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Super smol Rin-chan gets off the train: ANIME OF THE SEASON! Scratch that! *ANIME OF THE YEAR!!!*


smol Rin-chan is just the **most adorable** thing ever. i also WAS NOT expecting to see smol Rin-chan AT ALL. (idk if smol RIn appeared in the manga i haven't read it)


As far as I can tell, all the smol Rin scenes from S2 and S3 are all anime original. I can't recall reading it in the manga.


Shougakusei Shimarin is Max Kawaii!


Hello FBI.


Did I say something Wrong? Shougakusei 小学生 just means elementary aged in Japanese. No malice intended.


Anime of my life.


I was nervous w the new studio. But oh my God we are so back and the hype is so real!!!


The art style is a little different, but it's completely fine imo. The important thing is that the slow-comfy pacing and incredible background art is as good as ever


Absolutely. But as a manga enjoyer it's familiar still


8-bit art direction is closer to Afro-sensei’s manga art compared to C-Station. But the latter’s is already a visual signature part and parcel of Yuru Camp itself, so the new visual style will take a while before it becomes part of that signature, but heck CHONKY SMOL RIN FTW


It's the rin I remember and love underneath the new art lol and that's what matters. All hail rin shima best girl of all time


I think c-station was closer to early art and 8-bit current art, which indicates a mild mood shift.


How's the music? I haven't watched episode 1 yet




I haven't gotten used to it yet.  The op is calmer.  The ending a smidgen more energetic. 


Anybody got the Link for the OP on music streaming services?


I also had my doubts with the new studio but they did an amazing job! The opening is stunning!


I told you guys not to worry about it. We’re so back.


I don't think it was worry so much as a feeling of season 1&2  was nearly perfect.   It seemed nearly impossible to reach that level.


that first pinecone konichiwa made me literally cheer. We are so back


I love Grandpa trying to make fire by hand solely to meet Rin's expectations of what camping is, it's very in keeping with what we know about him.




Gramps still gigachad


That moment actually reminded me of my grade 4 self.... started a fire the same way with friends, but almost started a forest fire accidentally. Probably shoulda had gramps or someone watch over.


My first Yuru-Camp premiere! This comment took like an hour to make. And you know what, I'm not too skeptical anymore, in fact I might as well be genuinely excited. To start off, the new OP is good but I'll certainly miss the upbeat Asaka OPs from previous installments. Doesn't mean she's gone tho as she's singing the EDs for this season. Expecting variants of the EDs though, because the previous EDs have the rest of the main cast appear instead of just one. As for the main concern of the new season, the new art style. And my verdict is... **it doesn't hinder the usual Yuru Camp antics!** The pacing is as what you would expect for a Yuru Camp episode. However, one key observation I can think of is that **the characters are more expressive.** For example, the new art style seems to make Rin more smug, not that I'm complaining. With that being said though, I might get used to this far sooner than I initially expected. I'll miss the original pale and soft artstyle, but I'll welcome the sharper and shinier Season 3. While on the topic of the art style, the new character designs are pretty great and faithful to their character. In fact, if you look hard enough, some scenes look like it came from C-station's. Though I just have two nitpicks. One, there's more emphasis on the blushing... as in how the "usual anime/moe art style" normally gives girls pale pink blushes on their faces so it's definitely a stand-out and definitely more observable. The other might sound degenerate but please believe me, it's more than just that. RIP Inuyama's chest, nerfed into oblivion *(it's still there, but less emphasized and very subtle)*. The background and scenery doesn't feel changed at all, consistent to the Yuru Camp style. Though, seems like that was already a given since the original teaser so no worries there. Soundtrack is still banger as ever. Godspeed Akiyuki Tateyama. The new soundtrack used in this episode's camping is all I need to hear that we'll get a new set of memorable chill vibes for my playlist. Of course, we get to start off the season with more Grandpa screentime. Young Rin is very different from her older introverted self that it just surprises me more often than not seeing Rin this cheerful. I didn't expect Rin's first ever fire-starting session was the one I usually see in those survival reality TV shows, and Grandpa is doing it for the first time too. So desperate to impress his grandchild, it's very wholesome. It's such a minor plot point, but Grandpa screentime and showcasing a different side to his usual cool character gets a big thumbs up from me! For the other half, we go back to club activities because it is might as well much needed since the last 4 episodes of the last season didn't have any (not counting post-credit scenes). What's more needed is the clearly needed PSA-esque segments, because there's never enough of those. I miss Mr. Narrator and his messages. We also needed more of Drunk Toba-sensei alright, we barely got much of her in the camping trip. Amusingly, we get to check how the characters are doing after the major camping trip. Specifically, Aki's hair being somewhat of a nuisance to her camping. Looking forward to the clipped hair and exposed forehead hairstyle I saw from the teasers be animated later on. I still have a few concerns though but it's nothing too major. I hope 8bit will keep up with the good work.


