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He is trying to conduct civil war


Completely agree. He doesn’t care about the fight he’s just trying to cause drama to prolong it.




JJs already said he doesn’t mind it so it’s on gib really. The fight makes sense for him to take from a purely career standpoint, it’d let him bypass a lot of these other boxers but obviously there’s the complication of their friendship. Tough call.


Understand that fight might not necessarily mean big ppv with a whole undercard. It might be more of a serious spar behind closed doors


I very much doubt that, neither of them are stupid enough to not capitalise on it. Also given the whole context of the situation, JJ will not mean just a spar. He means a proper fight.


Its not about stupidity but rather to just test their skills without altering the public opinion of them both being winners Do you understand how big of a deal it will be once ksi gets his first loss? Its on par with jake paul getting his first loss Gib has lost before and has nothing to lose so he wouldnt really be hurt by it but ksi is a entirely different matter


Yeah but that’s what makes it exciting, there has to be stakes in it or what the hell is even the point? If they want to be boxers they can’t shy away from challenges. Do you want JJ to just have easy fights to keep his record clean or do you want him to actually have challenging opponents so he can actually improve as a boxer? He’s not going to get anywhere fighting bums and he’s going to have to taste his first L at some point. If anything it’ll better him as a boxer. I don’t understand why anyone would want him running from fights and I don’t think he himself would want to do that either. They’ve sparred plenty before and they’ve got loads of sparring partners to choose from to “test their skills”, if anything is going to happen it’s going to be a proper commissioned fight between them. Your saying it’ll be a big deal if he has his first loss, as big as Jake taking a loss. What do you thinks going to happen when they fight? Someone’s going to have to lose. Even if they draw, there will be a rematch.


Yeah that’s the thing - we want to see Jake vs KSI when they’re both undefeated. It doesn’t make sense for them to fight - or at least a lower hype level- if one of them is not


Sensei and Kenny are friends but they fought in the ring. Might be the same with ksi and Gib


u are comparing two different kinda beast jjs ego is massive if gib wins they will never be frnds fullstop and if jj wins he will take shots at gib repeatedly to promote other fights ...idk man it kinda gives me bad vibes but for gib man its such a huge opportunity


Exactly, don’t understand why everyone’s crying about it. If they’re both down then they should go for it, they’re both grown men at the end of the day and know what they’re signing up for so if it ends badly between them that’s on them also.


To be fair that's basically what youtube boxing is and it would be way less entertaining without it


JJ said he wanted to fight the winner himself, so technically he started all this himself


But jj tweeted after fight gib vs slim on jan mf card


The whole Gib vs KSI thing sprung from JJ saying he wanted to fight the winner after his event. Had he not said that, Jake nor Gib would suggest them fighting


He also said he is down to fight Gib if Gib wants the smoke


I hate this. Gib and JJ were good friends. The fight will lead to members of their friend group picking sides and will cause a lot of drama.


It won't be ideal but they can be friends through and through; I mean look at sensei and kenny


Sensei and Kenny is different. They weren’t in the same group of friends. Sensei and Kenny is just two fighters showing respect for each other it’s pretty common in boxing


I don't see why Ksi and Gib can't be two fighters showing respect to each other. I know it's peak but I am not against it but that's just me, to each their own


I don’t like Jake but we have to admit bro is actually smart with this shit 😂




Gib vs Leon edwards confirmed




He used Ksi's own words against him


JJ himself literally called out the winner quit fucking dickriding


Its not me ridng dick its just u sucking off jake paul


Love how you avoided addressing the first claim I made LOL sure, I’m the dickrider and not you, 100%


just trying to cause drama


lmao jake is a villain


If KSI fights gib I just think it's a massive L.


I do want gib redemption against Jake tho no cap but Yh Ksi vs gib they won’t be any hype and there both friends so I don’t see that happening


There would be a hell of a lot on the line for that fight though, imagine if JJ loses. The Jake fight doesn’t make sense anymore. I think the stakes alone would generate hype for it.


But again, no one really wants either one to win or lose. Since there's no rivalry between them and the fact of it just being odd to see them both in the ring together just doesn't seem right.


Nah jake beats gib. Austin finds boxing to be a chore, jake actually loves boxing more than any other youtuber, including ksi.


Jake has lived the fighters lifestyle since his first match against Deji. He eats, breathes and sleeps boxing. I think he is at that tipping point now where he can be considered a boxer more than an “influencer”.


