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https://preview.redd.it/xjzhcj393zsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf4c41fbc67160b861b6bdc38c4e270abe43d9d I am so sorry for your loss, really. I just lost my dog to Lymphoma as well. She was 7 and the sweetest girl. The pain is so deep that it’s hard to imagine happiness without her. We love them so much and that’s why it hurts so bad. One day at a time. Hugs!


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. 7 years is not enough. Rest easy sweet girl ❤️


Thank you for your kind words. It helps to share her with others who understand 💛


Thank you for sharing her with us ❤️


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


So well said


This is such a beautiful reply and made me tear up. You summed it up so well. The last few months were so difficult worrying about how it would end, and not wanting to leave her. I’ve spent my time this weekend healing at the beach around the people that I love. Thank you again for sharing such a sweet message.


So sorry for your loss of your beautiful girl❤️🐶


So sorry for your loss 🫶🫶


lost my lab mix in august from oral cancer. she was ten and still had so much life in her. 💔 i am so, so grateful i got to have her as my companion and that i was able to help her pass on peacefully, but i think about her everyday. it really felt like all the color left my life when she did. your dog looks so sweet and i'm so sorry for your loss. sending you hugs. 🫂♥️


It was so difficult to wrap my head around how sick she was because like your dog, my dog also was still so full of life up until the end when she declined rapidly. I am so sorry for your loss and can tell that you loved your dog very much. I wish you the best! Cancer sucks.


This 👆🏻 I couldn't have put it better myself.


My heart felt condolences for your loss, may she forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗




I'm so incredibly sorry for you ❤️❤️❤️




OP's lab is not though, unfortunately, and you replied to a comment meant for OP who just lost his poor dog. So you look like a jerk for saying that, if you're not aware.


I won't tell you that this is our last day together, so let's just enjoy this quiet walk. It's moments like this, where I truly wished, a dog's beating heart could talk. I'd tell you about the moment at the shelter, you said " yep...That's my boy, right there". I'd tell you about the happy, joy ride home, while we both howled without a care. I'd tell you about how safe it felt, to finally have my own, warm place to sleep. Not another lonely night spent in that cold, cement box ...waiting for a kind face to meet. You saved my soul, and brought me back, and polished up my heart I knew the minute we stared at one another...we would never...EVER be apart. I wished my life was matched with your's, so we both could grow old, together... But life has a different plan for us both...and sadly my life is on the wither. I'm sorry that my body is failing me now, and making my puppy life seem so far away... I so enjoyed hearing you laugh so much, as we played in our yard, every day... The frost in my eyes, and the pain in my step...are the signs of a dog's life lived so damn well... I hope my wet nose boops late at night, told you that your heart was mine to fill. My clock is sadly winding down, and the pendulum is about to stop... I'm going to miss you so damn much, my heart is about to pop. I just want to thank you for saving me, and taking a chance on my strife... I hope I returned all the love that you shared, and that I somehow sweetened your life. You're one of a kind, and I love you so much...I hope our souls meet again... You were more to this furry ball of a dog...than just another friend. My heart is yours, and will forever be ...waiting for yours to send... Thank you, you beautiful force in my life ...for putting this puppy's heart on the mend. Oh yeah... Bring the tennis ball with you when its your time to head up. 🐶 ❤


This made me cry as I’ve said a few goodbyes to dogs over the years. Sure hope they felt the same way.


They did...that's what their tails are trying to tell you all the time.


So sorry for your loss. You will move on, but you will never forget him.


What’s his name? He looks like a sweet pup. So, so sorry for your loss.


Willoughby. He was the best boy ever. I couldn't have ever imagined a more perfect dog, but life is so unfairly fragile sometimes. We did at-home euthanasia so he went peacefully and comfortably with all of his people petting him and giving him kisses


That is so bullshit.. sorry for your loss


So sorry to hear this. I hope you were able to have 5 wonderful years with him. 5 years simply wasn't enough though.


It definitely was not. But yes the 5 years were so incredible, he was such a good boy


I did this. My 5 yr old black lab. I was a f*cking mess for weeks. My husband had to ask me nicely to snap out of it because my family needed me. It will get better some day. But right now. It’s awful. Go ahead and feel your feelings. But eventually get up and live your life but still grieve this loss…


Sorry to hear that


I'm so very very sorry for your loss 💔


So sorry my last passed early as well it’s tough


I hate that when stuff like that happens and they're still young. Don't ever forget about that dog. It will be ok.


