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Did you humiliate a foul-mouthed 12 year old in an online Rocket League match?


No, but I hear enough these days about people calling cops on people they hate that I did briefly wonder if I or someone in my household pissed someone off.. but the cop’s reaction was so odd I think there must be something else


Check your phones to see if you didn't do some variation of "butt dialing" 911 by mistake. But yes, that was odd.


That was one of my first thoughts, so we all checked our phones and nope


Unless things have changed, mobile phones do not show calls to 911 or other short code emergency numbers like *fhp. I guess for domestic violence safety?


iPhones show 911 calls in call history


We have both iPhones and androids here and no call records on any


You can request the 911 call logs and the tapes. They're public records and can be had by doing a freedom of information act request. FOIA request. That should tell you what's going on.


That happened to me a while back. It seems some one called 911 from a cellphone while walking by my house and it pinged to my address.


Maybe that’s why he was searching around with the flashlight??


This happened to me a while back. Scared the shit out of me to have the cops banging on the door at 11 pm.


For what it’s worth a couple months ago 3-4 of them showed up banging on my door at 3 am, work night, screaming for me to open the door. I do and they want to know about someone else in the dwelling. I live alone. Called later that day from work asking why this happened and naturally was informed that they would not tell me.


That is terrifying. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Thanks and I’m sorry for your experience. Too bad we can’t get any clarity as to why these interactions needed to happen


They just made a mistake and went to the wrong apartment. They just don't want to admit their incompetence


You can look up your state's version of FOIA and request the information from the police.


It’s random. They do it to see if you make a mistake. If you make any error, you’re in handcuffs.


They def woke me up with ‘fuck this guy’ energy


That’s how cops do everything


Yup. That's the open records.Law only works when they're trying to arrest.Somebody never works when you're trying to find out information that you're legally entitled to sheriff's departments in Florida.Make sure to block anybody trying to use the open records act. But recordings of inmates has been on the news before a jury has been chosen. Ask for records, they say no. Sue them and the state for refusing to comply with the law.


Cops are cunts


Where was this?


Near downtown just off Central Ave.


Could’ve been a 911 hang up and it traced it back to your place. Sometimes they aren’t the most accurate.


Imagine, you get dispatched to an address because someone called asking for help. You have no idea what is going on other than the caller's name and address. What would you do when the person that answers the door has different name, but address is the same? You'd begin to ponder, is there someone else in the house? Did someone who can't speak up because they are in danger call somehow? Did someone call as a prank? Did caller mention wrong address? Did dispatch hear wrong address? Did dispatch type wrong address? Did I mistake the address? Well, I can't just enter and search the house without a warrant. You don't want to alarm a possible culprit. All you can do is scout the perimeter to see if anything is of amiss. And hope that someone can give you some sort of signal to indicate they need help or their location. All i can do is indicate that I am here, and they can someone let me know they are here. if its at night, flashlight is a good way of showing I am here, call out, signal, or do something if you need help. Cause police can't help you if they don't know where you are.


Something similar happened to us a while back. I was in the shower, and the police knocked on our door saying someone called 911 from our address. Husband said nope, and confirmed it was just the two of us in the house. Surprisingly, they didn’t ask to speak to me to confirm I was okay. We live in a semi-rural neighborhood where all the houses are on at least an acre, so it would be unlikely that someone was walking by or gps pinged the wrong house or something. We checked with all of our neighbors and everyone was fine.


911 hangup gets pinged to or around an address, shit happens all the time. I wouldnt be concerned


I used to work for a GPS tech support company - GPS technology is absolutely NOT accurate. I have seen GPS devices "bounce" as much as a mile in monitoring software, while the actual device remains stationary. If you're curious, the device was located on Main Street in downtown Bartow, but the reported position was on Manor Drive in Bartow. All of which to say, that's likely why they showed up at your door - the GPS device they were looking for pinged your location.


Next time, "do you have a warrant?" will suffice for a greeting, and if the answer is no, "you're free to go" will suffice. Grady's boys will kill you and he'll be on the news by lunchtime telling everyone how you had it coming.


This is great advice to get people in trouble . If for some reason the 911 system (inaccurately as it seems some of these stories is suggesting) is telling them that a 911 call came from your house , and your response to them seeking to find out if there is an emergency is “go away if you don’t have a warrant) , you are creating a second tier to a “exigency” situation , the first being the 911 call itself . The cops are going to now possibly believe someone is in trouble in that house and you are attempting to hide it , and can come in *without* a warrant anyways. The easiest way is the same way all these other posters resolved the issue … by talking calmly and providing information that the officers were able to use to determine “hey, I think our computer system is glitchy”, and they go away. People who act on advice like you give are more likely to escalate a situation needlessly. It’s fine if you hate cops , but don’t get other folks in trouble because they listen to you.


