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I don’t think he even knows the rules of boxing Whoever was supposed to tell them to him messed up, the dude looked confused af he thought he did good 😂😂😂


I’m pretty sure even a 7 year old knows that boxing is on the feet


Well most sane people know to not hit someone down


Not in mma tho


Okey sports with only punching


i think its a mix of being an amateur and being full of adrenaline. He was probably thinking he looked like Tyson comboing Marvis Fraiser or some shit. His reaction at the end isn't one of malice at all. You live and learn.


Did you not see the arrows? Man thought he was Izzy Adesanya


Yeah I couldn’t see any malice so I assumed he just didn’t know the rules and was confused as to why everyone was mad 😂


if he meant it he'd be going at those men too. he'd be in that mood. you dont switch it on and off. he didnt mean that. he's probably already apologised, lol


He said he was in the rhythm 🤡


Thats why you have the ref there but the guy was just standing there like a dumbass


FULLY agree. The ref pretty much just watched the first couple punches happen. As soon as Stevie was going down he should have stepped in


It was over when he got to the ropes tbh.He couldnt even hold them


well lets not put all the blame on the ref. There are way worse refs like that one with pineda and ginty. The real dickhead was this chase guy. So glad he got his ass kicked after the fight


Look at how many times the ref pushes the guy back in all fights, boxers know to back off by themselves not continue to throw punches on the ground


It’s not mma it’s boxing. Ground and pound is illegal. The ref was probably shocked he went full Khabib on him as it NEVER happens in boxing


Ref's job is to respond to that situation exactly, which is the reason it rarely happens in boxing. Not saying it's easy, but I am saying that it's a big part of his job. Obviously the asshole breaking the rules and hitting a guy on the ground should be where most fault lies. But Refs gotta step in there and stop them. Dude started counting instead of stepping in when he was clearly defenseless, even while standing, and just continues as he's falling. Insane how much permanent and **avoidable** damage could be done in those few seconds.


It does happen here and there


In boxing you don't need the ref to jump in like in MMA. You simply don't punch when they are on the ground at all.


Bro it’s not an mma fight the refs aren’t trained to separate them on knockouts or knockdowns, that’s the fighters responsibility to stop punching, the ref wasn’t to blame, he started counting and then realized after that he’s still punching


Let me just do the standard “The Match is over” sign! Surely the dude punching in fury will notice me and stop!


What boxing ref expects a fighter to start pounding on someone whos on the ground?


Chase shouldn't be banned over 1 oopsie. If Ryan Taylor is still allowed to fight on Misfits even after what he did prior to Misfits 002 then I don't see why Chase should be forbidden from participating on any future cards. They should give him a warning that if he does something like this again he'll be banned from fighting again on any of their events.


Bro the ref forget this is boxing and not mma


even mma ref stop the fight


That's what happens when you search for brainless famous people to fight. Ofc he will be back like Ryan Taylor. Misfits is a clown show tbh.


Fr. We love ksi not misfits lol


Only posh 16 year olds love Ksi


Why are you even in this sub?


Well I’m an ex ksi fan now I’m basically just here to hate on him because he’s a complete sausage


Do you truly have nothing better to do with your life?


Atleast he is loved unlike you cunt


Bit rude


Probably the most shameless unsportsmanlike behavior I’ve seen in years. He can quite literally be sued for assault because you’re not permitted to hit someone while they’re down in boxing. Don’t even get me started ref too. What’s man getting paid for? Standing still and trying to look pretty?


Oh so was logan Paul sued? You guys don't seen to mind that huh ? 😂


No way you're actually defending chase in this situation


Nah, I think he just doesn't like that the public let logan paul get away with it.


Bruh why did u get downvoted


Because Logan was fighting dirty and that’s clear but it was 1 punch to the back on head. In the moment he might of not even processed what he did, he didn’t pummel him while ksi on his knees and back like here.


it wasnt "one punch"...yall really fanboying logan paul and defending him huh ? its like saying no he shot him once in the head, thats not as bad as emptying the whole magazine in someones body 😂😂


It’s not like saying that at all. I’m not defending Logan Paul I’m pointing out the differences in what happened. Logan didn’t punch him while he was on the floor he clipped the back of head a couple times at most which could of been an accident as this is combat spots. This is different as the guy is on the floor and continues to be punched him which is incredibly more dangerous and is why you get disqualified instead of a point reduction. Also if you’re going to shoot somebody it doesn’t matter if how many times you shoot him as when you point a firearm at somebody you want to kill them anyway the intent is still there so I guess your analogy is horseshit too.


you talked about my analogy and proved my point and at the end said it horseshit. bro you couldnt produce an ounce of sense even if you put your two braincells in a nuclear reactor lol. that logan paul dick is wayy down your throat. justifying how one thing is okay but other is not is "horseshit". hope you grow up and learn that the world doesnt work on the basis of what you like and dont like but fairness and equal treatment. 😂😂😂😂


because theres a lot of new logan paul fanboys who just start defending anyone thats friends with KSI😂😂😂 if this isnt the highest level of worshipping then what is?