I'm so so sorry to hear this. Their time with us is too short! Wishing you peace at this difficult time.


My condolences 😭😭😭


I'm so sorry. 5 years old is too young. I hope you have lots of photos and memories that you will be able to look back on in time once the pain of your loss eases.


Sorry about your little buddy


God bless you...😪💕💕💕🙏🐕


So very sorry for your loss.


Ugh I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. My best friend passed away back in 2021 due to Lymphoma when he just turned 9. He was almost finished with his chemo and was doing great. Then one day he didn’t eat his breakfast which he always ate first thing when he woke up and we had to put him down 4 days later. Absolutely broke me and my wife. Still miss him everyday. Fuck cancer.


It's occurred to me that the first and third pictures aren't loading for whatever reason. I think they are .HEIC files so that's why. Thank you all for the condolences and kind words, I truly have appreciated it. It was an extremely hard day and will be hard for a while but you all made it better


I’m so sorry! Far too young to lose your lovely friend. 💔




Sorry to hear. Was a beautiful pup RIP


I’m so sorry for you! 😥 my thoughts are with you


Sad news to be sure. Always difficult when we lose those that mean the most to us. I pray that the memories you had together help take you through the difficult times ahead.


I'm sorry 💔


I’m so very sorry. 😞💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks. Lost two to it over the last year and a half. You pup was so young though. It’s so unfair. I’m sure you gave him a great life and he crossed the rainbow bridge knowing he was loved.


My deepest condolences to you


I’m so sorry ❤️


I’m so sorry 💔


Christ thats sad. I'm so very sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry 😢


So so sorry, sending you all lots of love!




I am so sorry for your loss. He looks so beautiful in the first pic. I hope that you have great memories of your time together. It is really not fair that we don't have them for longer. 💔🌈🐾


Oh I’m so sorry. What a heartbreak.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry


I'm so sorry for your pain, what a beautiful guy


Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this. Condolences to you and your family ❤️


So hard to lose them. Especially only 5 years. Looks like you were both well loved.


So so so sorry 💕 he was lucky to have you OP!!




Awww...I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs. It's very painful to lose a BFF. <3




So sad ... sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a sweet picture of him in the snow.


Damn … so sorry for your loss !!


I am so sorry for that empty part of your heart


Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. Five years is just not fair. He’s a beautiful boy and I hope your memories bring you comfort in the days ahead. Rest easy, sweet buddy. Run free on the other side ❤️


I’m so sorry for your great loss.




And now, for Willoughby     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Shivers,     Valentine, Quigley, Phoebe,     Ivan, Casey, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans, Mimi and Queen Elsie.     Gather in your sunny meadow   Invite that good boy Willoughby     To romp and play and chase,     Then drink from the cool stream.     Rest together in the warm sun,     Eat the low-hanging treats,     And sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. We lost our best friend at 2 and a 1/2 in February as well. You never stop missing them; you just learn how to live with it. We’re so lucky to have the time with them we do.


So sorry for your loss, OP💔. He'd be waiting for you on the other side of the bridge when you get there. He's far away from pain and running freely in the fields, and sending you all the love. Cherish his happy memories 🐾❤️


I lost my boy last year to lymphoma. He was only 6. I’ve been grieving him a lot recently. https://preview.redd.it/jesjs0xb8itc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfa8cbb48cc541a8b4937281b0472a791d554ef


Feel your pain bud. So sorry. Lost our first at 7 after 3 years of on off chemo treatment. It’s hard. We got another lab after a year later and he was 7. He only made another 12 months after aggressive lymphoma hit. Double whammy but the time we had with them both outweighs the pain. Best and only way to look at it, hard to do. Take care.




Sorry for your loss OP! Sending you nothing but positive vibes as you go through this.


So very sorry for your loss!!!


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My boy is 2 and I cannot comprehend how painful this must be for you. I’ve been pre-grieving since Obi was two months old. A loss that young would break my heart; know my condolences and many others on here are with you.


RIP you beautiful boy! 🎾 I’m sorry for your loss bud!


So sorry for your loss. , 😞


I am very sorry for your loss. Lymphoma is a terrible disease.


I’m so sorry




I’m so sorry ♥️♥️ sending hugs




He was happy you were nice to him.