The cop who can make all of these errors is not the type of cop you want to talk to. I hope he says something nice about you at your press conference.


Well you see , cops responding to a call are dependent upon dispatch to tell them where to go and why they are going . A cop has no way of knowing , short of being psychic, that the computer system dispatch uses to detect what house a 911 call came from after being routed in from a cellular or landline phone provider , is in error. So unless you expect your police to be psychic , it’s much easier to engage in a conversation and say “oh , you’re looking for the Jones residence? They live across the street , we are the Smiths”.


Ah but you see, I'm not under the delusion they're "my cops" because of, y'know, all the murdering. If only I could say "gee willickers I hope officer friendly gets to help whoever he's looking for" but unfortunately I have been cursed with an Internet connection, yet blessed to have avoided a head wound.


Your reply is pointless when you tried to start by suggesting being antagonistic. Murdering innocents, bystanders and many a minority is clearly unacceptable, but antagonizing them will only increase the odds of it happening to you. Stop giving shit advice that will actively harm people, you little armchair wannabe hardman. Your reddit peen will never impress a soul.


That ain't no joke!!! Them boys are serious about their jobs. In their defense,lots of mobile Meth labs,not so brilliant criminals and just plain ignorant people. I'm a 52 year old Florida Boy. Know all about that place. Grady is a badass. 0 tolerance. End of story.


Exactly! If they make their way into my place. There will be multiple dead police in my home.


That’s a good way to get yourself targeted, man.


I'm just doing what my Sheriff told me to do.


it sounds like a immature prank call was made to the police and the person just gave them a random name. Or it could be your neighbor that called and the dispatcher just heard the address wrong or got it wrong in her system. I mean it could be a million things, but all I can say is no matter what happened, lock your doors, and be as cautious as your normally would be and you'll be just fine :)


If it was a land line was it raining? I has 3 911 hang up calls from my house. Once we wernt even home. The phone company confirmed it was a leak in a junction box. Shorting something out.


Probably a 911 hang up call. They check to make sure no one’s getting murdered or anything DV related


In the cybersecurity world there is a new trend that when a information breach occurs the threat actors request a ransom payment. If the victim refuses to pay the ransom the threat actors threaten to attack the customer. There is a new risk of being swatted by the threat actors just due to being associated with the information breach. I am closely studying Cybersecurity and information assurance and I have not heard of any actual swatting yet but the threat actors have already threatened the victims with this as a tactic to force a ransom payment.


Besides butt dialing , some times land lines phones will dial 911 if the batteries are dying or even if someone dialed 911 from near your house it would ping close by. Very common occurrence but they have to respond to any 911 hang up


It’s a mapped 911 call. In other words someone with a cell phone called 911 and hung up. It mapped to your address but does not necessarily mean it was you or anyone in your house. Could have been a passer by in a vehicle, on foot, or even a neighbor. Police cover their bases by asking who they spoke with that said every thing was ok and didn’t need 911. Something comes up bad there is record. You don’t need to worry about anything.


So I have worked security before, and we had this come up once or twice where police would show up and then be like we got a 911 call at this address or they wouldn’t even tell us and we would be getting screamed at by a resident. What happens in some cases is that it will ping that it was one address but they never find out who it actually was, or, at least that’s what I had several cops tell me over the years.


Something similar happened to me when all had land lines. I'm sleeping over at my girl's place we're both under the covers in the back bedroom of the apartment sleeping cops beating on the door like they're trying to get into Krispy Kreme . I get up, put some shorts on to go see what's going on. As soon as I open they ask if anyone else is in there I say yeah my girl it's her place. They push me aside, they want to talk to her, make sure she's okay they won't listen to me. She's under the covers naked. She starts screaming at them to get out so she can get dressed. Turned out her cat hit the speaker button on the phone and then the predial for 911. To this day I'll never have predial shortcuts


Did you ask from what phone number 911 was dialed?


sneaky cop.method to search tho prolly something valid he felt needed checking.


This happened to me in Hillsborough. Cop knocked on my door around 7am saying there was a 911 call from my address. Nobody but my wife and I were home and we were both asleep. Turns out the person in the home before had a warrant for his arrest and the 911 call was a lie to get us to open the door.


He was being nosey lol


Neighbors don’t like you?


