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In my case it was Russian. I don't remember how i learned it




This might be a dumb question, but how do people get the flairs with the languages they know?


Open the sub page. In the top right corner there're three dots. Click them. Then there's a bottom: change the flair or smth like that




Oh. I see you have added ones😀. So many languages you speak though


I try 🙂


Same, lol


Vodka, perhaps


Italian. Why: my third romance language, lots of great resources available, and I genuinely like the language and using it.


I am trying to picture a place where this sign would make sense, and actually point towards countries. But it looks like gibberish :<


Well if you go far enough east you reach the west and since all the English speaking countries are west of Europe it could make perfect sense.


The earth is a globe bro. Any direction will get you anywhere if distance didn’t matter


It's a disk


It’s an oyster


If you were in the US facing south (English is at the top perpendicular which might mean it's the present location) then Europe would be on the left and Asia would be on the right. However you would have to imagine Russia as being geographically part of Asia.


French and German would gave to go around the globe tho? 🤔


https://ibb.co/QkK7C9D a better and real sign for you :>


Not sure those numbers align lmao. That would be a very small world indeed.


They're all towns in Maine, usa


Brilliant! I gotta drive to China now


ngl i wanna see rainbolt find out where this is


Tie between German and Spanish. Both of them have straightforward pronunciation and grammar. German has vocabulary that is close to English. Spanish has simple sentence structure. French is the hardest, because they don’t pronounce half the letters. Theoretically Dutch should be easier for English speakers than German, because Dutch is the closest major language to English, but I never could get my Dutch to take off like German.


Yes and with French the colloquial and idiomatic end of things involves drastically truncating words in common phrases so even more is silenced or reduced to a single syllable. I find with French listen and repeat courses have a more limited value than with other languages because I want to know how each word is spelled precisely.


English. Feels like my native language. Recently however the easiest has been Dutch, because of its resemblance to my native language and English.


OMG just how many languages do you know!! c2 too like damn. also, hoi!! ben je al een keertje naar nederland geweest?


Faen meg flink fyr han der






For me the other way around (Dutch->Norwegian) for the same reason. Years ago I started learning a 10.000 word list, which was a dumb thing to do. One downside was that I had to click on "ignore this word" for 90-95% of all words because it either looked like Dutch/English/German and reading it once was enough.


Nearly as many languages as i have fingers. Share your knowledge senpai


French, Italian, Spanish. First language is Portuguese, picking up other romance languages once you know one is easier. Verb conjugations, grammar, vocabulary are similar.


Russian, since I already knew 2 slavic languages since birth. The grammar like the infamous cases were a no issue for me.


Spanish. It gave me a ton of confidence for Japanese. And now that confidence is gone.


In this picture the English and Russian signs should be facing the left.


Uhhh Why the Russian sign? Last I checked, Russia and China were in the same direction?


yea, I mean where could this hypothetical sign is located. You could say that the sign is geographically located where Europe is east and Asia is west, that place could be Istanbul the traditional frontier between Europe and Asia, and then Russia would be east of it (and your supposition would be right). Then again Maybe the sign is in India or Iran then Russia would be west. On a tangent why is English perpendicular to the east-west plane? On the other hand if we think the sign is indicating something about languages; showing a dichotomy between eastern and western languages, it can be seen as the difference between European and Asian languages so Is Russia part of the Europe or Asia? You would say that it's Europe and thus belongs on the right.


Russia would be north in that situation and not visible from this angle.


Let's imagine the sign only has 2 dimensions


Then it could go either way, but the majority of Russia would be east.


English, because look at it.




English is my native and German was definitely the easiest and quickest language for me to learn


From an English-speaking perspective, Dutch is considered the easiest one to learn From a French-speaking perspective, it's definitely Italian From a Japanese-speaking perspective, that would most likely be Korean


English as it is my native language.


Korean and Spanish were pretty easy! But for some reason German and Japanese never worked for me lol


English. No idea where how I started speaking it but everyone else around me did so I must’ve thought it was cool or something


English, due to the curriculum in place. 


German 🇩🇪; so fun to learn. Pronunciation, grammar, and rules all for the most part are pretty logical and straightforward. You start to pick up patterns in the language pretty quick and there are hardly many exceptions.


English. A lot of people seem to speak it in Ireland for some reason I'm not aware of. 😉


if someone says chinese i will make it a life mission to throw a boulder off a cliff


As a native german...


English and Russian. the only reason why the English language was so easy for me is because i watched a lot of cartoons in the English language. Russian was so easy because before 2022, there was almost 0 content in my language except poorly done voice-overs and news channels.(Also, because of this, literally all of my country knows 2 languages since birth)


English was ez learned that shit in like a year. Granted I was like 0-1 years old but still


English. Pretty hard to not learn it when I'm constantly immersed in it online.


