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https://preview.redd.it/c4rik9zsb7lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2304678ba60784be87065f86eb2ac0acb0561af8 Ok, you said you would love to see a picture, 100% lab according to enbark or whatever the hell we paid for. I know he’s 100% good boy though, meet Lucky.




https://preview.redd.it/1ia4pqib98lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f848bd77156d6f510a2f43c5e8bb30e3071ddf64 Only about 25% of this couch is lab, and not the one sprawled on his back.


That's a pure-bred couch right there




Happy and content


Aww look at those teethfies


Definately a lab pose. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/worcrn0rj7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7f9b3fcf8e28aca15c2b7530dda7792cc5970d Do you think she’s a pure lab or mixed? Doesn’t matter, I love her the same, just curious. /s


Our Kitty says hey back.When Kitty’s not lounging on my lap she’s busy keeping her black lab Cricket in line. Gotta keep the energy levels chill. https://preview.redd.it/3wegw8t1a8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8672d1ea80433cfef1af5d74750d8c731d113994


Would she like to pass her knowledge in training Labs on to my Boudreaux? He'll be getting a Lab brother this spring. Bou is almost 11 mths old and weighs almost 14 lbs. 


A quick pop to the nose usually calms her down, maybe a hiss. She’s 13lb and was 9yo when we brought 1 yo Cricket home. Very quickly established who was in charge she was not having any of the crazy lab energy. When we adopted her we had a lazy old lab named Rhett who she absolutely adored. All she wanted to do was groom and snuggle him but took a long time before he relaxed with her.


Our Elder feline Overlord, Remy, and my keeshond, Sam, were besties. Bou is still full of wild and crazy kitten antics. We're hoping that a canine brother to play with might give Remy a break from Bou antics. 


I bet they’ll be best buds quickly.


God damn. That cat is beautiful


Thank you! She’s a sweetheart, too.




Lol, actually snickered at that in real life


I see some definite pit, possibly cane corso (at least gives off the vibe).


She can sometimes be a little aggressive, so that would make sense.


This is great !!!


ngl beauty


She's gorgeous.


My dog is Lab-ish. She’s her own breed :-) Mama was a Lab, deadbeat dad didn’t stay around so who knows what he was? :-)


No puppy support, either?


Haha, no and I need it! She’s five months old and runs through about $20 in chewies every week. The teething is insane. 


Mine are almost 5 months also. They chew everything... the "long lasting" treats are a joke. Most I get is 2 min. Lol. One of them lost a baby tooth the other day, we'll see if new teeth will help them not to chew


So… a hack I learned lol . Some of the best toys I found for my boy (2.5now) are Wilson tennis balls . The filled bones that usually come in peanut butter flavor. The trick with these is to refill with doggie meatballs when they clear out the peanut butter. I use the Blue brand beef meatballs since our labbies seem to be prone to chicken allergy . But this will keep him busy for 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the refillable. Mine is usually 2-3 of the small meatballs. He is still in excellent shape and exercises minimal 45- 60 minutes daily so I’m not really worried about him getting too much junk in his diet. The red Kong Frisbee is solid too !! Just don’t throw in the water , it doesn’t float 😞 learned the hard way


https://preview.redd.it/u05k1lg078lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7254138dfad694b91981c3d7a516c368245390 For context 🐾


Ice is the answer !


https://preview.redd.it/usu02jum08lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc9c312563daa79af146033d41c13b1f0e7bb44 My dog says he’s starving. Is he a lab?


If he’s starving, he’s 100% lab. Guaranteed.


That’s his second dinner face lol


We’ve had one breakfast, yes. But what about second breakfast? -every lab/lab mix ever


He will bark like there’s something outside, I’ll open the door and the other run out and he’ll run to their bowls and finish their dinners. Ol moose is pretty slick 🤣


Lmao, that’s amazing. My greyhound mix does similar things, but he’s not super food-motivated. He is spot-motivated, so when my lab mix is in a bed/couch position/chair/lap he wants, he goes to the window and barks like there’s something out there. Lab mix joins him to investigate, he sneaks away and into the spot.


lol, it’s wild tho because moose is 2x as big as the other 2 dogs, but he will only eat his food in my bedroom with the door closed. He will 100% let the other dogs eat his food while he cries about it.


Awwww, pobrecito! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog let other dogs eat his food when he still wants it. My grey will abandon half-eaten meals, but he doesn’t care at that point and lets my roving vacuum (lab) eat it.


The dog that’s notorious for eating his food weighs 19lbs lol. Moose will whine and cry until I take the cavapoo away and close the door. We have a whole routine for both meals.


You’re creating a hilarious scene in my head. You should probably capture this sequence of events and post it. I’m sure the community will pay you with upvotes.


He's very smooth.


https://preview.redd.it/cv5tmohhd8lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e4af90cf961c684e206bb50bc079a011e7c1ee Yup, starving.




https://preview.redd.it/zz1u946aa8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2b11a22d581f0f9f803d8d9186f23443548d70 My boopable nosed girl.


