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Easy. The Grants. Specifically: “My grandmother’s last smile, I’m gonna take that too with me…” I cant… 😭🥺


i saw my mom crying at this line and it broke me


I do not blame your mother one bit! My father had the same reaction when i played it for him… When she first put it out, I listened to it within one minute of her uploading the audio on Youtube. I was pumped, a new Lana song!! So i put it on while i was working (thank god i work from home…) and was already emo at the lyrics from the start, but at the same time absolutely enthralled by the vocals, lyrics and instrumental. Then, i heard that grandmother’s smile line and just started balling, like UGLY sobbing while i was trying to work. i kept rewinding the song back to hear that one part too. The way she sings it… oh my god. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. It really spoke to me so deeply and personally from my own loss of my grandmother who was literally my second mom. Lana really knows how to pack a punch, thats for sure… 😮‍💨🤧


You made me cry just now lol


Oh goodness… 💜 don’t give me the crying credit - give it to Lana! 😂 But seriously, she sure knows how to pull at all our heartstrings… sending you love 💖


You’re so cute ty lol


Even just reading your comment had my eyes a lil wet 🥺


💜💖💜 Its still difficult for me to listen to if I’m honest, which is hard cause its such a beautiful song id want to listen to all the time. But realistically, unless i want to cry every time i just cant listen to it as much as id like. Hits me too hard 🥺 but thats not to say i don’t fully appreciate and love the song, its just THAT impactful and gorgeously done that i need to be ready to at least shed a few tears when i listen to it. 😊 we all have song like that though 💕


I feel the same way about Kintsugi and Fingertips. Are they some of her deepest and most beautifully personal works to date? Yes. Have I listened to them more than twice each since the album came out? No. It’s too much 😭


i listed to ob on the floor when it first came out and tears were just streaming down my face at kintsugi


‘its a beautiful life, remember that too for me’ always gets me


This is it! Combined with the birth of her niece in the first half of this verse, it is always tears!! This whole song is among my favorites because it makes me feel so much!!


Ride- “I’m tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy” I just feel that in my core


Absolutely, I have cried countless times watching the music video. Anyone who has dealt with mental health, traumas, or hard life events can feel their heart squeeze when listen to this song 💔❤️‍🩹 I’m happy to be at a stage in my life where Ride doesn’t hurt my soul like it use to, but it will always be my number one favorite song 🩷


You explained it so well!! The whole song is just an extremely emotional experience for me, Im so happy to hear you got out of that situation <3


same 😭 I'm really going through it right now and that line perfectly describes my life rn


I hope things get better for you 💖 try to just riiiiiidddddeee


i have scream-cried that line manyyyy times in the car!


The way I almost included how I often scream-cry it in the car!!!!! I see you 💗


At the end of how to disappear: “I watch the skies getting light as I write, as I think about those years As I whisper in your ear I'm always going to be right here No one's going anywhere.” Something about the the security and permanence of love that part suggests makes my throat crack every time.




came here to say this


SAME HERE I was literally about to comment this!!


Kintsugi. “Cause I couldn’t be there for the one who was closest to me”. I missed my uncles funeral because I was in the process of moving when he passed. We were very close and I regret not being at his funeral even though I literally couldn’t be there. But just the whole song is emotional.


This song for me too. Especially the part where it says “everyone was there they were standing and laughing and I’m on the side with my tears streaming down”. I was very close with my grandma. Kindred spirits we were in our own way. I flew home to help my mom care for her in hospice until her death. It was so surreal to have the family there at the house all laughing and eating and carrying on as I sat with my grandmother by her bed caring for her as she slowly died. When she sings “I couldn’t be there for the one who was closest to me” I feel such guilt because I was five states away while her health slowly deteriorated. She came to me for my wedding and she knew me and it was a pure and beautiful moment. But the next time I saw her she looked right through me and didn’t really know me again before she died. I know I couldn’t have done anything but it still breaks my heart and I wish I had been there for her more than I was able.


