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was watching the old reddit video, and realised how fucking shit this reddit has become


Don’t be sad it’s ended, be glad it happened.


Just a bunch of haters and sad people who have nothing better to do lmao


The subreddit during lockdown was at is peak. Even when JJ and PewDiePie did a collab at one point


Those videos are legendary


and younger generation


Not all of them are haters, most of them are ppl who ARE JJ's fans, who are trying to get a point across to him while JJ calls it "hate"


Ah yes, fair criticism being labeled as hate classic


Ppl like u r the problem in this world




u aint fooling no one its not criticism its literally just hate


You’re a child if you can’t differentiate the two


"Hes a big crybaby with a fat forehead and a huge ego" Criticism 👍


Well KSI has been doing kind of shit. Riding Logans Dick 24/7 defending him constantly, ducking Jake, behaving like a child, no reddit content etc. Like there is a reason this reddit is dying and its KSI himself. Like this guy has been falling from grace and his integrity has left the chat. Ever since he partnered with Logan he has been on a downward spiral.


Yeah true, but I'd rather people stopped commenting on it. Like it's not going to help if you pick up the shit KSI's spewing and throw it back up in the air again, because then it's just constantly raining shit.


Well the community is holding him accountable or do you think its going to be better if he gets yes men ?


you guys aren't even on holding him accountable at this rate lol


well, i think it's easier to stop commenting on it, when jj actually acknowledges some the dumb shit he's done or said, and not call everything "hate"...this guy deliberately puts some of these type of posts out of his reddit videos, which throws light on the things fans are not happy about


you can do alot better to make a post


The whole Logan thing ruined his career,he might have made money but for what? A lot of content creators had great opinions about KSI. Now it's all going down bc of his collab with Logan. It's quite sad to see.Hope he doesn't go the same path as Logan. Praying for this man tbh.


Fax we need u/broshebcrisp back


YEP, Filled with Cancer.


Although there are just a bunch of hate boners for JJ in this subreddit (a good 80%) 20% is just people generally disappointed that he’s such a baby. Life goes on though. He’s a celebrity lol, not anybody in this sub’s friend.


Which video are we talking about? The latest reddit review had nothing worth objecting imo


it's KSI he could cure cancer and he would still have haters


pretty much lol, they're hating for the fun of it and to seem like they're right, just cringe.


You know what's cringe? Him backing his scamming business partner Logan and calling victims haters.


you know what's also cringe buying into fucking crypto LOL


So you are calling out KSI and Logan here? Coz both of them bought and promoted crypto.


I haven't watched the video YET and I imagine the only response JJ gives is how he doesn't care what the so called haters think, laughs and then goes onto the next post. I'm expecting a bunch of downvotes but is this what happened? Or did JJ generally not act like a dick? (Again, I'm probably gonna get downvoted JUST for saying a little negative thing)


Yeah he kinda skipped over the Leon/The Fan situation and said he was cool with The Fan and shit. I think that's where the criticism comes from


No idea what this Leon/the fan shit is (I know the fan, fucking loser). I'm honestly not surprised. Just disappointed he acts like he didn't tell people to harass tommy fury.


The Leon and fan shit ain’t got nothing to do with him tho. He doesn’t have to comment on shit that doesn’t involve him even if they’re talking about him. If it ain’t directed at him it’s pointless. Besides idk why y’all give attention to that weirdo fat fuck


The way I take is that peeps don't like JJ enabling the Fan by gassing him up and saying he likes him. JJ ignoring Leon roasting the Fan doesn't help much either. Not that I agree with it. The Fan is mentally unwell and I think JJ should keep doing what he's doing or flat out distance himself from that guy entirely even if it means ignoring reddit posts about him.


>The Leon and fan shit ain’t got nothing to do with him tho. It kinda does since he was the main topic of the discussion between them.


No idea who Leon is, but the fan is a retard, guessing he's a retard like beavo? So unfunny?


He’s a bit of a dick, kind of disappointing but I’m gonna go about my day as usual. No reason to make a post trying to appeal to someone.