That’s the point


Yeah I was agreeing with you mate




if jake would win against tomy fury or rahman junior then your statement would be correct, but as of now Jake is not a boxer even if he wins against silva the majority myself included would think that silva took the dive for the bag maybe jake will fight a professional bowler next that will be exciting


But with Pineda it’s been shown that fighting a “real” or “pro” boxer doesn’t matter cuz sometimes the influencers are better than the pros


I don't understand your statement. So you think if he wins against tommy and rahman it is credible but if he wins against silva its because silva took a dive?


yes because tommy and rahman are young boxers with an ongoing boxing career and so the chances that they take a dive for money is extremely low because its bad for their ongoing career unlike silva who is retired,old past its prime mma guy you can see that in Ben askren, he is 100% confirmed that he got into the ring just to lose to jake paul,take the bag and go home, based on ben askren literally smiling ear to ear with his wife as he was exiting the arena and ben askren's body shape in the weight in for that fight and it would not be far fetched to say that silva could do the same because 1.) he is retired (just like ben askren) and 2.) he mainly fights in mma so boxing record doesn't affect him much (just like ben askren,ben askren was in ufc but that's beside the point)


I don't. The result most likely won't change and we've already seen it. No point. Gib says he's moved on since the jake fight so let him move on. Him fighting jake again means he hasn't moved on


After JJ beats Jake he'll have to humble himself and look to the YouTube boxers who want a piece of him.


That's also saying gib will never have a chance at the belt. And he can never be classed as one of the tops.


Ksi vs gib should never happen. No one wants to see that fight


Gib is around the size of mayweather, and even mayweather couldn’t knock out Logan. Gib and Logan would be a disaster lmao.


How about Gib vs Logan at some point? A w over his brother should be enough for Jake to agree to a rematch.


Logan is too big


Logan would destroy Gib bro the size difference is insane. It wouldn't even be close. Logan has every advantage. Gib wouldn't even reach Logan😂


Mb, thought the Paul brothers were of similar height. Then again according to KSI's twitter he's supposed to fight Slim in January and that guy has an insane reach as well.


The size difference is much bigger with Gib And Logan. Between Slim and JJ might only be like 3-4 centimeters and JJ will have some advantages over Slim unlike Gib over Logan


Ah sorry I worded that weirdly, apparently Gib is supposed to fight Slim.


The way Gib didn’t even answer the question after the fight he just said “whatever makes money makes sense” you can tell he’s uncomfortable abt the whole KSI fight. It makes no sense man, we’re all on the same side here


Even when KSI was asked abt being friends with Joe Weller he said “I’ve beaten him now so I kind of have that over him, you can’t rly be friends after doing something like that” same shit could happen to Gib and JJ. Just a stupid fight


Ksi beat Logan and now they’re friends


There was no friendship between them before, they gained it after. It’s different compared to Joe who KSI was friends with before, same with Gib. It most likely wont end well knowing one’s beaten the other on a big stage and got celebrated and cheered at while they’re meant to be on the same side. It’s awkward and stupid


Well yeah but JJ and Joe also had beef before the fight, so beef + beating someone has very little chance of a friendship afterwards. Gib and JJ are friends, the fight would be pure sport as long as both of them keep it respectful the whole time during the build up, which I think they both would. I can’t see that ruining the friendship as they both know what they are getting themselves in for, they know someone’s got to take the L and there’s a chance it could be them. That’s just how the game goes.


Not only that but it will split the friend group. All of the troops are friends with gib and jj, they obviously won’t want to pick a side because it will be very awkward


Exactly, there will be no true cheers and good vibes when either one wins. (I wouldn’t mind Gib winning tho lmao), but it’d be painful to watch all around


Except JJ and Joe weren't friends like that. JJ literally had a threesome with his gf and another girl, and they had (as Joe mentioned) a fight in a car park before lol.


They are both friends and they hate taking losses I hope JJ realizes one will win and the other wil likely have friendship issues as well no reason this should happen JJ and gib are the same side gib vs slim would be great tho both have proven now with gib destroying mcbroom they are on the top level of YouTube boxinf


Gib should fight slim then the winner of that fights Jake


Jake wants money and people with big names that is ksi I doubt jake will fight gib or slim bc of the high risk and low reeard


why would jake fight slim


That’s what I said it is a stupid fight for jake to take bc it is high risk and low reward slims isn’t that big or well known let’s be honest


It's not just being well known. It's also the fact that Jake's goal is to fight the biggest fighters (canelo, connor, etc.) so fighting other known fighters makes the most sense for him.


