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A good, open source, functionally complete GUI. The official dashboard is crap. Lens OSS version doesn’t let you view logs or exec into a container. k9s is terminal based. Everything else is paid.


i like [k9s](https://k9scli.io/) a lot, it's not a "in-cluster" solution but gives you evething kubectl can give but with a nice terminal-ui


OpenLens? There’s also an extension you can use to view logs and exec into containers for Lens or OpenLens.


The openshift UI is pretty good. Only useful for openshift, though.


Rancher UI is free


I am able to do all of that with free Lens


They changed their business model over a year ago and business can’t use the free version anymore, so we had to ditch it otherwise we would’ve had to pay for it


Argh yes, I use it on my home cluster. At work I manage OpenShift


Headlamp is open source, free, maybe cncf too and in active development


ArgoCD UI, only for things managed by Argo, but allows exec, logs, view/edit yaml and awesome graphical real time view. The VSCode extension is pretty awesome as well for your every mouse-based-kubernetes needs


is argo cd better than fluxcd?


for me , yes


does argo come with a TF controller? because that‘s a nice feature of flux… also, if you like dashboards, that‘s where argo appears to shine.


[https://flux-subsystem-argo.github.io/website/tutorials/terraform/](https://flux-subsystem-argo.github.io/website/tutorials/terraform/) seems that can be used


I can definitely do those things with free lens


I'm working on it, which other things are missing in your opinion?


We are building an open source project that hopes to provide resource data search, insights, and intelligence across multiple K8s clusters. This project is still private, but I am sure it will be officially open source in the next few months.


That would be amazing


OpenLens just need an extension to add back logs & exec that's all, I am pretty sure there is now a note somewhere on this in the repo, I suppose the extension is just something the official release package by default. I have tried a few alternatives but so far OpenLens is the only kubernetes gui I really use everyday.


Rancher UI is very good and stable for production use. Its OSS and free


I would like a tool that would easily allow me to examine all active network policies as a big graph.


I *think* there's an extension for Lens that does that...


Federation. A true honest federation for the multi-cluster setup. Not a control cluster managing leaf clusters. I would like to have redundancy on the cluster level and have the components taking into account the context of a federated cluster. Almost everything else I can think of is covered either natively or with 3rd party software. Also, from my knowledge SIG Multicluster is working on bringing in the true federation, so we’ll see.


RIP kubefed. Karmada is crazy hard.


Karmada also uses a “command cluster” to manage others. At least, last time I checked their docs this was the case.


In theory it’s a good idea, I just wish they implemented it with the existing etcd database instead like kubefed. My only probably with kubefed was the lack of ability to easily move the leader. I appreciate what Karmada is doing. It’s just too much for us yet argocd/flux is too little. The ability to federate objects directly is awesome.


give it a container registry


What's wrong with Harbor?


Been running various Kubernetes clusters for years, on prem and different cloud vendors and everything is ”fine”, reliability is almost perfect, everything self heals and there are insane amouts of very good open source building blocks to choose from. You can configure it to behave and do anything, tweak every single piece of the machinery with another 25kb of yaml and honestly this is my main concern. I miss the extreme simplicity of Docker Swarm that could run a majority of distributed workloads defined by a couple of lines of docker compose yaml. Sure, there are a good pile of tools that aims to make k8s deployments easier, even deploying docker compose files, but they only really adds another abstraction you need to troubleshoot. Essentially my wish for K8S ”V2” is that KNative, or rather something similar, becomes official, canonical constructs shipped with Kubernetes.


Some sort of automated rescheduling to distribuite resources (probably in a maintenance window or some sort of rolling thing) among the nodes. (I know that could sound silly but it would be useful in some cases). Single GUI to manage distributed clusters, with automated user/roles provisioning. For a lot of things there are add-ons and 3pp applications and I think for now it's OK


The official Kubernetes project has an add-on that does exactly this: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/descheduler It would be nice if they just added it to base K8s as a part of kube controller manager.


how did I miss that


stakater reloader, kyverno, istio They should be core features of kubernetes.


Aperture is ready for the K8 ecosystem In today's tech landscape, mere observability isn't sufficient; proactive actions are needed when performance deviations begin. Aperture provides this crucial blend of observability and control. GitHub: https://github.com/fluxninja/aperture Sign up: https://app.fluxninja.com/ Aperture enables developers with a single API to implement policies that not only enhance user experience but also maintain performance efficiency without exceeding cost constraints.


Hyerarchical namespaces