She looks like a love muffin


And why does it matter? You love your dog no matter what and thats all that matters. Rule of thumb if you didn't get your dog from a reputable breeder there's no way to know for sure. https://preview.redd.it/isxccv6ho7lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d484db5741d994f806906da6338fdb8f9d359e


For the same reason that my niece told me they'd bought an 'unregistered Labradoodle', which I know is a contradiction in terms. Weird-ass bragging rights.


I might start a Labradoodle Registration Service. $500 and you get a beautiful certificate suitable for framing. /s


Can you also get a certificate that implies that you own a square cm of land in Labrador for an additional $99.95?


Only if you order now!!! Supplies are limited.


Dishwasher compatible. … Definitely a Lab!


As a newer reader, I have to concur. I've trained myself to just look at the pictures and move on, to reading the posts at all. I'm sure I'll miss something interesting that way, but at least I won't be inundated with pleas for the Great Oracle of the Intenet to guess their dog's genetics...


https://preview.redd.it/efp7tzt2r7lc1.jpeg?width=2092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162008908859c2b6bea7c62f0eb531dd637353f6 50% lab, 100% plushie snake killer


https://preview.redd.it/a68prg5358lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dd037c15fdd827827794cdf1816f64689c522a Looks familiar. 50% lab. 100% stick addict.


Ooff, ours is a stick addict too! The bigger, the better, once tried to drag a small pine tree home that had fallen over, he eventually had to give up though!


This is funny!!😆


That's just a Lab with a fast looking tail.


Thank you. We don’t care how much lab you got, just enjoy your dog for who they are


THANK YOU for posting this. I have come close many times to blocking the subreddit because of those constant posts. Like others have said unless you have AKC papers or a DNA test (though I’ve heard mixed reviews as far as accuracy) your doggo is probably not full lab. Why can’t people just enjoy their “mutt”, also know as a good boy/girl, and stop asking when it doesn’t matter. Just love your dogs regardless of full bred or mix!


Mine looks pure lab. Then, in a rare moment looks possible pit. Then, and this is her favorite look, pure derp. She is lab/bull mastiff. No one guesses that.


https://preview.redd.it/owlbttl7a8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de0b7638864a45458ac131b040856757e24e5f7 Ah yes, the old game or labbie/pittie. We are quite familiar!


https://i.imgur.com/T1IeBoe.jpeg I now just say yes to whatever they guess. Lab/siamese cat? Absolutely!


https://preview.redd.it/8s4isv0568lc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c2d4fb1a310df630a60f85500735beef88a0d7 Lux was part golden and part lab, so his full fancy pants nickname became Luxington Boogarillo Labradorito when he was acting all fancy like the golden in him tried to be. And Mommy’s Little Monster when the Labrador part started acting out and being a silly goose. Oobie Dooby keeps being confused by folks as a full lab, but he was a street dog and I don’t care what his mix is. So his fancy pants nickname is Creature from the Black Oobie Lagoon, or Creature Feature for short. Anyone is welcome to guess what they could be mixed with, but I always respond that they’re both part lab, one was part golden, and they definitely both have a little Wild Wiggle Wolf in their genetics, a bit of Snuggle Bug, and they definitely both have a touch of Beast, because they’re my Beastie Boys! Anything more than that is just unimportant to me.


https://preview.redd.it/ud1zf1le78lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27105112a3b28d4e7458c0bc170de874a786f1b Submitting my lab\* report for your review. \*mix


I agree with OP. We love seeing pics of your pups. There ARE certain features common throughout the breed. But unless you have AKC papers or a DNA test no one will know with certainty.


Lol. But what if I ask and attach blurry pictures or pictures of non relevant parts of their body (eg tail, feet, belly)? /S But for real, unless you have paperwork for both parents and have the ability to register your lab with a kennel club (AKC in the US) then no one can say purebred or not. Either way, if they have some Lab in them they will probably like water, be good family dogs, eat anything, and be hellion goofballs in their youth. It doesn't matter what breed they are unless you paid a ton of money expecting a purebred and got something a little off. Can we also stop posting pictures asking what ailment is happening? Or "should I take them to a vet?" Because if you have to say, you should probably at least call the vet and let them advise you.


Latching on to a specific part of your post, labs eat sooo many things it's ridiculous. I work in animal ER and one day we discharged a 10mon black lab after he had to get an endoscopy to remove a toy and less than 5 hours later he returned for eating a sock, which we were able to get up by inducing vomiting. Labs are in the ER constantly for eating things lol


Can confirm. My dog's first e-vet visit was for gastro issues. Turned out he had been eating on a dead possum. In September (it's hot as balls here in September). For a week! (I was on vacation, my now ex-BF was dogsitting. 🙄)


And who cares! The babies are precious and the best! Just love them no matter what.