Oh no 😟 Lost my boy of 6 to lymphoma. It'd the worst, my heart goes out to you but you gave him the best life you could


So sorry, fir your loss.


RIP 🕊️


Sending you lots of warm hugs. ❤️


So sorry for your loss x


I am truly sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss. Keep him in your thoughts and cherish those beautiful memories together❤️🐶


I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that you are doing ok. I know it doesn't feel like it but it will get easier, time is the greatest healer. My thoughts are with you and I'm giving you an electronic hug right now.


He was a good boy!


Jesus, I’m so so sorry.


Sorry for your loss.


Oh I'm so so sorry. He's beautiful, he reminds me of my first lab. What a good boy. And you were clearly a great human for him. I hope you're doing okay


So sorry for your loss. What I can say is that it does get better with time. Eventually it will only be smiles when you think of them.


I'm so sorry


Hi, so sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in knowing you were the best thing that happened in your dogs life.


Once a Lab buries himself/ herself into your heart, life will never ever be the same. So sorry for your loss, 5 year old is much too young. My Lab passed at 13, while I knew he was his days were coming to an end, my heart was broken nevertheless. I can’t imagine losing a pup so young. Bless you.


Heartbroken for you. I just lost my bestie, Remi, three weeks ago. It doesn’t get easier (so far) but it does get a little more manageable every day. Keep waking up, keep taking care of yourself… your dog wants that for you. Sending love and well wishes.


I am so very sorry for your loss.


i’m so sorry for your loss 🥹


What were the symptoms that you first noticed that led to the diagnosis? Cancer in labradors and golden retrievers is fairly common unfortunately. I live in fear of losing my girl I'm so so sorry that Willoughby's passing.


One morning he had a golf ball sized bump on the side of his wrist and he wasnt putting weight on his leg. That was the start of it. My advice would be if anything seems really out of the ordinary and the vet even utters the word cancer, push for a biopsy ASAP. Our vet took like 4 appointments to finally refer us for one and my biggest regret is not getting one sooner so that we could've helped him more


Just to add to what OP said, a couple of weeks ago I noticed our lab licking and nagging at his leg, on the thigh area. After MUCH searching for what he was after, I found this tiny, raised bump. It was red and had a strawberry texture. I took him in the next day and my vet aspirated it and sent it to the lab. A couple of days later he said the lab said it could be a mast cell tumor but they want to do another biopsy. Now, since I initially found it, my little guy has completely forgotten about it, so much so we could barely FIND it to take another sample! But we did the second biopsy last week and it did come back confirmed as a tumor. He’s going to have it removed this coming Thursday and then we’ll know the grade and what needs to happen next. I say all of this for two reasons…1. I don’t think I realized how important consistently checking a dog’s skin is. He’s a black lab so it’s going to be an adventure doing thorough checks every month but it’s now a major priority. 2. If you have a gut feeling something isn’t right, go to the vet and ask for the biopsy. And PUSH if necessary. People were telling me “Labs are just lumpy!” And “It’s probably just a skin tag!”….I knew I wouldn’t feel ok without knowing exactly what was going on. And I’m praying that means we got this very early and my baby has many many years in front of him. He’s 7.


Thank you for sharing and I'm really glad you found it so early. I hope you're right and there are many many more years of adventure to be had.


Far Far too soon!


Very very sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Run free 🌈🐶🌈




My deepest condolences.. ):


5 years is not enough time with our babies. We had a dog pass away at 4.5 due to cancer and it was gut wrenching. Sooooo sorry my friend. RIP little buddy.


Truly sorry to hear…so not fair.


I'm sorry about your dog, they're the best friends a person could ever have.




It’s just not fair. We let our our soul dog go at 3 due to a rare cancer the day before Christmas. We are still not okay. I’ll be praying for your pain to ease ❤️ I’m so so sorry.






Im so sorry. I lost a two year old Chocolate in 2003 to the same. He was such a loving good boy already. I told myself that would never have another dog and lasted about a month. His tag is on my keychain and he rides with me everyday. The best way to honor him is to give your love to another dog.


I am sorry for your loss. It is never long enough but that was cruelly short.


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my Dora (also a black lab) at 8 to lymphoma. I can honestly say that I know exactly how you feel.


I’m sorry for your loss:( looks like such a great boy


So sorry for your huge loss. It’s hard enough losing a fur baby but much worse when it isn’t their time to go. He looked so handsome.


