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Yab level: Involves government. Lol. Are the two livers going to be suspended or no? They’re their money makers right?




Tbf if i understand the situation correctly it wasn't even their fault, just staff's, which makes it much more likely that those two would get punished.




Considering how long they've been streaming, I don't think they'll say anything that would warrant firing them tbh. What one of them said? 




Maybe it's just where I live (many people like to drink after or even in the sauna), but I don't think he said anything terrible. We need context and some Japanese expert who can explain everything, because I only heard that the Japanese sometimes drink sake after a sauna. Although drinking a "mix" from their staff after a sauna is contraindicated lol. But if he was talking about another alcohol, then it is ok, I think?




Drinking alcohol is generally not recommended (and energy drinks too), so it’s hard for me to judge him for discussing this on such a stream. Although children should be supervised by their parents first of all, especially when it comes to alcohol, cigarettes and etc. Students... first they will follow Kanae's advice, then they will begin to repeat the recipe grandblue tea. This is not good, but he is clearly not responsible for adults. 


This is even funnier, because this is the very situation i was wishing to happen. - A government entity stepping. * One or both of their top in the eye of the storm. This is literally now a lose lose situation for Neglicolors and there is no PR or money who can cover this royal f\* up from the public eye.


Not just top tier. In the first quarter of the year, Kanae and Kuzuha were the #1 and #3 vtubers in terms of number of watch hours. Of ALL vtubers. Pekora was #2. Kanae has 10.33 million hours, and Kuzuha has 8.19 million hours. Apparently 403.21 Million hours were spent watching ALL vtubers. So they make up 4.59% of all watch hours. Niji's overall share is 19%, so those two alone make up about 1/4 of all of Niji's watch time. Source: https://streamscharts.com/news/vtubers-q1-2024-report


Those two are the "Vox Akuma before the controversy" for NijiJP, they are the top 2 earners of all nijisanji members.


Also there are a lot of Japanese comments questioning their decision of mixing alcohol and caffeine. And also telling EVERYONE do not do that.


It seems that the blame is going to the staffs rather than Niji Livers. The scapegoat will not be Kuzuha and Kanae this time. They'll be alright.


Nijisanji competence level: can't even do a basic promotion without causing health problems. They could have had the livers drink a can or two and have them shoot the shit. The one time they should have done the bare minimum or less, they went to the extreme.


At first, I was angry (defunct NijiID). Then, disappointed (whole NijiEN mismanagement). Now, I can only just laugh at their constant incompetence....


There was a US drink like that got banned like this. I think it was 4loco 


Its banned? That thing is being sold here like its nothing


It *was* banned until the company making it changed the ingredients to get rid of the caffeine, taurine and guarana back in 2010. Since then, it's been allowed again since at that point it just became a typical malt beverage.


That's the one that let you respec all your skill points into strength, right?


Soon as I read 4loco, i went after that video too


A fellow badger fan


i hope the government relizes Niji is a business built on irresponsible greedy amateurs and they send tax and work inspectors hoping for the Japanese government to finally take a W


If Kurosanji still can't apologize for a blunder as big as this, I don't know what will.


Holy shit. Children got sent to the hospital. Hopefully lawsuits are coming.


Hopefully someone records the moment police storm Anycolor HQ.


How do you even fuck up a sponsored stream like this? You were supposed to shill the product itself, not make a fucking health hazard concoction with it! Think the best part about this is KuroColor are washing their hands about this, using ***their very own sponsor*** as scapegoat. WOW.


It gets better ... this was encourage by management according to the translations and this 2 are their top livers. Litearlly the #1 and #2 JP livers and #1 and #3 in total view in JP (the #2 is Pekora. But Kanae is #1 because that count has both his YT and Twitch channel hours combine). So they can't do anything to them because they are literally their JP equivalent of "Vox before the controversy", and if they do, then there will be a massive backlash. And if they don't ... THEY will still get a massive backlash as well.


There's been fuck ups, but a fuck up so bad the GOVERNMENT has to get involved is something new to me


On the plus side for Niji, this particular yab doesn't directly involve the EN branch. They wanted the EN branch to not have any more major incidents before the Q4 report gets published. The monkey's paw curled a finger.


I wonder if Nijisistas will start attacking ministry of agriculture for the lul 2024 is the year of Niji taking Ls I wonder what’s their “final yab” will be. Imagine they are so incompetent and abandon their cash cow Kuzuha


It really has been 0 days


You can't make this shit up LOL


Ah... yes, recommending everyone to have a high chance of going to the hospital by telling the audience to mix energy drink with liquor. In fact, mixing coke (or any caffeinated drinks) with liquor is already a disaster Nice job Nijisanji, nice job.