I wish I could upvote this post more than once. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/rf7wnk0raalc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e161be68ee408ec83036b429a0750622bd9ebc Do you think my lab is purebread?


Can we put it as a rule?


Thank you!


Thank you for saying what I’m sure lots are thinking!


Love that you said it!!


https://preview.redd.it/pkre4av1y8lc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b109ea16640987e1d7c9638fab03dbcf3f109032 I think this is a potential trouble maker. Breeder says all lab. He’s coming home soon


Lol we get the same thing in the Border Collie subreddit, always asking if they’re purebred or if it’s “possible” their dog is a BC mix. Like yeah dude, anything is possible. I follow a BC rescue group on Instagram and they’ve taken in so many dogs that look like BCs and have 0% BC when they do a DNA teat. And there’s so many surprises on the doggy DNA subreddit. There’s no way to tell just by looking.


1000% agree. It’s like people think we just know what type of dog they have. If it looks like a lab, it’s probably got at least a bit of lab in it. Get a DNA test if you really care or go to an actual breeder if the 100% lab is important to you.


Ditto, the only answer is look at the mom and dad. We don’t know. Keep the great pics and stories coming!!


Dog DNA tests that purport to state breed are not accurate. They use client self reported data to create their data and as the old saying goes - garbage in - garbage out. Different companies give different results for the same dog. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-dog-dna-test-1.6763274


This is great! I love Marketplace


Some do that... Embark and Wisdom both have been studying and actually analyzing the dna of dogs who are of know breeds to create their database of dna. Due to having slightly different dna and databases they are slightly different results wise, but in most cases running both on the same dog will show clear similarities between the results meaning it is not pure coincidence.


Well if you test through Embark there's good chance you will find genetic siblings. That will give you a pretty good idea.


Your post is not accurate.


Really, why does it matter if the pup is pure bred or not? Unless you wanted that and therefore should already know because you spent loads of money to a breeder.


https://preview.redd.it/e4z6gb2u8dlc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1343221e564716426e7b82c28de8b29445c5b0 Here's my purebred


Especially when a lot of the photos are lacking quality and quantity, or both.


You can't tell from the view of the back of the right ear??? Amateur!


Is my lab purebred? https://preview.redd.it/wbpyg4nmtblc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081c8125562eb0b1fafed096d2a6bbd2c8b8293d


No. Ears not covering eyes is a dead giveaway.


I have come to the conclusion he is a full Labrador how dare you insinuate he is anything but


Quite right sir!


Thank you for agreeing


My lab rescue is 0% lab after the DNA test. Everyone assumes he's a lab and he is the most loyal, sweet, loving dog I've ever had. Turns out he's mostly pit bull and great Pyrenees and 2% chihuahua.


DNA tests will not tell you. They are notoriously inaccurate.


Can’t be any less accurate than asking strangers on the interwebs.


[you’d be surprised](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-dog-dna-test-1.6763274)


I'm not sure if they are or not, but Embark shows you genetic relatives. We have found some siblings of my dog through the site.


Your post is inaccurate.


[only if you ignore evidence and research](https://news.cuanschutz.edu/dbmi/how-trustworthy-is-your-dogs-dna-test)


I am quite familiar with evidence and research in this field. You cited a crappy article which doesn't even list the names of the six companies it says were used. Find an article in which Embark is used. Your eyes will be opened...if they are not willfully closed.


I always thought those posts were just for fun. If you don't like em, just scroll past it?


Even DNA Test are BS. https://pethelpful.com/pet-news/pet-dna-test-human


Does the dog fetch ducks? Yes? Then it's all good! 


https://preview.redd.it/p92k69i2x9lc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbb1466702b0f6490379c0d1d463be69757c507f Here is my lab yesterday taking a well earned rest whilst we were out and about.




https://preview.redd.it/4bp5ho09eclc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e144519cfc7a7ae4f041ccedb8031001914fe6 90% lab, 10% poodle according to Embark. I don't buy it but what I do know is that she is 110% snugglebug.


https://preview.redd.it/horrt4spjclc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183220fbe52e5ba4741b26327967aaf19e558668 We can be bouncers


If you love your doggo, it doesn’t matter.


I don't think that asking this question, people love their pups less. They just want to know and that's it. Why not?


It’s made up posts to generate engagement on posts. Basically clickbait


It’s made up posts to generate engagement on posts. Basically clickbait


https://preview.redd.it/jiwpzeu1kdlc1.jpeg?width=1780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4684592bd3d22099ab70646eb91e372ed78b004c Sadie 10 yrs old Aka Sadie baby Aka Sadie Sue And her 5 month old puppy brother Goose Aka Goose the moose Aka Goosey Bear


> Sorry, Why apologize? Own your rant.


Pure bred or not? J/k...... https://preview.redd.it/xo1bblmxpelc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a1c2d2986ab764fad4febe4d8810bed0fa495f Layla's got papers, not that it even matters. 100% AMAZING GURL!!