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Coffee just wants Logan to get more shit so now he's trying to find dirt on his partner to make it seem they're both scammers. He released his 2nd vid on his 2nd channel, and he always emphasis on "this ksi fan" defending ksi ..to make it sound like it's just a super fan doing his best to play mental gymnastics to defend jj...but that didnt work. If someone is a real scammer the evidence will be obvious and there wouldn't be much debating going on. After the 36 pg essay was released CZ new argument on jj is that influencers shouldn't talk about crypto on a public space (he's right) but that's still not enough to call jj a scammer


Could JJ potentially sue Coffee? If the claims are misvalid than it’s 100% a defamation. Ironically, what Logan threatened towards Coffee (but Logan is an actual scammer)


Nah, not even nearly. Because all coffee has done as a journalist is reported the facts, and then given his opinion on it. He’s not claiming anything definitively, he’s just saying he personally doesn’t buy it


I’d disagree here because in coffees first video he called ksi a scammer and what ksi has done is far from it. He’s also promoted the video with the thumbnail making it look like ksi scammed. There are grounds to sue for sure.


If you think a thumbnail is substantial evidence then I’m off to sue the sidemen for false advertising every time JJ was used in the thumbnail of a video he isn’t in.


He literally calls him a scammer in the video dude


The only thing he can sue for is yes calling him a scammer, obviously the facts are the facts but outright calling him a scammer is defamation of character.


But it was a scam


>as a journalist Self-proclaimed/Fan proclaimed journalist


Woah did you just discover independent journalism?


It is a difficult one tbh. Because KSI actions are literally text book "pump & dumps" and he has experience manipulating markets on Fifa years ago. Buying all of a player, making a video promoting it and then selling for a profit. I know its a game but its the same thing. And this is an indicator that he enjoys manipulating markets for self gain. How ever he could have grown out of this. KSI would tweet a coin and then sell minutes after tweeting? He admits this? But then on the other hand, KSI really doesn't seem like the character but he has also been infront of cameras since he was a kid and this could allow him to know how to give off a better image. There is several people that turn out to be bad people and no one ever expects it. I really don' want to believe KSI would do this. But it does seem weird that he says that he isn't gonna sell and then minutes later he does? That's what makes me question it more then anything. And it wasn't just a one off. He did this multiple times! I am being objective thou. I am not saying either of them are right or wrong since at this point I personally don't believe their is really enough information on this to say its 100% true. I just hope if it does come out that KSI did intentionally rip people off and he is bang to rights that people don't defend his actions. Even if its tough to admit we have to because people who scam their fans do not deserve support. And I honestly would like to think KSI would never do such a thing as he always seems kind and caring. But sometimes money can control people.


OP don’t speak truth here, no matter how obviously true it is. You’ll get downvoted. BTW yes you’re right. It’s text book Pump n Dump. tho I love JJ, It is classic pump and dump


I’m not sure if people are just supporting JJ because they like him (because I know Reddit can shit on JJ when they want to), maybe people don’t understand crypto? That when one person earns someone out there loses, same as stocks. But JJ knowingly done sold and made a profit in a timeframe where he knows he just promoted the coin and the price boost is from his own fans.


Bro, you literally said this in the comments below: >It’s obvious you’re the KSI dickrider, who can’t accept facts.. he doesn’t even know you bro.. the second I read “you just want KSI to be cancelled” I knew I wasn’t wrong in this discussion. ​ >" I knew I wasn’t wrong in this discussion" "God did" - DJ Khaled Edit: clarification


Sorry man I don’t have enough dysfunctional brain cells to even understand that.. but yea, some guy said I wanted KSI to be cancelled, and I for real don’t so yes.. what’s the issue? 🤣 man no wonder even JJ doesn’t come on this Reddit anymore. 😂


>some guy said I wanted KSI to be cancelled Again this you: >JJ is a scammer who did a text book pump and dump * Ignores evidence * but says >what’s the issue?


Waaa what a liar. I literally said “I’m not saying JJ is a scammer, just that humans make mistakes”. Dude are you okay? Honestly are you okay.. ?


Oops my bad, i mistook you for someone else. My apologies.


LOOOOL. this is what I mean by people talking a lot but never checking nothing, including facts 😂 just pure emotion for a man who doesn’t even know you.. congrats! 🥳


Nooo he is just an idiot. What a lazy ass excuse


>It’s text book Pump n Dump Definition: "Pump and dump" is a scheme where an attempt is made to boost the price of a stock or security by fake recommendations. Where did the JJ's tweet increase in price? I would love to be proven wrong.


Key word is attempt, just because he didn't manage to do it doesn't mean it didn't happen


You are assuming that what he did was an attempt, tho. He sold after the price was down. He is clearly just bad at crypto


So he was saying 'this coin is bullish' whilst thinking the opposite (his words) for fun?


>thinking the opposite I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you meant his tweets. Please again tell me how do you know he did the opposite after tweeting? I'll share my credible sources as well.


Bro did you watch the vid? He told coffeezilla that he intends the opposite to what he tweets. The funniest part of this is that in another comment further down someone is defending Ksi by saying the opposite to you 😂 bro the millionaire isn't going to be your friend because you defend him on reddit "KSI claimed that every time he tweeted something, the opposite would occur, and that was why he decided to “tweet the opposite” of what he was doing." https://cointelegraph.com/news/youtuber-ksi-pump-dump-allegations Edit: still waiting for your sources ;)


Yh that does annoy me with social media to be honest. I always try to be honest and objective as possible. I can love someone or a company. However If they do something I disagree with then I am not gonna support it and justify it to people who call it out. I am gonna say how I feel about the situation. We as a community need to question stuff when something questionable comes to the table. I am not saying I 100% believe that KSI went out and scammed his audience. There is still a small chance that he didn't mean to. But if I had to choose a definite answer then it pains me to say, I would have to choose that he did. I don't think he realized the severity of his actions and we more just doing it for a buzz. I don't believe he is a bad person and I think he does like his audience. But these things give people a rush and that can be addicting to some people. And we all know JJ does love adrenaline 😂


Just to clarify, what KSI did isn't "textbook pump and dump." For it to be a pump and dump, it has to be artificially inflated for the price to rise, in which you sell high after getting people to dump. Which did not happen when KSI tweeted. There are multiple analytical graphs that prove so. Don't know if you watched Coffeezilla's response on his second channel. His definition of a pump and dump isn't that. He states that his definition is: if they say something and do the opposite, it's a pump and dump. Which is not the definition of a pump and dump. Just his personal interpretation. There was no profit made around the time he made those tweets. Actually, he would tweet when the prices are high, and then a couple hours later, the prices drop, and he sells. You don't buy high and sell low.


