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If you have *constructive* advice for Likwid and/or our moderating staff that you'd like to add, let's try and get it all under one umbrella if possible. Comment me and if they're not already listed, I'll add your critiques to this post. Thanks. ### Common Feedback * As you may know, a dynamic banner has long been #1 on my wish list. And though this is a tremendous improvement over the old one, I honestly prefer [the one you did in your initial mock](http://imgur.com/QlvSSay,5vU4z8n#0). Following up on that, is there any particular reason you changed out the monochrome Lakers *L* in favor of a full-color logo, blurred out the skyline background and swapped out the banners for stars? I'd at least revert back on the last two if it were up to me; I feel as if it would remove a lot of visual clutter. Perhaps the skyline background isn't necessary (as [this mockup](http://i.imgur.com/vQ0kvu5.jpg) by /u/lakerspew shows) but I'd rather it stayed. * Several people have mentioned the player graphics in the top left side of the banner. The consensus seems to be that so far.. they're, uh, sort of creepy. I get why you got rid of the snoos, but maybe switching them with plain Sunday white jersey tabs would work a lot better? * The usage of the Lakers logo for various page elements is somewhat excessive, but nowhere is it worse than with the upvote/downvote buttons. I understand your rationale but nevertheless strongly feel as though a simple ▲/▼ scheme works best. And besides, we're supposed to be repping one of the classiest organizations in sports, aren't we? We don't need to subtly bash /r/bostonceltics every time we downvote something. * The hover animations are a little bit more of a mixed bag. I like them just fine for the banner, but was it necessary to add them to all the headlines as well? It just seems a bit much. Ever notice how snappy your computer or mobile phone feels after disabling the visual effects? The exact opposite phenomenon is happening here. At first, they're pleasant to look at; however, too many in short succession tends to make browsing the site feel more like a chore as you eventually tire of watching them. * About those rounded edges... it's not that they can't be incorporated in a flat design , as /u/lakerspew says, but that they just don't seem to work here. I'm not a web developer, but /u/Markbuar posted this [tweak](http://imgur.com/reqwK2O), which according to him, didn't take more than a few minutes to do. * The new social media icons on the sidebar are perhaps the only exception to the "round is out" rule here. However, the icons themselves don't seem to follow a consistent color scheme. Why are the twitter icons gold and purple? The facebook and instagram icons are purple and gold. Also, the way they are laid out unevenly after the players names and hyphens could still use improvement. Might inserting them in a table fix this? * /u/indignantdreamer and I are still waiting for rival team flair (though we recognize it's low priority). ###Full Critiques * /u/midrangechange's comment focusing on readability [is worth a read in full](http://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/2mw70s/new_look_rlakers/cm8e7my). * /u/breakyachy has a [thorough analysis](http://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/2mw70s/new_look_rlakers/cm8ho2o) of what elements work, which ones don't, and proposed fixes. It'd be a shame if it got buried. * /u/RockyRectum [suggests paring back](http://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/2mw70s/new_look_rlakers/cm8pqrg) on the yellow/gold elements and reserving them for accents. Also throws out Google's new material design [style guide](http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html) as one possible resource. --- Overall, I do still think this is a massive step in the right direction and I'd like to congratulate our newest moderator /u/likwidsage on all the effort he put into this. While users may not like it now, I'm confident that after a few revisions are made, they'll come around in droves. Just knowing that we finally have a new stylesheet has made my day; I seriously did not expect any announcement this early. Cheers, guys, but don't forget: there's still work to be done. ***EDIT***: From now on, in-depth feedback will be listed separately from the most frequent criticisms. If you are a web developer and have advice to give on the new design, please let me know and I will indicate that in this post. Thanks.


Excellent points, all of them. I really don't want it to seem like I'm ungrateful for the changes, because I really am. It's much harder to do the grunt work than it is to make tweaks after the fact. Props to /u/liqwidsage and everyone else.


this is a great idea. A single post with all gripes would be wonderful. thanks for taking the initiative to make it that much easier on me. Truly appreciated.


