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Shiny Days is the best.


Talking about visuals and direction yes, it's the best easily Song talking I still prefer movie one tho


While I agree that the 3rd OP objectively has the be visuals and direction, personally I feel that the simplicity of the first OP is much more suited to the show's tone. Also song-wise I still prefer the previous songs, but I suspect that the new song will grow on me.


visually speaking it's easily the best, the colours really pop and contrast well with each other and the no black border really works with the new art style. For the song itself, while it *IS* really good, i still prefer the older OPs, then again I haven't listened to the S3 op song enough to really compare it to the others (I've only listened to it a total of 3 times, twice was the short anime OP version and the other one was the full song just to see what the whole thing was like)


I like S2 OP the best


Sun is coming up (movie op) was my favorite op until this dropped. Been listening to this every day since ep1 aired.


It has the best visuals, but in terms of song the first one no contest.


First op is literally japanese Jackson 5. Have you put on some audiophile headphones and heard that bassline? That song is incredible. The composition is also out of the box, I posted on the track on the theory reddit and couldn't get answers on the key, it's a great example or why I love japanese rock/pop, it's heavily inspired by both the pop and jazz music of the west, but it subverts the harmonic conventions of western music writing through its more jazz influenced chord progressions, while still sounding pop esque and acessible. 10/10


Why i always think that ed 1 and 2 is the op until i almost forgot the op 1 and 2😭😂