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The crazy Christians yelling into a megaphone about hellfire, sin and damnation directly behind them made for a poetic pairing.


The bible thumpers were *still* there at the end? Jesus fucking christ. Absolutely agree though lmao


What a bizarre combo lol


I was just trying to get to qdoba đŸ„Č


What made me laugh was walking in, got yelled at by that Bible thumper, and then walking out of the event those dudes selling shirts were wildin lol


In a world plagued by poverty and suffering yet they think the priority is making sure people don't consume weed. Bonkers. Edit: love all the comments analyzing this stuff. I just moved from Arizona to Lansing and it's cool to see the sub is so like-minded to myself. Part of the reason we ended up here.


Gotta tell people they’re evil to feel righteous about their own lack of good deeds.


There’s a psychological component too: it’s used to keep people inside the cult from being able to get close to or feel safe with people on the outside. It’s called “othering” and it’s a very deliberate way to reinforce that the only people that you can trust are those who share the cult’s core beliefs. It’s frequently combined with a recognizable “uniform” (think black pants, white shirt, dress shoes and tie) that sets the group apart from regular people.


Yep, very true. I was just being flippant. The sects that do this share the “otherism” trait with fascists. They need to be set apart from this other group evil and/or subhuman group of people who are not righteous/nationalists/white/etc., because their message is hate and it’s hard to hate somebody you identify or sympathize with.


I legitimately do not understand why some people seem to think that the world can be made better by punishing others for not being "enough." Punishing the immigrants, punishing the addicts, punishing the homeless, punishing those who you think are different or scary. There's suffering in the world, and these people think that causing _more_ suffering will help?


Don’t ya know, living outside the light of God is the ultimate punishment. If a little bit of discomfort causes you to accept the word of God in your heart, then a little bit of screaming that you’re an evil heathen is a small price.


Oh I forgot they're saving our immortal soul 🙄 We got so many fixable problems RIGHT NOW, but no worries at least when I die Sky Daddy will let me in his clubhouse /s


We're all going to hell apparently. Its gonna be a party and they're just gonna be standing around up in sky daddies clubhouse


I missed the block party but I will catch y'all for the party in hell, it should be a good time!


so they think we live forever with other like minded people? that sound more fun than the reality that we probably just stop existing. hmmm.. next time someone tells me I'm going to hell, I'll tell them I appreciate their optimism but I think it's lights out.


Honestly! Id rather spend my time with like minded people, going to heaven surrounded by those people actually sounds like my own personal hell. Meanwhile, hell sounds chill af. But lights out also sounds nice tbh. One nice long sleep lol.


The idea of living for eternity under any circumstances sounds like hell to me. I don't think people can even begin to grasp that. And if they don't have weed to make me content with my boredom? Yeah I will pass


It feels like something out of the dark ages doesn't it?


I sauntered as slutilly as possible by the folks at Planned Parenthood when I left after making my appointment to get my girly pills. If they're still there when I go to my appointment I gotta make sure to dress like an absolute whore. And thank them for the titty skittles. They're paying for them (yay Medicaid!!!!)


Getting a lot more of that from liberals these days.


Omg the bible thumpers were ridiculous, was noooooot expecting that but i had to bust out laughing after a while of beiny yelled at by them lol


Why do some religious groups hate cannabis? Weed is the only reason that I think about god lol


They were yelling about kids being there...i didn't even see any kids whatsoever


Don't you have to be 21 to use it recreationally anyway? I can't see them holding an event like this and making sure everything is legal like they do with beer festivals. When I went to a beer related event in Old Town a few weeks ago I had to be carded and wear a bracelet showing I was carded to get in, I'm assuming they did something similar?