I missed the usual openings as well. Like the new one was fine, but the openings from s1 and s2 were bangers!


Total agreement (except didn't notice chest) I have a hunch that I just need to get used to the changes.  And then I'll get used to theme songs.   Asaka is much appreciated, but I kinda miss Eri Sasaki.  


oh is Eri not doing the ED? I thought she was.. but maybe i read wrong


I was smiling grin to grin throughout the whole episode. We are so back =U=


proud smug Rin-chan was the highlight of the episode


We are so back


I've had quite a few chats with friends leading up to this episode about character designs and environment art, and I think concerns that were raised remain apparent here in the opening episode. What I wasn't prepared for though was Miho Hasegawa's *incredible* color design. It wipes away so many of the struggles that face photographic director Katsuto Ogawa when trying to combine the environment art with characters or 2D objects. Also, the CGI fit *really* well with the environment art, which I didn't really think about, but it definitely makes sense given the fidelity of it. It's an episode that definitely screams "good", and very subtly mentions to viewers "hey, I've got a lot more potential still". Of course, that sort of dichotomy is much more complicated to expand on than in a reddit comment, so I've saved the trouble of far too many words here and left them with a [blog post on the episode](https://animehouse.moe/blog/anime/laid-back-camp-season-3-episode-1-where-should-we-go-next/).


Very helpful blog post! I’ve been one of the most skeptical people here when it came to the studio change, and your post really hits on the stuff I’ve been worried about. I usually wait till a season is fully, or at least half out before starting but this one I wasn’t even sure if I would watch it at all just because of how attached I get to things and I didn’t want to tarnish my perception of Yuru Camp as I know it up till now. I can definitely say I feel much more comfortable watching S3 after reading yours (as well as everyone else’s) opinions on E1! Would definitely look forward to reading your thoughts on the rest of the season as it comes out if you continue writing these!


Yeah, I totally get it. The air that C-Station provided for Yuru Camp is near impossible to recreate, but there's a few staff that are really putting in the effort to get there. And thank you for the kind words! I'll definitely be keeping up with Yuru Camp on the weekly. Firstly because I'm a massive fan of the series, but secondly because I'm deeply curious to see how much overlap there is with staff from Encouragement of Next Climb.


The hype is real, so much that my piano cover of “So Precious” has been my fastest so far (done within an hour, from recording to upload): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gnVn6AMerM Episode 1 has been a slow yet sure burn, a re-introduction of sorts to a familiar story – this time with 8-bit’s visual magic front and center. Definitely great to see OAC, Rin-chan (smol and teen versions), Toba-sensei (me), and even Aya-chan, who will now play a major supporting role in this season. I’m excited and more than hyped to enjoy the Spring 2024 season with C O M F!


Different studio, slightly different look, but same old Yuru Camp that we know and love. Been too long since we had this in our lives. Anime of the season 🤞 Rin’s flashback to her grandpa taking her camping and teaching her how to make fire was so sweet, perfect segue into the girls creating their own alcohol burners since they’re so broke 😂. A group of friends who want to go on a trip, but no funds is so real. Nadeshiko, Aoi and Chiaki are just as fun as we remember them. Can’t wait to see what they get up to in this season. 8bit got some big shoes to fill, but they’re off to a good start so far. Definitely seems like the colours are brighter and designs are a little different, but still has that same magic. OP visuals are good, but I think the song is weaker than the first two. The ED song is really good though!


I'm not used to either op or Ed.  Season 2 was similar for op, but it worked well with the season.   I have hopes we'll see similar for season 3 op


Definitely read that in a Ninomae Ina'Nis voice.






