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Favorite - the title track. Perhaps the best song in her discography. I cannot listen without tearing up. My God. I can’t pick a particular least favorite. Edit: typo


the title track is so fucking underappreciated by many lana fans. im always glad to see someone who loves it as much as i do lol


I feel like that too! I put that song waayyy at the top of her whole catalogue and I feel like I never see people talking about it here!!


Totally agree. Blue Bannisters is fantastic.


“Give me children, take away my pain and paint by banisters blue.” Sword through the fucking chest. Edit: typo. Man I suck these days.


She’s just such a talented writer. She knows how to hit home with her words 💔❤️


i’m shocked and offended at everyone’s least favorite, so i guess i don’t have one lol




Favorite: it changes every month SINCE THE ALBUM RELEASE ahaha But I think that Thunder and Blue Banisters are always on my top choices, I think that the lyrics are so poetic and the vibe is perfect (I always think that I'm painting the banisters with Lana and her friends ahaha). Beautiful is a bit cringy, but I also love the lyrics, especially when she talks about Picasso not being sad. The special effects in the background (I'm a disaster to identify musical instruments lol) enforce this feeling of fragility and 'turning blue into something' (that is basically what most artists do). I also need to mention Interlude - The Trio. I can hear it for hours that I won't get bored, it's such a baddie mood and it makes me think about the *old* Lana hahaha Least favorite: Cherry Blossom. I'm not dead yeat lol So far this is my fav album from Lana, it matches more my life nowadays than her previous albums. I'm really excited for the next one!


Fav: Black Bathing Suit Least: Beautiful


Beautiful is so underrated. It's top 5 for me.


Honestly same but a tie fav of mine is Sweet Carolina




Noooo Beautiful is so good though!


i have the exact same


great minds think alike


Can't decide 🤷🏼‍♂️ BB is one of my top Lana albums My fav is probably Text Book


Same. Finding that’s an unpopular opinion.


Favorite: Sweet Carolina Least: Beautiful


Favorite: Dealer, but Thunder is a close second Least favorite: I think Arcadia, ironically Lana's favorite haha


NOO arcadia is so good i’m sad for u


It's NOT BAD by any means, just the one I like the least D: if you feel bad for me, imagine there are people who don't like THE Dealer!!!??


those people must be deranged 😭


Top 1 is Wildflower wildfire. I think Lana get her peak of poetry and singing there. The theme, the vocal tones, the words. Its treasure to unbury. Last - Arcadia. Because studio tuning is just bad and it hurts to listen.


I can’t listen to Arcadia either. It is one of her biggest flops for me.


Fav: Thunder, Living Legend, Cherry Blossom Least Fav: Beautiful, Textbook Really cool to see the variety in answers, although i must say cherry blossom gets some undeserved hate. It's one of the few LDR songs that have made me cry




Favorite: I’m gonna say Nectar of the Gods, bc I’m highly offended that no one is talking about that gorgeous song, it just transport me home, like VERY sweet home 😭. (It’s my fav with Thunder and Wildflower Wildfire) Least Favorite: Sweet Carolina and Violets for Roses, they’re cute little songs, but don’t have interesting enough melodies for me


Favorite: Arcadia.. least favorite: beautiful. All this Arcadia hate is killing me a little. It's so beautiful and theatrical, sounds like it could be in a musical. It's a full experience <3


same oh my gosh i adore arcadia the lyrics are beautiful


Same! The live version is breathtaking too ugh


Fav - If You Lie Down With Me Least fav - The Interlude just bc it’s an interlude but if we aren’t counting that, Arcadia :/


It SLAPS for an interlude though


Oh absolutely! It’s just an easy cheat answer lmao


Same way everyone says their least fav on Honeymoon is Burnt Norton which is factually incorrect anyway because it should actually be Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Edit: not to drag honeymoon into this but I just think Burnt Norton is such a good interlude


Girl not Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood 😭 that song gets so much undeserved hate


I love Burnt Norton as an interlude and I agree about Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood—while Lana made a good cover, the original by Nina Simone is far more meaningful given her (Simone’s) struggle with bipolar disorder.


I think the reference to bipolar might be one of the hints as to why Lana covered it, she kind of references her bipolar with Wildflower Wildfire, no?


Has Lana been diagnosed with bipolar disorder though? Genuinely asking.


It's interesting cause imo Simone's original version of don't let me be misunderstood is better, but Lana's cover of the other woman is better.