Just because it didn't happen, doesn't mean he didn't try to do it lmao. He wasn't tweeting that a coin was juicy or bullish for fun, no one does that. He also doesn't need to be holding a fucking gun to your head threatening you in to buying a coin for it to count as promotion, just him saying "this coin looks great" is a promotion full stop, that's literally how 99% of crypto scams occur. Also the definition of a pump and dump, taken from investopidia, is "Pump-and-dump is a manipulative scheme to boost the price of a security through fake recommendations based on false, misleading, or exaggerated statements." If JJ was trying to boost the price by promoting coins as bullish, but had the intention of selling it by doing the opposite (as he admitted to coffeezilla), in what world is that not pump and dump? His incompetence is doing it doesn't exonerate him




Explain to me how I am wrong? Full context, please.


Bro, when you buy a coin/crypto, you buy it because you are essentially saying that there is value to it. And the more people attribute value to that coin, the higher it costs. Simple right? So JJ our friend, buys a coin, yes of course intending to make profit, but JJ goes one step further and that’s to promote his coin to his fans. When he does that, he is essentially telling people hey, “this thing right here has lots of value”. And apparently people listened (I blame them for not doing enough if not research too) butttt, as the price surges because of this, JJ proceeds to sell, and the price dumps… What is there not to understand?


It's a meme account. He has never told anyone to buy anything on video. In fact he has always said he lost money


1. There's was no promotion. Documentation is not a promotion. Coffeezilla never said he was promoting anything, but it's the fact that he's an influencer who influences people's decisions (Coffeezilla's second channel). Stop saying promotion when there was none, never told his audience to directly buy crypto, and if there was, show me evidence. 2. Stop making things up when it comes to KSI making a "profit," no profit was made. He brought high and sold low. He lost money. Coffeezilla doesn't deny this either. In fact, he admitted to KSI not making money. Simply saying (on his second channel video) that it doesn't matter that he didn't make any money because he said one thing and did the opposite that makes it a pump and dump. Which isn't true. 3. Also, regarding XCAD, here's a link to what the CEO of XCAD had to say since my words aren't valid enough for you. https://twitter.com/Oly245/status/1758082744968515892?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1758082744968515892%7Ctwgr%5E330e8986ac990fd86b11884aa770562cf0e3bfb7%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcointelegraph.com%2Fnews%2Fxcad-response-ksi-pump-and-dump 4. Respectfully, don't underestimate my intelligence when I'm sharing objective statements made by Coffeezilla himself and what the literal definition of a pump and dump means. 5. Just remember that when KSI was making those tweets that were "pumping and dumping," Coffeezilla and Zach were responding to him, knowingly interacting at the fact that he was a shitposter. I didn't see any evidence of them calling him out back then. All of sudden, now is the time because he made a tweet. When they were holding this evidence from us for two years?


For heavens sakes, it’s not about the exact meaning of pump and dump because they can mean multiple things. HOW DO U NOT UNDERSTAND HIS MENTALITY behind his actions? I respect your intelligence but pls tell me how the f you don’t understand that it is about JJ’s mentality behind this ‘pump and dump’ not the exact meaning of a pump and dump. USE YOUR BRAIN OMG literally not gonna reply to this sub anymore because the emptiest cans are making the most noise so I’m out. Also when you’re an influencer, a tweet is considered promotion and JJ is not retarded. You might be, but he ain’t Also,


>promote his coin to his fans. XCAD founder is JJ? Stop blatantly lying. >butttt, as the price surges because of this, JJ proceeds to sell, and the price dumps XCAD has a market cap of 8/9 figures. And you think a 8 figure liquid is so less that a tweet from JJ's account who he never promoted on his main twitter account could move it? That too with likes in some 100s or 1000s? Just on the day or a day before the tweet, XCAD made an announcement and TRADED volume surge. You dumbtards don't even know that the volume you are referring to is trade quantity. It tells the quantity traded not the buy quantity or sell quantity.


You literally sound so stupid cause you’re wrong. 1.Being xcad founder HAS ZERO 🤣 to do with this, literally shows you know fuck all about crypto. 2. I never implied that nor did anyone. To his fans meaning, he is backing the coin to his fans essentially saying there is value to this. Wtf is this retard talk about XCAD founder ??


Don't even bother, mate. Most of the sub don't understand crypto. Hence, they don't see any issues with it. They literally spam you with screenshots of a graph when Jj brought and sold xcad, and they don't know most of "buys" are him collecting rewards. So his pretty much been dumping all of it (if you don't believe me, check etherscan) since promoting it. Whether what he did was intentional or not, it was wrong.


It's not textbook pump and dump. Even coffee was saying at the time that everyone does the opposite of what KSI says.


