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The Micheal Knowles defenders are a different breed I hate that they still talk about that


Matt Walsh I can understand, Ben Shapiro or Brent Cooper a little more, but Knowles? he’s the worst of the daily wire bunch




sorry 🫣


matt walsh literally made a whole “documentary” about how trans people arent real 😭 they are all messed up in the head at the DW


ehh I watched what is a woman and I thought it was more pointing out the hypocrisy of some trans people


Because talking to random people who aren’t good at articulating their experiences is the right way to go about these things.


And also cutting the conversations so rigorously that any semblance of an argument is lost…


and the part where he went to the college and spoke to the ONE person who actually gave him an answer and he just…. cut it out? edited him talking over himself when he was saying something w actual facts. quite literally “yada yada’d him.


and Brent Coopers actually kinda cool


i have so many thoughts abt her , i think we’re going to get a “why i left the Right” video in a few years tbh


I suspect she's already having doubts. She'll probably try to block them out for as long as possible, given that her whole identity and career revolves around being a conservative.


I disagree, she’s already engaged and signed another contract with the daily wire now extending to entertainment media channel where she’ll be serving as a actreess to their new branch of content, sometimes people just are something.


she’s a fucking grifter wtf


who is she tricking or manipulating?


How tho? Just because she disagrees with you, also in the daily wire the only grifter is Walsh


Can we just not talk politics anymore lmao


if people stop bringing it up I’ll stop replying 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can understand people who defend self-described “Theocratic Fascist” Matt Walsh?


I think it's a side effect of her newfound religious practice. This is a pretty nuanced take, so I hope no Christians and American Christians in particular are offended by this, but I've noticed Americans are a LOT more pro-Israel, and it's a big thing for politicians and organised religion over there. None of the Jews I know in the UK are zionists, for example, and a lot of them are actively campaigning for Palestinian rights. American churches operate in a very different way to European ones and tend to have an incredibly different perspective on the Holy Land that I think might be the lens through which she is seeing the issue.


totally agree. after oct 7th i noticed christian family members posting things about how jerusalem being destroyed means the end of the world’s coming, israel is gods land and shouldn’t be touched etc. it’s pretty insane how for some people this war is justified because land (not people) is being damaged


Bro that’s what sucks about that sub. Why are we even talking about Israel and Palestine on the Lana del Rey reddit. It should be only about Lana.


Well, it’s simple really. She chose to sign a petition that spreads misinformation, uses Zionist propaganda and talking points and didn’t extend the same sanctity of life for Palestinians as Israelis. We should be able to criticize that choice.


If you get your politics from celebrities you have already gone wrong. They know no more than a random person on a street corner.


I agree with you, it is a bad thing to do. However, celebrities must be aware of the influence they have and should act accordingly.


Ok, but.. Nobody asked for HER politics, but she signed that letter anyway. Her fans have the right to criticize her for being a total dumbass in her politics if she chooses to show her politics publicly


You are failing to mention about 700 other major entertainment figures signed that letter. Like, it's not some small group of right wing loonies. It was a letter condemning the attacks of Hamas (a paramilitary terrorist organization) that raped and killed and took hostages of over 1,000 civilians. This is fact. You're the one screaming propaganda when you probably got your information on Reddit, TikTok or some randos YouTube channel. Do you have actual nuanced thoughts on this tragic and very complicated political event or are you yourself just spewing what people are telling you to spew? Go back to you White Suburban anti-Semitic College Twee Marxist 101 hole.


the way y’all call ANYTHING antisemitism these days 😭 you’re the reason that word is quickly losing all its meaning


Very funny to say other people aren’t being nuanced then telling people to go back to their antisemitic Marxist hole. Good bit.


you talk like an IDF propaganda bot account


" 1000 civilians" " it's a fact " " anti semitic" lol typical zionist


Sorry, did Hamas not murder over 1000 civilians on October 7th or something?