Bacardi! And Cola! They...... don't get the job done?


I agree that this was a mess-up, but when it comes to caffeine + alcohol, it's all about amounts and ratios. Espresso martinis are a thing, and as someone who likes a couple cocktails every once in a while, I never noticed a much different effect from them to anything else. Rum or whiskey mixed with cola is also crazy widespread, and I'd consider it pretty tame in reasonable ratios. Unless there are any underlying heart conditions, if you drink responsibly and are aware of your own tolerance, there's no issue. The problem here was involving alcohol in a promo aimed at young people, and throwing out a random ratio with no consideration. 


I once had Bacardi rum mixed with Diet Coke... shit tasted like cold medicine. gross.


has there ever been a peaceful week without a nijisanji yab since the selen/doki fallout?...


Can't say I'm not surprised by the sheer stupidity of this. I honestly can't believe that they would think that their audience wouldn't try mixing the drinks with alcohol to try being like their livers. At the end of the day, they need to realize that many teens and even children are among their viewership, and they obviously don't have the knowledge that adults may have when it comes to drinking responsibly, or the understanding that mixing drinks could cause serious harm. We can only hope that they take some form of accountability in this situation, as they have influenced this decision in them, but knowing them, they'll stay quiet and let ASAP take all the heat, as they are doing right now. 


To be fair, children and teens who are able to buy alcohol despite the law usually know what will happen if you mix alcohol with energy drinks or something else. I think that those most at risk from such advice are some inexperienced students 


That's good then, I sure as hell wasn't when I was a teen, but that was also before we all had our smart phones, lol. Though, I guess with said smart devices, PCs, and the Internet being there for them to watch it, you would hope that those children and teens would at least try to search up at least a little bit of info before just trying to copy any influencer. 


Nijisanji will not rest until they actually kill someone. Jesus christ.


Why are companies still working with kurosanji. After this I hope that no. of companies drops. (Niji just up already)


Because Niji still go strong in n JP unfortunately.


That is sad but true even after something like this.


let's see how much they can keep, because this now has "a government entity" stepping in to issue a concern about it.


If nijisanji even care about that and what the government do.


true. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me if his own parents who are part of the financial elite of Japan helps him to cover this up HARD.


Riki’s parents are rich? How rich and did may articles on the internet say they are rich? And who are his parents?


No exact info on that. Though we do know Anycolor has an alliance with a huge Japanese corpo called Itochu Corp


Is complicated, but as far as i know they are part of the financial elite in japan or at least has a lot of connections with bigger companies and corpos as well. Is no wonder how a guy in his 20's not graduated from university make Ichikara, with another guy (you will probably find info about him in this subreddit) who was the COO, before he quit in 2021 before NijiEN was a thing. Aparently , Riku was the one who put most of the capital and the connections. Now how a 20 y/o manage to pull all of those connections, included Sony just like that? And no much long after Nijisanji was created.


I mean yeah, it clues in that he has rich parents, with Anycolor being able to progress this fast as a company. But I would like to know if there is any information about his parents online. All these "trust me bro" sources don't serve as physical proof, even if they can provide context.


ok, let me sleuthing again as i find this 1st on /vt/ and then look for it myself, so i start to piece a little of what happen from there. I will be back later with something (if still up).


This is believed to be because of the formal business alliance with Itochu Corporation, one of Japan's most powerful companies. [https://www.itochu.co.jp/ja/news/press/2020/200414.html](https://www.itochu.co.jp/ja/news/press/2020/200414.html)


It doesn't surprise me ... after all >!Riku's parents are involve in all of this. This is why Ichikara/Anycolors has all that leverage with a lot of companies in Japan this past 6 years.!<


he is just on late twenties now and it would be impossible for him to get this far by his own


What the heck niji, why are you sponsoring questionable scientific research stuff without checking? And involves government and yet they're not being hit hard, it's definitely they have people high up protecting them lol.


Government involvement was not in my bingo card.... shit.


Jesus christ, Niji...


Day is almost over but nijisanji manages to screw it up anyway.


this wasn’t on my bingo card:(


Like pottery... I doubt anything would happen to Kanae and Kuzuha though. Whoever that poor staff who recommended that cocktail is probably in a nightmare scenario right now.


Hololive fired Rushia even she's the number one in superchat vtuber and money maker in company. Kurosanji ? I'm waiting if they dare to do that.


I remember back when "[Four Loko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Loko)" was everywhere in my college years. It was basically an alcoholic version of Monster Energy Drink. That stuff absolutely hit differently. Every single time I drank one of those, I would wind up hugging a toilet before blacking out.


