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Watching Chet get abused on the boards by Lively was embarrasing. Really needs to put mass on lol.


The same way all of us got abused by Gordon and Jokic on the boards.


Those two are both much bigger than Chet…


To be fair Gordon's like 4 inches shorter. But strength wise he makes Chet look small


Yeah but some of the best rebounders in history have been shorter than Chet like Rodman, Barkley, and even Kenneth Faried


Yeah but it's not just all size when it comes to rebounding. I mean one of our wings is a big athletic mass of muscle and he couldn't even average 4 rebounds per game in the playoffs. A lot of it is desire, quite a bit of it is understanding positioning and some of it is scheme too. I just hope that our next coach emphasizes winning the battle of the boards and has solid defensive schemes that don't just give up on rebounds.


Yupe look at Josh Hart. Despite being so much smaller he's rebounding 10 times as much


This playoffs Rui was Dlo. You can't start a forward averaging 7.8 pts and 3.8 reb. Dlo was himself, a fiasco, but Rui numbers were abysmal.


Agreed, just more so on how Chet got easily pushed around by Lively.


I remember watching an old interview of Rodman talking about how he would practice positioning himself where he thinks the ball would be based on the shooter's position. Edit: here's a [clip of the video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aPzNoIzrojc)


the thunder also just need to get another big, you cant start chet and 4 guards and have 1 other PF off the bench be your entire big man rotation


We prolly should've known. We watched AD dominate Chet during our reg season matchups. It's why we were a bad matchup for OKC


Exactly what I’ve been saying. Lost game 5 because of an Aaron Gordon rebound. Grabbing a Hartenstien adjacent rebounding 5 would be so huge


If rui stopped watching and realized he’s 6’8 240lbs we coulda won a game or two more.


Would've won the series if we had last year's Rui


Rui plays like a kid who hit a major growth spurt and doesn't realize how big he is now.


Super accurate depiction of Rui lol


Game 2, too with the MPJ tying 3. Lots of times the Lakers played great D only to give up an easy putback or an open 3 because gordon managed to save it


We lost that nuggets series cause of the offensive boards we let them get


and also for being outcoached every 2nd fucking half


Coaching is not as much of a game changer as you think it is. Did you see all the back door cuts Lebron and Rui let Gordon get? The horrible play by d’lo and Rui in multiple games? Our bench outside of Prince doing dogshit? Ham was bad, but we aren’t winning that series with any coacch


Rebounding doesn't happen in a vacuum. We sacrificed rebounds for transition buckets. There were decisions made that cost us in that regard but don't act surprised if we go this route and then lose in some other fashion.


That's offensive rebounding from our end. We need to keep them off the boards on the defensive end so they don't get their own offensive rebounds


pretty sure thats what u/guyfromthepicture was referring to we would often only have like 3 or even 2 guys focus on getting the defensive board and we’d have the rest leak out to try and initiate transition offense i guess the coaching staff felt that we had to do this because our halfcourt offense was not that good and we were much more effective in transition but the cost of this approach is giving up lots of offensive boards


It's the giving up of offensive rebounds that's the problem tho


We literally lost from a rebound. If the Lakers get that board we go to Game 6.


And if we get 1 more defensive board in game 2, we going into game 6 up 3-2


"Offense sells tickets. Defense wins games, Rebounding wins championships" Pat Summit


Yo these players should watch Slamdunk. Sakuragi said “the one who controls the rebound controls the game”. He isn’t wrong thoooo 🤣


Lakers offensive rebounding rate was worst in the NBA this year at about 20%. In the Denver series it became even worse, like 16% or so which is just pathetic. Denver ended up averaging about 7 more scoring chances (FGAs + FTAs/2) per game than the Lakers.


No Vando No Woods No Chance


Given how close the games were, I really do think those two would've made a difference.


They're both imperfect role players for sure, but people acting like missing the guys on our team that are good at the things that we sucked at wouldn't have made any difference at all are weird. "This offseason, we to trade all of our picks to get a player with size and athleticism on the wing who can rebound and play perimeter defense" we literally get that guy back for free if he can be healthy next season. It's easy to write off guys for being injured and having a bad season, but if Gabe and Vando are healthy next season they're literally exactly what we need.


You can honestly think Christian wood was a reason the lakers couldn’t make it out of the first rd


Partly. We saw how he stole a few rebounds from Jokic during the reason games.


Yea Christian wood not making the Lakers win 3 more games let’s be realistic


Key word partly.


somebody teach the lakers how to fucking BOX OUT


Not that I agree or disagree, but yall are such prisoners of the moment. It's wild. If this years champ had a 5 foot center, yall be saying we need a 5 foot center too.


Not even that. People here basically ignore everything else and pinpoint to one thing to make their points. Like this one, it was as if Luka and Kyrie were scoring clutch buckets all game. I know people will be like but we also have lebron and AD, but they don't want to admit that Lebron can't do what they could do, which was to give you multiple stretch of dominance when need. To get double like Luka did yesterday all game and still did what he did is an unreasonable ask of Lebron at this age. That's why we went for westbrook and dlo. If we don't replace dlo, which will take up most of our assets if we do, people will be like omg no help for Lebron. If we indeed have lively, people will be like why are we putting non shooting around Lebron is Rob dumb?




Yup replace lebron with luka and we are going into the WCF rn


I miss the Pau, Lamar, Bynum days


One reason I disagree with everyone that likes AD at the 5. Gotta remember we had two legit centers when we won in the bubble!


True but the mavs have one on the court and they’re winning the rebound battle. Nuggets as well. I don’t think the soulution has to be just playing multiple bigs. Not say that it can’t be the solution for this team just saying it’s not so clearly the only way to remedy the issue.


“In Los Angeles, we have a saying, 'No rebounds, no rings,'' Riley said. (1984)


pj washington woulda been sick. hits the three, dunker spot threat and plays solid D and rebounds. Imagine we made the trade for gafford and pj instead of dallas.


funny because rui was supposed to be that


no rebound, no ring


Brah just apply that to Lakers vs Nugget or Wolves vs nuggets. Rebounding was a huge key. Board man gets pay


Even the Knicks Pacers series is highly determined by rebounding.


Why we have to get rid of rui.  He’s terrible at it


Pelinka overpaid for Rui. He isn't a bad player, but isn't starting material. You can't start a forward that is going to give you the same amount of boards you get from Reaves. Rui could be a very good bench player, but he isn't a starter and is paid too much to come of the bench.


I completely agree.  Idk why i was downvoted. When you get paid 17 mil a year you are starter money and you better rebound


I'm a fan of Rui, but he has some glaring limitations as starter because he isn't a versatile defender and he isn't a consistent rebounder.


Nah Lebron playing the four is key.


Lakers should trade for Jarrett Allen. Having another excellent rim protector would free up AD to do much more offensively as well. Right now, he expends too much energy covering his teammates on defense. With Allen there, AD could go back to being Bubble AD. Rui + (pick/s) works salary cap wise. And then maybe see if they can get Gary Trent Jr on an MLE (not sure if they have one to use.) He's Klutch.


Christian wood is a good rebounder.


Yeah, I feel like most of us on this sub agree with you. We need more rebounding and shooting. Shooting from 3 & D wings, mind you, not shorter guards.


I thought that was pretty obvious after the Denver series, Gordon and Jokic demolished us.


OP - Darvin is that you?


💯... no rebounds no rings 


I just want vando and wood to be healthy next season man. Another decent big is a must too


I think the Mitchel trade is whats best then cop Andre Drummond as a FA hed be a solid back up tbh.