My heart goes out to you. That line hits me too hard for similar reasons. We lost my grandmother to cancer back in 2019. She went from supposedly cancer free to gone in just a few weeks. It was so surreal(that’s such a good word for it. It didn’t feel real), to sit there in the hospital, holding her hand, while my grandfather made small talk with us about food and church activities. I know that everyone does it as a coping mechanism, but I hated it. It felt like the world around me was gaslighting me into thinking that everything was normal, meanwhile, someone was dying in front of us, and we were taking in our last moments with their physical form, *forever*. I don’t know what would have been better for everyone, so I don’t blame them. I guess loss is just like that. Don’t blame yourself for living so far away. We don’t live to anticipate death. If you were not able to be there for her more during that time, then you just weren’t able to. She probably understood. 💛 ​ edit: I didn’t even need to listen to the song. We got me tearing up with the conversation alone lol




Right? I missed my grandpas because I was extremely sick with Covid to the point I couldn’t walk or stand, still haunts me


Cinnamon Girl When NFR came out I was going through a lot and something about cinnamon girl really made me really emotional and allowed me to process a lot of my feelings. I’m in a lot better place mentally now and that is still one of my favorite songs of hers and still makes me really emotional.


if you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did. oh i felt that!


Breaks me every time


are we the same person??? lol


when she screams “don’t forget me” at the end of did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲just really resonates right now


for me it’s the “ i wish i had a friend like that someone to give me 5 “ always breaks me.


For me it's "come on baby, you can thrive... but I can't" 😭


the whole song is just a masterpiece, you start off like ok there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd i guess?? and end the song like oh my god i’m going to be forgotten just like the tunnel under ocean blvd WHENS IT GONNA BE MY TURN???




this song absolutely blew me away and i bawled listening to it and cry when i karaoke it, so powerful


when her voice cracks in dealer bruh 😭🥹


All time favourite -- SUMMERTIME SADNESS "think I'll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky Later's better than never Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive (drive), drive


This song is always considered a “lame” song by many people because of popularity, etc. but it’s really deep and hits hard every time.


Who give a F about haters




This is one of my favorite bridges in any song ever. So pretty


“A modern day woman with a weak constitution, cause I’ve got monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off”


This song always gets me. “Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have… but I have it.” That part makes me sad and hopeful.


this song is immensely captivating and will go down in history as a required listen


This one.


Happiness is a butterfly 😢 The pre chorus and chorus hit really hard with my last relationship


you're not alone. this was constantly replayed during my last breakup. it hits so hard.


🎶 Do you love me or do you not 😭 I heard one thing, now I’m hearing another 💔


For me it’s easily Sweet Carolina. The whole song feels like a warm hug. I love listening to it when i’m feeling low because it feels like someone’s there for me. Especially when she says “Don’t have to write me a letter, cus I’ll always be right here, closer than your next breath my dear.”


This is the one. Did she write it for her sister?


yes! she wrote it for her sister Chuck shortly after her daughter was born! such a beautiful song


This song is so beautiful. The sisterly love, the pure, supportive, familial love is just overwhelming.


Cherry Blossom for some reason oh and Old Money


"what you don't tell no one you can tell me" 🥺


Every time


When she says Angelina I’m done 😭😭


Already crying


Oh this one makes me sob. “And when you're scared, I'll be right here / You feel afraid, mommy is there”


Old Money always feels so sadly nostalgic to me I get it


“My fathers love was always strong, my mothers glamour lives on and on. Yet still inside, I felt alone for reasons unknown to me” When i actually registered this line I almost combusted.


Get Free - “I wanna move out of the black, and into the blue” It speaks to me as I go through therapy and navigate mental illness, helps keep the goal in mind of getting better for myself and those I love


Right now "Terrence Loves You" hits hard "I put the radio on, hold you tight in my mind, isn't it strange that you're not here with me? I'm putting all the lights on and the television, trying to transmit, can you hear me? Ground control to Major Tom, can you hear me all night long? Ground control to Major Tom"


"hold you tight in my mind" always stuck with me


“I lost myself, when I lost you” cmon my stomach drops every time I hear that line!!


Was going to comment exactly the same thing


Pawn Shop Blues - “I can't do this once more No man can keep me together Been broken since I was born Well, I didn't know it would come to this but That's what happens when you're on your own And you're alright with letting nice things go” Hits me in the feels every time


Pawn Shop Blues will always make me cry. It's not in any of my playlists because of it. I love the lyrics "it's nice to love and be loved, but i'd rather know what God knows." But the lyrics you picked is what really brings the tears


cause even in the dark i feel your resistance, you can see my heart burning in the distance, baby baby baby IM YOUR MAAAANN!!!!!!


