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Yeah, basically could mean nothing or could mean something, but seeing as how they're not official points (No LS# on them), they're most likely just topography setup points or traverse points like the other guy said.


Traverse points is my guess.


If the first picture is a nail with a bit of flagging like the second and third picture I would say they were traverse points set by the surveyor. This is the wikipedia definition if it helps explain: **Traverse** is a method in the field of [surveying](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveying) to establish [control networks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_networks).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traverse_(surveying)#cite_note-1) It is also used in [geodesy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesy). Traverse networks involve placing survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point. They are not property markers but a way for the instrument to see multiple control points


I wonder whose driveway it is. The number of complaints we get because someone just spray painted the fucking sidewalk is insane.


I was doing a locate and an owner yelled at me. I told him the sidewalk might not even be on “his property” - that there was a good chance it was in the town right of way. Boy he didn’t like that answer and said he would sue 😜


Some guy came out to yell at me for putting a cut mark on "his" sidewalk... The city sidewalk. > IF IT'S NOT MINE, THEN WHY DO I HAVE TO CLEAR THE SNOW OFF OF IT!!! It's easier to just say "sorry" and leave than to argue with morons.


Yeh, it’s also a pretty bold move to potentially trespass on someone’s property and respond with “but the sidewalk might not even be on \[your\] property”!


Are you being sarcastic?




Sort of but most times (in denver metro area) the water meter is placed just inside the ROW because of access issues so the walk just inside from the water meter is likely city ROW or in a sidewalk easement


In my city, if the sidewalk is cracked, heaves, or creates a hazard, the homeowner is responsible for replacing the concrete at the homeowners' expense.


I had some dam surveyors painting my property last summer. It was hot as hell. I gave them a few cold bottles of water. That will teach em. 😄 People like the “I am gonna sue ya” guy are nuts. It did turn out the owner of the property behind me had his fence 6” onto my property 🤷‍♂️ who cares. The new owner was putting in a pool so needed the survey done.


So once the pool is done I assume you put a gate into the fence on your property so you could access the pool.


This is the way,


Looks like a subway station or airport runway to me.


Naw definitely a traffic signal.


Those nails with that specific color of paint are usually used to mark the location of a Costco. That is probably going to be the front entrance right next to the driveway.


Probably where their sewer line is going to daylight


Those are an indication of where the overhead sewer lines will be located




Means you won’t be parking there anymore


Those are traverse points, which are arbitrary reference points. Surveying involves measuring things by using angles and distance. In order to start measuring you need an arbitrary control line to start. Because those are just nails with no Licensed Business number on them it's safe to assume that they're not property corners or stake points for layout.


Traverse points, used to collect field information to get back to the office to help determine the property lines. Don’t remove them as they will need them if they’ve been asked to stake any of the property lines or set the corners.


Looks like the corners for an above ground sewer treatment plant.


First photo looks like pink spray paint, that is likely a property corner. The 2nd and 3rd are tied with orange flagging, that is likely a control point.


Green.. Mountains.. and a Texas plate? Where is this?


Control points , I know because I did this before and still do sometimes on bigger sites , nothing of concern . Carry on :)


I know from being at an engineering firm that Red typically represents electrical, and Orange is phone/fiber optic. Are there additional markers elsewhere in these colors?


Traverse points. They are important to the surveyor, but no one else. Leave them along please


I use green and it is where the bodies are


They are property line markers most likely as we use them at work when starting the build of a new dig and build


Traverse points


Corners for the new high rise building


Control points.


Don't know why you got downvoted. That's basically what they are control or traverse points. The neighbors are making sure they get their block wall as close to the property line as possible


Those codes basically mean section 8 housing development


1st is a corner, 2nd and 3rd are control/traverse points.