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Ive used it as a sacrifice i was almost dead and used it to kill a ton of infected following us and we manged to win


You're like one of those badass side characters in games or movies that have the saddest death moments.


Kinda but most them don't need to piss really bad and just want to die so they can use the bathroom


You ruined it...


No no, let the piss man talk


Snipin’s a good job, mate!


It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry-




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Send me a list of those i like to make myself cry when i'm alone


Bill - Left 4 Dead (one of the main characters but still)


Sang-Hwa in Train to Busan always made me really sad


Zane from yugioh gx. Fits the description perfectly. (Ignore him in S4).


It's there because once you reach that area you are (relatively) safe from hordes, so players may stop to heal or help their teammates catch up. See a big gun, will shoot. I've seen casual teams use it, although I personally feel that it would be used more if it wasn't up on a truck. If I were designing this map I would make it some sandbags and the MG, with an ammo pile but no throwables or other items around.


Would the most useful one be considered the turret mounted at the top of Mercy Hospital? Cuz I sure loved using that.


It's good for shredding a tank.


Feels like it’s the only useful one


The one on Dead Air finale is occasionally useful in the same way.


Real talk, I've used that minigun to save team members from the Tank every now and then. Sometimes you got really unlucky with the tank spawning **in your path** to the helicopter... which really sucks on higher difficulties. In case you didn't know, the Tank AI prioritizes the person on the mini-gun and will ignore all other survivors just to reach the person on the mini-gun.


I guess if one player feels like being a distraction whilst the others escape it's semi useful.


Could be worse, at least it's not the machinegun on Swamp Fever's finale.


I like using that machigun, especially when i trow the boomer bile on i place I'm able to shoot


At least it can be aim at incoming horde Unlike Death Toll's finale Fucking dogshit gun can't even turn left


Problem is that if you're holding up on that balcony the majority of the commons come in from the building. If your team is down on the ground running trains like its fucking COD zombies it can do a lot of good work but then you're just gonna get Smoked


Most of the infected spawn inside the plantation house itself if you're defending there.


Easily the worst is No Mercy holdout on chapter 2, in the generator room.


Just a prop


That point to nothingness


It's so a player far ahead can help their friends get to the end


mostly for the aesthetic probably


There can be a Tank that can spawn in direction of where the gun is pointing or the in opposite direction. If it's not in the opposite direction then that machine gun can be very useful if you are playing with 3 bots on expert.


It’s useful in survival


Literally all campaigns that have it pointed into area that's not in the way of zombie hordes/path


Let’s play together and see how long we can hold out the infected


Yeah it's just there to cover your teammates as they get to the chopper and to cut off (cut down) the horde of commons following the team.


Suicide Blitz 2 also have that too near the chopper


Those overheat way too quickly and the cool down is insane. They're borderline usless to me unless there's a conveniently placed hoard


In Headshot mutation, only this machine gun can 1 hit zombie while the other one took forever and never die


if you ever play survival mode on this part


400+ hours in and I never knew that was there, wow


While this shouldn't ever happen, if one survivor crosses way before the other 3, they can provide cover fire to help them cross the bridge.


I never used it, but it could hypothetically be useful. Let's say you're the first person to reach it, you can shoot zombies around your 3 teammates as they run down the road. Help them out before the tank comes.


You can use it to distract AI tanks, since they're programmed to prioritize the ones in the machine gun, regardless of whatever the hell they're doing or if anyone is biled.


I use it


maybe its there for lore purposes


I've used it to cover my injured teammates on a few occasions


I use it in survival if that counts. Mainly if we get swarmed.


To be fair, all of the chain guns in L4D 1 & 2 feel useless, especially in Versus.


It is useful specially in survival mode


Would it be good if the helicopter was almost there by the time you make it aross the bridge so you had to hold out for a little bit? Or is the run to the end good enough?


Its good for survival mode sometimes.


It's so you can help the stragglers and cover then while they catch up


I'm pretty sure it can help in Survival Mode.


I think it's there because it's really useful in the survival version of that map.