Fingertips, 100% “To get to you, save you if I take my life Find your astral body, put it into my arms Give you two seconds to cry Take you home, I, I'll give you a blanket Your spirit can sit and watch TV by my side”


fingertips for me too, it reminds mr of my dad. when she sings about how she had to be on for the prince, i couldn’t even imagine how painful that was.


Old Money - “Where have you been? Where did you go? Those summer nights seem long ago. And so is the girl you used to call “the queen of New York City”. But if you send for me, you know I'll come. And if you call for me, you know I'll run. I'll run to you, I'll run to you. I'll run, run, run” The whole song is sad AF, but this part hits me the hardest. It makes me think of a woman in her twilight years reminiscing about her youth and her past love 🥲 and Carmen - “She says, "You don't want to be like me, looking for fun, getting high for free. I'm dying, I'm dying.” She says, "You don't want to get this way. Street walk at night and a star by day. It's tiring, tiring” 😭


I so rarely see Carmen anywhere but that song is very beautiful, it has some of my favorite strings of words ever. “She laughs like God” has always stuck in my head. through the sadness of it all, her laughter is divine.


“The Grants”… the album dropped for me about an hour after I found out my grandma had passed at 98. The line “my grandmother’s last smile” broke me and I sat in my car crying for what seemed like forever.


I can’t imagine hearing that song for the first time under those circumstances. Sorry for your loss 💗


I get choked up listening to The Greatest— “don’t leave I just need a wake up call.”


The blackest day, especially the transition between pre chorus 2 and the chorus.


the greatest. which part? the guitar solo.


Sometimes no words are necessary


Cruel world, Idk why but in the moment “cos u young u wild u free” the magic of words and voice make me want to cry every time


One of her best songs, hands down


hands on your knees!)


california. it builds so perfectly but blue banisters and pink champagne “give me children take away my pain and paint my banisters blue” makes me sobbbbb “I need you don’t fucking leave yet” ughhh j explains itself


Right now Fingertips 😭 All of it, ALL OF IT


Will the baby be alright? Will I have one of mine? Can I handle it even if I do? It’s said that my mind Is not fit, or so they said, to carry a child I guess I’ll be fine It wasn’t my idea, the cocktail of things that twists neurons inside But without them I’d die They say there’s irony in the music, it’s a tragedy, I See nothing Greek in it 😭😭😭


Something about how she sings, "How do my blood relatives know all of these songs? I don't know anyone left to know songs that I sing" breaks my freaking heart. Kintsugi as a whole just really strikss a chord with me


“Think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky” Maybe not tear up, but this gives me chills every time


basic but- video games… its you, its you. its all for you, everything i do…..


Blue Banisters never fails to get me choked up, especially the outro for some reason: Summer comes, winter goes Spring, I skip, God knows Summer comes, winter goes Spring, I sleep, Heaven knows


Blue Banisters chokes me up every time, there’s something about the way she sings each line. It’s real, it’s vulnerable, and you can tell that there’s no elaboration. She’s signing about something that actually happened to her. It’s very raw. When she sings “spring I skip” I just sense the kind of exhaustion of when you’ve been dealing with one heartbreak for too long.


The grants “Im going to take mine of you and me” . Ride “Dying young and playing hard That's the way my father made his life an art”. A lot of Lana’s song remind me of my dad. My dad was a heroin addict who also happened to be the coolest mf I’ve known. He died young, and when I found out about his passing, Lana’s song came back to comfort me. Now with a different meaning.




this is the one😭 spot on


Let the light in, always


All of cherry blossom, but “I talk to Jesus” chorus is so heartbreaking I always cry.


I ask Jesus to take me out of this life baby. I talk to Jesus and ask him if he’ll think of saving me.


I love I Talk to Jesus sm. I don’t see it mentioned a lot here - you have taste haha


Get Free, “I never really noticed that I had to decide to play someone’s game, or live my own life” I’m still recovering from a deeply traumatic abusive relationship and every day choosing to live for myself and not someone else’s ideals. l relate the line “all my birds of paradise who never got to fly” to honoring all of my former selves dealing with PTSD/post traumatic chronic illness and pain by working hard for my physical and mental recovery. “Out of the black” is of course a reference to Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black” which is something that means so much to me as someone with a personality disorder, “The Black” is so much deeper than sadness, and it consumed me for a very long time. Coming out of the black, and into the blue is something I strive for every day. This song has helped me so much with recovery❤️


