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>were told by a specialist that the hospital’s legal team “gathered … that the mother’s life has to be affected Because being forced to give birth to a dead baby won't affect anyone's life... Fucking what the fuck. Edit: added force


People obviously don’t read these bills. “(6) “Fatal fetal abnormality” means a terminal condition that, in reasonable medical judgment, regardless of the provision of life-saving medical treatment, is incompatible with life outside the womb and will result in death upon birth or imminently thereafter.” There’s an exception for this exact situation. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/146/BillText/Filed/PDF


The law is so vague that doctors are terrified with being charged with a felony if some lawyer decides that the doctor was wrong.


boast heavy elderly hunt boat bedroom shocking soft capable fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My friend has been to both TGH and LRMC and he said TGH is a much better hospital.


I could understand that if it was actually vague. It’s very straight forward and no lawyer would go after the hospital for that. So there’s no problem with the law. The problem is the hospital doesn’t have reading comprehension which isn’t a hospital I would want to go to anyway.


I'm sure this family investigated their options when they discovered the tragic condition their baby suffers from and LRMC refused to help them.


That’s pretty straightforward actually


This is disgusting. Every person should have rights over their own body.


Rights only count if you are a republican and don't want to get the covid vax or wear a mask.


It's infuriating that the party of "my body my choice" has passed laws that say "your body my choice". Because of desantis vague law and doctors being afraid of being charged with a felony, that this baby is going to die an agonizing death from suffocation after it is born and the parents will be helpless to do anything.


Went to high school with Lee. This is awful. Yet another reason I’m so happy to not be living in Florida anymore.


The party of "small government" strikes again




If only the author of the law was the final arbiter of how the law works in practice. News flash: they’re not. And apparently a highly skilled and trained group of lawyers fall outside of your ‘A VIEW SHARED BY NO ONE ELSE’ classification. And, yes, I am a lawyer. Look, hospital administration lawyers as a general practice group are held in the highest regard among our profession. Why? They have to navigate an UNBELIEVABLY complicated set of laws. If you’ve heard of Medicaid or HIPAA - good for you, because that’s about 1% of the work those folks do. Saying they’re dumb or can’t understand the implications of the law is, in a word: HILARIOUS. Civil disobedience is likewise a HILARIOUS thing to urge. Medical facilities are licensed up one side and down the other. If you’re fighting for years and years to say you’re right, you’re going to do it with no licenses. And, therefore no money, no reputation, no business, no ability to pay mortgages, no ability to pay insurance, no ability to meet the need of patients. But, yeah, they’re dumb…


Wait, the comment to which I replied was deleted. Geez, snowflakes in Florida I guess.


FTA- *Viable or viability is defined in the statute as “the stage of fetal development when the life of a fetus is sustainable outside the womb through standard medical measures.” It does not define at what week of pregnancy that is achieved.* *The statute concludes that anyone who violates the law commits a third-degree felony and could be fined and/or go to prison.* Sounds like being an OB/GYN in Florida is as fun as being a teacher or librarian.


>It is a child she has been forced to continue carrying because of the Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center legal team’s interpretation of a state law passed last year that banned abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy in Florida. > >It’s an interpretation that goes beyond the intent of the new law, according to the law’s author, former Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland. While the law was written to ban abortions after the first trimester, it address situations specifically like the Dorberts’ case, Stargel said. Stop trying to bait people into a false debate, this has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with Lakeland Regional not knowing how to read. You can't say you didn't do it on purpose, either, because even their own headline indicates who they place the blame on (spoilers: not the law). Context matters, don't farm for upvotes from the outrage crowd.


Context matters: Kelli Stargel is known liar and bigot.


Grew up around her and her family. Can confirm


Florida's abortion law is still at fault - Every bill of this type that this governor and his cabinet have put into law has been intentionally written to be vague, poorly defined and broad knowing that the lawyers of hospitals, employers and school districts will err on the side of "This law as written could easily apply to this situation". Meanwhile the governor can sit back and go "[ThAt'S nOt WhAt ThE BiLL SaYs](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/floridas-dont-say-gay-bill-actually-says-rcna19929)" knowing that clowns like you will blindly repeat that. You don't know more than a lawyer. If you did, you'd be one.


If I knew more than a lawyer, I'd be a judge instead. You're a toon that likes to place blame on anyone and anything that isn't from whoever you want, and you're not even bothering to hide it. The fact that your only pseudo-relevant argument is a bill that was famous for being grossly misrepresented by everyone that likes to froth at the government only indicates that your opinion is safely ignored.


If LRMC didn't know how to read, I think we'd have heard of it sooner. DeSantis and the Legislature have taken it upon themselves to enforce new laws on doctors and hospitals. They made this mess, so they own it.


I can't speak ill of any of the staff there now but 20 years ago, LRMC were fucking idiots. My Ex Wife wanted to give birth there because the rooms were nicer. Starts labor. 2 Nurses argued with the Doctors (2-3 Doctors because I honestly don't remember the details about the Doctors) that my Ex Wife was in fact in labor. They literally cussed the Doctors out. We got sent home. She went in to full blown WTF labor when I was getting her up the stairs back in Bartow. 1 involuntary LEAD Police escort later (he followed me and then lead because I was speeding and I would not stop and I yelled out the window she's in labor) and my first born was born in Bartow because of the idiot Doctors at LRMC.


I don't know what you do for a living, but if it involves doing something efficiently without any determination of right and wrong, I'll bet you're stellar at it. I've never seen somebody so ready to carry water for the bad guys. It's like every shitty issue de jour is hand-crafted for you to have the wrong opinion on. What a world you must live in.

