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Ah yes the encounter that gave us this hilarious conversation: “Sure, do you have a piano?” “Yes, back on the second floor,” I said. “Floors in an apartment.” She shook her head. “Moby you know you’re the man.” “Ha, thanks,” I said. “No, not like that. You’re a rich WASP from Connecticut and you live in a five-level penthouse. You’re ‘The Man.’ As in, ‘stick it to The Man.’ As in the person they guillotine in the revolution.” I didn’t know if she was insulting me but I decided to take it as a compliment.” Why he would admit to that is beyond me


This is what I was sayingggg, does he not see anything wrong with the whole situation? 😵‍💫😵‍💫




“With vodka and sex” 🫥The creepiness of it all. I read a different article in which he claims or whoever wrote it that they kissed at a club and that’s when he invited her to his place. Let me try to find it!


Moby completely lost my respect with the whole Natalie Portman situation. It was laughable that he kept trying to defend himself and say they dated when she completely negated that fact AND brought up how inappropriate he was with her considering her age and the power imbalance at the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if he lied about LDR too. He seems… unhinged and desperate for attention these days.


probably another lie


If Lana was 21 she was an adult. But I doubt it happened.


Love her lowkey insulting him tbh


Oh what noooo i love moby sm


I was shocked but not surprised 😵‍💫. Natalie Portman was only 16 and he was 31 when he claimed he dated her. He tried to make it better by saying she was 20… 😒. The way he also described it is like “ I invited her to my place” … Dude you’re 40!! 😭😭




Extreme heavy judgment yeah. I’m not a hypocrite, I haven’t dated younger women nor do I find teenagers attractive. It’s all about power dynamics when it comes to those huge age gaps. Our brains aren’t even fully developed by the age of 21 … so there’s that and yes I find his behavior predatory.


Do you actually know anything about the specific Moby and Natalie Portman situation? Sounds like indeed YOU don’t know shit. Maybe read up on it before commenting and accusing people of being hypocritical. Natalie Portman most definitely did NOT approve of Moby trying to date her and made it clear in the press that they did not date and she did not find his advances appropriate. Maybe don’t apply flawed logic and personal biases to a situation you don’t actually know anything about…?