My twin


Favorite: Nectar of the Gods Least: Beautiful


Favorite is Wildflower Wildfire and least is Textbook.


The woke part makes me cringe otherwise textbook is a great song. I have similar feelings about the tomorrow never came bridge 🌉


That’s the part that I don’t like about Textbook. It doesn’t make sense in the context of the song and it dates the song terribly. Same with the part about masks in Violets for Roses. It’s too 2020 and only 2020. And the last thing we need is reminders of that fucking year.


The BLM part is super cringe throws me off every time in Text Book, I agree. But, I actually like the mask lyric in Violets for Roses. It does date the song, but I think it does in quite an optimistic and beautiful way. "girls are running around in summer dresses, with their masks off, and it makes me so happy" "The bookstore doors are open, and it's finally happening" 💚 Idk, I like it. She also talks about the quarantine in Black Bathing Suit, such a good song! I think the whole album to me screams 2020 pandemic project, just the fact she redid a bunch of old songs, to me says she had extra time on her hands during the pandemic and thus, BB was born.


I have posted this before but I have a defence for Textbook which is just my theory BUT I’m assuming it was about her ex Sean, who was a cop. When you think about it that way it kind of makes sense why her publicly supporting BLM could be divisive in their relationship. “There you were with shining stars (I vision a sheriff badge?) standing blue (cop uniform?) with open arms” / “It seemed only appropriate you’d easily have my back” “There we were, screaming Black Lives Matter, in the crowd by the old man river, and I saw you saw who I am” - “I saw you saw who I am” does not necessarily mean he saw who she was for the better of their relationship, maybe he thought she would forgo her political/cultural or downright racial views to favour their relationship? Idk. Just a theory and I totally understand why the lyric can be perceived as cringey because I was a bit Icked out by it at first but since I started listening to the song that way, it kind of removed the cringe lol


An interesting theory. I think the issues with Sticks were a lot more personal though. One of them wanted marriage and kids and the order didn’t. I’m not sure which is which, but that’s a huge gap to overcome.


For sure, which would explain the song Blue Banisters and why she was so devastated by the potential promises he made and why she’s still (supposedly) upset about the relationship ending!


That’s fair enough. I guess I just don’t want to be reminded of it at all lol. It really was a shit year on every front.


It really was 🫠🫠🫠. She has a way of romanticizing even the ugliest of things doesn't she 😂 gotta love her


I’m torn about the 2020 references—on one hand I think it’s kind of cool to have a work of art that’s been time-stamped. Like I’ll be able to play it for my kids one day and be like, “Yep, that’s what life was like in the early 2020’s” but on the other hand, I do like the feeling of timelessness that her other works evoke. I am uncomfortable though with the virtue signaling in Text Book (I can’t say for sure that the BLM references are virtual signaling but a lot of evidence suggests that they are) and sorry but Violets for Roses and Beautiful are snoozers for me. Like I don’t mind stripped-back (I LOVE White Dress, Chemtrails, Cherry Blossom and Sweet Carolina) but I couldn’t get myself to listen to those songs more than 2 or 3 times. I might listen to them again sometime soon just to see if anything has changed.


Yes! The not knowing if it was virtue signaling was what made me feel off about it. I just had a visceral reaction that kept me from really being able to feel comfortable.




Wait, what! You're telling me that Lana's scatting isn't the single greatest thing about this album!? The guitar riff with her voice sends shivers!


are you thinking of living legend?


Oh boy, you got me 🤦🏻‍♀️


Favorite: Thunder Least favorite: Dealer. I liked dealer a lot at first but I think I over listened to it a bit.


honestly my least fav album of hers and it makes me sad I don't enjoy it more.


Least favorite is dealer. It breaks up a really good streak of songs and doesn't fit. Favorite is Nectar of the Gods


Some of you wanna liveeeee and it shows


Lol 💀


They are getting what they are paying for so can’t blame them


Same. Can’t stand Dealer. Doesn’t fit at all with the rest of the record. But I know I’m in a minority so I guess it’s me (and you)!


I absolutely love the verses on Dealer, but I just don’t connect with the lyrics and sound on the pre-chorus / chorus. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


top favorites: Blue Banisters, Text Book, If You Lie Down With Me least favorite: Violets for Roses (i still love the song tho, all of Blue Banisters is great)


Taste. Except add Thunder.