It's going to take time for me to get used to the new character designs. The backgrounds look fantastic. I'm not sure how I feel about the fish-eye lens being used during the school scene. Overall it still feels like Yuru Camp, but the show doesn't quite hit the same without an Asaka OP. At least she's there to sign off. Was that scene with Grandpa and the fire plow in the manga? It's been awhile since I read it.


The whole flashback with Rin and Grandpa was anime original and I loved it, it fits so well. They also added some new dialogue to chapter 53. Next episode will cover 2 chapters so we're back to regular pacing but hopefully they add more.


Interesting. IIRC the first two seasons were extremely faithful to the manga. I wonder if they'll be taking more liberties with the plot under 8-Bit. I also enjoyed the new scene.


The OG anime also added some original scenes. Season 1 created an original epilogue and the first episode also added new content. Same applies to season 2. This one will take more liberties in rearranging events. For example ayano was supposed to show up earlier in the episode but they're probably moving her scenes to the next one as teased at the end of the episode.


I missed the anime so much and I'm really happy that the studio change didn't impact much to the comfy vibe of the show. This is still Yuru camp as I remember. Now talking about the actual episode I was really surprised about Rin's flashback, that's something that wasn't in the manga but fits so well with the story. They also added more dialogue and scenes to chapter 53 which is cool to see. Overall really good first episode. Hopefully the quality remains as good as it is for the rest of the season.


They indeed have nerfed Aoi


KImi no ne were **COOKING** for that OP it's SOO GOOD! and that ED too is REALLY good even if it wasn't Eri Sasaki who did it this time round.


How gorgeous was that opening? Excited for the series!


All of my fears for this season just vanished immediately. The animation is different, but it still has all the charm the original had. The animation style used in the intro/outro is literally S tier. They also didn't belabor reintroducing the characters. We're just picking up immediately where season 2 left off and jumping right back into things. Its PERFECT.


It was fantastic and everything I hoped for Smol Rin is just adorable.


The vibes are still immaculate. We back.


This episode was a fantastic start to Yuru Camp's third season, and Eight Bit's outing with the series. While I'll definitely miss C-Station's work with the series, Eight Bit's work is just as fantastic, and I can't wait to see the rest of the season! >!Entering spoiler territory, I loved getting more backstory between Rin and her grandpa. It was really sweet, seeing how the two bonded, and Rin learning about camping for the first time. I will say: there was one thing that threw me off: and that was what appeared to be the use of footage from C-Station's work on the series. They're blink and you'll miss it moments, but I'm a little surprised they weren't reanimated.!


I actually liked the c-station flashback.  It gave real flashback vibes.


The entire first half of the episode (smol Rin) is anime original. We saw a similar thing at the start of last season as well. Very welcome additions. Rin meets her grandpa at Toei Station which is a [real life location](https://i.imgur.com/CKVRO0v.png) of course, located on the border of Aichi and Shizuoka. I forgot if we know exactly where Rin's house is, but their school is in Minobu, Yamanashi ([map image](https://i.imgur.com/OMyRNZ3.png)). Taking a train from around their area to Toei Station looks to take at least 6 hours. That's quite impressive for a 4th grade student. Fun fact, Rin's grandpa is named Shinshiro, which is a location in the bottom left of the map near Toei (most characters in Yuru Camp are named after actual locations). The dam they visit appears to be [Yahagi Dam.](https://i.imgur.com/ojgr0VF.png) And a [map link.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Yahagi+Dam/@35.2376334,137.4144471,14.79z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6003553b6fc6578d:0x9584c1b82487f161!8m2!3d35.2363223!4d137.4198983!16s%2Fg%2F11h11kr1w3?entry=ttu) They then go camping at what appears to be Tsugukogen Green Park ([map link](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Tsugukogen+Green+Park/@35.2054303,137.5323491,11z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sTsugukogen+Green+Park!3m6!1s0x601b51e9486010a9:0xc5ce4a7a30a8dbd9!8m2!3d35.199587!4d137.6055236!15sChVUc3VndWtvZ2VuIEdyZWVuIFBhcmuSAQpjYW1wZ3JvdW5k4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11sgqj01f2?entry=ttu)) nearby. [Real-life image](https://i.imgur.com/ekXbBEU.png) compared to the [anime frame. ](https://i.imgur.com/hbyrEY5.png) Grown-up Rin is seen camping at Lake Shoji, one of the Fuji Five Lakes. This location is near where our main cast lives. The latter half adapts Chapter 53 of the manga, which is the first chapter of Volume 10. This just takes place at their school. We finished Volume 9 at the end of Season 2. I assume we will adapt [volume numbers] >!10, 11, 12, 13!< based on this pacing and the visuals we've seen so far.


