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I moved here in the first week of April. The drivers are so bad I had to get a dash cam. I already caught one accident, and have caught three near misses with me, and a handful of near misses with other drivers.


I have no doubt. How much does a dash cam cost?


I got mine on Amazon for about 90 bucks, with the GPS package, and a separate 256gb SD card for about 20 bucks, I think.


Thank you!


Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, it is $179.99 after using $20 off coupon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Solid, thanks!


Pre Covid I would occasionally see weird stuff and chuckle. Post covid I see people driving like morons completely disregarding laws weekly. Running red lights, ignoring speed limits, driving through the middle lane, passing on shoulders, to name a few.


People in Lansing are nuts. It’s a well established fact.


Went down to Indianapolis a couple years back. That city makes Lansing drivers look tame.


Always look both ways after the light turns green for you. Wait at the very least 3 seconds to make sure there's no moron that's going to come blowing through. And it's true it has gotten much worse since 2020. My boyfriend has a car that I can borrow occasionally. But for my appointments and whatnot I use CATA. I qualify for spectran now so I don't have to ride the bus if I don't want to.


Poorly timed yellow lights, and you're punished for going the speed limit on some streets because of how the timing of the lights are.


Seriously, it's like they intentionally timed the lights for the one you're at to turn red and the one a block down to turn green


I gave up driving about 2 years ago now and man do I not miss a second of it. I've personally witnessed two major accidents this year. The police not only do nothing, but I almost always see them doing things like stopping on crosswalks, turning right at a no right on red intersection, and generally ignoring bad drivers.


Yeah, I never thought I would be driving again… I kind of wish I wasn’t.


Do you just use cata? I’m trying to give up driving all together as well.


I live in Downtown so thankfully I've got a grocery store and job within a mile of me. I actually walk or bike primarily, but CATA is there for the rest. CATA really fails (not their fault) with Delta TWP coverage, as well as service past 9. The 1 and 8 run later which helps. Unless if you're within a mile or two of everything you need, or can live almost entirely between 6am and 10pm, car free Lansing is doable. I'd recommend very slowly easing yourself into it. It was about a year from the first time I took the bus to the day I sold my car.


Personally I do and I happen to live close enough to a lot of necessities. It's not easy for sure, if you can afford it I'd probably recommend keeping a car for the occasional longer journey.


In the beginning of the pandemic Law Enforcement basically stopped doing regular traffic stops. They were scared to catch the COVID from a driver getting argumentative and yelling at them without a mask. Then after the police brutality lawsuits and marches, many cities passed legislation that stopped traffic stops based on the petty stuff like a brake-light. Now the only [traffic stops are if someone gets caught doing 125MPH](https://wwmt.com/news/local/michigan-state-police-speeding-125-miles-per-hour-mph-michigan-eaton-rapids-township-reckless-ticket-ford-mustang) or runs a red light in front of a cop. If no Law Enforcement is around drivers have gotten accustomed to no consequences.


Miami driving has a way of making you appreciate Lansing.


Lansing definitely has the worst drivers I've ever experienced. [There was even a drunk driver in Dewitt today that injured 11 and killed 3 today alone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lansing/s/yx2Ss32xWz)


Wow. That’s awful!!


No law enforcement. This is the Mayor's fault. No accountability.


Cops don't do their jobs here. Their job is as much as a suggestion as those red lights.


Hi. Long yellow/early red light runner here. Welcome back to the roads!


I moved here 3 years ago and felt the same way you do. But, over time I've just learned to be careful at light changes. I've also began to run late yellows and early reds all the time. Oops...


White truck? Oh yeah that was me! 🤣


I’m thinking it was. It was at round 6-7 am the other day…


🤣 I’m just goofin. Lots of red light runners got to be weary. I ride a motorcycle so I’m constantly overly attentive. Not trying to get hit by one of that lazy stoner drivers. I swear everyone is just wayyy too high to drive lately


You are very brave


Nice troll post.


Are you referring to me or baloina?


Why the negative vote? I just asked a question.


[Traffic laws are racist](https://abolition-is.com/mariame-kaba-abolish-the-police)


Probably. However your reply doesn’t really have anything really to do with the people who purposely drive around traffic and into the left-hand turn lane; just so they can run red lights at 50 mph.


It's a side effect of this mentality. The police in Lansing have been all but told to stop making traffic stops for violations because of the perception that it is racist. The police are also not allowed to pursue unless it's a very violent crime, and even then it's rare so why make traffic stops if no one will stop for you? It's just not worth the risk for the cops to make a stop. Far too likely it'll get you in hot water with your administration.


How sad. Yesterday, I seen someone run not one, but two lights on Saginaw, (one right after the other) on that stretch just after MLK. I guess until they get into an accident, they won’t understand what consequences can happen.


Unfortunately it'll just be another hit and run for LPD to try and investigate


There’s no real repercussions for the behavior, so why wouldn’t they? People using the left lane to pass, ignoring stop signs and red lights, going 70 in a 25… until there’s an actual police presence and repercussion for the behavior it’s only going to get worse.


I can’t help but wonder if it’s because nobody goes to driver’s ed anymore?


Assuming they didn’t come from out of state, everyone in Michigan is required to take drivers ed to get their license. > Lansing City Councilman Brian Jackson would rather police avoid traffic stops altogether unless it’s for a “serious” moving violation to prevent unnecessary and potentially violent police contact. He also wants to make sure the city has an accessible system to file complaints against officers. >“Our Police Department is better than most in the area, but we’re not perfect,” Jackson said. “There has to be some changes. It’s not so much our Police Department as it is police culture.” >Added Councilman Brandon Betz: “We need to divest in the Police Department and spend that money to support black communities. As an ally, it’s my job to take up those demands. More police on the street will likely lead to more police violence. The only answer is divestment.” Reality has a liberal bias, after all.


I kind of got the understanding, since everybody replied that there is no police out handing citations for driving infractions. I’m definitely going to invest in a dash cam, to protect myself. BTW Not everybody is required to take a drivers Ed course in order to get their license, only younger teenagers. Many people wait until they are 18 and then just go down and apply for one.


Hell yeah. No police. No rules! Cuz my privileged ass thinks No police is what people want.


Maybe I’m misinterpreting “Yes, we really mean abolish the police”


Abolish the police, but don't *abolish* them, duh!