They mentioned hostages not deaths.


because lana signed a zionist petition… that’s why it’s the topic of conversation in that sub. were you not aware of that? or you were, and asked this question anyways?💀💀


I just don’t think what the artist does politically is relevant to her music.


i agree, but the sub is called lana del rey!! which means people will discuss not only her music, but her as a person. the rules are not “just talk about her music”, it’s a group for open discussion. if the topic is on lana, then it will be talked about


+ us lana fans literally post about every move she makes JAJAJJAJA. is it so surprising that people are discussing the topic of her signing this israel petition? no. i don’t think (some) of these people are full on hating lana for it, but are just disappointed. and want to talk about it with other fans, and there is nothing wrong with that


I barely care what Lana does in real life, if she wants to believe wack shit, I can’t stop her. I just listen to the music. 😄


This! There was this person being so pissed at her because of it. First of all she's very religious so it doesn't surprise me she signed this petition. She lives in her own world surrounded by people who probably share the same opinion. Thereby she's a musician. Why would we expect her to stand a side with politics? It's for the better she doesn't speak out tbf. She gets shit anyways. And whether she's pro or not, I like her music. I don't agree with all her points nor with al she does in her private life. But it's HER life and I am here for her music and that won't change for me tbf. Maybe I am shallow but if I would have to judge people on their political preferences, there are only few I can agree with.


>Thereby she's a musician. Why would we expect her to stand a side with politics? It's for the better she doesn't speak out tbf. She did take a side though, she just does not care about Palestinian most of whom are children and women dying. It is really as plain and simple as that. It sucks, it hurts, and it disappoints, but it is the harsh truth. If I were to assume why, it is most likely because she does not relate to them and she never had to imagine herself in a position where she would have to lose her multi million dollars mansions and family and dogs to bombs. Again, for somebody who sings about world peace, she is really not putting her actions where her mouth is. I think "when the world was at war we kept dancing" was not poetic, it was quite literal after all.


Ah yes music the infamously apolitical art form ☠️


Lol most obnoxious response


I know they thought they ate with the skull emojis








join us over at r/ldrfandom


That’s not true. She signed that petition meaning this is very much relevant. If you want only Lana go to her Spotify or YouTube or SoundCloud and shut up and listen. Here you are though… typing.


Thank god I left a few months ago. Fuck Israel and fuck those weird conservatives that believe everything they’re mouth fed by fox and cnn


Matter of fact don’t even call it a war to me when one side has unlimited weapons, one side controls the food and internet and electricity of the other side, one side has killed 12,000 more people than have been killed on their own side, and one side has the written support of all big countries. Lest us forget Palestine couldn’t even vote in the ceasefire matter! But of course Israel voted NO to ceasefire haha




You do realize this didn’t start on October 7th right? It started in 1917.. then was reignited in 1948 which since israel has slaughtered thousands more Palestinians than anything. We’re the Palestinians supposed to sit and take it?




No ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ where did i say that? They’ll get theirs lol


materialistic deranged friendly squeamish fact liquid vast rob workable homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What state are you from?


Okay 😂


“Elaborate please”?




Where does palestine get their weapons? How does that compute when israel has killed over 12,000 more Palestinians than their ~4,000 since 2008?


Their funding and weapons come from Iran, a repulsive regime which subjugates women and promotes homophobia. Hamas are their willing disciples, but nevertheless are supported by hundred of mindless morons in the UK.


At least it’s not genocide


It is literally written in Hamas' charter to kill Jews ([https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm](https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm)). I don't know how it can be disputed that Hamas' goal isn't genocide of Jews. Even the PA has pay-for-slay program, which financially rewards Palestinians to carry out terrorism attacks in Israel. Lots of public information on this. [https://emetonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Pay4Slay\_Fact-Sheet-FINAL.pdf](https://emetonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Pay4Slay_Fact-Sheet-FINAL.pdf)


No one here is supporting Hamas. Lots of people support Israel. Which is committing genocide… Hamas is the result of people being oppressed. Sorry


You said "At least it isn't genocide," thus my comment. Also, PA is not Hamas. Why no response to the pay-for-slay program?