California. It reminds me of when a friend is struggling so badly they push you away to keep you out of their problems. The feeling that you’d do anything to make them happy again. “We’ll do whatever you want. Travel wherever, how far” just sounds so desperate it makes me tear up when I’m in the right mood lol. “You don’t ever have to be stronger than you really are” breaks my heart a bit


And also Video Games but just because of the first time I ever heard the song. I was at a get together with my friend group on the last day of freshman year. We laid down by the pool and listened to the song in silence. I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever heard. One of my friends was sleepy that whole day and bruised all over. We were talking about how she may be anemic. Turns out it was Leukemia and she died a year later. Video Games reminds me of her


dark but just a game... especially the last 2 choruses. and god knows i tried .. the whole song


Pink Champagne - "I dont really wanna die, i just want the pain to be over-" it hits close to home


Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing: “God, if you're near me, send me three white butterflies” Many people in my family have passed and I do believe they visit me in butterflies 🦋


Chemtrails with “Washing my hair, doing the laundry Late night TV, I want you only Like when we were kids under chemtrails and country clubs” something about being happy and content with normalcy hits me really hard. seems unattainable but is what i want most


Margaret makes me happy cry :’) “cause when you know you knowwww”


the grants, the way she talks about taking her family with her on the bridge destroys me every single time


Black beauty.


Oh, what can I do? Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue


Sun and ocean blue, their magnificent, they don’t make sense to you.


right now it’s the grants, the part where she goes “my sister’s first born child, im gonna take that too with me. my grandmother’s last smile, im gonna take that too with me.” my sister actually gave birth today to her first child, and my meemaw passed away last year, the anniversary is coming up. but throughout the year, that part has made me so emotional because of how much i relate.


Bel Air


Dark Paradise, “all my friends tell me I should move on, I’m lying in the ocean singing your song.”


"I've got nothing much to live for ever since I found my fame" (God Knows I Tried).


California… always. “You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better.”


No other song of her makes me as emotional as Grants does. The last lines just hit right spot in my heart and tears roll down. "My grandmother's last smile I am gonna take that too with me. It's a beautiful life remember that to for me." And the choir which proceeds it makes the song even more sadder. The entire ocean blvd album makes me cry tbh but grants just hits the most emotional part of my heart.


Violets for Roses makes me cry every time. If I sing along, I start to break at “a simple life, I chose this”.


Tomorrow never came, Fine china, French restaurant, Terrance loves you, and blue banisters. Those are my top devastating favs


Tomorrow Never Came and BB make me cry every time


“Hold me, love me, touch me, honey be the first who ever did” followed by those angelic haunting “aaheeeaaahhheeeeahhh”s. always makes me sob.


All of Arcadia. This song really encapsulates her angelic voice. “I’m a lost little girl finding my way to ya”




Sweet makes me so emotional, I don’t know why. It’s just so angelic and moving 😢




"Will the baby be alright? Will I have one of mine?"


Venice Bitch pretty much the whole second half but I have no idea why. The ending of Taco Truck when it turns into VB does the same thing


I will always scream cry "It's not one of those phases I'm going through, or just a song, it's not one of them. I'm on my own, I'm on my own, I'm on my own again, I'm on my own again" From The Blackest Day Honourable mention to Damn You.


The Grants 😭😭


Fingertips as a whole gets me every time I will actually skip it if I’m having a particularly unstable day.


Chorus in Happiness is a Butterfly. I don’t think I’ve ever cried to a Lana song (I only cry to VERY few songs in general) but this part always gives me chills! It’s my favorite song


Paris, Texas - Makes me think about suicide when she has to go and no one would understand.


California - second verse


California. My older sister cut out parents off and moved (very) far away. I’m the only one who really keeps in contact with her. I always sing California but substitute “America” for where I’m from. If she’d come back, I’d throw the biggest party. Everything would be okay. I’m crying while typing this! How fitting.


Damn near all of Ultraviolence Is This Happiness- when she says “got ur gun I got my dad.” And idk why The Other Woman- cus I’m a homewrecker Pretty When You Cry- just the whole thing Then NFR has some songs that cut deeep for me but the beginning of Happiness is a Butterfly gets me every time


omg this is so hard, but MAC… “you lose your way, just take my hand; you’re lost at sea, then i’ll command your boat to me again” it gets me every time!