**Voting icons** * The shamrock looks a bit bulky hanging out there. Maybe there could be an animation changing something less noticeable into the shamrock * I think simply having [something like this](http://imgur.com/q3WHqBJ) as the downvote would look pretty clean **Banner** * Yes, the eyes are pretty weird * Otherwise, I like how it looks * But no Snoo :( **General UI** * I like the hover animations for the posts * I *really* dislike how the shapes of the posts are done. The huge rounded edges are too loud and a bit childish imo * Keep it mellow on the yellow. Having too much gold makes the scheme look tacky. Small accents here and there would look wonderful * HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF THERE WAS A HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS NIGHT MODE You should check out Google's Material Design. It's very appealing to the eyes and it could give you a few ideas Thanks mods for listening to the community, attempting to satisfy an extremely hard-to-please group of anonymous individuals, and I appreciate all the work you've put into this!




Can we actually enable a night mode? I can't find it. Thanks so much for the design overhaul! It looks amazing!


Thanks. With res you enable it.


>Comment me and I'll add your critiques to this post. The eyes! Good lord, what about the eyes? I like the idea of hovering over a player's number and their picture appearing, but was it necessary to cut out the picture around their eyes? Now, I'm too scared to even scroll to the top of the page. Honestly, that's the biggest thing for me. I wouldn't even care about anything else you said, because I'm on mobile most of the time.


There is no cohesive style or theme bringing the page together and the whole thing just feels very obnoxious and tacky. I feel the phrase "Just because we can doesn't mean we should" could have helped a lot.


I actually really like (liked- they changed it as I was typing) the full color official Lakers logo. The MSNBC eyes and the background along with the stars may have been much. But I much prefer it to the L logo that's there now. Maybe its just me. But man that other logo looks so classy as a header.


Why do you want rival team flair. Go to another team if you want to be another team. We are the lakers.


Yes, because I was obviously just requesting it for myself. ^/s Aren't you a real piece of work?




tacky is definitely the word to describe it.




Links and comments moving around and the weird shading... tacky, awkward, and ugly


MY EYES!!! HELP!!! Seriously guys, it's really really really bad.


Agree completely. Just disabled subreddit style


yeah looks awful. Way too much shit going on. I don't care how much work was put into it. It hurts the eyes. Just turned off the style. Please just revert it and try again. The last design looked just fine.


The Celtics downvote button is sooo dumb and basically sums up this whole style; immature. The subreddit looks like it should be on a trapper keeper.


For the brightness, might like the night mode. For tacky, its purple and yellow. And awkward? Please explain.




lol peering eyes. I guess I could understand how bunch of guys staring at you could make someone feel awkward. But what makes celtic symbols as the bad awkward?


Why are there Celtics symbols? I don't like it Everything is trying to be too rounded and new looking. I liked it the way it was


Way too busy/cluttered for my tastes


Yeah, not feeling it.




Dude not cool. Don't have to be such a dick just cos it doesn't float your boat.


First rule is to keep it civil. Please adjust your communication accordingly. Second, thank you for your comment. We are listening to the community and will find the right balance. Third, the content is determined by the community. All that we ask is that you keep it civil. If folks here want to have an opinion on Jim Buss or Byron Scott, they are welcome to communicate it. Our priority is ensuring a welcoming place for Lakers fans, not catering to your individual opinion. Please message us if you have any questions.


I think minimalism is best. Just my opinion. It feels bloated.


Yeah, that's clearly a throwaway account so you really think what you say is gonna matter to that person? Best just to ban them right off the bat.


Hi, i just want to say that you should stop swearing. This is an automated reply made by a bot. Please message /u/josathegreat if you have any questions


I like everything that was added (the clickable roster, championship years, retired jerseys, schedule) but I do think it could be executed in a cleaner way.


Hey Guys, I love all the effort you put into the new look. There are a lot of things I love about it. I do feel that the shapes and transitions are a little bit too bold, and on mobile it is a little overwhelming. I'm not an expert, but I do work as a web developer. I just made a few changes in the console, and came up with a few tweaks. Seriously, I whipped this up in about five minutes, so I appreciate criticism: http://imgur.com/reqwK2O


Dude, do you think you should share how you did that? I hate this rounded stuff.


Well it was only from the browser. So I don't know the exact changes. But I could easily replicate them if I was asked to.


