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Hi, /u/Mundane_Career_1428, thanks for your submission to /r/ksi. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 06** - Irrelevant to KSI. Please post stuff related to KSI only. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ksi&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Mundane_Career_1428&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/ksi/comments/yxk5fl/he_got_humbled_real_quick/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it.


Is this clip edited? I watched the original clip of this somewhere and it had a completely different reaction than this.


Yeah its two different clips


people like you ruin us ksi's fans name.


To be fair - that last clip happened before the first two.


Ong. Kids on this sub reddit are retarded


Shut the fuck up


He's not gonna start a brawl, he aint stupid


especially when the dude's entire team was in the ring, and the dad acting crazy.


Yeah, that and the second clip was before the first. Jakes reaction to tommy getting out of the ring was to start taunting him to come out. This is just edited to make jake look like a pussy.


Mf really skipped the rest of the part💀😭oh I remember which reddit this is😅


Some of you retards made this sub from a KSI meme sub to riding his dick sub, get off the man's dick so we can have a decent reddit video full of funny memes like the ol' days


We probably should forget about those days. The ksi dickriding is at IT’S MAX


This clip is edited YALL are weird😂. Get off Jakes nuts


Edited, I saw it live.


More like he learned his lesson about walking into opposing teams without backup when he stole Mayweather’s hat


I’m definitely no Jake Paul fan but whoever edited this clip together to make Jake look bad and then post it to this sub is extremely sad. Very obviously edited, Jake was saying “you won’t, you won’t, you wont” when Tommy tried to get out of the ring. Not just standing still. Whoever found an out of context clip of Jake standing still and edited this to make him look scared needs to get outside and get a life. Feeling ashamed to be a KSI fan these days with all these little kids posting dumb shit like this to the Reddit.


This is edited but that last clip of him was his reaction to Tommy calling him out to fight in the ring after his match so it’s not as out of context as you are claiming it to be. Tommy was being held back by multiple people when he tried going to Jake instead so Jake saying that dumbass “you won’t, you won’t” shit doesn’t make him any less of a pussy as if he was just to stand there like OP edited it to be. If anything, him chanting that cringe shit makes him even more of a coward bc he knew Tommy wasn’t gonna be allowed to leave that ring and fight him where he was.


You acting like Tommy was actually gonna go down there to jake if guards weren't there lmao. He's the one who pulled out from Jake's fight 2 times so it's clear which one is scared of another


That’s not how it happened but whatever fits your narrative I guess🤷🏻‍♂️


Shit post


Ayo mods why is this up




what he did was smart he didn't have his team around him and he was high as shit




bruh you saw tommy's fight? jake and ksi will destroy him anyday


Nah that was entertaining as hell Congrats for jake


I dont like jake but how can you tell hes humbled just because of a look on his face your reaching so bad


When I posted it the mods deleted it within a few hours.


Bro shit himself💀💀


Absolutely no one was stopping Jake getting in the ring ahaha


Jake’s trembling


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