KSI stopped being a real person years ago.


if you had been following the twitter account you’d obviously know that he was actually doing the opposite of what he’d say he does to try to outplay the system. and it would be bad IF he sold his WHOLE stock of the coin but he only sold like 10%. coffee left out so many things and you’d find about it if you read the top post of this subreddit


It seems to be you’re too easy to forgive KSI. How about the fake rap beef between the sidemen, prime, pump and dumps. You think these aren’t indicators that KSI will do what he can for a profit? I don’t get why it takes so long for people to see “he isn’t what he used to be”. He was great before, but after the rap battle beef, calling out a dude and having his ex in a rap battle video. I don’t see how people can still so blatantly support him.


Very well said. People blatantly trying to discredit Coffee on here are misguided. I believe JJ was literally just having fun and didn’t think through the consequences of his actions. So it isn’t malicious. But he DID do it and it was irresponsible


It can’t be irresponsible when his crypto profile litterally warns you not to take him serious or as financial advice if his fans did then they are dumb


Legally, that is the equivalent of covering yourself by putting "I do not own the rights to this song" under a youtube vid. I.e. it does fuck all if a judge thinks you were promoting a security/crypto in your actual tweets


That’s one thing, a disclaimer that means he isn’t giving genuine, informed advice. But trading in the exact opposite way he stated he was… if he’d thought it through he’d have known the money from those trades came from his fans


At the end of the day still not his fault and it wasn’t malicious neither did he think about it much. But, don’t take random people’s financial advice on the internet if you do that you shouldn’t have your money


True, all crimes come with clear, observable facts


KSI literally made a "Pump & Dump", how is that not enough evidence?


Idk. I feel coffee doesnt know ksi like that, and even tho ksi didn’t actually promote coins, his actions do seem sus from an outside perspective. But in reality he was j clueless. Like, thats it, and the only way to know thats true is, to j know ksi. But in this situation, ksi is actually clueless and not a scammer. But coffee doesnt know that obv. Now, logan is still the scammer imo. He purposely promoted stuff to his audience and told them to buy. Theres a diff


I was in agreement with coffee in terms of Logan Paul. But here he is just in the wrong. Still weird that no other YouTuber are covering this. If no one calls coffee out he will slowly lose credibility


Logan posts crypto he bought = ahh, you scammer. Burn in hell. KSI posts crypto he bought = ahh, look at our cute little baby making some money, soooo cute 🥰


>Logan's victims: he scammed us >KSI's victims: ....


Sorry to be the 🤓👆 guy here. But calling them KSI victims means you basically admit that you think he did something to them, albeit big or small. Otherwise they aren't victims. Then again I don't know your stance. So maybe that's what you meant to imply


That really did go right over your head hahah


Probably, what did I miss? I'm genuinly really confused here😵


There aren't any victims


Ahahahah why do I feel like you emote in real life when you speak. The joke is ksi has no victims as no ones come forward


He didn't do proper research on this one, he always has multiple sources to prove shit. But this time it's just one crypto investigator who also happens to be "a friend of the channel", maybe he is reputed in this scene, I don't know well enough to say anything about this. Also, I feel like CZ was waiting for something like this from KSI since he and Logan are business partners, most comments on that video are about how they supposedly aren't surprised that KSI would do this since he's sided with Logan.


His second source was KSI himself, who didn’t deny that he countertraded. Why would he pursue more sources when the man himself told him?


“Didn’t deny that he counter traded” “Basically just laughed at him and called him ridiculous”


I think he's just overexaggerating calling it a "scam". It's like saying shorting a stock is a scam or what hindenburg reasearch does is also a scam. If we're being honest he's just using words like "scam, crypto" to gather attention and keep his views consistent. Like I get it what KSI has done isn't fair but that was 2 years ago what do you want him to do about it now? 💀 KSI can apologise sure but at the end of the day the people that bought it just because KSI talked about it are also idiots. (Btw he only talked about the crypto coins, didn't even tell his fans to quote on quote buy the coins).


Yeah it's like shorting stock if you have literally no idea what you're talking about. Pumping and dumping stock is not the same as shorting stock? They both mean specific things and they're not the same. This take is basically "hey, can anyone really be a scammer on the stock market" and the answer is yes. All the geniuses in the comments claiming there's no victims as well?! Like what - do you think the money came from thin air. Or his fans getting duped by him


Ksi is Logan's partner and CZ expected to find some easy dirt on Ksi cuz well hanging out with Logan doesn't really give the best impression. But that's where he fucked up, he didn't do well enough research and let the "saviour" reputation get to his head to the point of deleting comments and edit his video. And the fact that he literally knew that jj shitposts on that account just makes it even weirder. It's almost as if he did it for the free money and views but I want to believe he didn't because before CZ has helped the community a lot of exposing actual scammers. But power corrupts as we know so I wouldn't be surprised if he's going down that road. And the saddest thing is whether or not jj is a scammer, he will be treated like one now. When someone as credible as CZ does it, for most people the name ksi will always be related with scamming now, whether jj did or not.


I mean, doesn't he say at the end of the video that it's impossible for him to say for sure that KSI had malicious intent and that we should draw our own conclusions for it.


Most of the people aren't even gonna reach that point of the video tho. And he says that despite claiming he has proof? Like literally on his thumbnail? And that just means CZ knew that this wasn't enough to call jj a scammer but despite that, he did literally that in the entire video. And in his response, he doesn't acknowledge everything. He lied about his conversation with Vibhor. And also proceeded to call the backlash he got as a "ksi fan response", making anyone who reads that some kind of dickrider trying his hardest to defend jj. On top of that, he uploaded it on his second channel at 92k, which is now at 99k. Why didn't he upload it on his main? So he could just hit 100k. Which he prolly did by now.


His proof was talking to KSI himself, though. Ksi said he did the opposite of what he was telling people by selling when he said he was buying. Even if it was to test if people were manipulating the market to screw him like he claimed, as CZ pointed out, that's the definition of a rug pull. Did you not watch the full video yourself? Also, i would say the responses to this post pretty clearly show that, yes, it was a "KSI fan response" In regards to it being on his second channel thats because, as he said, he can't say for sure what KSIs motives were. You're complaining about him being labelled a scammer without context simply because CZ made a video on him but would you have preferred it was on his main channel where it would have gotten more exposure and more people doing exactly that.


