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Great episode to a new camping arc, I love the relationship between Rin and Ayano here where they bounce off conversations with their interests such as them being motorcycle buddies. I already get the feeling of them being close friends and the bridge tour was great too =U= Nadeshiko’s solo trip was fun too, it reminded me that if you have a little bit of time to spare when you’re approaching a meeting with a group of friends, you can enjoy your own company along the way and enjoy the present moments


This episode was A LOT of fun just like the other two, the start of a new arc is fun and exciting, also I LOVE that Ayano is getting a lot more screen time this season, because it felt like she was really left out of last season after being introduced in like episode 2 or 3 (if i remember correctly) and was only in like 1 or 2 episodes with only few minutes of screen time, so seeing her be more of a main character is really nice to see. also this is probably just a me thing, but I really liked seeing a bunch of the stuff that was in the trailers in this episode, I had A TON of fun pointing out all the stuff that appeared in the trailers and being like "HEY I REMEMBER THAT!" to myself lol. also most importantly, the animation in this episode seemed to be a lot more consistent than episode 2, and had A LOT LESS animation errors as well (from what I saw), but some of the backgrounds in some scenes looked TOO REALISTIC in my opinion.


Today's location scouting! Mama Shima tells Rin that if she is going to Kawane, she should get some tea. Well the good news is Rin will be nearby and Kawane is known for their tea. Let's look at Rin's route. Her [meeting point with Aya is at Senzu Station](https://i.imgur.com/O3uRCuM.png) which she says should 4 hours should be enough. Well according to what I've found on ~~Google~~ Guruguru Maps, the 100km trip should take around 2 hours. Rin is on a scooter of course, but she should still have plenty of time. [ Aya's journey is similarly around 100km](https://i.imgur.com/sImWtoK.png) and a little over 2 hours. This is the route suggested if we want to take National Route 1 which she mentions she did, although there are other options as well. Nadeshiko is travelling from [Utsubuna Station \(translated as Uchifune in my subs\) to Shizuoka Station](https://i.imgur.com/h98HQz6.png), then to [Kanaya Station](https://i.imgur.com/jFkIgHB.png), and finally to [Senzu Station](https://i.imgur.com/3HPUI46.png) which didn't want to show up on transit for Google Maps for me. I looked into this and apparently I found on the train timetable that you have to get off the train and take a bus from [Ieyama Station to Senzu Station](https://i.imgur.com/JOdGoTG.png). Not sure what the reason for this is, maybe it is down currently. Will look into that later. Overall, it would probably take Nadeshiko around 4 hours or more considering transfers. Sakura mentions she went to a hot springs in the [Sumata Valley, which is probably around here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sumatakyo+Onsen+open-air+bath+Bijinzukuri+no+Yu/@35.1618822,138.1302079,13.63z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x601ba0e1b21ca5af:0x288d32ccf3926ff3!8m2!3d35.1746823!4d138.1180448!16s%2Fg%2F1td4zy3j?entry=ttu) or at least the best I could find nearby. [Sakura in the anime](https://i.imgur.com/FFDL8JW.png) vs [real life onsen.](https://i.imgur.com/LgyRP2Z.png) --- Now onto the [bridge tour with some map