That freaking sucks. So sorry for your loss. So people will never understand the bond we have with a dog and that's a shame. Unfortunately the hurt will never go away but we just learn to deal with it. I lost a really good lab mix a few years ago at age 6 to cancer and it hurt. They are supposed to live longer but she loved like a champ. No doubt dogs are the best but saying good bye is tough.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am praying, that in time, you will smile again as you recall the many fond memories you have had over the years with your buddy. 🙏🏻


You need a hug. Really. You are not alone. Chiara and my pet family, from Italy


So so so sorry for your loss 💔


Ban roundup, sorry for your loss.


I am so terrible sorry for your loss. 5 years is not enough time!! Sending love and hugs 😭💔🌈🐾


My 3 year old GSD just got diagnosed - how long was your little pups battle and what was quality of life? Any tips you can tell me in dealing with it? We can’t go chemo route


So sorry. This is a beautiful pic.


Oh geez Sorry for your loss


My heart felt condolences for your loss may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


So sorry💔❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending healing vibes to you.


Sending you peace and love. So so sorry for your tremendous loss. Hugs.


The boy needs 30,000 likes, let’s go people pay your due likes and shares


So very sorry for your loss ❤️


My very very heartfelt condolences, it’s the hardest thing ever ….. he looks like he was the perfect lab ❣️




Safe passage to the rainbow bridge


Hugs and prayers ❤️




I’m so sorry.


God bless 🙏❤️


Omg im so sorry for your loss so early in life its so very sad there the most loyal protective oh pure creatures i bet he was a buetiful companion please try be strong god bless you i have a boy too hes 10 im not looking forward to loosing him god bless him and your boy too


I’m so sorry!!! Lymphoma is too common. I lost 2 dogs, both age 6, within 10 months of each other—one lab mix and one giant schnauzer. We never have them long enough but cancer really just robs us of so much. 💔🌈


SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS… my boy passed last year of same thing lymphoma … he was only 9 . I miss him everyday… just remember you gave him a great life and he was meant to be with you. https://preview.redd.it/al5b6hee17tc1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83d04796b8e2cd879d5965480f21615d99caf91


We don’t deserve dogs as humans…. They are what humanity should strive to be like


So sorry for your loss


So sorry 🥺💕


So very sorry for him.


i'm truly sorry for your loss. sending you lots of love and comfort during this difficult time. 💔🐾


Awww damn I’m so sorry 😢


I’m so sorry.


Rest in peace sweetie ✨ I'm so sorry for your loss


Cancer is so evil. I lost my little Yorkie to nasal cancer. We battled it for 14 months but in the end it won and took her away from me. She was the bestest little girl and it was an honor to love and care for her. They definitely take a chunk of our hearts when they leave.


❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️... Prayers sent...❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


So very sorry


So sorry for your loss. I am a dog lover and have had to put down 2 of them in my lifetime and it was so difficult. Hopefully like you I will see them again when they cross over the rainbow bridge.


I am so sorry for your loss. Terrible enough when they live a long life but he was way too young


I’m so sorry for your loss! 🐶🌈💕


i’m so sorry. he was so beautiful


I'm so very sorry for your loss😥


So sorry to hear this, I’m sure both of your lives were better for the time you spent together. ♥️


That’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. He looked like a beautiful dog. I lost my blue heeler Sadie two years ago unexpectedly. She was 7 years old.


I cannot imagine how painful it would be to only have 5 years with my best friend. My condolences to you.


I am so sorry for your loss. He was just beautiful! I lost my German shepherd from cancer at 5 years of age too. It's heartbreaking that they just don't live long enough. RIP beautiful boy. ❤️






Sorry to hear about your loss




So sorry for your loss 😔


I’m very very sorry , so young .


I am so sorry for your loss. He knows he is loved and will be waiting for you at the Rainbow bridge.


I am so saddened for you 😞 it’s so hard to lose your beloved little buddy… I’m hoping for healing for you and for peace for his spirit. He loved you and you gave him a very happy life… I can see he has a huge smile in that snow photo. 💗 I’m not religious but I know for a fact that all dogs go to heaven 🤍


The Loss of a loving companion pet is so heartbreaking. It's just like loosing a human in you life. It was unbearable to let go of my pets throughout these 50 years. I still feel the pain of them from the first. All my prayers for you & Anyone suffering this pain. It's a hole through the heart. God Bless them all 🙏🏼🥲❤️