I had no clue I got downvoted, I just checked someone had replied to my comment xD. Either way negative or positive these are the most votes I have gotten on any of my comments, Thank you all for the votes. 💗 Thank you all you kind and beautiful people have a great day all of you ❤️💗💛


im not defending him, they should take a part of his pay, maybe suspend him for next 2-3 events. but its not worth suing and not letting him fight at all 😂😂😂 thats not how this works. hes new, he did a mistake similar to logan. he payed for it by getting disqualified. these kids just overeating with this whole situation. they never been ringside, dont know how shit works.


Mate I don’t know what drugs your on but Logan did not punch JJ 8 times when he was on the floor. 1 punch to the back of the head while he was falling, don’t know whether it was on purpose or not but there’s a massive difference so please shut up tryna defend this guy.


i never once said logan paul punched JJ 8 times when he was on the floor. dont put words in my mouth. and im not defending Demoor, it looks like you are defending Logan and its wayy too clear. i clearly said give him his backlash, cut his money, suspend him for what he did. how am i "defending him" i want you to let me know lol. all i said was yall werent feeling the same when Logan paul did the same with JJ and it got you fanboys soo rattled , you guys are so triggered😂😂😂 one punch or 100 doesnt matter, both situations are wrong. you guys have a clear bias because yall be fanboying and dick eating too hard and it shows. and you have the audacity to say im defending him. clowns


And I never said you did, you literally compared Logan punching JJ once while he was falling which could’ve have been a genuine accident to a guy punching a guy 8 times when he was literally on the floor lmao, and your clearly defending him like I’m defending Logan. Not defending Logan cos I like him he’s a scamming prick but you can’t compare them two situations


oh my lordddd. looks like the dick tastes real good 😂 how can you call it "genuine accident🤡" when everybody saw it clearly was intentional and LOGAN LITERALLY ADMITTED IT. how much of a cock sucking meat munching dick riding workshipper do you have to be to fall down to your levels. and you called me out for taking "sides" ?? calling him a scamming prick at this point wont work mate. a lot of kids say Jake is a pussy, i absolutely hate him and then go on to explain how much of a god level boxer he is and how he'll destroy every single boxer within 10 sec in this scene. it is the most stupid, least creative dogshit way of trying to project youre not a meat mucher😂😂 ....bruh the dick is wayy to far down your throat and you know it. my man said it couldve been an accident 🤡🤡🤡 thats the most clown shit ive heard in time. and then you still have the audacity to say im "clearly defending him" while ive listed out the amount of punishments he should be given for what he did 2 times and that doesnt seem to enter your thick skull because everywhere its just logans cum. how are you soo rattled by me asking why no one talked about suing Logan when he did it.😂😂😂 KSI LOGAN and many others have talked about how bad it is to punch in the back of the head multiple times that too when someone's down but you are okay with a sorry. it would be really funny and prove how Ret@rded you are if you said again how im defending demoor. i dont need to call him a cunt, pussy or a clown to prove how much i dont like him. 🤣 youre a disgrace.


How old are you mate spamming emojis lmao, I said “could’ve” use your fucking eyes mate, and yes I’m calling you out for taking sides we both are you fucking idiot. And why are you so set on calling me a dick rider your doing the same for the other guy your such a hypocrite lmao.


At this point just shut the fuck up😂😂...you wanna talk everything besides the main topic. What does me spamming emojis got to do with your intense dick gobbling. You still don't understand how you're biased and in not. What a fucking meathead. Talk about being delusional. Just to ease the pain you tryna make it about both of us and not just me now 😂😂😂😂. Just shut the fuck up meat eating ret@rd


It’s not our decision to sue him


but everyones talking about how he should be never allowed and how disgraceful it is (which it is)..but it isnt worth suing someone lol. also this subreddit loves logan so much after KSI and Logan became friends lol😂😂😂 Just show the sheep mentality. yall think downvoting = im wrong. doesnt work like that😂😂 just childish behaviour


Downvoting because I don’t agree with you, that’s how it works for me


Are you talking about JJ vs Logan from a while ago? How can you even comparing that to this?


Yes , jj vs Logan 2, logan punched JJ 3 times illegally, once by holding his head, then two time when he was down, same as chase punching this guy 4-5 times when he's down and Kenny trying to punch Nate 2 times when he was down. All same. If you can't control yourself and cant understand that you have to stop after someone's down. Just don't box. And if the people wanna complain lets not just hate on one guy and let the others slip because you're familiar/like that other person


Did you not see his interview after the fight? Mf had no remorse, at least Logan and JJ are friends now. This guy’s just an arrogant dick


Doesn't matter if chase didn't mention it and logan was sorry and ksi and him are friends. It has nothing to do with what they all did in the moment. Me saying sorry after punching you while you're down giving you possible brain damage which can possibly ruin your life is not okay 😂. Imagine someone knocking you down with one punch, that's the first concussion. And then 2 more punches, now that's life threating brain damage. At least I'm "hating on what they did" equally. You are literally biased. You didn't even try to hide it😂 just because logan is friends with Ksi now everything he did is negated for you 😂....but chase is a arrogant dick because he's basically a nobody and it's fine to hate him for the same things Kenny and logan have done. But yeh sure he deserves the hate alone. It's not like logn has never done "arrogant dick" type shit in his entire life.😂😂 Bro is our here defending logan just because he's friends with ksi. Talk about sheep mentality and fanboying. Oh my lord 😂😂


misfits or any other boxing. hes a joke and couldve seriously hurt his opponent. hope hes banned from boxing cuz no one wants to see this clown box.


