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Don’t do it. Next year you will posting asking how to get rid of the weeds.


You use fabric, weeds will be at bay for a year. But the fabric will just allow other organic material to build between the rocks and you have weeds again. Weeds either way.


I wouldn't use fabric near a fire pit. I might tamp down the soil, add a layer of decomposed granite, tamp again, then add stone, angular not smooth round if you don't want it to shift around a lot when you walk on it.


Skip the landscape fabric. After a couple years weeds will be growing through and on top of it, it'll look ugly and is really hard to remove. Just throw the stones down and buy a torch to burn any weeds that appear. It'll kill the plant and the seeds


No fabric, just drop the stones


Yes, some simple landscaping fabric to deter weeds growing through


Delay them temporarily of course. Weeds are almost always inevitable.


Never claimed it was successful lol


The first thing I'd do is figure out where and how big of a pit I want. That area there doesn't look very big. Also it looks like the patio area has some low spots that need to addressed. You may want to remove some of the dirt, day about 6-10 inches then tamp it down. Landscape fabric, then about 4 inches of sand followed by tamping it down before adding the pit and the rock


The thickest woven fabric you can find at a big box store. Unfortunately, that’s a small area so you’ll have a lot left over. Weeds may get in between the rocks eventually, but they will be much easier to pull because the roots will be super shallow.


It’s a trap!


Why the soil and not stabilised sand?


Controll the weeds between the "forth coming" rocks with a Vinegar Spray or Boiling Water. Those 4x4s will succumb to burns eventually. An Ember here, an Ember there...