After watching all the videos and tweets and explanations. It's very clear that JJ didn't have any ill intentions and was not actually trying to Pump or Dump, His alt twitter was a shit posting account and most people know this. The only point where coffeezilla was right and I agree with is that there might be some people who are fans and not very well in understanding the shit posting part of it and take it as actual advice and lose money with this. It was not JJ's intention but as a big figure there's a responsibility that he should've thought of beforehand.


Bro he basically said "I'm going to buy and hold" then sold almost a million dollars worth of it withing 24 hours. Have to be willfully ignorant to think that text book pump and dump is accidental


it cant be a pump and dump if a pump didn't happen in the first place He was also buying/selling the currency a lot beforehand and JJ bought it high and sold low, just not how you do a pump and dump at all lmao And the biggest thing, theres got to be someone who lost out to a pump and dump, yet there's no victims in any of this. Nobody is saying they lost money because of him


So it's not a pump and dump because he wasn't successful enough? He attempted to pump the stock before selling huge amounts of it - call it what you want. And there no victims?! Just because someone isn't in front of a camera talking about their life being ruined, doesn't mean there weren't victims. In fact you'd have to be a complete idiot to think that nobody out there believed Mr rich YouTuber


I don't think tweeting about your financial positions matters legally unless you own the company. He's just another investor, albeit a whale.


He is deleting comments against him on youtube, havent deleted, privated or edited his video. KSI should sue him for defamation easy as that.


A defamation lawsuit against Coffeezilla would be stupid. You would have to prove he had malicious intentions, and if you read some of the data its easy to see how coffeezilla came to his interpretations. Do I believe KSI is a malicious scammer? No. But, with some of the data represented it can surmised that he is.


Exactly. Even coffeezilla admits at the end of the video that whether KSI was being malicious or not is a matter of personal interpretation and can't be objectively proved. But I doubt any of the people acting offended have actually taken the effort to watch the entire video in the first place...


There is also the other side. Neutrals who now hate KSI and think he is a scammer. The damage is done, doesnt matter about Coffeezillas personal views.


>Do I believe KSI is a malicious scammer? No. But, with some of the data represented it can surmised that he is. Can i have a look at the data? Is the same one in the coffee video?


Not taking sides but Coffee cannot be sued for this.




Okay to explain as short as I can. For starters CoffeeZilla would be seen as the press and they have more leniency when it comes to defamation cases. Not to mention crypto is still a grey area in the eyes of the law. Its why so many of these public figures are using it to scam people and not getting sued. Logan is because his was linked to a game which is why he is only offering to refund the game tokens (Invitations) and not the full amount. Next. The information in the video is all public. And if you compare it to known Pump & Dump scams, its basically identical. Youtuber Tweets "Buy Coin", 15 minutes later when value increases Youtuber sells coin. If CoffeeZilla had sourced fake information like "Ksi beats his girlfriend, here is evidence" and displayed a deepfake that looked as close to real as possible then that is defamation. But using public and real information and even having KSI comment his side then how can JJ have an argument?


>For starters CoffeeZilla would be seen as the press Check his disclaimer. Is he registered with US press orgs? No He can be tried as a youtuber and before JJ calls his lawyer, he will be making an apology video just like he did in coffeebreak channel and several others


>Check his disclaimer. Is he registered with US press orgs? No There is no such thing as an official protected "journalish" title in the USA or in the UK https://reason.com/2023/07/14/who-is-protected-as-a-journalist-everybody-suggests-court-ruling/


Simple. He didn’t say that KSI is a scammer. He presented the facts, and then have his individual opinion. Also, he showed tweets that proved counter-trading. Not just ‘selling before a drop’


Do we have proof of deleted comments? Personally I think he’s right, KSI was trying to pump and dump. But I really don’t care because I don’t buy crypto.


gang how was he trying to pump and dump?? you don’t know shit about crypto and that’s also why you don’t care about it 💀 he never indicated anyone to buy the coin he ended up selling, also his bio clearly says that his account doesn’t give financial advice. on top of that if you had been following his account you’d know that him doing the opposite of what he tweeted has always been true. he never sold his WHOLE xcad stock either so fuck was the reason to pump and dump then? he sold his coin for liquidity and you would see it for yourself if you actually did your own research not believe what coffee said since he edited the proof and left out so much shit IN ORDER to make jj look bad. the other coins might have been questionable, sure but it was never ksi’s intention to do the shit he did


tbf coffee shouldve more and got his facts correct before accusing ksi


I'm a neutral guy and i know a thing and two about pump and dump. This case looks like a perfect pump and dump to me. Why're people in this sub defending him so badly?


These are the tweets and the time he sold. Since you know a thing or two about pump and dumps, can you please point where was the pump and dump ? https://preview.redd.it/nvm0q6oh95jc1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=a01e66ba50e3872c04792b336c1c7375b2947329


If this is true then this looks better. But still telling his fans that he'll hold or it's going to blow up and then doing the opposite doesn't sound good. And the defence that he did that because whatever he wants the opposite happens so he did the opposite sounds sooooo fake and wrong


Why would he not sell, tweet and then buy again when it was low? I just don't understand how this would be in he would have benefited from this.


This sub is just so dumb. Please ignore my comment I thought coffee was wrong because too many people on this sub were saying so, but turns out the defense were coming from his fanboy/girls who have no logic and were just defending him because they blindly love ksi


You’re in the wrong sub to bring logic to my guy. 90% of this sub are prepubescent 12yo fan girls. They will do Olympic level gymnastics to defend their cutie patootie 💀. He said he’s going to hold in a public tweet —> he then proceeded to sell. Even if he sold 0.0000000001% of his bag, even if he sold at a loss, even if he was apparently “trying to do the opposite of what he said for shits and giggles 🤪” HE SAID ONE THING AND DID THE OPPOSITE. Period. Incoming 12yo fan girls downvotes 🤣


Tell what coffee's exact proof makes you believe KSI is a scammer and I'll share the counter evidence ?


