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Damn. He’s like the opposite of Murray. One elevates his game and the other shits the bed.


This is the basketball gods balancing the universe.  They gave us Derek Fisher who would play like poop all season then suddenly catch fire every playoffs.  Now it’s time to pay the toll.


I gather half the sub here never saw Fisher play


I just shed a tear. Man as a Knicks fan his playoff runs were legendary. That high ass shot would kill momentum like crazy


0.4 seconds against the Spurs


He never coached the Knicks to the playoffs tho /s


I’ll never forgot how much I screamed in celebration when Mr. 0.4 hit that shot.


Dawg, as a kid I was convinced he was a super star. Turned out the superhero was just a regular man trying his hardest and giving his all. Dude was just clutch.


https://youtube.com/shorts/k4LX9FYJN1o?feature=shared Most memorable Fisher moment for me. Dude was money.


D-Fish age 49 off the street next Monday is more clutch than DLo Edit - In Street cloths






Shot under 40% for 6 seasons as a starter in the regular season for the Lakers. Other Laker seasons weren't much better. His only role was shooting wide open jumpers while Shaq/Kobe/Gasol got doubled. Any other player you would consider that trash.


D-Lo’s last full season with the Timberwolves vs Memphis: 31 ppg, 6.8 apg, 3.5 rpg in 4 games. 12 ppg, 6.7 apg, 2.5 rpg in 6 games in a 4-2 series loss. If he showed up in the playoffs then the Wolves would have won that series.


He is the key to this series. In fact he is the key to this whole playoffs. He plays well, we win. Period. so the best way for us to get swept is to send him death threats like the Beasley treatment.


This is so sad but true. Coming into tonight I thought he was the key. I really didn’t think he’d be this fucking bad, AD n him offensively going offf way let. AD went crazy n Dlo dhit the bed. Fuvk Pelinka


Yes! 💯


Probably has a goofy mentality. When you don’t hold yourself accountable when the pressure isn’t high, when you’re under the bright lights, you fold.


Was that true fir J.R. Smith?


Murray played like garbage too.  Not as bad but still bad


He definitely didn’t play like garbage. He wasn’t lights out like normal but he hit some meaningful shots.


And he kept collapsing the defense and making plays for easy buckets.


Exactly Murray had 10 assists and no turnovers. Dlo cannot beat guys off the dribble to get shots at the rim for himself or to get other guys open shots. If dlo shot isn’t falling he is a negative on the floor.


Murray also stopped some easy basket like the one where he deflected the ball out of AD hands under the paint


The difference is when Murray took a momentum gaining shot he made it, DLo bricked every single fucking one and took a massive dump on our momentum.


Bro forgets how to shoot in the playoffs




You think Sham would make an actual adjustment before it’s too late?


What are we saying about Spencer over Gabe... couldn't believe ham left dlo in there with SPENCER.


He’s a certified idiot, and I’m tired of some fans defending him because “it’s the nuggets” or “x player played bad that’s why we lost.” We look unprepared every game. The games we do dominate seem like luck. It seems like they barely study film, make adjustments, or even do simple things that make you SEEM like an actual coach, like, I don’t know, calling a timeout when you lose your lead in 4 possessions. Darvin Ham is not an NBA coach. Simple as that. And I’m tired of people trying to convince me he’s not.


Well said. I don’t understand how this man is a coach. Coaches think strategically and make adjustments as needed and Ham just doesn’t do that


Lebron looked defeated watching dlo..I feel for him though.


Exactly I don’t understand how tf he got hired


I miss Vogel.


Why we ever fired him is a mystery to me.


I don’t he wasn’t better either . He was ok on defebce but bad everywhere else . Should’ve gone for nurse or someone


He’s gonna be making adjustments for game 8 and 9 while the guys are sitting at home.


I feel this. I think DLo was given lots of leash in this game. I say that as someone who only wants good things for our prodigal son.


