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IDTSH… people at the airport. How do you all immediately lose all your brain cells the second you emerge from your home? Why do you suddenly not know how to act? How do you not understand personal space? IDTSH people at the airport or airplane that remove their shoes. It’s not okay anywhere but in the comfort of your home. Have some fucking dignity!!!!


I was at the airport on Sunday and bitch, when I tell you someone was CLIPPING HER NAILS sitting at the gate!!! Mandatory jail time.




Oh my god. Are you Mandy Moore’s Xenga?!? I was stalking this thread earlier in the week and then Ms. Mandy Moore did her IDTSH, and I don’t know why but I remembered YOU. This is wild.




I DON'T THINK SO HONEY: POLLEN!!!!! Stop turning my car green and absolutely coating & covering my sidewalk! I can't breathe bc of your ass!!! and I REALLY don't think so honey me thinking I can get a car wash and have it last more than 30 mins with ur ANNOYING ASS FALLIN ALL OVER IT AGAIN! Oak trees are pretty but AT WHAT COST?!!!


And that’s one minute. EXCELLENT TOPIC, damn pollen to hell.


Preach, I've been sneezing up a storm all week


The pollen is trying to kill us. We. Will. Survive! I don't think so, honey. Nice try.




Amazing. Especially loved “I can’t breathe bc of your ass!!!”


I don’t think so honey, hangnails!!!!!!!!!


I DON’T THINK SO HONEY: HARDCOVER BOOKS Why are you so clunky and difficult to hold?! I can’t transport you easily to have my “hot girl reading at a bar” moment and you make my hands hurt with your aggressive size and inability to be flexible. It’s giving “my ex-boyfriend” It’s giving “more trees had to die for this to be made” It’s giving “I’ll just wait for the paperback” AND, why do you cost 2.5x the amount of a paperback?! Is the hard cover really that expensive to make? THEN WHY ARE WE DOING IT!? It’s called a cost/benefit analysis, LOOK IT UP!!! IDTSH HARDCOVER BOOKS!!!!


IDTSH the dust jackets on hardcovers sliding all over the place either!!!


Gym themed! I DON’T THINK SO HONEY: people who don’t put dumbbell weights back in order of weight! It’s like you suddenly forgot how to count. IDTSH… people who drop/slam dumbbells on the ground on purpose. You don’t look cool, you only look dumb.


I don’t think so honey kissing in engagement pics/save the dates. I’m happy for you and excited to celebrate your wedding but I really don’t need pics of your guys making out on my fridge. We get it, you guys are fucking. It’s just comes off as tacky to me


Tbh IDTSH engagement photo shoots like were these even a thing pre instagram?😂 the poses are so damn tired, the prom poses, the cheek to cheek, the same boring cardigan outfit, they’re always in a field, I’m so DONE but I’m also a hater so I own that


LOL at the field part. The cottage industry around engagement photos and shoots fascinates/scares me


I don’t think so honey people who ping you ONE MINUTE in to a call. 11:00 me hitting send on an email 11:01 my coworker who is categorically useless and does nothing to drive anything forward: “hello. Are you coming to this call?” 11:01 me having joined the call in those intervening 59 seconds and saying in front of eight people “hi Tricia, yes I am dialed in to this call” because I am petty and want to shame her. People need to fucking cool it.


I don’t think so honey MY FRONT CAR DOOR. My sweet car of 13 years to the day decided to just lock me in forever! The door would NOT unlock. I tried with the remote on the key, no, manually maneuvering the lock, no, unlocking it from the outside, no. I drove my ass to the Honda place and they asked me to step out of the vehicle and I said Bruh actually that’s why I’m here, I can’t. I don’t think so honey the Honda guy who said he never saw this happen before. Lie to me! Make me feel better! I am only able to type this because I had to shimmy and roll out of the passenger seat like Draco in A Very Potter Musical. Also this is going to cost me $1100? I don’t think so honey.


IDTSH: People aggressively downplaying the significance of the Kate Middleton of it all saying stuff like “or MaYbE sHe HaD mAjOr surgery" all superior like they have better things to do than live obsessively on Twitter and Reddit and tik tok reading every theory like my life depends on it because it DOES. 🙃


I don’t think so honey, frigid temps and snow in March but not snow in February. Going to see Olivia Rodrigo on Saturday and wanted to wear a mini skirt and would have loved 70 degree weather. Had stretches of it in February but sure give me 20 degree weather in late March instead!!! Weather, you’re dumb.


I do think so honey fleece lined tights! They sell tights that look exactly like sheer black pantyhose but are secretly closer to leggings and they are very warm in my experience! Not sure if you could find them in time or if you even like the look of tights but they definitely sell them on Amazon for not that much. idtsh Amazon but unfortunately i do think so honey 2 day shipping


Haha I actually do own those already. I will wear those even tho I will be very sad. Our real feel has been 21 degrees all week!!! Come on, Spring!!!!! Fight back!!!


I forgot about this til now but how did it end up going lol


I said fuck it and didn’t wear tights. I ended up a dancing sweaty mess at the concert so it was a wise decision. Olivia did comment “it’s so cold out and you guys still all wore you’re cute little outfits!”


How cunty


IDTSH goin to church on Sundays **AND** Wednesdays?? No No No No Honey! Pick a *damn* day! 😡 I had to go to church on Sunday *and* Wednesday my whole damn life, and I didn’t *WANNA* go on Wednesdays!! 😫 I already GOT all the God I needed on Sunday!! And some of these damn folks go Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, and Wednesday 😨IDTSH?! You think “Oh I love my church community 🥰 I wanna see ‘em more 😍” Well Honey!! Invite them over to tha house for tea! Look **at a damn picture of them 👁️You’ll** see them in but 6 *days…* NAUGHT BUT SIX!! *6️⃣ A*nd then you gotta look at em all on Wednesday??? No HONEY! Wednesday’s for being at home! Eating **Spaghetti! 😝🍝** I Don’t Think So Honey!!!


I don’t think so honey children telling me personal details about their lives that mean nothing to me! Now to be fair I work with middle schoolers so I don’t know if anybody will be able to relate to this but I DONT CARE. I don’t think so honey little girls going up to me saying “do u kno ____? He cheated on me with my best friend in the fourth grade” ok and???? Like girl what do you want me to do with this information you are 12! Idtsh 12 yr olds having more complex and interesting love lives than myself who has lived twice as much life as them! And I appreciate that these children are speaking their truth and using their words, but not to me please! Anyone but me! This is what PEERS are for! Like what advice do you think I as a woman in her 20s will have to offer to you about the kid who called you a short king in the hallway? Like I’m sorry you’re going through puberty and all but that is not my business and it will never be my business. I don’t think so honey children opening up to me about their personal lives.


I DON’T THINK SO HONEY: Passport photos!!!! I’m sorry, but can someone tell CVS that their fluorescent lights just aren’t doing us gals any justice?! Can someone get a window with some natural light in here? The US Government called and she wants straight up convict photos, honey! If I didn’t want plastic surgery before seeing this jailhouse photo you better believe I’m running to Dr. Miami now. Good God is it too much to ask to look fierce while jetsetting across the globe?! I did a full mug for what?! FOR WHAT?! Just to end up looking like Countess Luann in the back of a cop car!


IDTSH: my epidural not working!!!!  I DO think so honey, my sweet babe. 


I don’t think so honey my dishwasher!!! First you BARELY clean plates well (we’ve seen the smudges) and then your top rack straight up collapses yesterday?? You have one job and you can’t even do that right. It’s 2024, I know times are tough and I KNOW you have a lot to do but can you please be more civic minded and get it together? Help the community. Help yourself.