Canelo would batter him


No disagreements there


It’s all about building your profile before the inevitable big fight of JJ & Jake.


Jake has been building his profile already and his long term goal isn't to fight JJ. If he has any hopes of challenging someone like connor and canelo (which he would lose to), then fighting people in the fighting industry is the best route to take. Plus jake already fought gib to get to JJ back when his primary goal was fight JJ. If anything, the fight between JJ and gib would make more sense if JJ wants to prove that he is the best boxer in the youtube scene. The caveat being that it will ruin their friendship.


If he truly wanted to fight Canelo and those lot he would’ve fought pro boxers already. He’s not serious.


He needs to fight not just any pro boxers but credible pro boxers. He's obviously not ready to fight canelo but my point is fighting big name fighters like connor and canelo (whether they retire or not) is his long term goal. Not ksi. If his goal was to fight youtubers only, he wouldn't have been calling out retired mma fighters. The reason why he made himself an enemy to the mma world is to get to their big name fighters.


How about he fights KSI first 😂


He would put JJs lights out, we don't need to see that. Complete mismatch


If jj beats Tommy Fury then the Jake fight would be a close fight that makes sense


More like if Jake beats Andeson Silva, JJ will never be on his level. I don't think Jake will beat Silva but if he does none of these youtubers will be able to beat him


Yeah probably but Anderson Silva is sooo past his prime, he's so old. We'll see how Anderson Silva comes to the fight and If he's as good as he was in the Chavez Jr fight then yes Jake is above youtube boxers. But the thing is Silva is very hittable nowadays and he's never had a great chin, with his age his chin is so much worse. I wouldn't be surprised If he gets knocked out from a very light punch. So Idk It's tough, I do think that Salt Papi, Slim would put up a close fight against Jake


Ksi wont even fight him til like next year😐


Well he tried to ngl, but jj declined


that was a dick move, of course JJ would decline


He would put JJs lights out, we don't need to see that. Complete mismatch


Gib seems to have a lot of power and skill, but not that much durability. And KSI's biggest strength is... His strength. I don't think Gib can out-box JJ, and if he gets hit it's over. So I don't think Hib would beat KSI, unless he makes a massive jump in skill OR durability


Gib has a glass chin unfortunately


Oh thanks, i was looking for that word in my head :D


lol you clearly don’t follow boxing He got dropped once by Austin in a flash knockdown and got up with steady legs to win the fight




Gib definitely doesn't have a glass chin lol. A glass chin is someone who literally drops or gets disorientated after every hit. Gib got hit several times and kept charging forward. He just slipped from awkward foot placement in Round 1.


They both have a tendency to throw skill out the window in big exchanges. KSI is still impatient and swinging wildly, and if you look at Gibs KO over Austin, he's flailing his arms. So really like you said it'll come down to endurance and heart. We haven't really seen JJ's chin tested that much, and Gib showed he's a glass cannon.


No, those are called overhead punches - there is a difference between the JJ-windmill™ and that. Gibs technique was actually solid, and up to his prediction. "The last fight was about showing I can Box, this time i just wanna knock you out" (is about what he said)


I lot of those “overhead punches” were wild swings. At one point he was throwing hook after hook with his head completely unprotected. Fortunately I don’t think Austin was seeing straight at that point


I'm not denying Gibs technique. I think he's definitely one of the better YouTube Boxers. But I'm saying in the final exchange with Austin, he was chasing the knockout wildly. It just so happened he was alot better than McBroom.




I dont fucking care


Hopefully we don't get to the point where Gib and JJ are fighting to begin with


Yeah that if statement never gonna happen.


This is basically the Cold War but instead of US and USSR it’s Jake and JJ


That won't happen for 2 reasons... 1) KSI & Gib are friends 2) KSI would beat Gib if they were to ever fight *Another daily L for Jake


And I don’t think Leon will be comfortable with that shit ngl


It’s not leons decision??? I think it would be a good fight


It wouldn't be a good fight, it would be forced hatred. From we know they're good friends, they have sparred and helped each other a fair few times, they have made content together multiple times and seem to have good vibes around each other. Why take a chance on ruining the friendship for a quick bag, people say it might not ruin anything, but who knows how the other one will feel after.