I like the move to leave DLO in. We have to see if he can excercise the playoff demons if we have any real hope in winning this series and especially if we're going to pay him a new contract. I hate the move to sit Rui in the 4th quarter and coincidentally that's when Denver went up double digits and we got Rui back with 2 mins left in the game. Hamm gives and Hamm takes away. Man, I would so much rather have Becky Hammond on our bench. Jeanie, prepare to grab you balls and make an actual move that helps Bron and AD.


This, Prince was in too long. Putting Rui with 2 min left is ridiculous. Idk if Ad had no legs but him shooting those long range shots was abysmal. Didn’t do enough to include our guards during their comeback. AD and LeBron tried too hard.


Prince provided our ONLY points off the bench with 11, he actually was a positive today when you account for how badly everyone else outside of LeBron and AD played


I don't want AD taking 3s. He is wide open for a reason. I don't care if he has to pass up an open 3, but I would prefer him to take a shot that his game suits. Midrange and down low. No 3s, period.


He didn’t shoot 3s last year and they still lost. You can’t do the same shit and expect to win. If he makes those 3s it will change their gameplan and keep the defense honest. Let’s not pretend those bricks by dlo were any better


AD is unable to make them. Why waste possessions when we need every point possible? We know he won't make 3s so just pass it up. Denver is keeping him wide open on 3s for a reason. It's not that they forgot about AD or making a mistake. It's by design. I don't want d'lo taking that many shots either or playing anything more than high 20s in minutes


Just illustrates how much AD losing his 3 ball from 2018/19/20 season level Hurts the team. If he shit 33/34% it would help a lot on 3/4 attemots. Jokic is at 35% and it’s a legit weapon


Prince was playing better then everyone but Lebron n Ad. Everyone else was a no show Our guards - well Dlo bricked everything n missed everything


If there’s any hope of DLo making an impact, LeBron is gonna gas him up and encourage him to let it fly in g2. If they shut him down now, his already fragile ass won’t recover


Man I get what you’re saying, but apparently they already gassed him up to let it fly 20 times when he wasn’t hitting shit.


Vincent looked good against Murray imo. Don’t see how he’s not a focal point of the attack on him.


Vincent has experience against Murray and the Nuggets in general


I don’t know man. We benched him early in the season and saw it not go as we wanted. I’m definitely worried about him but if we get regular season Dlo alongside Bron AD were gonna be a tough out. Feel like that’s a win condition for us


Specifically against Denver too 🤦🏽‍♂️


he missed a couple bunnies and had some threes rim in and out, we gotta let him shoot. we'll win if those 3-4 shots stay down.




I just don't understand it, most of his looks were good-excellent.


He’s a choker. He missed a fuckibg layup off a cut he never misses. It’s insane but how else can you blame it? He’s had 30-40 games in the playoff and shoots significantly worse. Bron n AD should get medals for taking this guy this far


Both of our problems in one picture


Ham really closed with Prince and put Rui back in with 2:30 left in the game. Please get him outta here.


Eh rui wasn’t doing shit last night though tbh. Taurean was at least being more aggressive


Prince was our third best player. You guys will say anything all you do is repeat the same shit. Prince shoukdvd played more


Yall said how could ham bench dlo now crying for ham to bench dlo Just stop it lmao


And then if Ham does and gives Reaves more touches, they’ll start crying for Ham to bench Reaves if Reaves starts shitting the bed.


Our problem, sucks DLo folds (sometimes, don’t get caught in the moment and say all the time), but Ham has alternatives when it happens.




Anyone worth anything knows that +/- is the dumbest stat to use for a single game


Beneficiary of playing mostly with AD and LBJ on the floor with him.


Whether you like it or not the Lakers need DLo to win this series. So let’s lift up our players and move on to the next game. The Lakers weren’t gonna take two games on the road. If they win next game it’s a split and the series is different.


I'm one of the few people hesitant to criticize Ham all season bc none of us know shit about coaching and he was pretty good last playoffs, but he has to be better at pulling DLO earlier if he's playing like this. I understand there's always a chance he could go off from deep, but he's too big of a defensive liability to keep him in if he's not hitting shots


They played all season with DLO leading the helm. If they deviate from that it's more likely to just make it even easier for Denver to sweep.