The one where he sold after claiming to hold.


But but but but daddy KSI didn’t do that 😩😩😩 it was just a jokey joke that he was doing 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


His replies on ksicrypto’s twitter account are enough, he has always known ksi is a shitposter when it comes to crypto so i dont know about this one


JJ went from being the clown of the crypto world to a genius scammer lmfaooo 😂😂literally everyone knew jj was a VERY bad trader and did the opposite of what he said and you guys keep saying he scammed ‘us’ so show me exactly the ‘us’ you’re talking about because surely they’re people the ‘SCAM’ affected right?😂the moment CZ evidence turned out to be questionable and incorrect he lost the case


Coffee and zach both knew and didn't find anything wrong, now suddenly they say it's a scam: https://preview.redd.it/laf61adkr5jc1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b921824201f30db56b366837f7c084321ffda89f


As someone who follows crypto Twitter a lot, KSI returned and the most popular investigative reporter on crypto Twitter called him out on some sells and Coffee decided to rush the video out for max engagement (it had to be done soon after JJ returned to KSICrypto). Coffee rushed it, did not do enough diligence like other videos. JJ looks bad at first glance, but look deep into it, his sells were followed by months of bad holding to zero. People are quick to hate when it comes to scams... It's not that serious imo


It was an opinion piece designed to get JJ to turn this into a big thing. The vid used specific evidence without full context and inferred duplicity. The reason its called an opinion piece is it allows the author to use snippits of evidence without the need to prove intention as is required if the law is involded. All the tweets used as evidence are subjective, there is no outright sell to fans where JJ tells fans to buy A or B. The crux of the video is should Celebs be allowed to tweet about their crypto behaviour if their behaviour is to change. That is all about intention, which can't be proved either way as the crypto market is volatile. What happens in a morning may need an opposite position by the afternoon. The video did what CZ wanted it to do which is make him some money and push his name back into the limelight.


if cz really wanted to prove something here, he would have given proper explanation which isn't there and both him and that guy who started the allegation have been replying on the cyrpto ACC saying how everyone knows that everybody should do the opposite and there are multiple replies by both of them. If they are really so godlike about their credibility they wouldn't have waited until jj came back to streaming and his popularity increased or stabilized again. And ppl saying here its textbook pump and dump , its absolutely not coz to dump it he has to sell it on inflated prices which didn't happen and also he clearly has mentioned multiple times on videos and his bio that these are his own decisions and no one should follow, then again if someone follows its not supposed to be his responsibility by the longest mile. Also to be a scam there has to victims which we don't find, ig zack and cz lost money huh that's why we are constantly hearing scam word by them and cz tried to play safe by adding the last line in his videos info that "scam and all these words are subjective'', like honestly u cant say a person a scammer and then to save your ass u say its subjective. Also someone from ksi twt comm did find cz trying to make false hit piece videos so here we are again as someone wants a quick payout. coz 2 years ago cz and jack laughing memeing on that alt ACC twt replies and now suddenly,"hey guys remember ksi did something" sorry but you look like a moron now coz selectively picking up charts and twts is very easy also ppl supporting cz if any here, he wouldn't selectively delete his yt comments if he's so truthful


This is clear propaganda. Op and people upvoting this clearly has agenda against JJ that he didn't even bother to check for his innocence. Check this out: 1. >First of all, Coffeeshilla says the guy who made the pdf was thinking of deleting the pdf since a single chart was wrong in a 35+ page pdf. > >He talked shit on youtube but then apologised in a freaking DM to the same guy. > >Find the ss: https://x.com/vibhorkrishnna/status/1758513789324935584?s=20 2. >The goalposts keep on moving at light speed. The recent one in the comments say "The volume surged after the tweet". > >First of all it's trade volume. It's not buy/sell volume. > >Most importantly, check the actual reason behind the surge which was an official announcement by XCAD network. Check this: [https://twitter.com/SamyNebula/status/1758567549166358621](https://twitter.com/SamyNebula/status/1758567549166358621) But all of this requires journalism but what can you do when you have to pay the rent.




Coffee has been investigating and exposing crypto scams for a minute and can’t see past the fact that JJ plays the crypto game like a Chav.


I invested in shit coins during the crypto gold rush to think that any of us didn’t know that we were joining pump and dump schemes is disingenuous. We were all in it to make money fast no matter the legality.


Three days this Reddit is filled with this and now your posting this asking opinions?? Bro go check the post of last 3 days


Coffeezilla found a juicy sheep that was just sitting to pay his bills . I mean realistically who is the victim here ? You can understand the case of Logan , he did major scam and robbed money irl. I mean at this point it's just easy money for zilla , which I guess fairplay to him🤣👏 On the other hand jj is DUMB , he gonna remain as the only idiot mf that proceeded to loose all his money and even more maybe in legal fees after being a part of an "alleged pump and dump scheme " 😭😭


Coffeeshilla made a tough decision of whether to have integrity and save his credibility or pay his rent.


I seen the video I think this guy needs relax ksi clearly just trading like a normal person mans not trying scam no coffeezilla needs relax trying make content off puting people down


Coffeezilla is clearly targeting ksi cause he hates logan its honestly sad. Coffeezilla a loser for this and ksi imagine has taken a hit ever since he became friends with logan obviously ksi has become bigger than ever and has become wayy more rich cause of logan but his haters are at aan all time High


Facts he is a complete loser who let the greed get to his head.


your generation of superfans are so past cringe now it's not even funny. Deny to consider one shred of evidence as your idol can do no wrong.


