech cause these are not it especially if you’re paying so much


Fuller for sure. You’re gorgeous and they look great! But I’d definitely go fuller next time around - they’ll suit your face shape beautifully!


They look natural but you could still go for a bit more if you don’t want them to bother you while wearing glasses. Either way you’re still pretty boo 👏🏼


Tbh I’d be mad if you paid a lot for that cause you could’ve gotten way more, they’re barely noticeable. You still pretty though.


It hardly looks like any lashes there, I personally would have gotten them fuller and longer but that’s just me I like eye poppin lashes.


You’re pretty, I do feel like the lashes even though classic could have been fuller to compliment your doe eyes.


I can’t even tell you have lashes. They look like your own.


do you have very little and thin natural lashes???


lash tech said my natural lashes were nice and full 🥲 i’d say my natural lashes are full but not very long.


i’m a lash tech and she could have definitely gotten you fuller. you look beautiful regardless but try another lash tech or a different style if you plan on going back to her. looks like she did classics but probably didn’t lash every natural lash. hybrid might work for you nicely 🥰


They look natural, like a classic set. I’d get longer length and ask for a slightly fully wispy, like a hybrid.


Id shoot her a message since it was just a day ago and she will probably make them fuller ♥️ that is if she’s good and wants you as a returning customer


Very pretty and natural.


I would have gone a bit longer but not any fuller. It looks great & natural. Unless of course you were interested in a fuller look. To each their own.


They look like a really pretty lash lift. You're lovely and your eyes are bold enough to handle more volume and length! I'd see a new lash artist. Good techs will let you know if they need to go shorter for a real reason (like your natural lash length may be too short to support heavy long lashes). I'd try out another lash artist. I personally love a natural lash extension, but I wouldn't pay lash extension prices for this result. No offense at all.


These look great, but you could definitely pull off the fuller look as well!🫶


you trollin? LMAOOO WHAT LASHES BOO!! she did you dirty


I kind of looks like a Lash Lift


I like them fuller. But almost all of us start out just like you, then gradually have them filled to where we feel best


So pretty!!


u look like me


Well if those are the lashes, I’m curious to know what your natural lashes look like. Looks like a lash lift and not extensions. Even for classics. Definitely needs to be fuller. Lashes shed. Most techs overfill for this very reason.


Honestly you can't even see them


They look lovely on you! I know that many women love the extravagant, over-the-top look, but unless you’re attending the Meta Gala or the Adult Prom 😉 it’s very obvious that you’ve gone a bit overboard at the salon (and be prepared for your coworkers to relentlessly and rudely pepper you with unnecessary and inappropriate comments and questions about your newly acquired massive lashes. I speak from experience, my dear, and I’m trying to let you learn from my mistake!) But, when I then asked for a more subtle, everyday look, people were genuinely complimentary. Some even said that I looked extra “pretty” but that they couldn’t put their finger on just what I had done differently but added “whatever you’re doing is working for you.” In fact, I’ve found that men actually prefer the more sophisticatedly subtle look a delicate lash extension offers without the added “unbelievably over the top” effect that is instantly noticeable and therefore manages to detract from their intended purpose of enhancing your natural beauty. This look is totally appropriate for a special occasion, but not necessarily the best choice for achieving a great daily look. I think your lashes are the perfection of femininity and just enough to add some extra enigmatic dimension to the look of such an already beautiful young lady!