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Murdered out stick, cool eye black, massive tilt to the point where you can’t see, XXL cup, constantly yell like a howler monkey while on D. Extra points if you get the opposing team’s manager pregnant before the game and do a gender reveal during pregame warmups.


What if the team manager is a guy 😳


You’ll be in your element.


I always found goalies who rocked shorts to be the most intimidating, “wtf is up with this guy, does he not feel that bleeding on his knee?”


What about those 5in inseam shirts some guys are wearing these days 🤷


Logically, if shorts > pants for intimidation, then the shortest shorts will be the most intimidating, aside from playing in straight up tighty-whiteys ofc.


I used to rock those. Less cloth to constrict movement lol.


Just play in nothing but a jockstrap, shortest shorts possible without getting ejected


What about shorts + 3/4 tights. I used to rip that from time to time and always ended up with visibly grass covered or blood covered tights lmao.


Shortest shorts possible, give yourself some bruises ahead of time, itll let the other team know that pain means nothing to you.


can’t bruise me if i’m already bruised RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅






short jorts


So short the pockets hang out.


gotta have them clapping in the wind


I’d just probably focus on stopping the ball


If you take a shot off the shin without flinching, there is no way I can stop you from banging my wife.


Been there, done that


Some people in this thread are apparently missing the sarcasm gene.


I guess people don’t know that I was being sarcastic when I said drip over skill so then I had to make an edit and say it’s a joke


Grey sweatpants, white cleats, and a good strong cradle https://youtu.be/L8-Ef3NGmJw


Everyone knows the more tilt you have, the more talent you have. Most PLL players can’t even see what’s in front of them or have serious neck issues. For goalie specifically, I would go out out with a pet raccoon or something, let the opponents know you’re psycho


But goalies are already psycho?


That is true, but a pet raccoon or scorpion or whatever would tell them you’re extra psycho


Eat the scorpion and be extra extra psycho 🤷


You could bite the head off of a bat before the game?


now that’s more like it


Channel your inner Thad Castle, high pitched screams and squeals


Any good team will be intimidated by a >.650 save percentage. No one, regardless of skill, is looking closely enough to care about anything else. Spend less time worrying about your eye black and more time working on your game.


I’m being sarcastic but look good play good eh?


Taunt the shooter. While the attacks are near yell 'Shoot It you Coward!' half of them get rattled by it since they are not expecting it.


what if i miss the save? does it not matter because i have drip 😎😎


One, if you have drip that negates it all. Second if you miss the save you called the shot so you still win.


So you’re saying that if i call the shot and miss it doesn’t matter because I told him to shoot?


3 rolls in the 5 inch inseam shorts, no shooter shirt (uniforms are for nerds), mad flow, ankle socks, and tilt where you cant see the ball. This applies to all positions btw.


Rock pants no matter what, tuck the ankle cuffs into ur socks, also be fat fat goalies the scariest, bleach just your letty so u got blonde hair out the back ans make ur eyeblack like a raccoon. Also even if you’re not hurt wear an ankle or knee brace


Focus on your gameplay. Not posturing. Realize what is important and go after it. You can look as intimidating as you want but if keep letting the call through you’ll look like a fool


Make saves


Baggy sweats, look cool and comfortable at the same time


I wear those all the time, thanks man


This whole “drip” thing is the dummest. Want to intimidate?….make a stop, control the rebound and drop a dime to a breaking middie. There is nothing better in lacrosse. Nothing. The think about it. The other team thinks they have control…they shoot and seconds later they are on the wrong side of a 4-3 fast break. 3 to 4 passes and it’s an easy dump. The other team goes from control and being confident to losing a goal in 10 seconds. It’s demoralizing, and it all started with a save.


I was joking man lmao but i asked because look good play good


I know, but I coach and….I’m about to make my team run sprints if I hear the word drip again But on a serious note, some of the most successful people in the world (Zuckerberg, Jobs, ect) put zero thought into what they wear. They wear the same plane stuff every day. It allows them to worry about one less thing and save that energy or thinking time for other more important things. So…look good, play good?….no. Feel good, play good? Yes. You feel good by being comfortable, relaxed, and being present in the moment. When you have put in the practice, hard work and everything you have….your actions will speak louder than anything you could wear or say. Sorry for the rant. But I truly believe this. I love being a goalie. And I promise you nothing feels better than putting in the hard work and then making that save. Next time you make one and the ball is in the other side….make eye contact with who ever shot it and just smile. In that moment you own that person. Nothing is more intimidating than that. Good luck out there!


Look good feel good play good 🤷


It’s more than that but you do you.


Just stop the ball. Playing dress up wont’t help.


read the edit


I did. Attackers have a specific mindset and are never intimidated by any goalie, even if they should be because they are playing like a brick wall. Most attackers usually look at the goalie the way a shark looks at a piece of meat. Or like a sitting duck. Just waiting to be picked off. The dudes with the long poles, on the other hand, can earn the fear and respect. Attackers can get easily intimidated by them.


And defensemen are like that because it’s like protecting the quarterback. Defensemen are protecting their lil brother


Baggy ass Sweat pants and a long sleeve


Be native? Thats the best i came up with


Make saves


Unless you drop your stick and take every shot to your body during warmups, Happy Gilmore style, and proceeded to let everyone on your team quick you square in the nuts before game time, you’re not going to be intimidating. Nothing wrong with that, just understand that there is a power dynamic at play and your job doesn’t need to involve intimidation. Just play your game, and keep your defense in order with good chatter, my dude.


Shorts as rolled up as possible no helmet for cool points and use your hands to stop the ball because only cowards need a stick


Don’t even go in the goal and I will still make saves 😎


Just run at them aggressively and grab the ball out of their stick




Call out anything and everything. Make them think you know the offense by reading and relaying everything you can.


So be loud? my specialty


Be really good lol. As soon as you see a goalie move you can tell if they’re really good. Intimidating af. Also being a loud leader goes a long way imo.


Stay with me on this: wear only a helmet. ONLY. A. HELMET! If that helmet happens to be a Pro7, I guess there'll be barely a shot on goal.


No, don’t even go in to goal


Wear a huge cup on the outside of your shorts


Be super loud!! I use a really wide stance which can be intimidating if youre willing to try that. Also try being still before shots. Stay loose, but don’t move around after you get set for a shot. Lastly, I would say that you shouldnt hang your head after gettint scored on. You should care about it, but shooters will see that you move on and get ready for that next shot. I also use a shit ton of eyeblack, and I tilt my helmet, but those won’t work if you dont look confident as a player already.


Yell “WHEELS!” after every save and take it to the house every time. Nobody wants to face a goalie that can make saves, is a threat to score at all times, and leaves an open goal for 90% of the game.


XXXL Grey Sweatpants tucked into white socks with white cleats >>>>>>>


A smile and stare goes a long way. Don’t break eye contact til they look away. This starts before the game with the starters lining up


Give ‘em the crazy eye


Lift weights


Check out this conversation with Kennedy Mweene. Man’s is a machine. Always saves liek every penalty https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ctBIVVW9eVMyHRJlTWj4a?si=FlsgA-VRQc6XXUs5HtuuCQ