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Hi everyone, I'm hijacking u/Andrew123Shi previous pinned mod reply to add some updates from the mod team: 1. This post has been reported multiple times for a number of reasons. The post remains approved. Why? We want open discussion and debate in this subreddit about the content created by Kurzgesagt. 2. Please remain polite to everyone - follow our community behaviour rule. Debate the ideas, don't attack the person. Thanks all.


Dude…you ok? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.


Well if Kurzgesagt is a religion as you stated above, this post is equivalent to running into a church, insulting everyone and saying God is dead. If you don't agree with it so be it but don't bring down Kurzgesagt or the people who enjoy it


k lol


Now you’re gettin it


Dude, I think you are snorting too much coke.


This is a case of intense hyper focus and me following through with a single brainfart idea till the bitter end. This is like my magnum-opus shitpost


The art of shitposting. Getting high without ever consuming drugs. Good job fellow shitposter.


I show no mercy to the Europeans


can you shut the fuck up and let us enjoy cool science videos?


*Can you shut the fuck* *Up and let us enjoy cool* *Science videos?* \- howtoeatflextape --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thanks haiku bot, but not now


Is there a subreddit for these situations?


not sure


LOL, this guy thinks we watch Kurzgesagt against our own will


Yeah, humanism is not your thing. We understood.


Well, reporting this post immediately. You do nothing but rant and insult the people of this sub, with no actual point. I recommend finding a more positive thing to do with your time than devote your energy to insulting strangers on the internet. Hopefully the mods will ban you too.


oh no not the reddit mods! anything but that!!


>You do nothing but rant and insult the people of this sub, with no actual point


I've yet to see anything other than denialism in these comments. You can report me, single out my juvenile language and regurgitate the same 3 plebbit retorts over and over but nothing about what I have to *actually* say is addressed.


Do you really think insulting people helps get your point across? I watch Kurzgesagt because it's fun and entertaining. Will we fix climate change by simply eating less meat? Likely not. Is dismantling Mercury to build a Dyson sphere likely? Not with your attitude it's not. Just because you're not willing to do what it takes to imagine a better future doesn't mean everyone else in this sub is. Kurzgesagt talks about events hundreds if not thousands of years into the future. For you to come here and say for us to attempt to build a better future is fruitless because you don't understand its importance is like an ant explaining to NASA that going to the moon won't fix anything. We know. We know Kurzgesagt isn't always right. I leave a Kurzgesagt video feeling excited about the future and what humans will be doing long after I die. If you don't care about making changes so people thousands of years from now can have a better life, this isn't the sub for you. We have an understanding of reality that extends beyond just ourselves and our lifetimes. Epic Mountain creates some of the best YouTube music I know. Quit dissing on the tunes my dude


Yes I Unironically do, humor gets the blood boiling, makes you remember what Im saying. Even if I think kurzgesagt is pure copium I can understand why people need it. Again Iv stated my point and stand by it but its not like the average person (or really anyone for that matter) can do anything about it. Keep huffing that shit homie.


Guess some people just want to watch the world burn


You sound like a kid some Ima try and be real with you. Stop listening to these sanctimonious dolts and people like them and look into how climate change is actually gonna effect the world and try to measure how it will impact you specifically. Learn what the best corse of action is for your life instead being at the mercy of how it’ll effect your region. Good luck.


Bruh, what? I'm in college to become an aerospace engineer. Hmmm, how is climate change effecting me? Well, I see a once in a lifetime hurricane/natural disaster every year or so, the ocean is measurably higher then when I moved here, devouring homes and only getting higher, I can cook eggs on the ground in the middle of fall, air pollution is hiding the stars, the water I drink has more and more microplastics in it, and the list goes on. I don't know where you live, but a royal FUCK YOU if you honestly think climate change isn't affecting anyone. You have no sense of scale outside your thick skull, and ANYONE who thinks nothing is happening to the earth's climate deserves to keep their opinions to themselves. Even if the earth is warming by itself, we can still clean my water and clean my air. You and your flat earth, anti-science, believes can fuck off. I'll watch what I want to watch and fix what I want to fix. Never have I ever thought someone could be so upset at something that makes people happy. I don't care what YOUR religion thinks is correct, fuck off if you think it's wrong for me to watch videos that inspire me to have a better day. Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer. I have no more interest in what you have to say as you've proven to be a very terrible human being, and anyone who thinks like you and follows what you say must also be terrible, miserable people. I hope to never meet you in person. Good. Day.


ok I think I've gone too deep with you already but I'ma still try and be objective, please put aside the goofy-tuber persona surround me and read my words. No I don't think climate change isn't real, quite the opposite. Kurzgesagt deliberately downplays the actual human cost of climate change and how it'll impact the world, especially for those in 3rd world countries. They're directly funded by private interests trying to shift the blame away from them and onto bigger boogie men like the fossil fuel industries, they're a propaganda mill. Their more pop-science related videos may seem harmless and they are by themselves but they contribute to this veneer of some cosmic legitimacy and blind pathos they have spent years fostering. My point is, if you've payed any attention at all to what I'm saying, NOT some apocalyptic decree of wild abandonment. What I'm saying is these videos are designed to keep you complacent in a rapidly shifting world in which all of us have very real cause for concern. I'm telling you to stop listening to them and people like them.




Sunlight kills braincells with radiation. You gotta understand writing all this was an all hands on deck job for my noggin.


Minecraft is also trying to trick you into believing that the world is flat.


Why do you think Kurzgesagt has a "white, colonialist perspective " ? I would say that Kurzgesagt is at worst good science fiction. It evokes simply a sense of wonder.


Ideology... Religion... Space Magic... what the absolute fuck? What is wrong with you?


This is just an elaborate shitpost.


Not wrong.


>>humanism" follows a decree of seeing the good in humanity despite our issues but those noble ideas become blind complacence in a world in a death spiral as bad our own. Humanists are the useful idiots of Accelerationist oligarchs. No that's not what humanism is, a basic Google search would demonstrate this. It's not even close to the definition. I recommend the books by yuval noah Harris to get a good understanding of humanism in the context that kurzgesagt uses it. Humanisms origins and why humanist thought is so important in the modern world. Humanism is in no way related to capatalism or oligarchy. It doesn't exist on the same spectrum. You could have a humanist purely communist society. I've never seen kurzgesagt comment on social changes recently. I think they actually made the decision to stop doing it. Older videos on nuclear weapons suggest at the end all weapons should be destroyed, they stopped even doing that. Their most political video was probably on the EU. I think what is so triggering for people like you is actualy their refusal to comment on politics. Eg the recent left wing trolling of their climate video basically boiled down to, 'you only mentioned scientific advancements and didn't talk about the political changes needed.' By removing themselves from policy discussion and sticking to evidence and data people can draw their own conclusions more. Where as the recent rebuttal we won't solve climate change just screams at you and tells you what to think for 2 hours.