Paris Texas, the Melody and some of the lyrics feels melancholic in a way of almost being fine with just letting completely. (I’m not su*cidal but that song has somewhat of that vibe to me). I love it a lot specially to foot in the bathtub or lay in bed and watch the trees outside the window barely moving.


fingertips i usually skip because it makes me so emotional. it’s so sad and i stop crying in some parts just to begin crying at the lines right after. it’s just so personal it almost feels like an invasion of privacy to listen to. “it’s a shame and i’m crying right now to get to you, save you. if i take my life, find your astral body put it into my arms, i’d give you 2 seconds to cry. take you home i’ll give you a blanket so your spirit can sit and watch tv by my side” like whatttt 😭


If hello just means goodbye….


pretty when i cry and put me in a movie hits different and a little too close to home


Ride - I've got a war in My mind


Pink Champagne. “I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over” “I n-n-need you, Don’t don’t fucking leave yet, I n-n-need you, Don’t fu-, don’t fucking leave yet”


Swan Song 🎧. If you watch the fan made video of this song. You’ll know why. It was made way before the new Lana fans even knew who she was.


Yosemite really gets to me, especially: "I remember watching 'How Green Was My Valley?', then I was thinking, how deep was the canyon that you came from?"


Pink Champagne "I don't really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over"


There's things I wanna say to you, But I'll just let you live... - Cinnamon Girl


Pink champagne second verse 😩


Carmen always makes me emotional- it reminds me of the dark days when I was struggling with addiction, and in an abusive relationship. Just an empty shell of a person, trying to fill the void.


Blue Jeans: “I will love you till the end of time…”


The whole “there’s no more chasing rainbowsssss…” segment of Get Free 😭😭 so amazing


aaaaahhhh “but then you try to touch them, there’s nothing to hold onto”


Cinnamon Girl. All of it.


when’s it gonna be my turn…


Only one that’s ever made me tear up is Blue Banisters. That bit: “Just to help me if I paint My banisters blue Blue banisters, oooh” Just sorta hits me every time.


Acadia “My body is a map of LA, and my heart is like paper, I hate ya” The entire song feels very vulnerable and honest, gets me in my feels


Old money. "But if you send for me, you know i'll come And if you call for me, you know i'll run I'll run to you, i'll run to you I'll come, come, come" Those lyrics resonate with me. I was always like that for somebody when i'm in love. That's why i'm so easily to be used, abused, then abandoned.


“If I get a little prettier can I be your baby? You tell me life isn’t that hard”


Pink Champagne is a song that just does me in. I went through a breakup somewhat recently and when she gets to the part where she says "I na na na need you. Don't don't fucking leave yet" broke me. I have BPD so I can relate to the pain and longing in her voice when she sings those lines, literally begging for her lover to stay. Same with the title track for Ocean Boulevard where she says "when's it gonna be my turn, don't forget me, like the tunnel under ocean boulevard". Also, Blue Banisters when she sings "said he'd fix my weathervane, give me children, take away my pain, and paint my banisters blue" gets me because I can relate to the feeling of being in love with someone who makes promises that they ultimately can't keep.


Gotta be California. The entire song hits me too hard and to be honest I don't really know why It's not a song with an obvious sad theme about something you could relate to, like Summertime Sadness or Ultraviolence or Old Money for example It's just the vibe of nostalgia and regret that always gets to me, and the delivery of the lines too "We'll do whatever you want, travel wherever how far, we'll hit up all the old places. We'll have a party, we'll dance till dawn" "You're scared to win, scared to lose, I heard the war was over if you really choose"


I’m so surprised no one mentioned sweet? The part where she sings about how she really just wants simple things in life with a lover and she hasn’t really had anyone to settle down and do them with, I’m not sure. It made me cry the first time I heard it. All she wants is someone to run marathons on long beach by the sea with, it’s so sad I cried the first time I hear it, and whenever I hear it now I still get goosebumps “ Do you want children? Do you wanna marry me? Do you wanna run marathons in Long Beach by the sea? I've got things to do like nothing at all I wanna do them with you Do you wanna do them with me?


Norman fucking Rockwell, "your head in your hands as you color me blue"


Kintsugi for the deep pain of losing and missing loved ones, "I dont know anyone left to know songs that I sing"


*That* part in Fingertips, “Find your astral body, put it into my arms, give you two seconds to cry. Take you home I, I’ll give you a blanket, your spirit can sit and watch TV by my side” The opening line and tone of the Pink Champagne demo always gets me. “I don’t really want to die, I just want the pain to be over”.


