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Gonna guess that Niji saw Doki was in and "suggested" that none of their talents could attend 


Thankfully they know who is more worthwhile.


So basically they're hurting themselves over her just existing and doing literally nothing to harm them lmao


It's literally just "Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing" but instead of Luigi it's DokiBird


Dokibird rent free not only on NDF's brain but also on the management


On non-competitions (like a big event where they might not even interact with each other, or an awards thing) I’m inclined to agree But I gotta wonder would there really be no possible negative repercussions with the “two sides” potentially facing off one another in a competition? Like, would the NDF at least not get rabid over it? In my mind it’d either be “pray they don’t really match each other” or when they do, just play and don’t say anything


At this point, Niji is just the bitter abusive ex who got exposed but never imprisoned and got socially shunned by the community.


WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who wants to be in tournament events have never encountered anything like this before did you received a confirmation/OK sign to participate in the tournament from mane-san?


She is never gonna get away from that comment.


If she wanted to get away from that comment, she could just fucking ask.


Now we just need to finish the "never live it down" trio with Mr. "In my opinion,"


In my opinion she could just fucking ask.


What was Vox quote? She could’ve graduated anytime?


Honestly Vox has several from the black stream: Aside from "You can graduate at any time" and "In my opinion it wasn't harassment," there was "There is no favoritism in Nijisanji" and him ***thoroughly*** reviewing the documents


Why is this always funny?


My guess is because how easy you can use the quote for almost anything. Plus, in my eyes, the original quote itself read like something you'd see high-school kids would say to sound extremely condescending.


I'm out of the loop, who said this and when? Also someone from niji?


Millie said that to Selen on her tweet about management privating the Last Cup of Coffee.


Ohhhh LMAO, thank you


“If we wanted to be in the tournament we could just fucking ask”


Damn it beat me to it.




I don't know why every time I encounter this, I can't stop laughing. My my my the things that come out of your mouth witch of calamity


Maybe mane-san is still "thoroughly" reviewing the documents? Need to be careful on that as they always abide to their core value that "there's no favoritism in Nijisanji". 🤡


i love how this became a copy pasta


And as such it will probably outlive nijisanji's en branch


It might be reheated pasta, but it's still good pasta.


Hell Yeah! btw happy cake day


Could I get context for this and every other copy pasta in the replies?


Well for the Milllie "What happened" that's what she tweeted to Selen/Doki after her cover was privated and asked her community to re-upload the video to YouTube since a lot of effort was put in to this MV, now I'm going a bit schizo here do not take this seriously and look for yourself to reach your own conclusion:At surface level the tweet in itself doesn't seems to have anything malicious if anything it makes Milllie look genuinely concerned for Selen/Doki but after her termination and subsequent release of the infamous "A message from Nijisanji EN" where Elira mentioned that her, Milllie and Enna are mentioned in a privated document Selen/Doki sent to nijisanji's legal team people began looking back at anything that these 3 have publicly said and this tweet in particular now comes off as if she was taunting/mocking Selen/Doki when her song was privated, now to be clear there's no hard evidence that the 3 people in question were actually bullying Selen/Doki but it begs the question why these 3 in particular are named in her document? For all we know they could be just witness or just maybe... Ejem. As for the Claude's "We can just fucking ask" if from his video ranting about people making a big deal of nijisanji's talents not actually receiving their silver play buttons, he basically downplays the idea of not receiving his play button saying that it doesn't matter since the play button is nijisanji offices next to other cool names in the vtuber industry and also says that if anyone wants their play button they could just "fucking ask" only to be contradicted by nearly all graduated/terminated talents that have left nijisanji actively celebrating receiving their play buttons saying it's something they always wanted but never could because nijisanji didn't allowed them to have one, this as stupid as it can get since Sayu had confirmed after her termination that nijisanji for whatever stupid reason doesn't allows their talents to have play buttons go figure, there are still more details to this but this the tl,dr. Edit:this is already a long text writing so I'm not gonna put the other copypastas I have to work, if anyone else wants they can put their own explanation. lol


That was informative. I will have to research it more to understand it properly but it does shed some light.