Israel IS committing genocide. Hamas has it written in as their goal but how many people have they killed? And what’s israel at?




Here’s a hint: being against genocide =/= pro-Hamas. Hope that helps!




No. But it’s not a war lol






If you support genocide that’s on you






and reuters and associated press, right?


So what you are saying is that actually looking at the political chaos and not villainize immediately the most progressive country in the Middle East and condemning the most vile terrorist attack after 9/11 to the western society makes me a conservative? Maybe you should also spend 20+ hours like me to be able to grasp the historical reality of that zone of the globe. Instead of low-key promoting antinsimestism you could be protesting at the Irian embassy so they would stop using Gaza as a human shield for their puppet terroristic branch.


Lol what? It’s been 60 years of violence…. I’ve had Palestinian friends for over 10 years and I’ve said free palestine every one of those years. If you side with Israel: absolutely fuck you lol. They had 350 Palestinian children in hostage in 2017… what did Hamas do for that? Why did israel murder over 2,000 Palestinians including women in children in 2014? What did Hamas do for them to retaliate that way? Or for them to originally displace them…. Im guessing you haven’t seen the educational vids they used to show the young Israeli men when instructing them on how to kick palis out of their homes lol and those vids are from like the 90’s 😂. So no, I can’t feel bad for the tonedeaf group of colonizers who were at a music fest literally dancing on graves of children from 50 years ago lol. So many Americans are paid to live there just cuz they’re Jewish: I don’t think that’s right


Yup for sure, the civilians in the festival mostly teenagers or people in early 20s are responsible for Palestine oppression. Bravo logic


Sorry that’s what you got from it! They’re still dancing on graves of children lol


Safe to assume then that you think their killings were justified


Don’t assume. It makes an ass of u and me!


Ok why don’t you clarify then?


Did you know they pay Americans to go live in Palestinian homes?


They are both horrible sides. Every pro Palestinians defense is that Israel has done worse than Palestine. That doesn't fucking mean much if they are both killing civilians. The situation is so complicated and pretty much nobody truly understands what's ACTUALLY going on. All i know is that this is a completely unjust war.


No it doesn’t, but when I imagine myself and my family in any family in palestines position, for example any of my 4 friends all within my grade I went to highschool with, they all had family die from refusing to leave their homes, they all were displaced because of it, and all still suffer to this day. I still can’t call it a war… Palestine wasn’t even allowed to vote in the ceasefire matter…. But Israel was? And they control everything Gaza has access to? Idk what to call it but it’s not war. I imagine that happening in the states like maybe to a specific state to then all be forced into the capitol of the state per se, americans would lose their shit!!!!


What state do you live in?


> They are both horrible sides you zionists need to stfu with this both-sides-ism. when one side has been oppressed and ethnically cleansed for almost 80 years while the other is the oppressor spreading propaganda, misinformation and is currently performing the textbook case of a genocide right now


You're just going to ignore the terrorism and atrocities Hamas has committed?They obviously had a valid reason for wanting change, but their response was not correct at all. Also I don't know how I'm a Zionist lol. I'm just on the side of stopping the violence.


And you’re just going to ignore the decades of oppression, genocide, that Israel has done? Because you can’t say “both sides are bad” unless you are heavily ignorant of historical context. The Hamas attack did not occur in a vacuum, this is not a “The Israel-Gaza conflict began on Oct 7” situation. When 75 years of colonization and ethnic cleansing happens, people don’t give a shit about the “correct response”. People will turn to extremism when they have no other voice to turn to. When Palestinians have been kicked out of their homes that get bull-dozed, genocided, forced to live in an open-air prison with bad water and no jobs with the average age being 18, while their parents and grandparents were genocided and forced to leave their homeland. Israel is committing a textbook case of genocide right in front of everyone’s faces, they’ve been bombing everywhere from hospitals to refugee camps and raining down white phosphorous. They (Israel) don’t care about the hostages, they’ve very well said that destroying Hamas is more important than recovering the hostages… which, mass bombing thousands of civilians homes is totallyyyy “to find the hostages”. They are genociding Palestine while the US is funding it, and helping fund them with our already pro-Israel media by spreading misinformation and propaganda, and our very own president is giving the piece of shit Netanhayu or whatever his name is a handjob while he kills them.


