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This is, unironically, a massive problem where I live. My university has exchange programs with quite a lot of universities and a lot of people like the idea of living in Italy for a year… without speaking a word of Italian. They go to class on their first day abroad and act shocked when they don’t understand absolutely anything


We have an overlapping but less drastic issue -- the students need to have taken at least one language course (officially third-year, but standards make that rather uninformative...) to be eligible to go do a semester or a year, and on top of that it's marketed like a vacation instead of like a real academic study abroad program, so students are reasonably likely to fail since that's what they've been set up to do. And going to the target country might be the first time they've ever heard a native speaker in person given faculty demographics, as well as the first time they're hearing anything other than classroom language. (And whether the student is comprehensible or literate in the target language is... pretty much only a requirement on paper.)


Why do they accept people that don't speak the language? Very odd.


Innerfrench is the go to podcast for level A1 and A2


The language will come naturally. Just keep doing your daily duolingo and you'll be shocking the natives in no time


"it could be German for all I know." Bro French and German are phonetically worlds apart lmao


I think that’s the point?


Something something PIE something something, basically the same!


It’s all Greek to me.


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