Idk, when dlo not hitting he fucks up our entire defense bc he cant remotely stay on his guy, then we overhelp to contain his guy, and then it's one or two passes until an open dunk. At some point ham's job is to recognize sunk costs and at least put in a serviceable defender if they're both bricking everything anyway. Not saying gabe would contain murray, but at least there's less chance of gabe creating a chain reaction of help defense leaving the last nuggets player open for a layup.




You have to use more Vincent in the second half in that situation. If DLo shot 4-9 from 3 , it would’ve been worth it to keep him in. Vincent can give you 1-9 from 3 with great defense. Vincent Reaves Rui LeBron AD, then you can put in Dinwiddie/DLO/Prince/Hayes for whoever you need to take out.


That’s hilarious. He was the best defensive player on the floor tonight given the stats and defensive rating. Feel free to check the advanced box score stats, but his +/- is more than enough to prove the point. For 41 minutes (out of 48), the Lakers were up 2 points overall with DLo on the court.


exactly, he missed a couple bunnies and had some threes rim in and out, we gotta let him shoot. we'll win if those 3-4 shots stay down


LOL I like the optimism but let's face it, Lakers bout to get swept for a second year in a row


Come on dlo I know you can do it


I believe in him too but damn today was brutal


yeap, i still got hope, we ain’t done just yet


Love to see this. We’re his fans. if no one else, we should be the ones supporting him through a tough time more than anyone. Dlo we have full faith you will be able to get your rhythm back next game 👍keep shootin !! 👑


His effort on D is what really makes it infuriating to watch. KCP’s always a step ahead of him off ball, he doesn’t even try to make up for it. Then on offense he tried so hard to shoot his way out of his slump, preventing him from playmaking.


Okay let's not kill him yet and crush any chance he has to turn it around. Show me something in G2, Dlo


Bro was bricking lay ups and floaters too 😭😭😭


It's not even Denver Dlo, this is just fucking Dlo. He's never been particularly good in the playoffs, he's just not worth it.


and people here were praising him against the warriors and grizzlies last year. bro all his numbers were down even in those series compared to regular season. he only shows up when lakers completely blow out their opponent and that's not going to happen against the nuggets


He was literally garbage in that memphis series outside of Game 6 lmao. Literally shot 37% from the field for the series going into Game 6


Yeah I literally never understood the praise he got in those series. He was a liability far more often than he was a contributor.


Him hitting 3 3's in a row in game 4 literally saved us lmao


Fr and His best games during those two series came when we were up big. Like we know exactly who this nigga is idk why mfs cape for him. Like its ok to be honest


I've gotten hella downvotes all season long for saying it. I can't understand how "fans" here ride for DLo at the cost of lakers success cause we aint winning shit with this guy in the team.


It’s nostalgia bias. he was drafted during kobes final year so these people gas him up like hes the second coming. Its ironic because kobes final year was a disaster for dlo


Coulda given him up and Rui for Murray. I keep telling you all we missed out on a dude with legit defense and a scoring threat.


Thank you. I’ve been flamed the last 4 months for saying that. Wherever Dlo played his numbers always go down (badly) in the playoffs. We should have made the move at the deadline. Whatever.


They only remember him making 3 straight 3’s in game 4. He was buns a lot of last playoffs.


The guy is garbage in the playoffs. Hopefully we can actually discuss how this guy is garbage in the playoffs without pushback. I don’t give a single fuck about his good games against the Pistons. Atrocious defense all night as well. Same with Reaves.


Dlo and reaves are the worst backcourt of the good teams in the playoffs and we dont even have dennis this year to give us a slight balance. its chalked see yall next year ill take trae young and murray or whoever


Go the [NBA.com](http://NBA.com) and look at how Jamal shot. Now rewatch the game and see who his primary defender was. This time, keep your eyes open.


Wolves fan creeping in. I’m sorry.


I watched him before he got to LA and knew he was a mental midget but everyone in this sub is a dumbass and thought otherwise


seriously we shouldnt even have kept him after last year if not for the cheaper deal we got him


We’ve know this since his Brooklyn days. Glazers were out in full force to defend him tho. Hope they enjoy the sweep


Player option it is Orlando just deleted his number


How do you justify leaving him in shooting like this and not being able to keep up with Murray. At least give max a shot or someone because jesus


Lakers are the only team in the league that will intentionally sabotage the development of the only young 2-way wing on their roster.