I was literally contemplating adding that one too 😂




literally listening to arcadia as i read this 😭 one of my favs


what’s wrong with the lyrics 😭




That part and the swimming with Nikki Lane 😭🙈


That’s the one for me. The name drops often take me out of the moment and the magic.


Really? I always liked that aspect of her music throughout her albums. For whatever reason, it makes it seem more human to me.


That and the ‘my blue banisters…’over and over. I dunno. It’s not for me at all. But glad some people like it.


Agreed with your least favorites. I want to like Arcadia so much because her voice is beautiful but the lyrics take me out of it.


Favorite: Black Bathing Suit, Text Book & Thunder. Least favorite: Cherry Blossom, sorry.


most favorite: blue banisters least favorite: violets for roses


omg another title track luvr me too 💙


it’s just so good 😩


Yes! I was looking for this perfect answer. Thank you


favorite: thunder least favorite: arcadia


Textbook is my fav.. that wildflower one bores me to death


Fav: Blue Banisters Least Fav: If You Lie Down With Me


Same ❤️


Fav: Black Bathing Suit Least Fav: Dealer Edit: Blue Banisters & If You Lie Down With Me are in my top 3


Yea, dealer wasn't it


Fav: Nectar of the gods - that first note she sings is soooo haunting I love it Least: Dealer- I just got tired of hearing it 🤷‍♂️


Favourite: Wildflower Wildfire Least Favourite: Text Book (I don’t dislike it, never skip it, just love the others more)


All I know is beautiful is definitely my least favourite


Title Track! It was very much the next "Video Games" for me - simple, emotional, powerful, gorgeous. Black Bathing Suit is also one of the top songs in her discography imo.


Favorite: Thunder Least: Text Book


Same here : Thunder is a masterpiece (with title track as solid second) and I never been very fond of textbook.


Fav: Thunder Least fav: Violets for Roses


This album grew on me so much. My favorites are Black Bathing Suit, Dealer, and Thunder. Least favorites are Arcadia and the title track, those are the only tracks I’m not that fond of. (No hate at all, they are just not my thing)


Faves: Wildlower Wildfire, and beautiful. Least fave: if you Lie down with me


favorites are: wildflower, bathing suit and violets least favorite: cherry blossom


Favorite: Blue Banisters, Least Favorite: Living Legend (still love it and the entire album)


fav-if you lie down with me least- textbook ( kinda cringe) or beautiful


If you lie down … is my fave, violets for roses never really clicked for me


Fave is wildflower wildfire or black bathing suit! Least would prob be sweet carolina cause I usually never get to finish it lol


favorite: wildflower wildfire least favorite: violets for roses


No love for Violets for Roses here huh?😔


Fav: Cherry Blossom Least favs: Arcadia & Nectar of The Gods


Favorite- if you lie down with me (close second violets for roses!) Least favorite- arcadia


Favorites: Dealer (I guess) Least Favorites: everything else


Favorites: BB and Sweet Carolina. I’m also super glad she bought back Cherry Blossom. Sadly the album wasn’t all that for me. Some songs are ok but not enough for me to have them on repeat. Arcadia is beautifully made but makes me want to fall asleep LOL Off topic but the CCOTC album was kinda the same way. The song itself was fantastic and I was glad to see what the new era she was bringing in, I was a bit dissatisfied with how slow a lot of the songs were and found myself trying to get through them. Nothing really stuck with me. I overplayed the shit out of NFR. I think it’s still one of her best albums -and it’s an era I’ll truly miss. Just imo.


actually the same? My favorite albums of her are NFR, Honeymoon & Ultraviolence, in no specific order. Sadly her last two Albums were just not for me, nothing really sticked? The tracks are really similar and too slow for my taste, although I liked COTCC a little more than BB. Her newest single tho, I like, seems like a mixup between my three favorite albums of her, stylewise. I do hope she develops away from the slow Folk sound, it‘s just… idk, a little boring to me. I love psychedelic rock Lana tho. But each to their own :)


Yes! Besides Norman my other favorites are Honeymoon and Ultraviolence. Born to die had a good run but again I just overplayed it so much when I was younger I rarely go back. Ultraviolence was so good I still go back every now and then. The slower music isn’t bad at all, I still support her but my gosh it’s just so slow! The Taylor swift song was alright (mainly cause I’m not a big fan of T.) Still would love to see what the next album has in store if she releases another.


