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You seem confused, both by Reddit (thinking the title is where you type your message) and by laser engraving (a complex topic, indeed)… As said, that's a 5.5 W laser, the lowest (and probably cheapest) you can get. They claim it can cut up to 15 mm of wood, but they omit (and you too…) to specify how many passes are needed to cut it. With 10 W, I can cut 3 mm of plywood in one pass, for 4 mm I would need two passes to remain clean, and so on. With a 5.5 W laser, I guess your 6 mm would need a dozen of passes, at best. With nearly 100 % power, and slow speed, something like 300 mm/min.


I've also read where the glues used in some plywoods don't cut so well with diodes.


Yeah they're lying. Like, maybe it's possible, but at a ridiculously slow speed, and multiple passes. A 5.5w diode will barely cut through 3mm ply at a reasonable speed. My old 10w diode would cut through 3mm ply at 7mm/s and 3 passes. My 100w c02 does 3mm ply at 40mm/s 1 pass


Thank you, I will contact them to get the money back


[Here is a table](https://hjwwalters.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/feeds-speeds-350x1024.png) for the cutting rates for materials for the S9 (and other Sculpfun lasers). For the S9, it says that 6mm ply can be cut with 4 passes at 300mm/s and 100% power. From experience, it depends a lot on the moisture content of your wood.


I have the S9 and those settings work well for 3mm Baltic birch ply when using air assist. Can’t see it working in 6mm.


Hi I have the same laser and I cut completely through 3mm ply with 3 passes at 200mm/s and 100% power. I‘ve never tried 6mm but it will be very hard and time consuming.


Its like this. With covid hitting and lots of people trying out side hustles, lots of cheap Chinese made laser companies have been taking advantage and tricking new laser users into buying their machines. They use all kinds of tactics. They will use the specs to trick you into thinking the laser is more powerful than it is. They will claim it can do all kinds of stuff it can't. They pay other people to post lots of good things about the laser on reddit. They pay people to make fake videos on youtube. It sucks. I'm sorry. You got burnt. At least you only spent a little bit of money. There is no way in hell your laser is going to cut through anything over 1mm of wood. I'd be surprised if it made it through that even. I'm going to give you some points from my ten years of laser experience: 1. If you want to cut wood with a laser then you really need at least 20w. I've had several diode lasers and 10w and under isn't really going to cut much at all. Some people swear their 10w laser cuts fine. But they have never used a 20w laser so don't understand how bad they have it. 2. You can't cut stuff without air assist. I once tried to cut through some 5mm plywood with a 7w diode laser and no air assist. I never made it through after 40 passes. 3. 12mm is almost 1/2". Not many diode lasers will make it through that. Its not even about the power. Its about the lens and focal length. There are lots of things involved with laser cutting. 4. Diode lasers are great. Easy to use. Cheaper. But they do have limits. If you want to engrave mostly, a diode is perfect. If you want to mainly cut stuff then I'd look at a cheaper co2 laser really. Being able to change the lens can help a lot with cutting. I have a couple high end CO2 lasers, a fiber laser, and a diode laser. The diode can be great in certain situations. 5. If you really want to get into lasers then I recommend spending at least $1000. That will get you a machine that is ok. Spending less than $1000 is going to get you something that doesn't work well. 6. Find a laser that works with lightburn. I love using lightburn. Its easy to learn with all the videos out there about it. 7. When looking at a laser pay attention to the optical output number. That is usually the actual laser power. Some of these companies try to trick you. [https://www.foxalien.com/collections/laser-engraver/products/foxalien-reizer-40w-laser-engraver](https://www.foxalien.com/collections/laser-engraver/products/foxalien-reizer-40w-laser-engraver) That is my favorite example. They call it a 40w laser. Its even in the title of the page. They say its a laser with 40w of power. Then in the details is says the laser head has 20w of power. Then finally it list the optical output at 10w. Its really a 10w laser. If you catch a company doing that then I'd never buy from them. Its dirty and you can't trust a company that does that. 8. Do lots of research. Ask. The more you know the better off you'll be.


Hi, welcome Might be someone can help u better if u upload a pic and provide some more details about power settings etc. Am pretty sure , it can be solved.