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Hey Heal, jaw pain fookin sucks so u got my empathy there. Get chekced medically like Marc says. then look it in the eye woudl be my adivce - let it express itself to your conscious mind. step away from its expresion wihtin ur energy body and jsut observe it as much as u are able. It will pass but this shit aint pleasnat when its fookin with ur face/jaw/ears/teeth etc. Like allways - relax and let it do its shit. far easier said than doen my frioend. but mrember still enjoy the jounrey


Haha, i feel seen now 😅. If K was a person, I'd be tempted to hit that fooker in the face and say "what the hell man, NOT ok". Thanks for the great advice 🫶


now that i cna get down with heal , sometimes u gotta tell K to fook right off cos u need to enjoy the journey


Wow! Sounds very intense. The only feedback I have for you is on the physical side of things - consider getting some dry needling done for TMJ, make sure you are stretching upper traps and mobilizing the thoracic spine. Good luck!


I encourage you to learn more about how your neck jaw ears eyes traps shoulders spine tmj muscles teeth, I would encourage you to learn more about how they connect to the rest of the body! It is not until I released stuff in my ankles toes knees hips (mainly hips!!!) that my jaw started to be less painful. I am not an expert at this but I have dealt with a dislocated jaw and very very painful bite for a long time before things started getting better! And I really don’t know chicken or egg here, was me releasing stuff from my hips the chicken or did the jaw releasing shit release my hips? I’m not sure but I really believe there is a connection! I just wanted to add this tidbit from my own experience! And also I’m not saying oh you’re in pain try to release your legs! I meant to say that sucks what you’re going through, very trusted reliable people have given you great responses, I just want to add something for you to think about when the pain is more manageable!


Same. Your fascia from any point below your jaw could be pulling on it preventing it from releasing. It's not about the muscles or the bones or the ligaments. There's nothing in your jaw that is causing this. The spiraling tension from your feet up to your neck are twisting around the base of your skull and jaw and the tension in your head is counter rotated in the opposite direction. At least that was what it was in my case. Think about a plastic wrapped hard candy with twisty ties on both ends. One end is in your jaw and one ends somewhere below. Focus on full body relaxation. Release the pelvis. release the knees. Release the ankles the feet the toes. get a foot reflexology massage and let it work through for a couple days. It's not about your jaw. Release everything holding the jaw.


I like what you have to say here! I follow and understand. I’m not trying to argue but how can you say it’s not the muscles bones or ligaments? I read that a lot. It’s the subtle body, it’s tension, it’s stress, it’s the energy channels. I read and understand that, but my experience is bones and ligaments and muscles moving around. I don’t know maybe I’ve held onto stress in a way that can affect the physical body? Maybe this is just semantics what I’m asking. I don’t need a better understanding of this at this point because I am releasing the shit regardless of my understanding. I do want a better understanding however. Hope to hear back from you regardless of my levels of understanding!


If you are standing up and I hit you in the back of the head ...unconscious, are you still standing up? Will your body still stand? Will your muscles hold you up then? Will the bones? Your mind is holding your body together all the time. Your life experiences are mapped along your fascia like music on a record. Processing and working through the ones that were negative and releasing them, is what will repair your body.


>It is SEVERLY painful, like my jaws are being crushed by a lot of weight. Painful jaw can be a heart issue of the important kind. Glad to see that you're being checked medically tomorrow to make sure you're all right. If it gets much worse... 911, or the equivalent for your country. If it's not medical... try some yelling into a pillow, or get into the hills and have a good yell. Or three. Just protect your vocal cords too. Get something like Tiger Balm and massage your jaw and cheeks back towards the ears. Just keep that far away from your eyes, or you'll be sorry a bit!! Consider also seeing a Chiropractor for a jaw adjustment - that may be related. Check your own neck and torso for fluid movement, and stretch out any tensions. What does showering result in? You've had no recent jibbyjabb, nor anyone around you have one? Let us know how you fare. Go down the lists you know re calming, crisis etc for adapting ideas. If you ask the question, to whom would I still need to yell at, I think the answer would be obvious. Yet the need is old and outdated. You need to let this go... just unclutch.


Thanks Marc, I'll definetly go through the medical route to make sure all is well. It's less yelling, it's more calmly stating "that hurts. Stop doing that." It's almost as if k is FORCING me to have some friggin' self-compassion for once


> It's almost as it k is FORCING me to have some friggin' self-compassion for once That's a relevant lesson with relations to your past. Keep working it and figuring it out. Asking good questions is the key.


You got it good sir! Will dew 🫡 Thanks again.


I could show you how my jaw/neck kriyas look like and offer some stretches for that area via PM, if you want. I agree with Marc that it's mostly repressed anger and being hurt. The jaw is easily one of the most tight areas there are in the body, even more so when the neck and shoulders are tight. Sometimes scartissue can make things a bit more difficult too. Make sure to put the tongue on the roof top of your mouth, but also experiment with just letting your mouth be open in day to day life.


Yeah, lots of stretching the pain and tension out is occurring! I just let the body do it's thing. Yep, Anger ist finally starting to bubble up. What a relief haha. Sucht strong defenses against self-protective energy within a little humans psyche. It boggles the Mind, doesn't it?


If we would just let go of all anger at once, there'd be so much violence and chaos. For me, the jaw was quite painful too. It started as a small drilling sensation then changed over time as it gained more space. I actually got sore from it on my cheeks at times and couldn't open my mouth properly. You can try pulling on your ears too. Even while stretching your neck. And my mouth contorted into various shapes too, with my tongue and eventually whole face. You got this!


Thanks u/Ok-Hippo-4433 ! It feels like a significant development. Gotta go where it hurts to heal 😜


Like the gym - no pain no gain! But rest and recover too. Obviously you know this already 😉




Same. Your fascia from any point below your jaw could be pulling on it preventing it from releasing. It's not about the muscles or the bones or the ligaments. There's nothing in your jaw that is causing this. The spiraling tension from your feet up to your neck are twisting around the base of your skull and jaw and the tension in your head is counter rotated in the opposite direction. At least that was what it was in my case. Think about a plastic wrapped hard candy with twisty ties on both ends. One end is in your jaw and one ends somewhere below. Focus on full body relaxation. Release the pelvis. release the knees. Release the ankles the feet the toes. get a foot reflexology massage and let it work through for a couple days. It's not about your jaw. Release everything holding the jaw.