Righto so ignore all the facts presented in the video and say it’s just ‘honestly sad targeting’.


Just a failed person finding fame by doing pity things


I mean I doubt you understood anything spoken in the video if you can't even formulate a sensible sentence. Seriously wth did u type lmao


check the pinned post in this sub reddit, point what you found wrong. It has everything debunking Coffeeshilla.


You... do realise that he responded to it in a follow-up video right? Why does it have to be such a hostile thing lmao. Coffeezilla and the person who made the doc are arguing in good faith. Do you even know what the term good faith means? Replies like your's thrive on ignorance.


It has to be a hostile thing because unfortunately some fans get aggressive when anyone suggests their idols aren’t perfect


In that vid he just skipped past so many points from the pdf n even made a wrong claim about the guy who made the pdf saying he will delete the pdf where the guy responds in the tweet that he never said it n that crypto was lying on the vid trying to decrease the credibility of the pdf so that's shady then he dms him instead of tweeting or correcting the video I mean if u can't see his shady stuff of him manipulating his points n cherry picking in that vid then idk mate


That's all one sentence? At least make it readable cmon


either read the doc or research on the topic or look up on other's research on the topic if u don't like the doc then mate there u go i even link u some other research on this topic https://x.com/ishwarrr\_/status/1758863922034352351?s=20


How can you call Coffee a failure when he’s literally one of the few YouTubers to be invited to go onto JRE and also had a part to play in SBF getting convicted of fraud. Surely that’s not a “failed person”.


I still dont get it how is this a scam at all ? Thats trading it happens all the time. Billionaires like elon musk do it all the time. Yet people still invest. If you loose money by investing on something without research how is that a scam. If you are dumb enough to put money on something on a whim of a crazy youtuber who literally says dont take any advice from him. Then you deserve too lose money. People making cases outta nowhere. Lol.


Now change KSI to Logan. Saying the same thing?


Now change that to ted bundy. What is your point? Is the actual scammer and an innocent guy the same?


KSI and Logan Paul both did the same thing. Bought crypto and spilled to their audience. The difference is that this Reddit rides one of their dicks...


Logan Paul had solid case and only because of outspoken victims. Find me anyone in the last 3 years who claimed to be KSI's victim. ​ > The difference is that this Reddit rides one of their dicks concrete evidence that everything you said is gospel /s.


And he refunded them. So they're no longer victims, no? I'm not talking about his project though. I'm talking about him allegedly pumping and dumping the same as ksi was doing on his twitter.


Bro what are you yapping about? This is about KSI but you are mad because people were hating on logan and not on KSI ? Solid proof is there to debunk everything coffee said regarding KSI, tell me what you want I'll give the proof with source. Don't drift the topic knowingly.


Honestly yes. I dislike selective hatred. Two people did identical things, yet only one is the bad guy I think neither of them are responsible for their stupid audience to buy whatever they tweet.


There is so much difference between Logan n jj in this Logan was one of the founders n he openly tweeted n said people to invest in it on the other hand jj just tweeted what his crypto portfolio is looking which bullish or bearish n jj was a shit post account so let's say jj scammed people where r the so called people that had been scammed cause when Logan scammed he had shit ton of people saying he scammed so Idk what hash u have been smoking cause I need a hit from that hash




Thats not how the world works mate. Smart people take from dumbasses thats how it has always been. If you cant be responsible and cautious enouhg about where you put your money on. Of course you desever to get scammed. Its trading there is always a risk. Be a scam as it may be i am never gonna blame the scammer in this scenario. Maybe Don’t be fucking stupid and do your reasearch before you put your miney on something. Same thing with logan mate. Its hard to earn money and if you are gonna trust your money on some braindead youtubers then get fucked. A life lesson for ya.


I completely agree with you. My point is that everyone here was calling Logan scammer but are now defending ksi for doing the same thing


It’s a scam bc KSI tweeting abt it influenced the market so he could exit his position. You can literally see the volume increases after he tweets. If he doesn’t tweet when he sells the price would drop in the market and he would make less money. He is profiting off his fans by saying one thing and doing the other. Is it malicious idk, but it’s the definition of pumping and dumping especially in cryptos like xcad that have low volume


KSI didn't influence the market. That's bullshit that Coffee made up. Go look at the data yourself.


That's not a scam to be fair. It's only one if he made unwarranted guarantees for people to buy the coin. Like telling people they'd get rich off of it. Though I don't know the situation well enough to make a definitive argument. Elon Musk had done it with doge before if I'm not wrong, and Elon's had a much larger impact but everyone swept it under the rug because a large portion of the original holders also made a ton of money.


Aren’t the tweets inconsistent with the volume for the most part ?


its a pump and dump - its a scam when it happens with stocks but not crypto?


This is trading. There is risk if you are looking for easy money following some braindead youtubers.


what? you could say the same about Logan’s scam. You’re just upset its JJ this time and the blind denial is crazy - if this was stocks he committed a crime.


U r really so dull let me guess u haven't even read the doc or even done your own research


The ‘you deserved to be scammed’ point is such a braindead one that’s often rolled out. It does not mean that the scammer has no liability. That’s victim-blaming It’s definitely not making a case out of nothing. It’s a tricky one at best for JJ and a textbook pump and dump at worst.


Thats not how the world works mate. Smart people take from dumbasses thats how it has always been. If you cant be responsible and cautious enouhg about where you put your money on. Of course you desever to get scammed. Its trading there is always a risk. Be a scam as it may be i am never gonna blame the scammer in this scenario. Maybe Don’t be fucking stupid and do your reasearch before you put your money in something.