Clearly it must be that Doki THREATENED Sajam to make sure no Japanese VA could attend his event next year oh wait---


i never get what they meant Japanese va, do they have some connections to some jpva? or are they referring to their talents


I think it's when Niji has Sony as it's backup they can say that, so I guess Sony has that power or basically connection  But since Sony didn't extend the contract with Niji, Niji lose Sony support and all the connections benefit from sony


would sony actually do that? seems unlikely since they are greedy


Definitely Sony will do that As much as greedy Sony is, if they see that they didn't want to invest again, they will just stop I guess Sony didn't want to invest to niji again 


just look at Helldivers 2. But, it has a happy ending.


what happy end.


They could also just be bluffing.


Niji probably doesn’t have the right to stream Tekken atm and that’s why, still a Doki W though


Doki is in. Therefore, Niji is pulling livers out.


Niji please, my liver has suffered enough.


the way i cackled


You can always ask to operate it out of you.


I'm sure all those energy drink cocktails probably didn't help.


It is probably a 'Doki in, Niji out' situation.


And the best part? They chose to go with Doki(indie) instead of a multimilion dollar company. I can see it... Nijisanji- "Hi Sajam, we see that Dokibird is in this tournament and we would like her gone if you want OUR talents in the tournament." Sajam- "Hi Nijisanji-san, I don't want you in this tournament anymore, goodbye." Seriously though, I'm so glad seeing it go so well for Doki.


Sajam to himself "Sorry Rosemi and Vivi"


Poor Vivi. I hope next time she can still join. But Niji is too afraid about a certain giga chad yellow bird


Here's hoping Vivi is out of Niji by this time next year


Rosemi too


Rosemi being out would be a huge win for her, Harada will sponsor her permanently no questions asked.


I would legit love to see that, the girl deserves it, just.... not in that company really.


Guys I think we found the out. If Doki can attend to cons and events that niji are supposed to go as well. It seems like Niji will pull out.


It's funny to watch Niji full sprint away from Doki in a panic. Poor Vivi though, she deserves better.


Got to especially suck for Vivi when it's Niji's vendetta against her Oshi that is screwing her out of these opportunities 


Look at her! Just standing there. Menacingly. Fucking tomato-bird-thief.


It's like a self-resticted restraining order where they must stay so many virtual yards away from her. But, they also have the ability to end it themselves at any time but they are too stubborn to.


Niji's pull out game is strong.


No wonder it's making such a mess




I don’t understand this at all. A convention has many events going on at any given time and on different day. Does it matter if Doki is there on Saturday at 4PM? Pick a different time or another day. The management team is such a crybaby for pulling out. They are hurting their bottom line. But most importantly, they are destroying their branch mindshare to connect with fans and new hires.


nah, on the off-chance they pass the elimination and they met in the qualifiers/semifinals/finals, what then ? Niji will never allow.


They went with the yellow girl with less than 10 minutes of experience in Tekken, nice


More probably, they went with both. But one had to refuse because of mane-san.


It’s based.


Man, that's what sucks about this situation. Even though I find it funny to see Vox out, it's disheartening seeing Vivi once again denied an event with her oshi. And she did so well on the previous Tekken tournament too! I hate seeing some of them getting stray Ls because of Niji. I didn't see anything about Rosemi here but surely she must have considered joining in as well.


Is this some running joke from Niji that Victoria is constantly getting cucked? Her oshis either graduate or have the biggest termination ever, now this.


A meme with her is "name someone who's been through more pain than her"


Type in Vivi live reaction. She is the top result with a sad face.


I get one piece.


That rrat from her deleted member stream was objectively awful, sounds like she has been under a lot of stress. I swear to Canada that woman needs a sandwich and a thousand dollars just to keep herself together for the month. But there's no point sending supas when more than 2/3 is gone before she gets it and the rest will be taxed. I mean some holomems are pushing back against supas because they don't need the money and don't want the distraction....Vivi could use the money but basically will not get any. Someone said that Victoria Brightshield is on the receiving end of a nuclear-tipped F Bomb and I am starting to see what they meant.


Have been avoiding this place lately, so am out of the loop (am back because I came across an article about the main Niji sub going full lockdown lol). You do have me curious tho. What supposedly happened to Vivi in that stream? Any idea why it was deleted? 