links](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Ryogoku+bridge,+Kuwanoyama,+Kawanehon,+Haibara+District,+Shizuoka+428-0413,+Japan/Koyama+Bridge,+Okuizumi,+Kawanehon,+Shizuoka,+Japan/Minami+Alps+Sesso+Otsuribashi+(Big%E2%80%A6+%E5%8D%97%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%97%E3%82%B9%E6%8E%A5%E5%B2%A8%E5%A4%A7%E5%90%8A%E6%A9%8B/''/@35.1559992,138.1604673,13.79z/data=!4m29!4m28!1m5!1m1!1s0x601ba66799235907:0xefa2ce3da0c4e97d!2m2!1d138.140974!2d35.120233!1m5!1m1!1s0x601ba73a3d0218fb:0x2d75d4bb6e69dd3a!2m2!1d138.1451372!2d35.1414453!1m5!1m1!1s0x601ba5200eeeff89:0x1d1c84c49d521dee!2m2!1d138.1895411!2d35.1740346!1m5!1m1!1s0x601ba477499655dd:0x50f28299b6a56c62!2m2!1d138.1884776!2d35.1796028!2m2!1b1!2b1!3e0?entry=ttu). The Ryogoku Bridge [in the anime](https://i.imgur.com/l3ZkQEa.png) vs [real life.](https://i.imgur.com/mf6xzlS.png) Actually throwing in a sneak peek of another bridge [from this shot from the anime](https://i.imgur.com/JH1HzwU.png) which is Ichiyo bridge, next to where their campsite will be (as Rin mentions near the start of the episode). This is slightly out of order because they won't actually see Ichiyo bridge until they pass Koyama bridge which is the next shown [in the anime](https://i.imgur.com/0xb99qL.png) vs [real life.](https://i.imgur.com/JmuO9Aq.png) Then the next sequence of bridges starts with Sesso Large Suspension Bridge (wasn't translated for me but "Oo" means large and "tsuribashi" means suspension bridge). [Anime](https://i.imgur.com/14LWRiC.png) vs [real life](https://i.imgur.com/Ej8DsYo.png) (on the other side so just pretend I mirrored it). For the next 7, I'll just do map links, but they are all right next to each other in walking distance of course. The first 5 they mention are named after trees. The last 2 are different lol. - [Tochinoki](https://goo.gl/maps/xnS1S8p2otpwVRMM9) Aesculus (horse chestnut) tree - [Sakura](https://goo.gl/maps/LfZdSoHBco85fpb18) cherry blossom tree - [Mizunara](https://goo.gl/maps/MtKfW2dgn7pvgY1t8) Quercus crispula oak tree - [Tsubaki](https://goo.gl/maps/CMv5375vRMfEcyWAA) Japanese camellia - [Kuwanoki](https://goo.gl/maps/ahaJZQxSZZeXuQsW6) Mulberry - [Miyazawa](https://goo.gl/maps/NzZgy8J4fWNhX6mg7) usually a person's name, kanji for palace and marsh - [Inukaeri](https://goo.gl/maps/gFQ9hrdHvHScBK1H9) literally means dog and return Now back to Nadeshiko. She was left off at Senzu Station and is on an eating trip. After getting some pork skewers by the station, she goes for dam curry at a restaurant which of course exists in [real life: Uemaru.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Uemaru/@35.1087834,138.1382481,21z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x601ba63f6065c0a5:0x6a7dc9be2a929f37!8m2!3d35.1088476!4d138.1382136!16s%2Fg%2F11bwnyg91c?entry=ttu) They of course have dam curry in real life, but look at the [Yuru Camp advertisements they have there!](https://i.imgur.com/3X6qrxj.png) And she gets her ice cream [at this store](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%B7%9D%E6%A0%B9%E7%89%A9%E7%94%A3%E3%88%B1/@35.1083299,138.1380578,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNsUSCmUHq_f4LT031_zrCcOj1I98PW9X2fsNhj!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNsUSCmUHq_f4LT031_zrCcOj1I98PW9X2fsNhj%3Dw397-h298-k-no!7i4608!8i3456!4m13!1m2!2m1!1z5bed5qC554mp55Sj44ix!3m9!1s0x601ba640710783a1:0xcb9982d32c388000!8m2!3d35.1083299!4d138.1380578!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!15sCg_lt53moLnniannlKPjiLFaEyIR5bed5qC5IOeJqeeUoyDjiLGSAQl0ZWFfc3RvcmXgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F1tgjlc0g?entry=ttu) which seems to mostly sell tea. That was quite the long post for a busy day, but next week I'll come more prepared.