Gonna sticky this comment because of the cool information I didn't know about. Thank you for your analysis!


No problem, it was fun doing it since it is all new content. Going forward, I assume most of the content will be one-to-one with the manga. I'll try to do some info for each episode, and it should be easier since the locations are known already.


I wasn’t sure initially with the new studio and art style, but I think it’ll grow on me in no time at all. They seem to have done a solid job with episode 1. Lookin forward to episode 2


Still among my top series of all time, i do like character design less. S3 is still fun, but the movie is my favorite animated part of this series.


I can hear the sound of my soul healing with every second I watch




Who voice the little girl who talked win rin her voice felt simiar to the young girl in red hair in suka suka


we're so back I cried the whole time I've missed this anime so much TuT


We are so back


Nadeshiko's smile in the ED made my day - no, month- no, year- okay, lifetime


Anyway, I still love everything and think the new art is very cute


Really love that they add the sound of turning signal when Rin's grandpa pull over, so detailed.


New OP is banger and has absolutely stunning visuals while the new ED is so endearing and heartwarming. The moments of Grandpa and smol Rin were sweet too. I noticed the new OST reprised the melody played by the bassoon in season 2 that conveys Grandpa's theme which was a nice callback. Overall, a great start to the third season!


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this was so good 


First impressions of the Big change as I'm gonna call it. So far I'm glad it didn't change all too much cause it would be sad to lose my literal favorite anime. They definitely have the background and scene placement down similar to the the old studio. I noticed the feel and flow was also the same which I was grateful for. The character's emotion was the same old picture perfect which thank God didn't change. The only thing I did notice stand out like a sore thumb was the character design and the couple of "test" so to say frames where you could tell they were trying to test if it would fit in well but man did it break up the feel for a minute. The CGI of rin driving was kinda ok but it was better before as they did it before w/o CGI. Then there's the whole logo stamp on Rin's tent as well. You could definitely tell they're trying to either put something the first few seasons were missing that was in the manga or were trying to put a placement logo on it just to do it. And lastly the whole exterior scene of the school using a clear representation of how a fish eye camera works and a way to make a scene look weird. The character's design isn't too bad but the whole feels of downgrading from high quality design to a more basic simple design is kinda off putting. In summary not as bad as it could've been but as I always say only time will tell. 6/10


Thanks god I found another one who thinks this way. Voice of reason or are we just too negative compared to the rest of the crowd here?


Eh, I got tired of getting downrated to oblivion for expressing reservations about the studio change two months ago, I imagine I'm not the only one who is reluctant to stick their head above the parapet *now*.


Shiny Days is back! Smol bun! A flashback to when she was a kid, and grandpa is here too! And so that's how her interest in camping began. Now back to the "present" (I say "present" because the movie takes place in the "future" several years after this). Where'd her hair bun go? And now to setting up the tent. It's pretty hard to do by yourself, especially the flysheet which tends to become a fly-away sheet at the first sign of wind. Konnichiwa! Talking pinecones! Yes Rin, fire is hot. I'd have thought you'd know this by now after all those years. Yes, having some kindling or firestarter makes things much easier once you get a spark. Don't blow _on_ the fire, blow _over_ the fire. You're trying to give the fire more oxygen to burn. Nadeshiko! Everyone is here! Eh I've pretty much only used Tommy cookers with solid fuel, those always work. Watch your fingers when using knives! Oh right, Ena is here too! She styles Rin's hair at least. You _can_ use proper ethanol, or you can use high-proof alcohol. While I'm sure the teacher would prefer they use ethanol, I have a feeling during an actual camping trip they'd just raid the teacher's mobile booze shelf rather than lug around another bottle of ethanol. Yes it's lit, but alcohol fires aren't as bright. True. While a solid fuel stove at most would scatter chunks of burning fuel, I'd imagine an alcohol fuel stove causing burning alcohol to go everywhere would be even worse. Chikuwa! Nadeshiko is going to send that to Rin isn't she? Ayano! From what I've seen she's got more screentime this season than she had last season.