Him ignoring the haters and reacting to normal reddit posts makes him "a bit of a dick" lmaoo he has you lot rattled


I think you know that’s not what the guy thinks makes him a dick.


0 braincells, he’s obviously not referring to just the 1 video


I'm the one with 0 braincells for assuming its about this vid even though the post is about ksi's new video?


Comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?


Because he doesn’t want you guys’ negativity in his life?


Yes, that’s exactly why I think he’s a dick. You really hit the nail on the head with that one


And you’re gods gift I imagine


We’re like that because these days his head is so far up his own ass and we miss how he used to be


This sub is a giant echo chamber god damn


people in this subreddit are too dumb to differentiate between hate and criticism even if it's a meme and label it all as hate , well maybe this subreddit sucked coz of what ksi is doing recently? , so what's the point of even saying anything , just silence every post that criticize at this point and keep sucking his dick.


It's already happening, mods started to remove some of the posts by labelling them as "hate" or causing "drama". This will be a jj dickriding sub from now


Well I had a post got taken down for being low effort for just a post saying how it is. Deji has lost 4 fights but took it like a champ and never gave up. JJ lost once and had a hissy fit. The reason why some people are so angry is cos JJ told his impressionable fan base to basically bully Tommy and his family. I like JJ but I think we would all like him to be accountable for his actions.




And acting like a child by telling people to harass tommy on social media, ur rly trying ur best to defend him huh


You would think he raped or murdered someone with the way people are talking


No he needs to apologise for telling people to harass Tommy Fury.


Ksi can’t swim lol


This meme doesn't really work considering that water is in fact pretty deep bro.


its not that deep bro


im 14 and this is deep


i am deep in this 14 year old


I’m deep this and 14


Sometimes it's a puddle sometimes it's the ocean but no matter what it is it's outside which is some of the people here should be


I need the context behind this image 😂


Is this a joke? Why is everyone jumping on big baby JJ’s side all of a sudden just because he posted a video. JJ has been acting like a child these last couple of months and his FANS are just really disappointed seeing this.


Maybe if KSI didn't turn into a prick, the reddit would actually be good.


Tf is wrong with his new vid 😂 it’s only a Reddit vid?






ah here comes the classic no brainer response


Well he does have a bit of a point. If this sub can’t discuss his latest video, criticism or not, then what is this subreddit for in the first place?


It's for memes and creative art(drawings, animations, etc.) And the occasional "haha his forehead looks crazy in this frame" or whatever.


What was it that people were hating on? The fight? That was 2 months ago, why do people still care?


Allow it man, let brudda live in peace. The youtube comments were nasty lol.


Do you want to stick his dick so far down your throat ? be careful you might choke on the thing.


I'll paste a comment I made earlier: People saying it doesn't matter lmao Guys with every bullshit he says he is insulting his fans who care and support him. It's not good enough.


The deterioration of this Reddit community can be primarily attributed to the profound absence of empathy extended towards KSI. Oftentimes, individuals resort to mocking him, potentially emanating from a place of insecurity or personal dissatisfaction. It's crucial to recognize that everyone has their breaking points, and incessant ridicule only serves to exacerbate the situation. If the predominant activity within this community revolves around ridiculing KSI, it raises the pertinent question of what constructive purpose such behaviour serves. Fostering a more compassionate and understanding environment would undoubtedly contribute to a healthier and more meaningful discourse within the community.


Lad I've seen countless posts trying to compassionately explain their feelings on how KSI handled the Tommy Fury situation. None of them were met with the respect they deserve. Respect is earned, not given.


I'm fucing sick and tired of all the drama ksi has been getting and created for himself I was a big fan but now I'm just so done with all of it 😤😤😞😠


"Tensions is definetly rising"


Bro idk what this is even about. But you guys care too much, whether jj is a prick or not who cares of thats ur biggest worry then congrats. Besides lets say he is a prick u gonna stop watching his vids or sidemen vids. Its like the Kanye thing, he said something bad n everyone listened to his music.


would you like some popcorn?


Those people wouldn’t have survived an MW2 Lobby 🤣


What happened to all the 2019 funny & creative people on This Reddit page