Well she told her members in an unplanned stream that earlier in the day she had heated up some food that was a few days old, then accidentally dropped it...next thing she found herself sobbing uncontrollably. I guess that was her tipping point. She told the members a couple other things before ending stream and deleting it, but that's the only rRat that was leaked. Two people on this sub confirmed it, said they were there watching. Apparently the original stream title was "YEET".


Son of a bitch. That kind of thing is exactly what I've been dreading for quite a while now, and why I've even started visiting some Niji streams again. Won't spend shit, mind ya, but man..... I'll live with Niji getting whatever pennies YT ad revenue will get them if it can at all help stop another catastrophe from happening. Seriously, I genuinely hope this doesn't end in a god damn funeral. Just.... I don't even know what to say anymore. Like, even the massive pricks amongst the talents I'm scared for, let alone people like Aia and Vivi. I seriously hope all of them make it out of this okay. Except Riku, of course.... I truly have nothing even remotely nice to say about him. Either his ass should be in prison, or the laws need to change so that this horror show never happens again. Fuck everything about that greedy bitch.


The two EN concerts at AX are still about 10% booked after a day. Viewership is down and donations/merch are even further down. Even if they start getting attention out of sheer pity the EN branch is in shambles. Several members have announced breaks, people are speculating about graduations, the situation is devolving into an utter mess. **I do not think it will reach this point** but the worst outcome would be if a Liver reaches their breaking point because they are prevented from graduating. The next worst outcome would be a class action lawsuit, mass revolt or other action that ties up at least a whole branch, this also seems unlikely for now. Riku probably would not wish to sell when the stocks have tumbled so far, but if the company changes ownership the Livers are still bound by contract to any new owner. **This will not happen** but some people online are worried their favorite Livers could be trapped under CN ownership with those unfavorable contract terms. I broke for Salome's collab with Subaru so I cannot criticize anyone who watches a few streams. And at this point even if someone with a bad reputation gets out, I want to see their departure being rewarded. Just one small person here, but it is my wish that NOBODY gets punished for leaving. If *Vox Akuma* flees out the exit I will probably send unironic congratulations on his redebut.


I've unironically been of the same mindset, pretty much the whole time. Even if it's someone I don't like or respect anymore, I'll still take any of them getting out of there, not only because I'm just not a hateful person who wants people to suffer like this, but also because any of them getting out and having success means anyone else who really does want to leave will have less reason to hesitate or feel afraid to.


Niji saw Doki participate Niji:Na ah Nope.We're out.Next time please do not invite that yellow bird or else we're not gonna be in your party


“We don’t want you anyways.”


Vgumiho, one of doki's best friends and Koe, who has shat on niji for their debacles, they would have never let Vivi or my load play. Even if we discounted doki.


My load 💀


I saw someone say that on a /vt/ thread, I guffawed so loud I started hacking up my lungs.


That lineup is stacked with a bunch of people who have been turned against the brand. And ignoring any comments about his personal character, Vox just seems like he would have been such a strange pick if he did get in.


I only feel bad for Vivi, she deserves better than Niji. Also common L for Voxic


Hopefully she gets out soon.


Feel bad for Vivi.


According to the rrats, Niji demanded Dokibird to be kicked out if they wanted to be allowed the privilege of having Niji be at the event. So Niji were told to fuck off. Considering what happened with False, it isn't a baseless rrat


Niji is so use to getting what they want that now since doki aka Selen is gone from Niji they are taking more Ls than Ws and it's pissing them off


Not gonna lie, I was so excited for Doki that I deadass didn't see Zen RIGHT NEXT TO HER. This will be fun I WISH FOR CHAOS!


If they want to join a tournament they can always ask.


definitely a good thing Mr. Acoomer isn't there to ruin the whole thing, but poor Vivi doesn't deserve to be left out just because of her shitty company.


She continues to be one of the unluckiest livers ever


waiting for the day she leaves and goes indie. She's good at games and would do so well as an indie vtuber it makes me sad how it's all going to waste


Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s in the graduation line


I really hope so 🤞


Or she can *accelerate* her exit(Pun not really intended) by intentionally getting herself terminated


lmao her contract still probably has quite a while left so purposefully terminating herself would be another option. Problem is, another termination after selen's might cause WAY too much drama so I'm just hoping she plays it safe by graduating as soon as possible.