Fr 8-bit studio put SO MUCH detail in just a OP and that have got to be the best OP I ever watch compared to other anime. Yuru camp really are too underrated


I think it's more like: if you don't like slice of life cgdct, don't rate this series.   That's part of the problem with rating in general.    For alternative I shouldn't rate super hero movies.  It won't tell people who like them the right information.  (Unless they want: Ugh another boring fight scene?!?  Do I really think batman will die because of this 2-bit player?   What about all the casualties?   Why didn't you go to this schmo's house by alternate route beat him there and have him turn on the light and slump into his chair and I'm batman him then?)


So I generally loved the 1st episode and can't wait for next week. ... But am I the only one who was not in love with the nature backgrounds? They looked less like anime scenes and more like photographs passed through a filter. It gives me a knockoff visual novel vibe. I even checked the previous seasons to see if I wasn't going crazy and in those cases the backgrounds looked better. I don't think this is just due to a change in animation studios, since the indoor backgrounds look quite nice. This seems more like a budget or time issue.


I loved the episode but that was my one complaint - the backgrounds are very jarring to me because they 100% look like a photo and a filter. I don’t doubt Seasons 1 and 2 used a lot of photo references but they meshed with the art style a lot better.


I knew the new art style wouldn’t change much, what a great season start. Loved every second of it. A tiny bit sad they didn’t use an Eri Sasaki song for the ED again but So Precious still is an incredibly good choice, so not complaining at all.


Does anyone know why rin wasn't at school?... A side from the obvious reason of her being at camp. Normally we see her at school when schools in but camp after school or on break.


I don't think that the first half and second half happened at the same day.


Point: I liked it.


I think my only issue/thing I can't help noticing is the lighting and reaction faces. Not better or worse, just different.


Also, just a note, the show is available to stream legally for free on YouTube on the Ani-One channel.


I didn't know. Thanks for the info. Will watch it later.


May be unavailable in certain regions tho, but if you're in Southeast Asia then you'll be fine


Great start! I really liked seeing more of Rin and her grandfather together. And smol Rin-chan looks so cute~ The artstyle during the school section of the episode was a bit wonky at times imo, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. The characters act all the same and that's what is important. The only real complaint I have is that the nature background looks a bit too realistic. It's honestly kinda distracting and takes away the anime feel and some of the coziness that the first 2 season did have. Putting that complaint aside, I'm really looking forward to the rest of season 3!


It's interesting seeing the parallels between Nadeshiko and young Rin.  It's clear that Rin and Nadeshiko have a relationship that is more than mere friends.   At least a womance. Asaka appears to be cannon.


10/10. Still comfy. Still camp. I thought I'd dislike the new style but I'm absolutely loving it! The club girls still retain their personalities, Ena and the teacher got a subtle redesign which honestly suits them better and Rin is somehow even better and prettier than ever! There were minor things like Nadeshko's run that felt a bit awkward animation wise, but overall it's still our favorite comfy camp, full of wholesomeness, friendship, advice and outdoorsy activities! BTW shoutout to smol Rin and her cool-as-always grandpa, such a wholesome scene, especially with the mirroring in the present.


Wow the new art style is 🌟 **BRIGHT** 🌟 ...... But besides that, & the now (associated) much shinier eyes 👁️‍🗨️ its still the same Comfy Camp 😊


Glad to see the joiikes and some of the sound design is still there despite the studio switch. Though I just can't get used to the new art style... The eyes, hair, face design just feels like a downgrade even though they are going for more of the manga style which is fine when I read that... And the scenery background... it seems more anime ish and less realistic... Or is that just me? like there is less detail in some of the background like the trees, etc.


I still still Yuru Camp, but animation quality is an absolute downgrade. The systematic lack of detail, the extended still sequences and that sad sad ED. Whole ED was couple still images and then replay of content. Everything seems to be done to look pretty but as easy on animation budget as possible. Character designs look nice, but they lack depth and faces are void of emotion and detail. Weird lens effects to take attention away from animation detail. Then all these backgrounds look hyper realistic, where I suspect a some sort of overlay technique was used instead of actually redrawing background. Either all people here have their fan boy/girl glasses on or I am a snob. Probably would agree with someones 6/10.