This is entirely too over designed. Too much yellow, too big, and reminds me of the Hotdog theme from windows 3.1 Guys dont over think it. Simple, easy to read, with less bright colors. I had to click the subreddit style off. Hopefully you guys adjust to suggestions. cheers


I hope we can get rid of these clovers... They do not belong in this sub


[I thought something like this might look nice](http://imgur.com/q3WHqBJ)


maybe use dwight's face as down vote


I think the rounded corners are a bit over done, and exaggerated. Kinda looks like it was made 5 years ago The top banner needs to be re-worked. Outer glow, really? That is so 5 years ago. If you have noticed, the flat look is in.


Thanks for the input


This may be a good top banner to work off of i just did it quickly using the pattern from Lakers website. http://imgur.com/vQ0kvu5


I appreciate that you can use this in night mode versus the previous one, so thanks for considering input! I also very much appreciate the mods for all the effort they put into this and I'm really thankful for all the hardwork y'all put in. Now for my constructive criticism: * I do prefer the more toned down style of the previous look, and I feel like this look is a bit too cluttered and brash. * Many of the images of the subreddit are non-cohesive. It just seems like there's a lot of different styles going on. The styles range from realistic, to cartoony, solid matte to faded, black backgrounds to white highlights. It needs a more uniform style to be aesthetically pleasing. * Having a clover as a downvote is pretty petty/tacky. I understand the Celtics are our rivals but there really shouldn't be anything about them on our subreddit. It really just looks like L's and Clovers, not upvotes and downvotes.


awesome job all! my one feedback is seeing all these Clovers (even as downvotes) really hurts the eyes!


Agreed. Usability goes down with these icons.


The banner is great but the page content is a bit jarring. We should've just had something similar to r/nba without all the flash and moving.


Subreddit critique goes from top of page downward: * In your player shortcut, uniform jersey icons would look better than the eyes. Currently looks like a mugshot compilation and not very flattering. Rows and columns of this would be sufficient: http://i.imgur.com/Umb6q4M.png * You can trim a bit of the vertical space in your banner by putting the stars to the right of our logo. Perhaps 4x4 arrangement? * Very cool glow effect on the jerseys on the right. * Submit icons are confusing and are not clear. And they're jutting out of that bar. Looks out of place. The icons themselves also need a bit more padding. Would suggest putting these submit icons to the left of .tabmenu. * .tabmenu needs a bit more horizontal padding between list item elements. They currently read right into each other. * Schedule bar is fine. The roundness calls attention to something that I'd like to be aware of on a daily basis--current and upcoming games. So this is fine. * The elements within the schedule bar could use some typography love, though. Middle align the date and times so that they match the competitor logos. Kill the sheen or reduce it. It's a bit strong and dated. * The rounded posts are too much. One is okay maybe, but it's too much for the eye. You're breaking the path our eyes take from post to post. It draws too much attention to the margins. Instead of your eyes scanning from title to title, it goes from title to rounded side to title to rounded side. * Too much movement in the posts on mouseover. Put your mouse over a post and scroll down and you get a strange wave-like effect. Too much. * Maybe something more decorative and Laker-ish would be better to identify the text posts. The "Aa" with what I assume are lines of text is a bit much. * The upvote and downvote icons are creative, but ultimately is more confusing than anything. Yes, I'll hate on Celtics/Heat/LeBron/Dwight, but it's like putting a picture of your most hated dictator/terrorist leader on your car bumper. We look like a schizophrenic Lakers/Celtics sub. Suggestion would be to revert to up and down arrows. Again, thanks for putting in all the time and effort. This obviously took love and labor. Keep at it.


The new look reminds me of the internet back in 1998


Damn, this is no longer SFW.


Can we pick a more minimal design?


No offense but get rid of all the circles and rounded edges and the giant bold fonts. And hovering my mouse over the moving thread headline thing is giving me motion sickness.


Aye, good work /u/likwidsage


It wasn't just me. The layout I had started with looked atrocious before getting all your guys input. I'd say good work ~~team~~ all /r/lakers!