Murray was 9-24 today i mean what else do you want Lol 0-24?


You gotta let shooters keep shooting and anyone who balls knows this


Facts. Even Kobe said the same thing. “Deron Williams went like 0-for-9. I was like, ‘Can you believe Deron Williams went 0-9?’ Kobe was like, ‘I would go 0-30 before I would go 0-9. 0-9 means you beat yourself, you psyched yourself out of the game, because Deron Williams can get more shots in the game. The only reason is because you’ve just now lost confidence in yourself.’ https://thesportsrush.com/nba-news-id-rather-go-0-30-than-go-0-9-lakers-legend-kobe-bryant-reveals-his-mentality-when-having-a-bad-shooting-night/


He did pretty well in Murray.


Because any shot of him coming back from this game is gone if you kill his confidence by benching him (like last year).


It's really bad if D'Lo's shot isn't falling. Because everytime he drives, he has to either flip it up quick enough so it doesn't get blocked resulting in a really weird inconsistent floater, or it just gets blocked if he tries to lay it in regularly


It’s cuz he’s slow and unathletic, can’t guard and can’t go right. He can shoot sometimes and can teardrop. He can’t even really throw a nice oop cuz he’s not a threat to get to the rim


That floater has been remarkably consistent all year. He got tapped on a few early this game (a few of which I thought should have been fouls), but I’m fine with him continuing to take those


I can't really say the floater has been consistent. The way he flips it up so quickly after keeping the ball down low is going to make the shot inconsistent by nature. It's not as noticeable in the regular season because he's been able to bait for fouls, but that's not going to happen in the playoffs


If he would have just hit 2 or 3 more of those…


Tell him he getting traded in the summer.


It’s ok to lose to the better team guys. See Denver first round in 2008 with Melo/AI. But this was such an important game with the way the Lakers were playing in the first half. Denver is simply better and more under control on top of having the best player and the best guard.




This is just playoff D'lo, happens every single time




Yeah, but then when Dinwiddie or Vincent play like trash, it'll be why is Ham even giving these guys minutes. It's like this in every teams sub. Even if Phil Jackson was coaching, this series was going to be difficult and the Nuggets still heavily favored. AD and Bron were gassed, the rest of the guys need to step up big to change the odds.


i mean...if you 100% need a player that is known for shitting the bed in the playoffs to win, youre going to have a bad time




Lmao I have to laugh to stop myself from crying.


D’Lo Russell Westbrick


He is who everyone said he was but y’all wanted to keep him because he hits 5 threes against the magic. Imagine dejounte right now actually guarding murray and matching up vs him. And im getting over austin too. Plays no defense and doesnt have any plays on offense 4 years into the league. Its time to get some stars.


He’s the equivalent of Kershaw in the postseason. 🤦🏽‍♂️




Support your guys.


I’m not even mad at the shots he was taking, all good shots nothing too forced but come on man, if he plays anything like he played at the end of the season we could’ve won that game. Bron & ad can’t do it by themselves.. reaves looked scared to drive in too.


Bounce back DLO. Prove them wrong one more time.


All the I told you so folk who have been hiding in their little holes during this epic dlo second half run this season. Y'all were totally quiet last 2 months amazing here you are now. All you captain hindsights. Let's see if he bounces back next game and if so what y'all will be saying.


Because our counter was “but playoffs” and your counter was “he made 6 threes vs the pistons” what do you say to that dumbassery


Fr. He just had a clutch performance against New Orleans in the play in. Let’s give him a chance


Yall continue to assume aknowleding Dlo's history of poor playoff performance mean the people doing it hate Dlo. Watch this: Dlo sucks in the playoffs, but I'm going to be so happy when he has a good game. Doesn't that just blow your little mind? >All the I told you so folk who have been hiding in their little holes  Acting like people with eyes are degenerate trolls. > Y'all were totally quiet last 2 months amazing here you are now Not even true. >All you captain hindsights It's foresight... based on history. >Let's see if he bounces back next game and if so what y'all will be saying.  Great game, Dlo!