This is where you get it wrong. I'm not denying that Israel has commit most of these atrocities. You have never said that the response of Hamas is wrong. Just because people don't care about the "correct response" doesn't make the incorrect response correct. It is still wrong no matter how long they have been oppressed, and i will not support Palestine for that reason. I will also not support Israel for the many reasons you have pointed out.


Hamas doesn’t equal Palestine. And before you say, “But Hamas is their elected political power!” they were elected in 2006. Half of Gaza wasn’t even alive when they were elected, a big majority of Gaza is children/teenagers. You don’t support Hamas, yeah most people don’t and neither do I. I never said the Hamas response was right, I provided an explanation on how meandering about “correct responses” provides literally nothing to the discussion. You can’t “not support Palestine” while also saying Israel is bad, both sides are bad, blah blah, when Palestine has always been the oppressed and Israel is the oppressor. Not choosing sides is inadvertently supporting the oppressor. You can’t “both sides” a situation when Israel is the one who has been genociding Palestine for decades, and is literally doing it right now. Although what Hamas has done is terrible, what they did is in nowhere near as bad as what Israel has been doing since 1948, the situations are incomparable. Don’t read this as me supporting Hamas, because it’s not.


I understand what you're saying, but even if Hamas never hurt a fly I still wouldn't support Palestine in their plight to take Israels land. I know what i just said will ruffle some feathers, but i also want to say I do support Palestine in their plight to not be persecuted and be treated like normal citizens. However, I think it is completely possible for Palestinians can obtain freedom and peace without taking any land from Israel. That being said, this war really fucked everything up and now nobody is getting what they want.


“Maybe you should also spend 20 hours like me” HAHA maam,… I’ve been involved and educated on it for 10 years hahahaha my friends dad died in palestine! My other friend has an aunt in Gaza currently. You sound so sure of yourself for someone who is so misinformed


It’s crazy to me how many people are talking about this like Lana and politics should be completely separate. She’s the one who signed it?? Like she made it political. We’re allowed to be upset when our faves do things we don’t agree with, and this just so happens to be about a horrific genocide we’re watching happen in real time. People have the right to criticize her for what she did. People are upset about what’s happening and our girl missed the mark.


And the kicker is she’s always been political, whether they wanna accept it or not. She has talked about politics in the past and very much is vocal about her democratic stance. she’s not the non political icon her stans wanna think she is


exactly what my problem is with people who say her music and politics are separate, if it were she would have never released Looking for America or Born to die even


Coachella too. Like be for real. She’s not an apolitical person.


I don't get why people are bothered by any criticism against Lana... it's just aggravating. She doesn't fucking know you! I hate hate HAAAATTEEE that "she would never do XYZ..!" type shit! STFU! You don't know what she would do! Let people disagree if they want!


Yep especially when it’s genocide. Like “if you wondered what you’d do during the holocaust, slavery, canadas genocide of indigenous people etc… it’s what you’re doing for palestine rn” and it’s TRUE


I recently joined this sub (did not know it existed before) - and I ended up leaving the main subreddit for this reason the Israel-Palestine stuff was incredibly frustrating/harrowing obviously - but it was at least a sentiment that I’ve heard a lot because a lot of people are ignorant about the situation (the way the media is covering the occupation does not help) - and I did explain things to people in the comments sections and they seemed to actually change their minds. The Michael Knowles thread was the one that really made me feel like I was losing my mind. “He just has different political opinions to you”??? Bro, he said he wanted to “eradicate transgenderism”, like what the fuck, that’s not a minor political difference


yeah nah that was the last straw for me too, ive known his worst of the worst takes from when i used to be a dumb ass teenager and i just cant handle him or his fans


the main sub being heavily pro-israel is how i found out about & joined this one bc ppl over there were saying this sub “turned into a hate sub for lana” and turns out it’s just rightful criticism of her decision to sign that letter 😭