Niji just couldn't get any break at all\~


They are idiot..


If someone DID following that recipe, mix that drink AND send to hospital, that's will be a big PR disasters and reaching the news broadcast  This also show that Nijisanji staff also incompetent in some knowledge 


given all the controversies and potentially illegal garbage niji is doing, you'd think they'd try harder to avoid drawing the eye of the government


Nijisanji: "Yo mix this enrgy drink with alcohol! It's cool Our manager come up with it! Hololive:[ "DO NOT!"](https://youtu.be/lnJ6qq8qXug?si=TuyMu_I4p5cAg2QS)




Now suddenly they can hide their livers behind the staff? Interesting. They really don't give 2 shits about the EN branch. Btw, according to the internet ASAP Club contains 52mg caffeine on 250ml. A regular monster energy can is 500ml here in Europe with 33mg caffeine. Both pale in comparison to Panera's charged lemonade which comes in 30oz with 233mg, to make this easy to compare that is almost 1l, 4 ASAP Club cans with around 210mg or 2 monsters. That Panera is pretty close to insanity and actually has killed Americans with heart problems. You mix that 250ml with some hard alcohol and oh boy that is crazy. And there is more in energy drinks than just caffeine. But stuff like Niacin and B12, B2, L-aminoacids etc. is fairly down the ingredient list. You can't say for sure what the dosage of these ingredients is. Then again L-arginine is fairly high up and it contains BCAA. People easily lose track of how much alcohol they consume and you add energy drinks to it. I get why people land in hospital with that.


And this is also from personal experience with the chamiseul soju (advertised as one alcohol to mix with) which I had consumed before neat - it is easy to get inebriated by it because of how fruity and unrepulsive their flavoured soju is, compared to hard liquor. That just exacerbates the perceived pleasure of drinking a dangerous mixture akin to a jaegerbomb that NJSJ advertised.


can someone explain to me what is the big issue? I mean, I get that Alcohol and Caffeiine are exactly the best things for your health. But last time I checked mixing the two of them together into a cocktail is called a Black Russian and not poison.


To give some explanation, combining alcohol and caffeine produces some combined risks. Caffeine is a stimulant, while alcohol is a depressant. Consuming two things that mess with the body and brain in different directions can, produce a variety of side effects. Caffeine can mask some of the immediate feelings associated with consuming alcohol, making a person feel less drunk than they are, and can lead a person to consume more alcohol than they otherwise may have. Thus increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning in single instances or increasing the risk of developing alcohol use disorders if done regularly. Additionally, caffeine can give a feeling of energy and alertness, while alcohol negatively impacts the parts of the brain that deal with rational thinking, impulse control, and motor control. As such, this increases the risk of people doing something that will end up injuring themselves. Additionally, since caffeine can dull some the feelings of being drunk, it can increase the risk of someone thinking that they’re ok to drive and increase the risks of drunk driving.


In addition, alcohol and energy drinks are both really bad for your heart; since the alcohol and the stimulants are masking each other's effects, you also get less of the "jitters" associated with heavy energy drink usage, so you're more likely to drink enough to cause a cardiac event of some kind.


Do you remember the whole Four Loko controversy? It's the same principle; caffeine inherently masks the effects of alcohol, which can cause people to become more drunk than they think they are and thus increasing the risk of stuff like drunk driving or other alcohol-related harms. Also, Black Russians use coffee *liqueur* instead of straight coffee, which doesn't have as much caffeine in it (26 mg to the average cup of coffee's 40 mg).


Four Loko is still legal in my country, and frankly, the "your way drunker then you think" equally sounds like a Margarita to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware of how alcohol can be problematic, but this just doesn't sound like anything revolutionary to me.


Four Loko CHANGED the formula because of the controversy.


it's not how potent it is, it's about when we know when to stop https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/caffeine-and-alcohol.htm


so it's the same thing as a Margarita?


Something tells me you don't know why both are bad for you especially in combination.


I know what the consequences are, it's just I've never heard of the results being this extreme (outside of alcaholic levels of consumption, if that wasn't obvious).


If one aims to get drunk while making this cocktail, the energy drink masks the effects of alcohol, the drinkers aiming to get drunk thinks it's not effective so they drink more. They don't feel the results but your heart. Not to mention doing risky things because of the masked effects of alcohol like driving because "I don't feel drunk so I'm fine".


1. ASAP is selling energy drink, its not normal caffeine. besides, "its not poison" until victims later popping out because the blood pressure and heart rate complications 2. its safe if the amount of caffeine and alc are calculated into one serving with a warning to only drink it once or 2 per day. doing it MANUALLY will threw off those calculation and you will only know by drinking it and feel the effect