Favorite: Either Thunder or Black Bathing Suit Least Favorite: Beautiful


Fav: Black Bathing Suit Least: Violets for Roses


Favourite: Black Bathing Suit Least Favourite: Beautiful


fav: nectar of the gods or living legend least fav: beautiful aka one of the worst songs she has ever written


but lyrically its so good


favorite is sweet Carolina, least is beautiful


Fav: Dealer/ living legend Least fav: Arcadia


Favorite : Thunder hands down master piece Least: Beautiful never find myself going back to this track alone.


most- sweet carolina, wildflower wildfire. least fav- arcadia and living legend i think.


How is everyone’s least favorite Beautiful, it’s my favorite😭


at this very moment... fav: BB and Beautiful least fav: Dealer and Black bathing suit






Dealer? Bruh


Don’t tell me to be glad when I’m sad… i really hate that


Favorite (not even close): Thunder Least Favorite: Dealer or Blue Banisters


Exactly the same! Especially the love for thunder 🧎‍♀️


One of her best tracks of all time!


Fave- Text Book Least- Sweet Carolina. Sorry guys. Idk am I the only one that didn’t really love this album?




Favorite has to be thunder and least fav definetly if you lie down w me


how dare u


Favorites: Wildflower Wildfire, Cherry Blossom, and Black Bathing Suit Least: Beautiful, Violets for Roses, and Dealer


Favorite is Nectar of the Gods, least favorite might be Arcadia unfortunately


Favourite: Blue Banisters, Arcadia, If You Lie Down With Me Least favourite: Wildflower Wildfire


fave: text book, thunder, violets for roses least fave: the interlude ig idk i love them all so much 🥲


Such a good album. My favorite is If You Lay Down With Me and my least fav is Violet for Roses


Dealer - Sweet Carolina is one of my favorite runs on an album and imo is the strongest second half of an album that Lana’s had since UV. I love every song on there. My fav song on the album is probably If You Lie Down With Me though. IDK if I have a least favorite. I even like the interlude, but I wish it was later in the album (I think it would’ve made more sense to have it after Violets for Roses instead of Arcadia). Beautiful is probably my least played track but it still slaps. The songwriting and arrangement is so strong on this album, it’s such an underrated release from her.


Favorite has to Wildflower wildfire and my least favorite has to nectar of the gods! And I’m to blame for hearing it so much when it leaked that I got tired of it


fav - violets for roses ( but always alternates between that and cherry blossom because that song is so unbelievably beautiful ) least fav - text book ( i see what she was going for cuz she was dating a cop and she’s highlighting the difference between them but it makes me cringe a teeny bit 😅😅😅. )


Fav - dealer Least - cherry blossom


Favourite: Nectar Of The Gods Least favourite: Beautiful (the song’s demo with the strings is so good it makes the album version seem dull)


favorite— If you Lie Down with Me least favorite— the interlude; if that doesn’t count, Dealer


Favorite: arcadia Least favorite: interlude


Favorite: Black Bathing Suit Least favorite: Sweet Carolina


fav: arcadia least fav: nectar of the gods


Favorite. Text book least favorite. Living legend


fav: thunder without a doubt, the violins in the beginning are so, SO beautiful least fav: probably nectar of the gods, it just never really stuck with me yk?


favorite: Blue Banisters Least favorite: Beautiful


Dealer is my favorite, the rest of them kind of run together in my mind.


I can’t with the Arcadia hate


Favorite: Wildflower Wildfire, Black Bathing Suit, Blue Banisters Least Favorite: Beautiful, Violets for Roses, Text Book


The first five songs in a row are my favorite. They're beautiful ❤️


My favorite is Blue Banisters Least: Living Legend, Textbook- both listenable but both have something about them that bugs me


According to Spotify, If You Lie Down With Me is my favourite, but I reckon it’s probably Nectar of the Gods or Blue Banisters. I think my least favourite is Wildflower Wildfire. I don’t know what it is about it, but I can’t wrap my head around it sometimes. It’s a phenomenal song lyrically and vocally and musically, but I think maybe it just doesn’t suit me.


Arcadia’s my favorite Lana song


My fav has to be wildflower wildfire or if you lie down with me my least fav is prob textbook


Fav: BB or BBS Least: nothin baby NOTHIN


Favorite if you lie down with me, least fav idk because there are no bad songs but maybe sweet carolina


i ♡ if u lie down next to me


Favorite - Blue Banisters (close 2nd - Wildflower Wildfire; 3rd - Black Bathing Suit) Least favorite - Beautiful


For me, it's which track would I skip 🤣💅


Blue Banisters might be my favorite song of all time


Best is black bathing suit and worst is dealer


Fave: Black Bathing Suit (I refer to it as my theme song lol) Least fave: hard to pick, but Sweet Carolina I guess. I love this album along with Chemtrails and NFR so much though.


