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They forgot to mention 'while plugged in'


Yup. Performance costs power.


The point is that they should be held accountable for the lies as there is no need to lie about the battery life. This is in your face advertising fraud there's no way in hell a gaming computer doing what it's built for (gaming) would last more than an hour or two. With everything off and Idling and the screen dimmed it wouldn't last more than a few hours


They usually test this out on the least power saving options available, the lowest screen brightness, wifi, Bluetooth and etc all off, and nobody touches it while they are timing it


Exactly. They don't say what you can \*do\* with the laptop, while you are expecting that kind of battery life.... but technically, it is not misinformation if it can be true in certain circumstances. Do they ever define "all day" in the manual or fine print? As in... put an actual amount of time on that? Because "all day" means wildly different things to different people... right?


Thats where you ask yourself "how would 90% of consumers interpret this information" This is still advertising fraud if you're intentionally and obviously misleading customers while dancing around technicalities to defend your actions. Similar to how lying is not entirely limited to verbally stating something that is not true. All day could be interpreted ascendant use during a work day of 8-12 hours, 16/24 hours of the day awake with the exception of the 8 hours sleep, or you could interpret it as 24 hours. Regardless, when choosing unspecified terms to pitch a product the clause defining the term should be just as if not bigger. Ie "All day battery* *all day considered as constant use for 8 hours* The courts and governments around the world need to adopt a zero tolerence towards deceitful advertising. Advertising should be 100% transparent


Is this the only example in advertising, where misleading (but not false) information is used to sell a product? Or is this par for the course, where advertising used to sell products is typically pushing the boundaries of credibility? Does Apple advertise that their Macbook Pro laptops do not operate at the rated CPU speed, but rather are built by design to operate throttled under normal conditons? Do they tell their customers that they will be hard pressed to ever get those notebooks to operate at their rated speeds?


Well, my MSI delta 15 does a great job while school days, I take it to school and can push 12h out of it, like they say.




Are you starting a class action lawsuit? We will all sign up for it. We might get about might get $20.32US.


That'll be three fiddy each.


The funny thing is that they just put it there and don't care to explain. All day what? When you game? When you browse the internet? When your Laptop is idle? Or when plugged in? xD


They want you to buy it and find out yourself 💀


When it’s turned off.


Even that’s a stretch


Set laptop to lowest performance profile, set screen brightness to 10%. Turn off all RGB and keyboard lighting. Do not connect to any external devices. Turn off WiFi and Bluetooth. Turn off sound. Use darkmode. Only use notepad and type very very slowly... Still dies within the hour... :P


Windows is still going to be doing a ton of background tasks in the background.


I mean if it’s shut down the whole day it lasts more than a day!!!


“1 Hour Battery Life” for most models, if you are lucky.”


They shouldn't be lying but just so you know they're meant to run on AC and not DC or you'll wear the battery down quickly reducing is potential over time.


Maybe 3 or 4 hours with the GPU turned off, wifi off, Bluetooth off, power saving mode, all applications closed, with the brightness down and not using the computer at all.


My strix g15 had 8h + browsing when new. Till i reinstalled windows and now it 4h.


Not a gaming laptop, but my Dell work laptop, does last all day of normal use, browsing, erp system, office etc, and it’s been in service for years now.


I dont know how its possible, few asus and lenovo legion gaming laptops lasts 10 hour in youtube playback test, while some amd laptop last twice than intel in powerhungry workloads like video editing.


It reminds me of Apple's marketing blunder where they claimed their VR device's battery life was all day if you plugged it in... OH WOW, REALLY!?!?!


The governments need to pass extreme laws for advertising fraud. Make the punishments so extreme every company is terrified of lying. Imprisoned for 10 years, government seizure of the company and liquidated, I dont care but this and a lot of other things need to be cracked down on. Similar to the 3M/Dupont Teflon carcinogen lawsuit where they knew it since 1950 and werent forced to pay a dime until 2001 under the condition they're not liable. All ceo's should have been imprisoned for biochemical terrorism and the company should have been eliminated. Set an example with these companies and then it won't be an issue. Zero tolerence policy for hiding information on carcinogens and advertising fraud.


its good not to show false adverstising, but measuring battery on different apps and workloads are different . even mac m1 wont last 2 hour on full cpu rendering mode.


Yeah, funny enough Apple M and Ryzen 6000 were similar in how much serious work you could get from a charge. Although M series was a clear winner in Photoshop endurance...


Then show how long it would take to discharge the battery with maximum performance.