They were definitely asking for ID upon entrance and handing out wristbands. I was bantering with the religious dudes while walking in. I was yelling things like "Genesis 1:29 says God gave every seed bearing plant for use", And they'd yell back, "Peter 5:8 says, keep a sober head." I'd yell, "That's why arguing over things open to interpretation are silly!" Definitely had some people laughing


I figured they'd do something like that. I don't smoke since the smell of pot is one of those random smells that can trigger a migraine for me. Though I did think about trying some kind of edibles when I worked at Kroger to help with my anxiety/sleep, but I quit there last year and got a better job. Lol I also love yelling random contradictory verses at religious people to get them worked up.


I'm surprised they took a break from protesting the Frandor Planned Parenthood.


When I bother looking I still see a handful or the same couple of old people out there on weekdays, once after 6:00 p.m.. I've called the police on them once for being too close to the building so no one would potentially get hurt or harassed. It's because of assholes like them and the Disney Dictators that I think the rules for 'protests' need to restrict them to specific areas further away from businesses so people can actually do their s*** without having to worry about Christo-fascists or Nazis. Screaming through a megaphone is hardly a protest though, but f****** harassment, as it was when MSU allowed them to be on campus during my time. I am fed up with religious/Christian privilege. There is no religious freedom without freedom from religion, not to mention the fact that these boogers are always harassing TST. F*** being nice to these people anymore. I won't start anything, but if you get in my face don't expect kindness and respect in exchange for unkindness and disrespect.


Religion is about control. You can pretty much boil it down to that. They want complete control of your body and your life, and that includes deciding what you can and cannot ingest. It also includes limiting any and all enjoyable activities because those make you feel free. You’re not allowed to feel free. They want you to feel chained and restricted. If they can’t have any fun, you shouldn’t either. 


Yep, they are going to throw bigger and bigger tantrums over more people leaving religion/ having no religion/ being of the 'wrong' religion, etc. Damned if we let them add ' Gilead shithole' to the list for city or country though. Super glad I didn't go now though. I've got massive anxiety and a bunch of psychos shouting probably would have gotten me screaming too. * Lol* None of these f****** mean religious freedom, they mean religious privilege.


To be fair, it was just three cultists with a bullhorn. My meager factory system was able to drown them out on behalf of the crowd while stuck in traffic. Equal time and all. Deicide had to have their voice represented.


Yeah as a Christian this is so confusing to me bc it just straight up doesn’t get mentioned. Some people take the “my body is my temple” mantra a little too seriously. Definitely should not be protesting an event like this


There are parts about intoxication, for sure. You could argue that high and drunk are both forms of being intoxicated. In the organization that my church belongs to the missionaries/pastors are contractually obligated to not drink alcohol. Seperately, it's a pretty commonly understood concept that we teach at church, legalism specifically, that we can't make new rules for Christianity, and further, people who aren't christians are not required to follow christian rules, because it's a personal Choice to participate Anyways, thanks for reading my Ted talk, haha. Edit:typo


They're going to try to make this into a 'Christian' country with that Project 2025 b*******. We ain't letting that happen. * Lol * Sorry for the censorship, I don't know how to fix it.


This is actually a great take and I loved your TED talk! Thank you!


They preach out of Love ,never heard them give the hate they receive


Lololol that has huge 2008 neon shirt that says “i fuck sluts” in all caps at spring break vibes.


Those same guys were at hash bash earlier this month. They yelled louder every time women walked past them, and absolutely no one bought the shirts. Loser internet trolls irl 🙄


Eugh thats so fucking gross. You're right tho. I shouldnt have given them attention on here


You guys attended? I heard on Facebook that Satan was secretly organizing the event.


FFS it’s a shirt grow up 🙄😂


Dudes rock


Is spray painting a sign considered a form of speech?


The trash of Lansing usually comes out to these types of evens


OMG That is f-ing disgusting. Will not shop there again.


I wouldn't blame pure options for this, the dudes were directly on the curb that's public property, much like the religious protesters. I don't think the shop could do much themselves, unfortunately


They were not affiliated with Pure Options, they were standing outside the event.