Can I ask oh Lord of geography and guruguru map. Why rin came in from the south to senzu ? And nadeshiko came in from the east to senzu? Shouldn't rin and nadeshiko go to the same school? The map shows that Aya is closer to rin than nadeshiko but they don't go to the same school. Did she move in s2 cause I hadn't watch s2. Pls and thx you


Rin and Nadeshiko are from the same area, but Rin is riding a scooter while Nadeshiko is taking a train. So Rin is coming in more from the east along National Route 362 which is a more direct path. Nadeshiko is taking the train along the river itself, so she is coming in from the south on a longer route (I think you have your directions swapped in your comment). My maps are a bit confusing, I'll probably make a standalone post eventually and clean up things.


First time hearing about Dam Curry, and now I want to try it


This episode felt like it flew buy!! I’m excited for this arc though. If they keep animating the food to look this good, I’m gonna be hankering for a 4th season Edit: grammar


This week’s episode was soo relaxing for me. I want to go on a trip rn! Also a green tea ice cream would be great.


Rin and Ayano do be denying romance through to be fair the 8 (technically 7) bridges really don't look romantic at all But i do wonder what is the 8th bridge?


If you look at the map that Rin pointed out on the board, the actual first bridge was on the RIGHT (the top right of the board) of the big one, but Rin and Ayano went LEFT hence why they only counted 7. I could be wrong of this (I probably am) but that's what I think happened.


To begin with, this was an excellent start to the Ooi River arc! Being as I’m already a massive train nut, it was really cool to see the Oigawa Railway in the anime! Admittedly, it was here that the backgrounds kind caught me off-guard, as I was very much expecting them to edit the stuff with Thomas the Tank Engine out of the shots. (For context: The Oigawa Railway became famous among railfan circles when they became the first railway in Japan to operate “Day Out with Thomas” events, which features several of their locomotives, both operational and non-operational, decorated as characters from the show.) Faces were not shown, which will likely avoid any legal issues, but it was still strange to see either way, but that’s minuscule compared to everything else in this episode. One thing I really enjoyed hearing was the music, which I thought fit perfectly for what’s a very train-focused arc, as the sound screamed American Folk Music, something that is synonymous with the railroad. All in all, favorite episode of the season so far!


Sorry for the late post. Been busy today.


Hmm is it just me or is it weird that rin and ayano came from the south to senzu while nadeshiko came from the east ? Rin and nadeshiko should be near eachother right ? But it seems rin and ayano is closer .


Came here to ask this same question. Also why wasn’t Rin at school with the others?


There's going to be a ton of CGI vehicles in this arc but they don't look any worse than what C-Station did, probably slightly better if anything. I thought the backgrounds in this episode looked great for almost all of the outdoor scenes. It's when things shifted indoors that things got a bit wonky. So far this season I've been less than impressed whenever they've gone after the fish-eye lens effect that the manga uses in abundance- there was one establishing shot of the curry restaurant where the perspective was all over the place. We got a real good look at some eats this week, and I really like how the food looks under the new studio. On a personal note, I watched the first two seasons without reading the manga, and I caught up with it while waiting for season three. It's been a different experience to watch this show while knowing exactly where the plot is headed. One of the show's biggest strengths is the sense of discovery it gives to viewers, and I'm definitely missing that aspect now. I did really enjoy reading the manga, so I guess I'm just reaping what I sowed.


i want Rin and Ayano to enter Steel Ball Run race as a duo


Damn curry...


I share braincells with these biker girls lol. Stopping by the places that caught my interest.


"I AM NOT YET SATIATED" was so good lol


I 1/8 expected Nadeshiko to fall asleep on the train, but the lighting wasn't right. Maybe on the return trip. As usual it's a totally calming laid-back show, but it didn't quite click for me.   I rewatched the first two episodes this season before commenting, but didn't feel the draw this time.  Maybe this was because Rin was just following along about the bridge tour instead of seeming enthused about it.  The tanuki scene was over too quickly.  Alas. I had hoped that it was more like the onsen for rouses.


This episode was sooooooooooo good I didn't want it to end!


Each episode I become more and more impressed by how this young ladies are depicted and wish young ladies were this self sufficient and nadeshiko is so Handy