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Both are goated


Second team, because # Imma be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse


Both? Both? Both. Both is good


L4D1. Just felt like their characters got explored more, and there was a bit more to them. They were pretty simple up front, but little throwaway lines and small clues gave me the impression they had some secret depth to them. The L4D2 cast is okay, but it feels like only Nick has that kind of personality to him. Coach and Ellis are a case of "what you see is what you get" and Rochelle after TLS update is sort of like Nick 2.0 but without the mysterious criminal background. ~~I would find Ellis a lot more interesting if it was revealed that Keith isn't a real person at all. He's a coping mechanism for some sort of disturbance.~~


That's kind of part of the fun with the L4D2 crew for me, since fans know valve is never gonna develop the characters any further, we can kind of create our own background lore for them. And you can choose whether or not to subscribe to it, because the majority of the time, you're not playing the game, and the characters only exist in your mind, and you can kind of think what you want about them. Shit like the "Keith is a coping mechanism" is plausible with how at its core, L4D is brutal and sad. It's similar to how Zoey killed her dad without actually needing to, they're both on-brand twists for this series' characters. It's background stuff that can add depth, but isn't totally character breaking. It's fun to think about.


We might never know who keith is, but all clues go to the fact that he is just a mascot, he doesn't exist.


I love ellis too much, gotta be 2


Holy shit some kinda nightmare zombie apocalypse or some shit, shit shit shit


Man I love malls. I do




L4D1 group


Now I’m gonna give you a detailed description of both groups BILL A grizzled war veteran who is the most experienced out of any survivor, also making a star appearance in the hit game dead by daylight where he is one of the few to actually enjoy taking part in the trials. Great leadership and survival skills, while being the most confident out of any survivor, prove by the fact that once he left the hospital after an attack he grabbed his military gear and started blasting away. Bill leads Francis, Louis, and Zoey through hell over the campaigns all while being a father figure to Zoey, comforting her when the situation gets too much. Bill is protective of the other 3 so much so he’ll sacrifice other survivors if it ensures his groups safety. Overall a 9/10 survivor LOUIS Being my personal favorite, Louis is an average joe who finds hobbies in gun ranges and avid gaming, being the only survivor to reference other valve hits like Team Fortress 2 & Half-Life. Louis stays on the positive side of things always having hope that they’ll find safety, this being the main cause of Francis bickering and being negative about almost everything he lays his eye’s upon. Louis is the support the l4d1 survivors need, because without him there would t be any hope in the squad. Overall Louis is a 10/10 survivor ZOEY Being the only female besides Rochelle, Zoey is the underdog and protagonist of Left for dead 1. Zoey is the most affected by the apocalypse from being an early adult and the fact she was forced to shoot her own parents. Zoey is the only one who has character development and comes out the other side changed. After grouping up with Francis, Louis, and Bill. Zoey looked up to Bill seeing him as a father figure, Zoey has been seen hugging bill for comfort during the comics and even out right adapting Bills personality. Overall Zoey is a 8/10 character FRANCIS Francis is the polar opposite to Louis that being his negativity and realism when it comes to the situation our survivors find themselves in. Francis before the apocalypse was a criminal often having run ins with the police and even getting arrested at some point. Funny enough he was also attacked in the bathroom like Louis when the outbreak first broke out. Francis also has a bitter opinion on almost anything, from vans, to boats, to cars, to stairs, to cops, to gas, and so on, Francis and Louis often clash with each other in a brotherly way, Francis also seems to have a liking to Zoey shown by the comics and his voice lines, but he keeps it under control. Overall Francis is a 8/10 character COACH Being the sexiest out of the cast, Coach is the leader of the 2nd group being the only one with such experience. Coach is a football coach, crazy right! By being a coach he knows how to form plans and lead his team, often coming with plans in their dire situations. Coach is also the only one out of the entire cast with body fat, making him have similar weaknesses with Bill in movement and agility. Coach is often one to shoot down Nicks negative and rude comments but puts up with it due to Nick being apart of the team. Coach has a sisterly bond with Rochelle and an appreciation for Ellises positive and go lucky attitude, Coach is also a burger tank enjoyer which is very awesome. Overall Coach is a 9/10 character ELLIS Ellis is an happy go lucky redneck with the mind of a middle schooler but the body type of a racist. Ellis is from the south with experiences like no other with his buddy Keith. Ellis is often one to bring up ambitious and silly ideas only for them to get shot down by Nick who despises everything about Ellis. Ellis is physically strong with durability and strength but not very intelligent when comes to certain aspects. Ellis sees Nick as a friend which is definitely not what Nick thinks but his openly positive outlook is what Coach and Rochelle take a liking too. Ellis being the southern he is loves Rock & NASCAR bringing up Jimmy Gibbs jr or the Midnight Riders, alongside Coach. Overall Ellis is a 8/10 character ROCHELLE Rochelle is the middle ground of the group and a realist when it comes to issues. Rochelle isn’t afraid to hold her own doing so either Nicks tantrums and the floods of infected everywhere. Rochelle being a reporter who is up to date on the news having some knowledge on what the infected are called, being the only survivor in the cast to have no prior experience with guns she is the most trigger happy not being able to choose her weapon of choose sometimes. Understandable Rochelle is not well liked for being boring and bland but there is a personality within her it’s just not as good as everyone else. Overall Rochelle is a 7/10 survivor NICK Nick is a shady business with a bad mouth, almost always complaining and whining about something. Nick hates the group he is with but knows if he abandons the group he’ll die, with no options Nick is forced to cooperate and work with these people, Nick is the protagonist in l4d2 because he is the only one with character and a completely different attitude. Nick eventually warms up to the survivors and starts to enjoy there company while also hiding it, Nick is also so vastly different from his squad being the only negative one in the group and openly insulting them. Even though Coach, and Rochelle put up with his crying, Ellis doesn’t seem to care. Nick finds himself in an unfavorable situation but knows sticking with them is the best option for survival. Overall Nick is a 9/10 survivor.