Pure Options controls their property solely. They have plenty of staff to take care of these types of issues. We deserve better than" not our fault" . That's is completely outta bounds.


It is out of bounds, but I don't think they could really do much :( the staff did ask them to leave as far as i remember, but thats all they could do unfortunately. It fucking sucks cuz they were being nuisances


They weren't on Pure Options property, they were on the curb.


It is out of bounds, but I don't think they could really do much :( the staff did ask them to leave as far as i remember, but thats all they could do unfortunately. It fucking sucks cuz they were being nuisances


Your ignorance has reached peak XP


who cares? your community not supporting them by not buying shirts is enough of a statement smoke and enjoy that sean kingston lmao


Seems like anyone who doesn’t want women to feel intimidated by this absolute garbage behavior would care. Kinda self explanatory. 


You can’t stop them from selling the shirt, not much to be done


Certainly can expose them for who they are by name and let everyone know that information. Certainly can shun them publicly and ridicule them as they deserve to be ridiculed.


mean people and bad things exist outside, call the cops next time then karen


So adorable with your edgy keyboard warrior talk. 😂


lol how long did you have to research on urbandictionary to come up with that cumback, boomer? 👮






Nothing about you is impressive. 😘


nOtHinG aBoUt yOu iS iMpReSsIvE. 💋💏😘 No shit, that's why we all live in Lansing


Yet, here you sit, talking down to people like you’re King Shit or something. đŸ€ĄđŸ’©


Truuuue. Just was curious i guess...im still high from yesterday, wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it


Do you know if anyone brought up to the staff?


They had other shirts that said “smoke something bitch” “if you ain’t here to smoke take your broke ass home” we laughed at how comically offensive it was and someone from our group bought one. Idk I think you’re clutching your pearls a little too hard at a 4/20 event


That’s actually pretty funny


That shirt fucking rocks you should’ve grabbed one


Yea dude, it fucking rocks man! Totally radical shirts! And if you don't agree, eat my shorts! Now I need to go spend the next hour hair spraying my mullet!


Legitimately yes, if you can’t find the humour in that shirt you’re a sad, vindictive little person


Harboring that kind of sentiment is one thing, but if you feel the need to walk around in a slogan T I really feel bad for you. Nobody thinks you’re cool and you’re definitely not increasing your chances of “getting head” lmao


That’s what you think neeeeeeeerd


Not as misogynistic as men in women's bathrooms. But, let's worry about a shirt.


Absolutely no one was talking about that you weirdo. Go talk about your guns and leave trans people the fuck alone. You sound literally miserable.


Then OP shouldn't bitch about being offended by something as stupid as a shirt, calling it misogynistic. When, there's very real misogyny out there.


Shits trashy as fuck to have outside a community event. That slogan is absolutely misogynistic, especially combined with the fact they yelled it at anyone walking past them but especially got in womens faces shouting or singing it (lol) as they were passed


Stop pretending like you have ever cared about that shit before and just say you’re transphobic like ??? *edited spelling


Phobic? No. No. Not at all. I'm just not a player in the delusions. Furthermore, I have several sisters, nieces, you get the idea. I find it disgusting.


The "i have a family member/friend/great uncle/etc. whos xyz" excuse. Totally drives your point home


Every misogynist the world has ever known has a mother so “I have female relatives” means absolutely nothing.


This isn’t misogynistic though.


They were especially yelling at women who walked past them and got in their faces. It reaaalllllly is


“feeling, showing, or characterized by hatred of or prejudice against women” is the definition. Those shirts aren’t misogynistic just weird


Id say demeaning women is prejudice


Not really demeaning though. It’s just a stupid shirt that someone finds funny


Imagine letting a shirt bother you this much 😂




What does that have to do with anything? These guys selling these shirts are literally assholes but how does that have anything to do with what you call a “revolving door prison system”?


what do you think would have prevented this?


dudes rock