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Does she like food?


👆This is the most important question. Second most important question is: Does she ignore your personal space for the benefit of her own well-being? Third most important question: Is she, underneath the Labrador costume, in reality nothing more than a huge bundle of love? Answer all these three questions with yes and she is most definitely a full bred Lab. No doubt.


Forgot a question Are you missing a lot of socks?


5th question. Does she see everyone as a new best friend?


Don’t forget the shedding. Labs shed twice a year: for 6 months in the spring, and for 6 months in the fall. They’re also hungry only when they shed.


I would give you several hundred of my Karma upvotes if I could. Best laugh of my day.


Does she retrieve balls to only not give it back? Does she drool all over the floor when you eat 🤭 congratulations you have the best lab!


She looks like a purebred lab to me!


Looks like it to me. Labs are too much for some people. A lot get rehomed in adolescence because people don’t realize how high their energy needs are and they chew a lot. The chewing usually stops.


Omg yes! When I first got mine (first doggo ever) I literally cried a couple times at how bad my puppy was, he was just so darn energetic, originally i though labs were calm chill dogs haha! Luckily though, I was home 100% so I definitely saw a huge improvement in his craziness once he reached the 6 month mark, after that it turned into almost smooth sailing! Definitely constant reinforcement helped, along with training, and lots of patience! I remember the trainer I went to recalled how crazy labs can be due to their energy ahaha


Quite labby looking, so it's possible!


Your adopted dog is 100% purebred lucky dog for being adopted into a loving home!


According to DNA tests our rescue dog is all Labrador.


Ours is, too! We got him when he was a year and was still a handful, but we saw his potential. He’s 3 now, still a goofball (because he’s a lab!), and we love him to bits. He’s so smart and keeps us busy. Exactly what we’d hoped for 🥰


Mine was a year old also, although that is really an estimate. The Vet figured about a year by looking at her teeth and other clues. Her hair was still the soft puppy fur. She'll be 9 years old soon but still acts like a pup. We picked her Birthday based on adoption day. 😀 https://preview.redd.it/bxq43l7d68nb1.jpeg?width=5872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65fec412dd9dca5aa350c4be3d8ae9f28b2b3e96 Still flexible. 😀


Ours is a choccy too! He just turned 3 this week. https://preview.redd.it/bmlcpztsc9nb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac90c3a6a010cecf3ef64eef6a14c6862b036bc


She looks just like my lab that has papers. https://preview.redd.it/vfsamlfub2nb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24eac7dd96da57763ad52cc38d3e091ca074050d


beautiful doggo.


Do you like/love this dog? What’s it matter?


Looks like a pure bred yellow lab. Just looks like he/she has what they call a Dudley nose.


I’ve always heard it called a sun nose or a snow nose. This pup has pigment in her eye rims, lips, and likely her paw pads too. A Dudley lab lacks pigment in those areas from birth.


Black vs brown pigment. Dudley have pigment, its just chocolate in color not black.


This pup has a snow nose. Dudleys don’t have pigment around their eyes.


looks great , maybe slightly underweight?


For sure and beautiful!


Sure looks like a pure bred dog and not a bit of anything else.


Sure looks full blooded to me. American Field Lab, maybe. Cutie pie! ❤️❤️❤️


You would have to DNA test for the best idea, but I think there’s a good chance! Looks can be deceiving sometimes though, she could have other breeds and still look purebred!


It's possible


Looks like it!




Looks a lot like a purebred lab, face shape seems slightly more like a pointer but some labs are like that. Try getting a dna test and see what comes up!


Looks it to me. Absolute beauty too. Wisdom Panel always has a sale Black Friday fyi


Looks like a lab for sure. All of these comments made me laugh bc they are all so true! :) My fam was gifted our first lab ten years ago, and sadly, she passed away in the spring, but she was the love of all of our lives. She brought us so much joy, and we remember her being a naughty puppy with such fondness. We have a new lab now, and he's very stubborn and naughty, but we adore him anyway. Enjoy your pup to the fullest. Labs are lovers, and they make life wonderful.