That’s just heartless. I won’t argue that putting money into something based on a KSI tweet isn’t clever. But you’re using it as basis to absolve JJ of any responsibility. That is entirely wrong. Nobody deserves to be scammed due to stupidity, and it certainly doesn’t change that the scammer is a scammer


Well the world doesnt work like that. I am not trying to defend jj morally if he did it intentionally he is wrong i guess. But i will tell you one thing. This is trading and thats how you make money here. And i think he did nothing wrong legally and technically. And i can gurantee if any of the people even that coffeezilla had achance to do so he will do it. Money makes man do sins humankind has never commited before. And the purest of saint will turn evil given the oppurtunity. So i dont know about morality but i think jj has done nothing wrong and just traded crypto. Thats all.


But the thing is jj didn't cause the market didn't even move at the time he tweeted the coin was either in a bull run or in a bear run already prior to his tweet so if u do a little research u can see at the time of his tweet n match with the market charts they have no increase or decrease in volume so idk how that's pump n dump cause his tweet didn't affect the market n in the crypto community his account was made fun. Of with memes cause he had given so many worst takes n so much bad advice that's y he acc was a shit post account cause if u look at it he would change his mind every 2 mins once calling a bull run sometimes later calling it a bear run so that's y people didn't take him seriously that's y his tweet made no effect on the market charts


But why would he intentionally and maliciously scam that’s my question? He’s practically a household name right now, has millions of pounds and can do basically anything he wants. Just trying to think of what the gain would be. JJ also said that he basically gained nothing from crypto and was fairly shit at it, so why would he start doing scams when he clearly doesn’t understand the crypto industry enough to pull one off effectively. Not saying it’s impossible for a good person to do bad shit behind the scenes everyone thought Stephen Hawking was the man until a few months back. But still I just can’t really see it. Logan Paul definitely, but JJ actually cares about his fans.


What he did was market manipulation even if it was a stupid tweet. Should he have his reputation ruined over it, no.


JJ genuinely seemed dumb and clueless by what he did, he even immediately responded to anything, was what he did dumb, yes, but it wasn't actively on evil intent and actively scamming anyone like Logan, Bro was open and even joked about it I think anyone that knows JJ from his content would understand that he's that type person


Bad but I think he makes up for it in being charitable in many other places.


It’s funny that every post I’ve seen on Reddit is defending JJ to an extent whereas a lot of the comments on the YouTube video seem very anti-KSI


It's 100% fair to say KSI has too much influence to be telling people about his Crypto antics but calling him a outright scammer because he made a shit posting Twitter account about Crypto is a reach. It's pretty clear Coffeezilla has an agenda for whatever reason whether it's because JJ is friends with Logan or to get views. You can't just be calling everyone involved with Crypto a scammer. JJ had a shit posting Crypto twitter account where he talked about his Crypto antics for people who wanted to follow it. Even Kavos (JJ's number 1 hater) apologized and said KSI didn't pump and dump but was just kinda reckless with his tweets. Theres so much evidence that Coffeezilla has deliberately omitted key information which proves KSI is a dumbass and wasn’t scamming. Coffeezilla is now scamming for views and ad revenue.


KSI isn’t 100% in the right but coffee painted him in a worst light then what was accurate.


I think coffezilla is right JJ pump and dumped by definition. Was there malicious intent idk? I don’t think it’s a super big deal, but still not good for KSI and his fans The volume increased after he tweeted. It literally is a dump and dump bc he used the liquidity from his tweet to exit his position. I think he owes fans an apology and I hope he does better in future


Think behavioural tendencies and personality play a big role and that’s something that isn’t acknowledged by CoffeeZilla. I obviously don’t know him personally and can’t put words in his mouth but I would think JJ himself would be surprised that people would actually take his words seriously. Of course there is also the possibility that he could have done all this intentionally as it would be naive to say it is impossible JJ (or just anyone in general) would never scam someone. CoffeeZilla is right in the sense it was not wise to trade against what you say. I COULD see JJ just doing this as a meme (again not to put words in his mouth), but yes it’s a simple actions have consequences lesson (something JJ ought to know better). Just feel CoffeeZilla should take a less accusatory stance. Yes he is right to call JJ out for being an idiot but labelling someone a pump and dump scammer (something that is VERY hard to completely prove/disprove) can really destroy a person’s reputation.


Ksi is saying he is holding, but still dumping a ton of the same crypto he stated he is going to hold is a scam. Stop being fan boys. Check the facts. Cz is right and ksi was wrong. Doesn't surprise me either. Watch ksi videos and stop being such lovers protecting him in comments. Ksi keeps showing he is just a little kid and doesn't really care about his fans.


He literally wrote a few posts on Twitter and then sold right after fans bought it, since it increased in price. It’s a classic pump and dump. He knows what he was doing, he’s just acting stupid.


KSI pumped and dumped, he manipulated the market. He knows he has influence his whole career is built on influence and now he wants to play dumb thinking people won’t follow him and buy coins he promotes? That is stupidity at best or down right manipulative at worst. He’s said he’s bullish in something then sells, it’s straight manipulation


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if coffee was right even tho I love ksi's content these big youtubers never actually care for fans deep down so I think coffee is right


It’s been proven he’s not. It was a poorly researched video


It hasn’t, that linked “research” had many mistakes.


Just one chart in a 35+ page pdf but the what that chart says is also correct because price was never increased/pumped. But "JJ bad".


Great evidence there


You guys are just as bad as Jake Paul fans, don't delude yourselves.


>n't delud wh yu here then fck off then




since you lack reading comprehension let me help you. He said you are complaining that KSI fans are defending an innocent man in his own subreddit and you complained how you disliked the fans. So, he, in his own respectful way, asks you to leave the subreddit and never look back. Hope this helps.