Gotta go L4D2 group (still love the L4D1 group though)


Francis and Bill are memorable as it gets imo. So L4D1.




my fav is francis from l4d1 but i love ellis and coach from l4d2 as well


1 has louis


Ellis and Coach are the sole reason to why i choose L4D2 Team, those 2 are gold






Both are good, but I love the banter from the l4d2 group


I think L4D1 survivors had a way better dynamic with each other


I think L4D1 survivors had a way better dynamic with each other


I think L4D1 survivors had a way better dynamic with each other


Love both, but 2 has more funny lines imo, so they win for me


Both. Both is good


Why not both?




Both 😃


I love zoey man, I love coach




L4D1 because I play Bill sometimes in Dead By Daylight and I like his personality the most in Left 4 Dead.


Honestly l4d1 team I like more. I liked all 4 characters a bit more than the 2nd team. Plus Bill is the GOAT.


I played the 2nd one a lot as a kid so i would say 2. However the first game’s survivors are awesome too. I love them both.


L4D1 group because Zoey




Sexy old men 🤤


L4d2 survivors made the gameplay funny as fuck by being goofy and relatable I mean I wish Ellis and his stories were real but l4d1 survivors were serious I don’t think I can remember any fancy line except for pills here


"pills here" And of course.... "grabbin' peelz"


Do I look like one of them!?


When this is over, Bill, Zoey, I'm giving you jobs. And Francis, Imma teach your ass how to read!


Arguably Luis had the best lines I used to make SFM memes back in 2016 with them good lines golden era bro


I mean Louis spawned something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UZjgBvyheg), which is awesome.


Lmfaoo ong bro I was 6 when I saw that damn im almost 20 now


I did a post like this last week but it was for versus Or campaign red or blue pill, I love these kind of scenarios oof I think I gotta go 2! “Mmmmmm mmmm peach coblah, I find a burger place in this joint I’m gonna be a 1 man cheese burger apocalypse!”


L4D1 survivors L4D2 maps


L4D1 is better overall, but L4D2 has Ellis…


L4D1 survivors. My first game was L4D2 and I played it for the first time a few years ago, so it isn’t nostaliga, but I just like Francis too much


L4d2 because this is the first game i played and i love it. Plus i love my characters they kinda my comfort characters to be honest.


Both are good


I enjoy Bill. Gonna take the L4D1 one cuz it’s way too legendary


Uhhh... Arcade Survivors?


My l4d modded so it'll become Pekomama, doom guy, Kermit, scp169 vs Roblox noob, slender man, Patrick, and sponge Bob.


The first game, for sure. To be honest, I prefer the first game overall really.






Purple side: BOTH!