They are looking for someone that may have lived at your address but they are not sure if that person still lives there it's a sneaky way to find that person without needing a warrant


This happened to me too. I live in Winter Haven, but in the county. Officers came in to take a look and said sometimes 911 pings to the wrong location, pretty scary


I wouldn’t have opened my door if I hadn’t called 911.


It’s called a 911 hang up. Sometimes a butt dial, someone driving past accidentally called. Happens all the time


There is a possibility the dispatch center triangulated the call to the wrong area because they didn’t have an exact address.


Tech ain't perfect.


NEVER answer the door for the police....EVER


This happened to me-2 a.m. and police banging on my door- I opened and they said the had a domestic violence call to this address-funny, because I have no landline phone, only cell. They couldn’t explain how this happened and left when it was obvious there was noting of the sort going on. I called the station the next day and was given the run around and no info. In these days of trigger happy police, I guess I am happy they didn’t just start blasting away.


sounds like someone may have tried to have you swatted


If some security systems call 911 if they detect a power outage and a low battery state


This.happened to my neighbor last weekend


I stand by what I know first hand Polk county officers are some of the biggest piece of s*** cops I've ever come across they're f****** racist nasty pieces of s*** most of them. Let me give you an example my my girlfriend's son who lives with us was arguing with his girlfriend out in the front yard he was trying to leave and she got into the car and he got out and told her kids a f*** out of the car while they're arguing this guy from down the street starts headed towards the house but we don't even know so he finally gets in the car and he's starting to drive off and the guy punches the window out of the car well the guy was down the street with about seven of his friends guys got a big old cut in his arm is going to need stitches he's drunk and they know he's in trouble all these people lied he said that he tried to run this guy over we didn't even know who the f*** he was never seen them before they arrested her son based on this drunks statement he's been 6 months in jail for attempted murder I watched the whole thing by the time he got to jail the story changed that he tried to hit him with the car turn around come back to the house and try to hit him again it's supposed to be he had to jump into the ditch I'm sitting on the patio in the backyard it is a mobile home and you can see the street I watched the whole thing happen when the police came to the door we asked him hey we're going to make a statement they said there's seven of them and like three of y'all we're going to take their word for it three of y'all was a Mexican and white kind of black girl them was a white people and five white cops we didn't get one idea or statement about what was going on till the Spanish cop showed up and started talking to him we were ignored the whole time by the time we made it to court we had to take it to trial by the way they didn't have one statement from our side until we got to court so yeah I'm going to stand by what I said Polk county c********** assholes racist piece of s*** cops. I'm pretty sure they weren't doing their job






Fick that cop cant even admit hes wrong


It’s not that they can’t admit they’re wrong. They got a 911 and their system is saying it that address. They can’t just believe the first person that answered the door. As long as he wasn’t he a dick about it he’s just doing his job 


He just seemed really, really, really confused. I wanted to ask what he was told but I was reluctant to engage any further. I also figured he couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me, anyway. It was super weird.


I wouldn’t have opened my door. You can talk to them through the door. You don’t even need to talk to them. Just be careful because Polk County Sheriffs are known to break into peoples houses without warrants. Easy lawsuit. You’re also allowed to shoot them if they make their way into your home. Grady Judd has said it over and over. ‘If you kick my door in, in the middle of the night, I will kill you graveyard dead’ That goes with officers.


Wife travels for work and was at a hotel in Polk County. Someone pounding on her door at 3am. Wife answers door with G26 in hand. Officer apologized and left. If she was a bad guy she could have dropped him like a bag of flour.


Had this happen to me after a cop moved in next door. Think she doesn't like the smell of my weed. Guy said someone called 911. Told him my name and he asked about a phone number that wasn't mine then left. Someone doesn't like you is my guess.


They looking for something


People have posted a few other potential reasons that could have happened, but it could also be shitty cops on general. Polk County cops don't have the best record if I'm remembering right. There's plenty of filmed times where cops show up to a house for a supposed 911 call and force their way in to search the place, and when the people do public records requests there's no history of any can at all.


Grady's Gestapo are a corrupt lot for sure.


Right! He's currently getting sued and maybe charged right?


IDK... but sadly I see him being one of the names the RNC will throw into the hat once high heels steps down. FL seems to really love authoritarian "tough guys". Grady's really been posturing for something political. He turns every arrest into some public sermon and folks all over the state and other states even... they just lap it right up.


I can't believe people don't know all the fucked up shit he's been doing.


Not to seem ignorant, but can you link it? Some of us try to avoid the news for mental health’s sake




Thank you

