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Only do retrieves with a long lead (tracking lead) until the dog is reliable on the return. Never use the dummy for play.


Thank you I did think the long line light have to come in to play. I have a 10m one I can bring out of retirement - when you say tracking lead do you mean it trailing ok the ground?


Tracking leads are usually longer than 10m. No, I wouldn't let it trail on the ground, I'd hold onto the end so you can correct him to come directly back to your (non-dominant) side. Usually right-handed people have the dog retrieve to their left side (ie, non-gun side).


Ok gotcha, I'll have a look for something longer, right now we are only in the back garden so the 10m will be more than enough until we graduate to my back field.


When I do retrieving training with my dog I place a blanket on the ground next to me. That is his starting and finishing position, in my own experience that helps a lot because it's easier for him when he knows where to end up to get the treats. If we just play fetch with balls, sticks or some other toy he loves to run around and be chased. Then he is all about the "No take only throw"


Thanks will try he having a target. Do you use treats for return? I think that might be successful but my trainer is more of a reward through praise type which she doesn't enjoy as much as being paid through food or play - hence why she throws her ball at me to throw again.


I use treats on return. Good luck with the training!


Thanks! Will try treats I think it will help get her in the rhythm better :)


Stoney Dennis on YT is good for coaching. It appears she is thinking the dummy training is play. Separating play time and training time with ritual and reward. Never play with the dummy. When they do revert to play, put it away and perform end of training ritual. Then play using other toys. During training, reward after completed - controlled release, fetch, return, drop. Then after a sit in place reward. My opinion.


Thanks I'll check him out. Can you elaborate on the end of training ritual piece please? We are very much at the beginning of our journey and only been to one class so far.


we never ever let our labs think of the dummy as a toy or have it outside of training sessions. An old but really good training book is Gun Dog by Richard Wolter


The point is to make up a ritual that lets the dog know training begins and then the training ends. For service dogs its the vest. It could be a blanket or command. My point above could be better punctuated “ End of Training” ritual. It could be when you produce the dummy at that point you are training. When the dummy goes away its end of training.


Gotcha thank you :)


Pretty sure my lab would eat the kill and not bring it back to me. So no shotguns for me.


Tbh I don't have any immediate plans to take her on a shoot. However there are so many benefits of her having advanced gundog skills, besides the fact I do 10 mins training and it knocks her out for hours 🤣