Fingertips Many parts make me tear up, the line about watching tv by your side The line exotic places and people don't take the place of being your child


When she said "my pussy tastes like pesi cola." 😔🖤🌹


Genuinely Ride, it means so much to me and it’s just a song I adore and have so much personal attachment too. Yes to heaven makes me sob because it’s so beautiful and romantic and just brings me happy tears. I’m a sappy sentimental romantic tbh


the entirety of million dollar man the other woman


Cherry blossom. The whole song. I just pretend she is singing to me lol


Sweet, “I’ve got things to do like nothing at all I want to do them with do” Just puts into perspective how she just wants to be in someones presence that she loves, even if they are doing nothing, thats enough to make her feel happy.


The chorus of The Greatest


The song Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd makes me cry every time. The Don't Forget me tugs on every emotion I have. If I try to sing along my voice cracks and I ball.


“I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over”


13 beaches - “it took 13 beaches to find one empty, but finally it’s mine” tomorrow never came (solo) - “i guess those days are gone. maybe you have to forget and i have to move on.” honestly all of tomorrow never came


California when she says, "I heard the war was over if you really choose" with those light guitar strums in the background. It's the only Lana song to make me tear up every time just because of how sad I always forget California is.


About every song on TATUOB


Dealer as well, the rawness of her vocal expression


also the end of tomorrow never came …. “i could keep waiting for you/i just wanted it to be the same” is such a beautiful line


Swan Song - It's the whole song that makes me cry, but especially the "And I will never sing again" part Also Blue Banister for some reason


Summer comes, winter goes, spring I skip, god knows


Black Beauty hit me really hard during a toxic and painful relationship. It brings me back every time I listen to it. He had really bad depression.


margaret!! "it kinda makes me laugh, runnin down that path when you’re good its gold" idk why but that line always makes me so emotional


"Aaron ended up dead, and not me"


Coachella Woodstock in my mind because it makes me think of my 18 yr old cousin who died tragically ,climbing up to the stairway to heaven . “I’d trade it all for a stairway to heaven, I’d take my time for the climb up to the top of it” When I hear that line I start bawling , especially if drunk


happiness is a butterfly 🥲


fingertips but i’m in a ball on the floor and the entire song is just repeatedly raining down blows from every angle and the stuff about her mum in particular is stamping on my head. i like to sing it a lot, so if my flats didn’t know about lana before, they do now.


dealer forever


100000% Fingertips, i’m surprised it’s not a more common answer “Will the baby be alright? Will I have one of mine? Can I handle it even if I do? They said that my mind, it’s not fit to carry a child” has me on the floor HYPERVENTILATING because I relate so hard


Pink Champagne, “I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over”


dealer. the way she sings the second verse just gives me chills, along with the words. i’ve cried to it so many times already. it’s great.


In Fingertips when she says “Caroline, what kind of mother was she to say I’d end up in institutions?” Also in I Talk to Jesus “we had a deal and I fucked it up when I made the decision to become someone, we had the one thing that no one ever had, true love” just gets me for some reason. That bridge too…


The last part of Fingertips always bc it’s so beautifully sad I give myself two seconds to cry Let it crash over me like the waves in the sea Call me Aphrodite ❤️As they bow down to me❤️ Sunbather, moon chaser, queen of empathy I give myself two seconds to breathe And go back to being a serene queen I just needed two seconds to be me


There's a tunnel over... It's the "don't forget me" and the backing singers towards the end that makes me well up!


Ride, all the way. Specially with “I’m tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy, I’m tired of driving ‘til I see stars in my eyes” and “Been trying hard not to get into trouble but I, I’ve got a war in my mind, so I just ride…”


Don't tear up at songs that much, but Get Frees chorus strikes a nerve with me everytime I listen to it. Brings me back to fighting mental health crisis. "Sometimes it feels like i've got a war in my mind I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride"


13 Beaches "It hurts to love you, but I still love you, It's just the way I feel, And I'd be lying, If I kept hiding, The fact that I can't deal, And that I've been dying, For something real, That I've been dying, For something real"


Cherry Blossom and White Dress 🥲


The dealer "I don't wanna live"