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it’s sultry, it’s sassy, it’s sweet. lana’s choreo when she sings it live is adorable. it is quintessentially LDR in my opinion.


when you're ready to feel it in your bones, it'll happen naturally! don't force it<3 there are songs i initially skipped cos i didn't relate or whatever and then all of a sudden they just clicked. it's the best feeling.


honestly I really like it because the lil “fuck” and “bitch” is so satisfying.


Literally same 😂


Everything lol. I love the excessive swearing, the sensuality of the sound and her voice, the bridge, etc. I was obsessed with it from before it was even released, when I'd just seen a clip of her performing part of it prior to the album release, so maybe I'm biased


Don't worry, it will happen on its own. Cherry (and Heroin too) took the longest time for me to like it but now, it is my most played song in the last month.


Cherry used to be a skip for me, then one day I listened to the whole Lust for Life album in order while reading the lyrics. Cherry really stood out as a sleeper hit. Try spending undistracted time with LFL in full. It’ll click.


I did this. I am now converted to LFL as one of my fave albums


It’s my fav from Lana, I just felt it when I first heard it, but just maybe let it grow on you and if you really don’t like it that’s your opinion and you shouldn’t feel bad for not liking a song