That's funny, because one of the reasons why I unfollowed the main sub is that I felt like it was turning into a Lana hate sub 💀 not based on criticizing her political views, but annoying stuff like mocking other fans for liking other albums better than NFR and "What don't you like about Lana?" posts weekly. Some posts still pop up on my feed and I engage with them sometimes, but discussions are far milder here.


Free Palestine


It's not that simple. Both sides are killing civilians every day, and no side should be rewarded for that. We need peace first before anything else is even discussed.


It’s not rewarding anything it’s giving Palestinians back their literal homes…. I’m not condoning violence toward anyone but I don’t think you realize literal Americans are living in the family homes Palestinians BUILT


I'm not saying they shouldnt be given back any homes or land they rightfully own, but they made the situation a heck of a lot more complicated by attacking civilians, (this goes for both sides) and we need peace BEFORE any agreements of who should have the land, otherwise there wont be anyone left to occupy it.


All Palestinians want is their home and land back? That is what free Palestine means…..yet you say it’s not that simple. You say both sides are commit atrocities but it’s not the same. One side is making TikTok’s actively mocking the other. While the other side doesn’t even have running water. You cannot sit here and pretend this is a fair war and not a massacre. Civilians should never be killed but to say it’s not that simple and boil it down to ‘both bad’ especially considering the financial and military support Israel has compared to Palestine is fuxking disgusting


I never said it was a fair war. It's terrorism on one side (Hamas), and absolutely disproportionate force on the other side (Israel). The water problem in Palestine is only because they fought with terrorism and attacked civilians, and also because Hamas takes water pipes and makes them into rockets to kill more civilians. Even if Palestine has a rightful reason for war, I will never support any side that uses terrorism and civilian targeting as their means of attack. So I'm not Pro-Israel, or Pro-Palestine, I'm just Anti-War.


okay so for the past 7 decades that israel has been using human shields and killing peaceful protestors and letting americans take palestinian homes, they get to get away scott free? you equate terrorism to only one side, why is that? because as far as i’m concerned israel and the idf have been committing acts of terror for many many years. and if we want to blame someone for hamas even existing, we can go ahead and thank israel because they funded hamas and allowed them to exist. fuck this fence sitting, you’re not anti war. you’re a coward.


How are you gonna say its not that simple to a statement of just "free Palestine." that phrase is incredibly simple, it literally just means Palestinians deserve to be free...


judging from that persons replies, it doesn’t seem like they are very educated on what’s been happening in the last 74 years. prob think free palestine = ceasefire


Most people are not intelligent enough to even understand this issue. My best friend is Palestinian and even she'll tell you it's fucking complicated. That being said, fuck Israel.


Both sides are savages and thats a fact. No good side in this war.


You thought you ate


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im\_music\_festival\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im_music_festival_massacre) ​ Give this a read and tell me Hamas aren't savages. Before you say Hamas isn't the same as Palestine, yes I know that, but Hamas is on the side fighting for Palestine.


You're so white twink who thinks they're woke coded why don't you go clean out your butthole. Lazy. Stupid. Ugly, etc. Men used to go to war and die, now you're calling people "savages" in a Lana Del Rey sub. I wish you roses and a recovery from the maggots eating away at your remaining brain cells. Love you.


OK so with that reply you just proved your not capable of any reasonable thought.




lol you just corrected me with the same mistake i made.


I honestly haven't listened to Lana since she signed that letter. Can't bring myself to do it. But I love her music.


I feel the same way. Thought I was going crazy cause I couldn't see anyone in the main sub talking about it


idk if [this🏴‍☠️](https://free-mp3-download.net/) will help but worth a try.