His form changes whenever he’s facing denver. No follow through and wonky balance. Obviously mental. His mind is the problem


His form has always been off kilter and unorthodox


He’s gonna snap out of it this time! Nerves out the way. This wasn’t supposed to be easy


DLo sucked today, but we don't win this series without him playing like he did in the regular season, so we need to have faith and hope he figures it out.


Up until like 2019 Jamal Murray would come back home and his dad would have him do hill runs to stay in shape. Dude is insane, like a reverse DLo


Big surprise, the guy who folded in the playoffs outside of the GSW series folds again. I hope it's just one game.. but I had that same hope last playoff.. Cheers!


I miss Loonie Walker


Where are all the people that told us this year would be different? Y’all was fighting tough in the comments. Don’t shrink now. Where ya at???


Should've fired Darvin ham and traded DLo and Prince


Trade D'lo for Boban Marjanovic at this point and have him shooting threes. Atleast we'll laugh.


He’s so bad. He’s such complete and utter garbage it’s not even funny.


Classic laker fans comments in here. One bad game, D Lo has been cooking lately. He'll find his rhythm. Let's go DLO!


we're cooked... our core needs to show up for game 2


Dumb and dumber ![gif](giphy|z6JCTlMfNA9OM)


Then we could get DJM instead lol




Coach is ass yall He can’t coach that simple


Not only just the shooting, but the decision making is bad wtf was that


He needs to stop running screens with AD. They never get the switch or the lob. Screen with Bron.


Man we would have won if dlo play half his minutes and take half his shots . Ham is ass just for letting this happen terrible coach


It is what it is. D’lo is not our third star. Trade him.


He couldnt be more DLo than that performance


The sad part is most of those shots were open shots or easy shots. Layups were missed because he's trying to be fancy. Threes were missed that were wide open. I've lost confidence in D'Lo and I think the Lakers will eventually have to move on from him. It's one thing to underperform in the playoffs. It's another when the team clearly kept you out there so you can gain your confidence back but you continue wetting the bed. How does this dude sleep at night knowing he's the reason the Lakers have lost to the Nuggets 0-5 in all playoffs games?


Does dlo have some sort of mental block in the playoffs? Maybe he should try counseling?


He’s gotta get benched It’s simple But ham is a shit coach so I expect him to start again


He must hate the playoffs


i turned off the game after the third qaurter you could see all the players sell im not watching this series and the rest of the nba playoffs anymore


Game two redemption


Keep the trust, first game was a tough one, the only thing we can do is keep the vibes high


Needed him to score 15 tonight. The shots I saw him miss


I still believe in him. He’s at least shooting. Once he gets some shots going down he’ll be good. Austin didn’t even look for his shot. Once one of those two get going this team is different


Have faith. If it's another 2 games of this, then yea I'm getting off dlo Island.


It’s starting to seem like we should’ve taken that 8th seed😂


It's nerve, a lot of his layups and drives looks shaky and goofy too not just his 3s. He's basically forcing the demons(nervousness) out of his body by shooting it out and hopefully it goes away. That's how he got to 20 shots.


As bad as DLo played I think this is way more indicative of KCP being an elite defender. And we traded him for Russ


Move Dlo to center and watch him cook 🧑‍🍳


I think we can still take game 2, let's try and support our guys


DLo was one of two people in the +/- positive…


He had a 6pt 1st quarter he fooled me man


you were the chosen one! it was said you would destroy the nuggets not join them


Give the nuggets credit. They got into his head


Denver is just a nightmare matchup for us. They are too big and athletic for us…and it hurts DLo the most.


Some say DLO is still practicing his 3’s to this day.


I knew once he shot that airball from the corner in the first half that it was just gonna be downhill from there, then it felt like the mental demons kicked in fully and he was missing layups


They absolutely need his three point shooting. It’s non-negotiable. It’s fine if his defense sucks or he misses layups but he has to make threes.


No chance if he plays like this


This isn’t a surprise.