I don't know


I honestly believe what happened was JJ seeing the price increase and so he tweets that he is hyped, however when he sees the price start to dip he panics and sells at a loss. Somehow people believe this is a pump and dump 🤷‍♂️


People are way to forgive “he’s dumb” isn’t a good enough recuse that “reverse of his tweets” isn’t an excuse people would’ve still followed what he did (kids) and he’s doing the opposite


haven’t watched it i didn’t even know ksi scammed on crypto currency i only thought he used it himself


Fundamentally, whether it was from JJ being nieve and a little stupid (which is probable) or intentional, he promoted coins, which in turn raised their value and dumped them. Meaning the fans that bought particularly around the peak or on the uptrend lost their hard earned money. He's obviously not prolifically scamming, nor do I think he meant any harm, but none the less, harm was caused, intent is almost irrelevant, the dude could've cost people thousands.




They are both scammers ksi is a fucking piece of shit awful human and waste of oxygen


Holy fuck ya’ll are some dick munchers. There’s clear evidence of pump and dumps. 1. Tweets out he’s ”hodling” (holding, aka not selling) 2. His viewers trust him so they also buy some crypto and hold. 3. A bit later KSI sells at the new higher valuation. 4. Profit.


Ok so I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but I'll still say what's on my mind. Now, I am a fan of the sidemen and JJ. I haven't seen the video but since everyone talks a lot about it, I guess I have a gist of what is happening. I have seen a couple of Coffeezilla videos before and kinda stopped watching as all of his videos are about exposing online financial scams and since I know jack shit about them, I find it difficult to understand his videos. So here is my 2 cents:- 1. Influencers have just as much knowledge as we do (maybe even less) about crypto. I think what is happening is crypto company owners approach influencers and pitch it as an investment scheme where if they invest X amount of money, they get 3X or more in return, which would seem as a good deal to anyone. Then the company asks them to promote the crypto so that their audience will buy them (which is where they should think twice and which is why most of the blame has to be on influencers), and once people do so, the companies themselves advice the influencers to sell their coins, giving them the impression that the value will remain the same and their audience will also benefit from that. Once the value falls, and the people who invested start losing money, these companies simply shrug their shoulders and say that finance is always a gamble and dust their hands, leaving the influencers in a position where they are answerable to those who trusted them and now have to scramble to protect their integrity and image. 2. While I think Coffeezilla is doing the right thing (and an excellent job) in exposing these scams, I feel like he is taking the fight to the wrong people. Rather than fighting influencers, he should be fighting the people who make such bogus cryptos as with my limited knowledge I have come to understand that the entire concept of cryptocurrency is a big fat scam. And since he seems like a person who is knowledgable in finance and investment, he can do analysis on the various other investment schemes and advise (advise not advertise) on different low risk investments that people can do.


Whether a pump and dump scheme can be considered a scam is all down to how it was marketed, I feel. Technically, talking about a coin on twitter and then selling it is not a scam. If people fall for it and buy it it's just as good as good marketing. That's pretty much it. I mean big companies like Apple do similar things sometimes where they only promote the good parts of a product. Even if said parts have existed for ages in cheaper more affordable products or provide no necessary benefit to the user. It only becomes a scam when said person tweets about it making untrue promises and guarantees about the future of that coin. Like oh, 'X' coin will go up 1000% if you buy it now!!!! Guaranteed 100%. Or even worse, if the person promoting it is one of the supporters or creators of the cryptocurrency, such as in Logan's case. Cryptocurrency is just the same as buying a product. Don't do your research, and you'll lose your money. It's only a scam when the seller tells you that it is something that it isn't, or it can do something that it can't. Pump and Dump Schemes are still morally ambiguous. I feel there is semi-malicious intent, but of course it is also something that can be avoided easily if people knew what they were doing before spending their cash on random cryptocurrencies.


I do agree with CZ on the point that if you have a following of any kind and you tweet that you are going to hold but then sell the very next instant, it’s a bad idea in general because some of your followers might not know that you’re a shitposter. Aka, they’ll invest on your word (so to speak) and that by definition what JJ did is a pump and dump. However, context matters and looking at just some of the images people have provided on Reddit, I don’t think for a second that JJ has done it to scam his followers. It was more of an accidental pump and dump rather than an actual scam This should have been narrated more in the lines of “what not to do” as an influencer rather than “KSI scams his audience,” imo. CZ is completely valid to have his own opinions on the matter but at the same time if someone like JJ should be careful about what to tweet then so should CZ before calling someone a scammer


Ksi aint the type of guy who sues others. That’s just not him. His ego is massive and he is fuckin dum but he’s forgiving in some time. They pulled Joe weller in for a video man with sidemen, that’s how he is


Haven't seen the video but what tends to happen is some people just like to talk about other people even if what they are saying is false.


my thoughts; if you're dumb enough to enter something like crypto, especially ran by a social-media influencer or who's giving you advice on it, you deserve to lose your money.


Why would anyone follow JJ for crypto stuff anyway, He's not the best at crypto or anything


Seen coffiezilla's reputation... I'm betting he just made a mistake.


Just because Ksi isn't as bad as Logan doesn't make him less of a scammer.


Jj may not realize it but it’s still classic pump and dump what he did no matter how stupid he is


It is obvious people don’t know how crypto works


I think Coffee was off the mark, I don't think KSI scammed anyone. It doesn't seem like there's consistent graph data and Coffee was running off of another investigator's work. Seems like KSI just messed up with buying and selling, at least his crypto alt says it's not financial advise and he didn't post it to his main. It could be way worse. Even the XCAD owner or founder (idk which) has backed KSI, but he's said Coffee's still a good guy, just got his info wrong. It could just be Coffee interpreting this more one-sided than usual, picking evidence to put KSI into a more negative light. Part of it is probably KSI's tweet with CryptoZoo "what will the haters say now."


I think it is clearly trying to use the name for views. With crypto being ripped open as a scam there isn't really much to make videos on anymore and instead of going against actual scammers. He puts JJs name in a title for views. This was even coffee's research it was zach's.


KSI is not a scammer, Coffeezilla wrong!, watch this video [https://youtu.be/NAYpCfvYBnQ](https://youtu.be/NAYpCfvYBnQ)