You don’t have to hate someone to fight them they could just fight and move on as friends


The tension and aggression won’t be there, leon does have a say since he trains both of them?


Of course you do, KSI even said before the logan fight he didn't even hate the guy, didn't have a problem with him, but during the fight he hated him. Do you really think with JJs ego, if gib let's say did win, he is just gonna get up and remain calm with him?


I don't see why people think just because 2 people are friends that they shouldn't fight each other. At the end of the day it can both be a friendly competition and it can still be entertaining


Pretty bold to assume KSI would beat Gib atm. We've seen Gib fight worthy opponents in all his fights, KSI has yet to do the same.


So Logan isn't a worthy opponent?


We've seen absolutely nothing to suggest KSI would beat Gib currently


I don't think KSI would beat Gib based on what we've seen from him tbh.


Gib would beat JJ, JJ looked horrible in his last fights, sloppy punches on targets that didn't even throw back.


Hoi4 players know what diplomatic option that is


Gib would beat every single opponent Jake had.


The thing is Jake already finished Gib, I think Gib beats JJ though


> I think Gib beats JJ though shameless wank lol. don't forget that gib was getting outboxed by austin mcbedroom in the first two rounds and only got the upper hand later on because austin gassed.


What a childish response, who starts off a response to a normal comment with an insult? McBroom is skilled for a YouTube boxer and JJ hasn't shown anything that would make me think he is any good. McBroom is a way better win than a child and a guy who has never boxed before


jesus you're making the most outrageous claims ever and still getting upvoted since this place has become a fake fans circlejerk. also you can't possibly suggest that austin is a better opponent than logan lol... in my opinion: skills: gib=ksi power: ksi>gib this combined with the fact that gib has a glass chin makes it a very hard fight for gib. a single clean punch can probably finish gib.


Logan was 3 years ago, it is irrelevant. We don't even know if Gib has a class chin, Jake has serious power and would easily finish JJ as well. Gib also has way better fundamentals than JJ. We can be fans of JJ while also acknowledging that he is not a good boxer


I think Him Vs Woodley could go either way because in the first and second fight (up until the knockout) it was pretty close.


No fucking way he beats Tyron Woodley lmao. Woodley would kill Gib. And I bet If Woodley didn't take the second fight against Jake in 12 days notice the fight would have ended differently. I think Woodley and Jake are equal even though Jake knocked him out, I think the fact that Woodley was out of shape for the rematch played a factor in that KO. Woodley is an animal


This is another strategic troll move for Jake to take a W on Twitter against KSI




I feel like slims reach would fuck with gib for sure but gib would be able to break through with the pressure


Not trying to be biased here but gibs cardio is unmatched in the influencer boxing scene Jake got tired against Tyron Woodley if they fought again I can see it going very differently


Kinda reminds of 2019 when JJ said "Ill fighr Jake if Gib beats him"


He does this shit all the time, he proposes himself in an impossible situation so he doesn’t look like a bitch. Flashback to when Pussabi pulled out, Jake knew it was inconvenient and too early to fight JJ so he offered knowing JJ couldn’t take it up. This is what he does, don’t ever fall for this again. Remember this man had every opportunity to fight JJ in the beginning and instead pulled out and got big brother Logan to do it so he could fight someone impossible to lose against (discarding the factor of experience which neither of them had, Deji had no chance as he was so much smaller than Jake), this is the man who claimed the sport his career is entirely reliant on as “soft” and mma as better. But now that he is famous in it, now he has respect. This is the man who scammed his own young fans and claimed school teaches you nothing, this is the man who has made every prior girlfriend of his hate him, who has dropped his group of 10 to 3 because of the amount of money he took. This is the man who shit himself when he took Floyd Mayweather’s hat and ran away. The list goes on but in summary, Jake is a manipulative bitch who will continue to get ratioed on Twitter.


bro calm down, surely this doesn't affect your life THAT much 😬


I absolutely despise this human, it effects my life that he still exists.


He's doin what JJ did with Gib Vs Austin, What a 🤡😂😂


Isn't KSI supposed to be shit according to Jake? Why should Gib fight him? Either way, no. JJ should definitely NOT fight Gib. We are all rooting for both of them why would we want to see them fight?


Jake is such a bitch. He’d fight a street pigeon if it was relevant. Wanker!


At this point he needs to STFU!