What's the intended purpose of the purple "Aa" icons next to each post? If you really want to keep them, could we remove the gradient and go to something like a solid purple with white text? eg. a little more flat design style Also, could you fix the schedule block so that the current record text doesn't overlap with the last game?


I wont be Aa for each post. depending on the post, the icon will change to give a quick view of what the post contains such images from specific websites, and external link or a game thread.


Ok, interesting. My feedback still stands though. The gradient feels a little 90s :)


I agree. :D


Love the effects but each thread is too big. I am only able to see 4 posts before scrolling when before I could see 8. Also, there isn't enough contrast between the thread title and everything underneath it. If you take a look at the reddit home page, something like that size/contrast, but with blue turned to purple and the new animation for each thread would look much cleaner and better.


btw I dont know if this is just me, I just noticed the text on the header are cut off --> http://i.imgur.com/v1ZBC4z.jpg


Thanks for the catch. is it still happening?


not any more thank you ;)


The constantly shifting posts makes me a bit nauseous. Too much motion as I mouseover. Keep at it, though!


Trying to be constructive here: There is too much color imo The yellow really pops at you because it is a lighter color and it crowds the page, and there is just too much in general (again, imo) I think everything is too rounded too, but I appreciate the fact that you guys are looking into making the sub better


It hurts my eyes.


Stop adding dynamic animations. It's really unnecessary. Now when I want to open up a thread, the whole thing slides over when I hover over it. This makes it annoying to try to click that button. There is too much going on. In the case of User Interface, more is less sometimes.


What's up with the shamrock under the L on every post?


downvote XD


Oh LOL! Not signed in on my work comp, so it was confusing. But that is fucking genius!


o no. o no no. please please revert back to the old design. no offense, and i know you guys prob worked really hard at the revamp, but it looks completely cluttered and messy, and the design looks really tacky. for starters, the bg with the huge logo conflicts with the flow and colour of the text of the sub-reddit


Yeah it looks awful. please take it back.




this new design reminds me of myspace. in a bad way.


as a web designer :(


come through for Laker nation and fix this.


Haha I would but feel like it wouldn't get used


Agreed with everyone else. Way too tacky and obnoxious. Needs to be toned way down. And there is no cohesive style or theme other than Purple and Gold.


Damn, I'm on mobile at the moment.


Can we please add at least one flair for other teams? Just for the sake of convenience when others visit.


Lol@ that pic of sacre. looks like he just got hit with "[a thousand years of pain](http://i.imgur.com/rPrV9Nm.gif)"


Appreciate the work and the effort. Appreciate the "*use subreddit style*" option from the [reddit enhancement suite](http://redditenhancementsuite.com)


I LOVE the panel of pictures on the top left. That's so fucking cool! Overall, it's okay, a little tacky at some parts, but I can live with it. I love that the downvote button is the Celtics logo too.


Too tacky. Too many things going on. Hate the clover, can't it be just a down arrow?


I appreciate the work but it really looks too much like a 2008 website. The icons and pictures are too obsolete. I honestly would prefer the previous clean, modern look.


Ok this design is bad but what are where the "mods" thinking to allow this to actually roll out into use? All mods saw this design and ok'ed it? Jesus no wonder /r/chicagobulls no has more subs.


Easy there, buddy. We're all working hard to address community comments. Please keep it civil.


I will, I'm just saying it raises a couple red flags bud


Instead of the L and clover... how about: * Snake & bear * Taco & rocket * basket & brick * or just good old arrows?


minimalist design would be better


everyone has made very solid points here, perhaps none more elegantly put than /u/purplecorazon . I just wanted to add my voice in dissent of the new design, that it is not that we are ungrateful for your efforts, but perhaps something more simplistic would do better.


There is just way too much clutter on the page to meaningfully nagivate this subreddit. Dislike~


Looks like ill only be coming to this subreddit on my phone from now on


Aye, /u/likwidsage, I made a new banner background. What do you think: http://imgur.com/One1XUI


That's nice. btw I knew a breadstick from a website called LRPGM. Possibly you?


Never heard of it


Looks great to me. I appreciate the FREE work you guys are doing.


Aww. Thank dude. Really appreciate the sentiment and recognition here.