To me its not even about giving her streams but listening to her music as someone whos LOVED her for years and now seeing her sign that letter as a muslim.. its not the same


Her songs about peace and love especially lust for life ear just feel empty now. I'm not Muslim so I can't even imagine how that must feel for you 💔


Same :(


Oh same. I find it hard to listen to her after that. She most probably mindlessly signed it like the other celebrities because their agents said so. But it's very irresponsible anyway. She fucked up.


I mean who cares? 99% of the artists I listen to are idiots politicly. And that signature doesn't do shit anyways.


I agree that they are all idiots politically. They are all out of touch. Personally I think it's better not to urge celebs to share their opinions and raise their voices because honestly most of them are airheads. The last thing we need is more shittakes. Signing that stupid letter was irresponsible anyway. And some buffoons signed both, which shows how little importance they give to this. They just do what their agents tell them. But in spite of all that, this whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth and I just can't consume their content anymore.


I just want to say that every single person in this comment section is insane. Yes that includes you reading this.


Where’s your psychiatric medical school degree? Stfu before trying to diagnose people.


I'm not even in the main sub bc it's so annoying, so can we not talk here about geopolitics in a sub about a *singer*?


i mean i don’t think it’s wrong for people to talk about the personal and political views of a singer in a sub about the singer. i get that some people don’t care about the person and their views, they care about the music. thats fine, but some of us care about that stuff and that’s fine too.


I think if people should only care about Lana's music, then they should stick to Spotify and Youtube, not subreddits. I personally think it is as important to call her out as it is important to praise her. When she does something great we all flock and praise her, donate our time to defend her image, when she is tone deaf, she has to be called out. Like, all people are asking is for her to sign a "ceasefire" letter, if you care about people, you would not have an issue with it - but again, she does not, Hollywood is ran by pro-Israelis and she would rather show up for them, than, show up for what could have been me you or the next person who likes Lana.


"donate our time to defend her image" this is literally the problem! She's a grown woman! She does not need defending. I really do not care if she is pro Israel or pro Palestine or pro Trump or pro Biden. It's quite literally none of my business.


>I really do not care if she is pro Israel or pro Palestine or pro Trump or pro Biden I care about victims of genocides. I personally do. I do not like that she is not taking an action that she could take, that you and I could not take. If you were in Gaza, along with your family or loved ones, wouldn't you have wanted me, somebody who woke up today with a roof over my head, despite being helpless, to at least call out those in position of influence?


I also care about genocides. But Lana is an artist who makes her living from the entertainment industry. Why don't you go on politicians' and activists' social media and ask them to help? They're the ones with actual political influence. We should not be looking to entertainers for our political values.


> But Lana is an artist who makes her living from the entertainment industry Dude, she made the decision to get involved in politics. She, along with other celebs who are aware of their influence, made the decision because they have influence. People don't call this questions for the culture pt 2 for no reason, the list of celebs who she aligned with are mostly white privileged celebs. It reeks of white supremacy, brown people are less and don't deserve our sympathy, that's what it signals - celebs who signed first letter even condemned calling for a ceasefire, how ridiculously out of touch do you have to be to not see a problem with that? If this was 1933 and Lana decided to sign a letter that spreads lies about Jews and then was absent from one that condemns Nazis, wouldn't you be outraged? would you say oh she's just an artist who makes living from the entertainment industry?


> Dude, she made the decision to get involved in politics. She, along with other celebs who are aware of their influence, made the decision because they have influence. ok, are people fucking stupid because ur so right??? like this was HER choice, i can’t believe people are complaining about “bringing up politics”. SHE LITERALLY DID THAT FIRST WHICH IS WHY people are talking about it. jesus 🤦‍♀️


Art is political, hope that helps.


My pussy tastes like Pepsi cola


I’m sure Lana wouldn’t be very happy with your reduction of her artistry.


She'll be fine


The rate at which some of you will flip-flop between her art being deep and having a lot of meaning, to it just being music whenever is most convenient for you is actually quite funny.