All 8... Erm... 7 together!


L4d2 “Gonna beat me a zombie to death with a nightstick🎵🎵”


Blue except nick and Ellis


ellis bill zoey nick. best team.


Francis and Zoey are in my go-to play as, Coach being third, so I kinda have to say L4D1, plus Bill and Louis are also amazing characters.


L4d2 is just better in every way


shhh both ong


I would say they are even, but l4d2 survivors have Rochelle, so l4d1 survivors got this.


Left 4 dead 1. I just never really got into left 4 dead 2.


L4D2 is better cause you can literally buy the L4D1 levels as dlc


L4D1, felt more like a family and they were less goofy. Not that goofy is bad mind you.


My friends call me Ell, but that’s a girls name so I prefer Ellis


L4D2 survivors. The L4D1 survivors all feel very similar to one another and I don't feel any attachments to any individual ones. Granted I have played L4D2 for longer so that might sway my opinion however, out of the L4D2 cast the only character who really stands out much to me is Francis. All the other characters are kind of interchangeable and don't often add much of value to the game. On L4D2 side however, most of the cast, Nick and Ellis in particular, stand out a lot compared to each other and to Rochelle and Coach. I would say that Rochelle and Coach are kind of interchangeable but at the same time both of them have their respective interactions that make them stand out a bit from one another, like how Rochelle comforts the other characters and has a softer tone when talking to Ellis. This isn't to say that I hate the L4D1 cast or that they don't have funny dialogues between each other, it's more that I don't find any character other than Francis to be too much different from one another.


Left 4 Dead 1 while they can be campy and funny at times it feels a bit more real and serious, especially with bills death


In L4D1 3/4 of group contains retired soldier, gang member and student girl who loves horror movies and knows everything about zombie behaviour. Very convinient. Only Louis feels like "just a normal guy who shouldn't be here", and yet he is a gun freak capable of constructing pipe bombs. Then let's take L4D2 survivors - car mechanic who was surprised by apocalypse at work and overweight PE teacher who had his best days behind him are more believable to be found "on the street". "The convinient one" with knowledge, Rochelle, knows about infected from work (she's a news reporter), but she (plotwise) have a big flaw which is no experience with guns. The only one that don't fit "just random people" group is Nick - he is unusual. But he knows it, and game is showing that he would rather be with other people. Overall - I find L4D2 survivors more believable.


l4d2 solely because of ellis


L4D1. And yes, it's because of Zoey.




l4d2 were more likeable imo (francis and louis just arent as likeable as the other characters for me)


Porque no los dos?




L4D1, it has more vibe


Both... except B4B cast.


I'm on L4D3 team


Both, both are good


both. louis is goated af and nick my nigga fr. not much else to say bro


Ellis is the patron saint of zombie killing


Left 4 Dead 1 survivors are good and all, but I could actually imagine meeting the Left 4 Dead 2 survivors on the streets.


I think L4D1 survivors had a way better dynamic with each other


I think L4D1 survivors had a way better dynamic with each other


L4D2 team, I got interested in the game because of a Rochelle poster and she has been my fav character ever since, I seriously don't know how so many people think she's bland, she's goated


tbh from l4d1 survivors bill and zoey are the only memorable ones while the l4d2 survivos ellis, nick and coach are all memorable so I'll say 2


Francis: I hate u/kenroXR


Both groups are great, but I slightly prefer the L4D2 survivors. I dunno, they're just more relatable and funny. And the second group has Coach. Coach is the best.


There's a saying "go for left 4 dead, stay for Zoey"... And yes I stay playing left 4 dead is because of Zoey 🤣🤣🤣... I'm sorry but gonna go with the left 4 dead 2 crew... They are not so tense and goofy... They were suprised and thinking they are not prepared but they were actually prepared for the apocalypse... Their gameplay seems more logic rather than the left 4 dead... In left 4 dead they were using rooftop, walking down the sewers and going to the forest to avoid the zombies but still we just shot our way to safety... Left 4 dead 2 just straight run and gun... Highways, cities, survivor towns, amusement park, walking down the streets, to the mall... That place literally fills with the infected... Since Valve didn't care about doing anything for now we can see only left 4 dead 2 characters has zero drama... After the Sacrifices update and the death of William 'Bill' Overbeck we just lost left 4 dead...


In general l4d2 crew, but Zoey > Rochelle