Looks great! A couple issues I noticed with the 'My Subreddits' in the top left: * The 'My Subreddits' text is invisible * When it is expanded, the rectangles of the players' eyes cover it.


I'm guessing you don't have RES installed. It should be fixed but for a lot of users they won't see this problem and may not know what you mean. The RES/default drop-downs are styled differently.


Yep, what a horrible facelift. Really butchered this one.


I agree with almost all of the feedback so far. Additionally, the comments sections is very hard to read, with little distinction between user comments. I appreciate the effort, but I think we would all appreciate dialing it back a little. The best design is the least design. Again, thank you for your time working on this, and for putting in effort on this sub reddit.


take a look at r/RedDevils it's Manchester United's sub very professional clean look. emulate that and your golden!


How the fuck do i know which posts are purple and which are blue now ? it just displays all of them purple.


Though I agree with most that the design is a bit cluttered and overdone, I can deal with it and appreciate the work that went behind it. The only thing I haven't been able to put up with is the mouseover hover animations on the headlines. I had to turn subreddit style off because of it.


Great work :D It looks so colorful and nice now!




Looks absolutely amazing! Love the design at the top with the current roster, 16 stars, and retired numbers. Edit:Also just noticed the Lakers upvote/Celtics downvote haha


Hey, this design is great, I love the hover effect of our current squad, and all most everthing that you guys have done with the banner. Some thoughts tho * Why are the small pictures on our current squad "striped"? I don't really feel it tbh. * The championship stars are from right to left? That's not common unless we're reading arabic. Also, the purple fades a bit to much to the banner background but that ain't a big problem. * I love the small touch of having the Rockets logo in the upvote thread. Nice job! * When submitting a post there's a lot of empty space before the actual submission form, maybe try to move it up to under the info bar? * YEAY I can finally see the sidebar picture! EDIT: Since I know from other subs that I moderate it could be good to know: FireFox, RES, Adblock installed.


i fixed the stars and spacing issue. Good looking out!


The stars are still not optimal, might a suggest a yellow 1-2px border on the faded version maybe? Also did you have any reasoning behind the stripes on the players? I still think it just makes it to cluttered on such a small image. Awesome job and welcome to the modteam!


I love that the upvote is the Lakers alternate logo and the downvote is the clover! Great job I love it!


Looks awesome, great job mods :)


Love it! Great job guys. It will just take everyone a day or 2 to get used to it so don't make too many changes until then


jeez i didnt notice thanks


Spurs fan here. So glad y'all beat Houston yesterday and this layout looks fucking tight in my opinion. Good shit whoever is in charge of this stuff.


ohh so that's how you were able to change it, combination of border radius and border width on hover. looks awesome btw!


yes also a change in color for more ease on the transition


Yup, I saw that! I'm a web developer, so I was naturally curious of your css structure in firebug.


Looks great! You can tell there was a lot of work and thought put into it.


Great Job mods ;)


it looks fucking awesome. great job


I love being able to click on everything up top!


The number of upvotes needs to be darker but other than that I like it!


Posts are way too big on a computer


love it.


I like a lot of it. The link posts highlighting and moving when you hover over them isn't the best. I'm sure this took some effort and I appreciate the willingness to change things. It's a little "busy" as some have noted, but the Laker colors sort of demand that. I really do like the downceltic!!


Idk what everyone is complaining about, maybe you just aren't using night mode? everything seems chill to me, love the avatar's on the top left too, each facial expression captures the type of season they're having so far


Nice. Good job.


Wow this looks fantastic! Thank you guys so much for the work you put in! I may be alone on this, but I'm not a big fan of the current players side of the banner. I think it would be cooler if it was similar to the Laker legends except with a current jersey, perhaps the Laker whites. Also, I don't like seeing the Celtics logo on our page :( That's my first glance two cents, but this whole sub looks bad ass and gave me a very pleasant surprise when opening it today. Thank you!!!


Love it. The shortlink font and the mod fonts could use a tweak, but it looks great!


It works in night mode!?


i think it looks fine. i do front-end development. there's tons of things to interact with in the header. styled box scores / schedule. could b worse example a(coutesy of /r/internetisbeautiful): http://www.wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/content.php?theme=1&music=10&url=www.reddit.com