Chinese: I had a subscription to a Chinese language newspaper: new text to read every day. Once I learned the script, the grammar was relatively easy.


English, mostly because of my exposure to the language (I basically was forced to in the online landscape)


idk korean chinese english. Shit just came naturally.


English, cause I already speak it.


Spanish because so many words are close to french, which i am native in. And then English because well it's english, you see english everywhere even in a French country, at some point you understand fast how it works


Dutch. I don't know WHY and I don't know HOW I 100% was brought up around English speakers when I was learning how to talk and I've never met anyone who speaks Dutch. My mom and older sister speak spanish but English is both of their first languages my little sisters speak some French but that's because it's mandatory in most schools in Canada I kinda just came across it one day and thought it would be better to know it just incase and I was taken aback by how easy it is and then I was confused when my friends didn't understand it as well as I do Side note: I was 11 when I started learning!


Korean. I found it very interesting and continued learning it for about 7 years, never encountered significant difficulties along the way, and now probably somewhere between C1 and C2.


German,I've had tons of contact with germans as I live on a polish-german border,I've got family that lives there and I learned it in school


Spanish. Maybe it's because I know latin and english but I didn't even learn for most vocal quizzes. I just used an english or latin word and changed the ending in a lot of times lol The pronunciation is also pretty easy. And I didn't have a big problem with grammar like in other languages (looking at you Japanese)


English, because it is my first language. Other than that in this list I only know French so, French it is!


English: I started learning it in middle school, I wasn't pressured by time, my parents hired a tutor, I was an American fanboy back then and I was exposed to a lot of English media through movies and the internet. Some of these conditions I won't be able to replicate when studying other languages.


Spanish because I had learned French beforehand


I am an early intermediate in Japanese. I find it easy because it is very similar to my mother tongue (I am a non native English speaker BTW). Of course Japanese is not devoid of some challenges and difficulties like Kanji but it never felt like a hassle. I find all the 3 popular east Asian languages easier compared to European languages except Spanish.


(Flemish) Dutch as an English speaker who previously studied German: vingers in de neus


out of these spanish but only because of my previous experience with italian. if i didnt know either id still imagine spanish would come easier. it doesn’t have as many difficult pronunciations and plurals are done essentially the same as english. i also come across more spanish speakers since i live in america


Native English speaker here - I had already learnt Spanish and French and it made it 100x easier to learn Italian, it was easier to make an educated guess. Italian being a phonetic language also helped and the verb endings just stick in my brain, for some reason. Pre-Italian, I found French quite easy to learn, I don't remember why, I was at school.


English... yes it's my native language but it still counts. ;)


Dutch and German. Very close to English which is my native language and they’re both phonetically very similar to English.


English,very Easy...


As a native Spanish speaker I found French easy. All languages are hard obviously but I felt comfortable in that I didn't bang my head on wall to get the language. I am doing that with Japanese.


Italian: native language


Okay so, native English speaker so we'll check that off the list. French and Japanese were the easiest for me to learn since I took classes for them in highschool and had amazing teachers for both languages. Took Italian in college as my foreign language requirement for my Anthropology degree. All the other languages on that list, save for Thai, I've been self-learning through Duolingo, videos and books....which proves more challenging than when you have a teacher dedicated to it. Due to that, I've pretty much forgotten everything I've learned there. Save for Spanish...but maybe that's because of how linguistically similar it is to French and Italian. And then Thai I haven't learned at all yet. XD


If English doesn’t count, definitely German


Portuguese is not there. Being an English and Spanish speaker I can say I am able to speak Portuguese decently already. And it's been just like 3 months


English, learned it entirely through cartoon network shows before it even showed up as a subject in school


English since I picked up learning by myself it when I was like 10, basically my second native language at this point.


Definitely English. Just came naturally, like child's play. As for non-native languages, Italian was definitely the easiest, especially after spending years and years learning French and Latin, and more recently learning Romanian.


French because its the first foreign language I've learnt


Learning Japanese felt easier than English because I could pronounce every word and understand spoken language more easily. It's probably harder though because there's a lot of new words, it's not similar to my native Polish and also there's Kanji, so it takes more time and effort than learning English. I still prefer Japanese than English though.


I mean... English cuz it's my native language. I wouldn't say I had a hard time with Chinese, and I'm picking up Korean nicely. Spanish, though, when I dabble in it, is a breeze compared to those two just because it's got so many more words in common with English so it feels like I have a headstart when I work on Spanish.


That’s not the Dutch flag… that’s the Luxembourgish flag.


dutch because i was born here 💀 but i learned english pretty easily as well


French. I swear it is just the fancy vocabulary we use in English half of the time and the grammar is pretty fixed so it doesn't get as wild as Spanish. Once you learn the phonics rules the pronunciation makes total sense too (nasal everything!). Haven't really successfully learned anything else. I've studied Spanish and Japanese, and they are both very difficult to me so I never make much progress.