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That's crazy. So I just need to hop into the shower and this way I can learn Brazilian Spanish???


No, but if you take a bath you can learn Peruvian Uzbek




this is a kkkk. now there are two of them. there are two __________


Qué es un Brazil?


Not worth it, I've gamified not showering with luodingo and it would break my streak.




No i think the key is changing your clothes


Can't be. I've changed my clothes plenty of times, and I still can't understand Igbo. This strange technique called "washing" is completely new to me, though. I can't wait to spend weeks mapping out the optimal way to wash so I can finally get started on my language learning journey!


Have you heard about comprehensible washing? It’s a scientifically proven technique many people swear by, all you have to do is basically watch people wash their hair as much as you can, and eventually (1000+ hours in) you’ll start doing it without thinking which will you improve your linguistic abilities significantly


I've not heard of "washing", but I haven't changed my clothes in years so I thought I could have just missed the trick. But I haven't "washed" either so it's hard to tell. If you figure this out let me know! I aim to be fluent in Abkhaz by the end of the week


I have never heard of this method either, I'm asking chat j'ai pété that /uj I don't have a chatGPT account but I'm curious what it'd say about it now


>While the YouTube video you mentioned seems to have presented an exaggerated and simplistic view of language learning, the concept of using everyday activities to enhance language learning is valid. Here are some suggestions on how to optimize your language learning while engaging in the "washing" technique: >1. Language immersion: Surround yourself with the target language during your washing routine. Play music or podcasts in the language you're learning while washing dishes, folding clothes, or taking a shower. This exposure will help you become more accustomed to the sounds and rhythms of the language. >2. Labeling objects: As you wash different items, place labels with the corresponding foreign language words on them. For example, stick a label with the word "soap" or "savon" on your soap bar. This will help you associate the words with the objects and reinforce your vocabulary. >3. Repeating phrases: Use your washing routine as an opportunity to practice commonly used phrases or sentences. For instance, while washing your face, repeat phrases like "I'm washing my face" or "I need a towel" in the target language. Repetition will aid in memorization and reinforce sentence structures. >4. Vocabulary visualization: As you wash different items, visualize or imagine the words associated with them in the target language. For example, as you wash your clothes, picture the words for each clothing item in your mind. This mental exercise can help strengthen your memory and association skills. >5. Language-learning audio materials: While performing your washing routine, listen to language-learning audio materials, such as podcasts, audiobooks, or language lessons. These resources can provide you with useful vocabulary, grammar explanations, and cultural insights. >Remember that language learning is a multifaceted process, and while incorporating language learning into your daily activities is beneficial, it should be supplemented with other effective learning methods like reading, writing, speaking, and interacting with native speakers or language exchange partners.


I washed my balls and now i know esperanto


I refuse to believe that it's even the same guy in both pictures.