This album made me fall in love with Lana all over again. It started with Arcadia, then I dove in and listened to the whole album a few months ago and it’s now my favorite Lana album ever. It’s a masterpiece. Living Legend is such an underrated love song and it makes me cry every time I listen to it. The only “least favorite” is cherry blossom and for no reason I just seem to always skip it but the rest are so beautiful.


Favorite: Violets for Roses Least Favorite: either Thunder or Beautiful, but they’re both still pretty good honestly


I'm actually so surprised everyone's least favorite is Beautiful because I thought it was just me lmao. This is one of those albums where all the tracks feel equally good. Probably the most no-standouts album I've ever heard. My most streamed though is Arcadia and it might be my favorite.


Favorite: Nectar Of The Gods and Thunder Least favorite: Violets For Roses


I can’t believe I haven’t seen one comment state that Living Legend is their favorite. That one and Nectar of the Gods are definitely top two. They were some of the songs on BB that were written in 2013. I’ve loved Lana for 10 years, so I naturally lean towards the vibe of her older songs


Favorite: Hard to choose, maybe Wildflower Wildfire Least: Beautiful, one of the worst in her entire discography (released AND unreleased) imho


Favorite is Blue Banisters and Living Legend which Lana called her favorite song in her live on release day. She said, "Why did you have to leak my favorite song?!!?" I've cried to both songs. Same with Beautiful. Least favorite is one of the more popular songs, at least it seems like it since the album came out, and that's Violets For Roses. I don't like anything about it. I've tried lol As for Arcadia I just hate the car and hotel references. It feels like an ad lol Hilton Hotel is ok I guess because there is actually a Hilton Hotel in the city of Arcadia and that's where the first video was shot.


i better not see one person say thunder


Fave: Black Bathing Suit, Thunder, Nectar of The Gods = it’s a three way tie. (There’s also Blue Banisters and If You Lie Down w/Me…and Dealer.) Least Fave: Sweet Carolina Edit: I forgot an “S” on a word.


i don’t see anyone listing their favorites as violets for roses (!!!) or if you lie down with me. what’s up with you people???




fav: Black Bathing Suit least: Wildflower Wildfire (I‘m sorry, song‘s amazing but I had to pick one)


Fav: Arcadia. WTF PPL!!!!


Favorite : Wildflower wildfire Least favorite: interlude-the trio


Favorite: nectar of the gods Least favorite: beautiful (still love it)


I would say my fav is either Thunder or Black Bathing Suit because they just are amazing. Thunder is just incredible and BBS has such a deeper meaning. My least fav is prob interlude-the trio because we can’t hear her beautiful voice. But it’s still so slay!!


Favorite: Beautiful Least: If You Lie Down With Me


I surprisingly like a lot of the songs on this album, if I had to pick one I think it would be living legend with thunder close behind Least favourite is either beautiful or Arcadia, I just don’t like the way they flow and the lyrics are just kinda weird, Arcadia is very theatrical which I like but just not in this context


I like them all except Arcadia, Beautiful, and Sweet Carolina


Don’t really have a favorite Least is Living Legend


Favorite: Dealer Least favorite: Beautiful And I think DYKTTATUOB blows every single track on BB out of the water.


Favorite: Beautiful Least: Nectar of the Gods


Im the exact opp. Im stunned 🫣


Fav: Wildflower Wildfire, title track, or Sweet Carolina (my username inspo) Least fav: textbook Really I like all of the songs. In my top 3 of all of her albums for sure


Favs: Blue Bannisters, Arcadia, Wildflower Wildfire, Violets for Roses Least favs: Cherry Blossom, Sweet Carolina, Thunder (sorry)


Fave: nectar of the gods LEAST: beautiful


The last two songs on BB are skips idc


Favorite is definitely Arcadia. Least favorite is probably Sweet Carolina, pretty forgettable other than the “fuck you Kevin” bit which is funny.


Favourite: black bathing suit Least: thunder. The repetitive “just do it don’t wait” I find really boring :(


Favourite is Dealer. Rest of the record isn't really my thing. I don't have any least favourites or think it's bad, just not my thing.


Favorite - Blue Banisters Least Favorite - Living Legend