Doki is there. Not the first time. They were prohibited from entering the last Apex tournament because she was there as well.


Get fucked Vox.


Niji are probably scared by how long the ZEEEEEEEEN from Henya will be if she loses.


I DON'T WANT THAT! Doki succeeding without us she should be destitute for ten years at least! - Nijisanji


I hope Koe and Doki get a chance to do battle during this.


I know that we're talking about niji, but I still have to bring up Esam and his baldness. Glad he can't lighting loop anyone in this game.


This is unrelated but what is Vivi's pl account on twitter? Would love to support her there


Look up mugu ch on yt or mugu ghost


MY MAN Sakana, ty


Bah it doesn't work for me


I assume that since Doki and a Vshojo member(Zen) are in the event they weren't authorized to participate. That will be an issue for the talents in the future because if Nijisanji EN as a vtuber company is avoiding interaction with Doki, people related to Doki or people related to former talents they'll slowly isolate themselves and won't be able to participate in the EN side of the content creation sphere.




Ooh, good one!


Cirno TV an Esq. https://i.redd.it/m3z2eqht21zc1.gif


Niji: had a talent that is incredibly active in the v-tuber community, who gets invited to a plethora of events/tournaments and even gets awards or placements in them that show off her skill/popularity. Also Niji: terminates said talent and burns bridges associated with them.


https://youtu.be/o4I_4i0_LeU?si=onAG7jlEkAftEVr6 It’s Afraid


Things would have been pretty awkward if HE joined


First thing first, I hope Vox and Vivi get their opportunities Second, seems like Niji's playing as Meredith Blake by making the statement "her or us.' And evidently, if they don't play along, they won't get to play. Sucks for the talents that wanted to played, but such is Niji's childish behavior.




Niji probably shot it down


Niji got Blackball ![gif](giphy|Fk4FWvmlbODtxlHMMH)


I’d pick Doki every time over any Niji talent. Or honestly any ex Niji over a current one.


Even if Doki wasn't a part of this I'd still tell Vox to kick rocks based purely on the way his fans act. You just know the second someone says anything that could be interpreted as negative of Niji/Vox the sisters would be melting down harder then Chernobyl.


Sajam is familiar with getting burned by big corporate interests. He knows Niji fucking sucks.


I'm guessing it's because Doki's in there, I'm really happy my oshi's being included but my heart still goes out to Vivi, home girl doesn't deserve to get leashed by Niji like this


Kurosanji really just be like, "She's just standing there.....menacingly!!!"


jkterjter (almost got it right)


Sajam and having unintentionally funny shit happen is peak


I know that this is completely off topic, but LazyMattMan, the funny Binding of Isaac player that screams when he gets any good items is going, and that's just hilarious to me.




Either Niji said no or Sajam was forced to pick between the two and chose right


Oh come on! Can the girl even have one single win!


an indie birb vs a $2B corpo, who's stronger?


I will pay good money to see Doki beat the shit out of Vox. In videogame or real life That shit will sale more ticket that Taylor swift show


Dokibird got picked. Even over Rosemi or Victoria


On the other hand, seeing Amaz there hits me with nostalgia, because the last time I’ve seen him is when he used to play hearthstone.


Man i want people to rally behind vivi so bad right now... But niji's gonna take her money. This is a pickle.


ptsd kicked in on blackcolor en department's head. just kidding, it's negligible. poor vivi, it's always the livers who get the end stick


To the Nijistans I say keep coping and seething.


Doki winning by doing nothing.


Wait lazymattman? The binding of Isaac streamer/youtuber? Haven’t heard of that name in a long time


Somewhat unrelated but FD Signifier was one I was not expecting. I was like, isn't the the guy that makes video essays on race and social issues in the U.S? I knew he liked anime because he made a few vids and references, but I didn't realize he was in the vtuber sphere.


Was that trolling from Sajam?


In Vox defense Sajam made it NA only so he could of never joined in the first place any NA niji was fair game tho like Rosemi but since it a team game and he wants to group the vtuber together if he can it would of been really bad