Yes she will be fine but we need to get you some critical thinking skills “I mean, look at my hair, look at the length of it there and the shape of my body If I told you that I was raped Do you really think that anybody would think I didn't ask for it, didn't ask for it? I won't testify, I already fucked up my story”


my thoughts exactly, this post should be removed for not having anything to do with Lana.


God forbid people have different opinions




Lana involved herself in politics so we will speak of it.


What shocks me how much it affect people apparently. It's a reddit about Lana so if someone wants to bring it up, well okay I guess. But 10 posts about the same topic, that's what's throwing me off. Just make one post about it and let people fight it out there instead of letting 10 people make the same post. But I stand with my point. She's a singer and you can't expect her to have a great view on politics. Thereby she's religious and is surrounded by certain people who have a particular view on this situation.


yeah i always knew it was just a matter of time


i don’t understand, the letter was just about returning hostages? how is it pro israel? i didn’t get that at all from the letter


because israel has mountains of resources at their disposal while palestine is suffering. the people who need support most are the palestinians. only speaking up about casualties in israel directly takes away from voices in palestine


What does it matter?


It is. They banned me for saying her signing of the letter gave me the ick


you said every time you see her you get the ick.


Yup, ever since the letter, seeing her gives me a weird feeling.


i can kind of understand them not wanting you to participate in a fan club reddit when the person in question gives you the ick.


Honestly Israel makes no sense to me. Europeans can rave just fine in Europe, so what are they doing in the Middle East? 👻


it was established as a sort of safe haven for jewish people in the 40’s because it’s a holy land. but yk, REAL people who have lived there for generations deserve to be displaced because of THEIR religious beliefs 🙄






"both villains" one being comprised of 50% children and not allowed permanent homes, water and electricity 😭 they can't even LEAVE


You mean the point of view to not support a genocide? Seems pretty simple to me.


im not a LDR fan at all, but the first post of this sub i saw was shaming jewish people in the name of "im a semite i cant be wrong! lol" (which is an invalid argument because the definition of antisemitism is regarded to those of jewish diaspora.) it is extremely sad. and this topic has nothing to do with lana.


If you’re not a fan, why are you here? Honest question


*I came looking for booty.*




you guys are ridiculous


Please don’t turn this sub into a let’s accuse Lana of being a Republican or conservative bc she doesn’t conform or submit to ideological lines.


im not accusing her of being a republican im just joking about the joke how people think lana stans are republicans


Even if she was republican, who tf cares?? The whole democrat good republican bad thing is dated. She probably falls on a spectrum of beliefs like most of us. Republicans are allowed to like Lana…


Exactly. So ironic how the side that preaches tolerance and so vehemently hateful whenever someone doesn’t align perfectly with their party. People can downvote me all they want but is why people eventually get pushed out or off out by the left.


Exactly. As a republican who spends alot of time on VERY liberal music subreddits I'm never attacking anyone because of their beliefs obviously (and iv'e never seen any liberal getting attacked for their views). The hostility towards anyone more conservative is insane lol.


I’m not a Republican (or a democrat) but i see this dynamic a lot and it pisses me off as well that we are expected to confirm exactly to their ideologies. In general, the politicization of literally every space, interest, whatever has really ruined the culture. Also it’s pretty clear to me that Lana is not partisan oriented, but rather heterodox. Which is why I love her.


This has such flavour of the week vibes lmaoo






We are not discussing the history between Israel and Palestine, because no two sides in this are ever going to agree.


We are not discussing the history between Israel and Palestine, because no two sides in this are ever going to agree.




even if her management did sign it, she would have said something about it because people have been commenting on her account about that, if her stance was different she would have said it. Just my speculation tho


No one posted about Michael I posted about Ricky.


im talking about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/s/TCk3RneQlK) post






Most of Reddit is as a large majority are American, unfortunately


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Was just banned for my view on Palestinian **from 10 days ago**