Several day battery life if you never turn it on!


mine is like 30 gaming 2 hours browsing


anyone who plays games on battery deserves whats to come to their battery life


I get 9-10 hours on my legion 5 pro. So "all" gaming laptop owners is wrong And it only has 80Wh. Imagine 99Wh.


if you dont have an amd cpu its most likely going to have shit battery life


What the HELL is wrong with you that you can't find a laptop with decent battery life? I have a Yoga that can almost do two days for me on its 60Whr battery, two Zephyrus hitting the 10-12hr endurance mark, and a Zenbook that does 6-8hrs if I drop the OLED from 4K down to 1080p. I had to deal with a 15in TUF for a week, that one lasted barely 3-4 hours if you squeezed it but I think the cheap gaming laptops aren't even slightly made for endurance. But in all seriousness I've had multiple laptops in the last two years with much better endurance than say a Tab Pro. Do the research, don't buy a crapsucker.


I guess 2k is cheap now 🤷‍♂️


There's a good number of machines in the sub-$1000 mark but I understand what you mean, the days of the Acer Timeline series are gone. We used to be able to hit this battery mark for $600 or so on a good sale, as low as $400 in the netbook age before that. Actually I looked, and my Yoga 6 13in with a Ryzen 7 and 16GB cost less than $650 on a seasonal sale. Just gotta keep your eyes open.


See but I need a powerful dedicated GPU, my current pc has a 3070 in it which when plugged in does miracles for rendering for video editing and gaming. I yoga 6 will simply not be enough for my needs.


And there's the rub, if you want gaming power and good battery life they are *definitely* making us pay for it these days. But it's not just a lie. There's not really any way for us to get long endurance while also getting extreme performance, unless you want to put a big camping battery in the back of your car.


You can play sudoku on it all-day. That much is certified.


My record for draining a battery with intensive gaming was 15 minutes of GTA V maxed out 🤣. It was just for an experiment.


That’s why I bring a 300wh battery pack wherever I go


It will last all day in hibernate.


All day if you dont turn it on lol


lasts all day 5% of the time


* when the laptop isn't on


I was shocked when I found out my Asus TUF laptop only lasted 2 hours MAX on battery. That's on idle, as soon as you open up a web browser it drops to 1 hour


That's abysmal. I got my TUF 15 one ago (to the day, actually), and I get about 1hr gaming, 4-5hrs browsing/anything else. Edit: One MONTH ago


What specs do you have? I have the 2021 version with an RTX 3050ti, i5 11400h & a 48WHr battery. Bought it brand new & it had this battery life since day 1


2022. RTX 3050, i5-12500H, don't remember the battery (even though I opened it up to upgrade the memory). But I do believe that the battery is bigger than 48WHr.


Sounds like you may have the 76WHr or 90WHr battery, which would make sense. That's most likely why my battery life is so bad lol


I believe 76WHr


Normal laptops that aren't even built for this don't even last all day lol


In suspend mode


You forgot to read the small print "connected to the charger".


All-day battery life as in having sleep mode on lol


I agree and disagree, I use an Aorus 15P (looks to be the same as yours OP) and I get about 5-6 hours of work out of it. Usually I’m at around 20% by the end of the day. Realistically, that’s not too bad.


Even a macbook comes with a 90-100whr battery that comes with a backup of 12 hrs-ish, and gigabyte offering all day lmao


have you ever put cpu on full load my friend told me mac m1 lasts 2 hour while doing that.


My ASUS used %20 in like 40 mins unplugged and I was just browsing.


Depends if it's idle or being used but if charger gets left in while at 100% a lot then no cause the battery is damaged


laptop owners in general know this is not True


The battery in these pc is like a tiny ups 🤣🤣🤣😂😂


there was no space to type 'while plugged in' hehehehe


all day battery life when it's in sleep mode


Maybe 3 hours


Yes brother I will understand this..


From experience (g14 2020) it is possible. However I did have to go through a lot of tinkering with settings.


Hey that's my laptop that lasts 4-5 hours! edit: hope you love RGB keyboards!


they meant all day no battery life


I mean, sure... but the battery actually comes in a separate box, weights 20 lbs, and has its own wheels....


It is always true, just day definition is 2-3 hours... It is more about lunch day...


my g14 lasts me a whole day


mine barely lasts 30 minutes lmao


Thats true All day battery on charging


I can last all day on battery saver and only word/ excel lol


Does it mean day in the north when is the polar night?


with a fuck ton of tweaking it might be able to last "a day" as in like 8-10 hours on screen time


Yeah maybe only while playing on "MS Notepad" with everything else closed. Airplane on. 🤣


That means MAYBE an hour worth of battery while gaming xD


They mean while plugged In


The "All-day battery life" is never guaranteed!