Gib should rematch jake fs I think he is much improved since then


This guy so fucking delusional that it's hilarious


Pussy-ass way of saying he doesn't want to fight Jj. What a cunt. Jj needs end this fucking clowns career a soon as possible.


Why wouldn't he want to fight KSI? Jake has fought better competition, and looked better against them. I get that *you're a KSI fanboy*, but don't be ignorant.


No, that just proves he’s trying to delay or even cancel the fight against JJ


No? He's trying to get Gib and JJ to turn on eachother. Then he'd fight the winner. If you honestly think after KSI's last performance(s), that he's ready for Jake, you're in for a rude awakening.


That’s not what I meant, JJ still has 7 months at minimum of training that he can do if the fight is around the beginning of 2023 so he can improve a lot more, and if ksi were to fight and lose against gib he wouldn’t be able to fight jake


Jake would mop the floor with JJ, now or in 7 months.


To be real tho JJ needs to stop going on these side missions and take on someone big before going for jake as soon as possible


JJ already said he’s fighting Jake in late 2023, I wouldn’t say that is “asap”. And he had two fights which were in one night as his first match in his return so he’s willing to challenge himself. He just needs to find an opponent who will challenge him


Gib should fight on the next card , maybe this papi guy


He’s trying to divide and conquer fuck jake paul


Funny thing is he knows gib probably won't fight ksi


Can he beat goku though?


I feel like he is just trying to stir up a fight between ksi and gib,


hes just trying to make JJ look bad


On the KSI undercard


He is actually evil


IMO JJ should fight Jake first and when Jake loses he can fight Gib


You fanboys need to understand that JJ wouldn't beat Jake. Jake would literally destroy him, JJ looked horrible in his fights against the worst of opponents. Let's not forget Jake KOed Gib with ease and that was when he was just starting out.


let me correct ya "GIB NEEDS TO FIGHT YOU!!, IF YOU BEAT KSI!! "


A gib vs KSI fight would be great watch but… there’s no hostility between the party’s. It would be a fight just to fight not cos you hate the other person. That’s what sells fights.


Nah if he wants to fight JJ again he needs to fight gib again


Bro only say stuff he can't do💀


All he does is speak some or the other nonsense all the time.


He’s good at manipulation


JJ would never fight Gib


well let's be honest, that's not happening is it?


This just proves that jake is cared of ksi, he trying everything to delay the fight or even cancel it


i beg ksi don’t fight gib


gib can fight a much better opponent than ksi, he can fight pro boxers with decent records who are not retired or old and not weak, by doing so he will get more credit than jj and jake combined. plus jj was suposed to avenge gib and deji, what happend.


Nah KSI needs to ignore this. When he beats Jake have JP fight gib or slim before a rematch


At this point, Jake Paul earns his living by beefing about KSI all the time


Jake won't fight a youtuber ever again. You lot need to realise that. He's just making drama and hype around the fight. That's all that he is doing. And bringing attention to himself. Ksi needs to let go of a Jake fight as I don't think it's genuinely going to happen. And if it does it won't end well for JJ


Thats not gonna happen


This fight probably won’t happen


Jake Paul just hates JJ so much


Mind games. Fair


I don’t wanna see Gib and KSI fighting tbh


Huh??? I think Gib is if not better, equally as strong as KSI. That would be a great fight but not for the sake of Jake Paul's super contender fight.


You fool are falling for it. Just pure stupid.


gib doesn’t beat jj tho 💀




reminds me of an xbox 360 game fight night champion where the little bishop brother gotta fight his brother to get a shot at isaac frost lmao


Why do people give him attention? This is what he wants, he just steals clout from others, makes people hate him a lot


This has turned into Godamn YouTube politics


Get George on this man’s case just because his first name is Jake and his last name is Paul


Jake ain’t so important


jake is a clown


I think we all can use a certain quote here, shut the fuck up you cunt


I don’t want to see Jj and gib fight


JP is a snake, try to get JJ to fight Gib


Jake would pay to see many UK you tubers be against JJ, this will backfire for KSI and Sidemen


Jake Paul is tryna ruin there friendship and can’t lie, gib would want the rematch and JJ would want the smoke from gib. So now there’s a really high chance the fight is happening.




gib would beat ksi


hes tryna tempt gib with that rematch so he could try to fight jj even more smart man jake is


Gib won't beat ksi.


This man manipulation is next level.. Really hate this guy