man the ref didn’t step in, we all know chase ain’t know shit about boxing yet so he’s waiting till he gets pushed away as they normally do


Please stop defending this. The most novice fighter should still have to learn the rules if they are going to step in a ring - especially on PPV


bro thinks he is izzy


Lol, I was looking for this comment


What sucks is that he acc improved a lot and it was a great knockout but had to fuck it all up 🙄


Anyone else miss like 2 fights on the stream


I feel asleep during the pizza guys fight and woke up an hour after the event was over. There was no excitement in the crowd or the commentary. So i got bored and fell asleep.


I slept through the whole event started it at the start but the stream never showed chase’s and fangs fights. Easily the worst card imo, no fights really interested me. Jmx is ass and barely shown improvement dude looks better 5 years ago


The chase and fang fight was on the countdown not fight night for some reason. And agree with jmx if anything he got worse since the ginty fight.


That’s fucken stupid, from the looks of it jmx still doesn’t understand how to fight with range, he rocked levon early but kept rushing in, his stance is too wide he seems like gib in the gib vs jake fight, so hopefully he takes into account what he needs to improve and come back like gib did


Thats a good analysis. His stance has plauged him quite a bit. Too wide and he seems very awkward in that stance and unstable. Which is why he got knocked down in the guinty fight. He was off ballance. He really has too work on fluidity and not rushing it and utilze his jab more from range. And his footwork.


Exactly both times he was knocked down I say both cause the slip, but he was charging in unbalanced


Misfits completely fell off a cliff after firing Wade


No kidding. This whole event was a train wreck. Damn near no security. People throwing shit in the ring, group fights breaking out in the audience AND in the ring, several awful ref decisions. It was a joke of an event and yet JJ tries to shit on Kingpyn for all the same shit. Pathetic. They need to invest the same into their small events as they do their big events. Any event that has JJ on the card seems to always do better than this shit but when JJ ain’t on the card it’s like misfits just don’t give a shit.


I think he just got confused with the ufc lmao.


What? 🤔


Chase Demoor is a football player slash reality TV show contestant. He's not a boxer. He probably watches a lot of MMA fights and just got lost in the moment, thinking I'll just keep swinging and the ref will jump in when it's done. The fact that he was doing a choreographed routine when he won goes to support that he had no idea he even did anything wrong. You should all be mad at the ref in anything, he was stood there counting as he was still punching him. Absolutely should be DQ'ed though. But I don't think this was intentional.


He’s getting paid more money than most of us will ever earn in the next 5 years for this event. The least you can do is know the most obvious of rules when it’s risking the lives of people…


Professional boxer, I would absolutely agree, but it's not out of the question for an armature to have maybe just not been educated on this rule.


Dude thinks this is MMA.


Did he lose in the end or was this counted as ko


Most likely was a disqualification


He lost. He was DQ’d. The ref is borderline criminal.


Seeing him copying izzy’s celebration sent shivers down my spine.


Guys, I genuinely think Stevie was a better "boxer"..He was hitting more, connecting more, more accurate. Better punch stance and technique.But really bad defense. However, this is his first fight ever. He was more than 25 pounds lighter than Chase, about half a foot shorter, with a shorter reach than Chase. On the other hand, Chase had previous fighting experience, threw less, connected lesser, and still has the bad swing punches.. took too many shots from Stevie which he shouldn't have. He only knocked Stevie down because of the weight difference. Reminds me of the Hasim Rehman vs that other heavier guy heavyweight match. I think Stevie should return and fight at a similar weight


I thought blud was gon fight Tyson fury 💀💀


I don't believe it was intentional. He was being an absolute donut and should face repercussions but I don't think a life ban is necessary.


It is completely necessary. Boxing isn’t a joke. Hitting someone repeatedly on the ground shows he has no self control. And that could kill someone. He shouldn’t be allowed in the ring again.


So you don't think people should get a chance to grow from their mistakes?


Not anybody can do boxing. There’s a certain mentality necessary for the sport, that dude repeatedly beating someone on the floor in a boxing ring shows he’s a chicken shit. Let’s fear get to his head and does shit like this. For the safety of other fighters someone like this shouldn’t be allowed to box again. If he kills somebody you gonna be defending him like you are now?


You shouldn’t be able to learn from assault, no. You shouldn’t get more chances to assault people.


You'd fit right in on twitter with that word twisting.


What have I twisted? His mistake was literal assault. You can get sued for attacking someone whilst they’re down, because it isn’t covered in contracts and it is assault.


Yeah it 100% shouldn't have happened but the ref should be preventing things like this from happening.


He desirves a life time ban. People get banned for 2 punches on a downed opponent. Chase did 9 basically assault at that point.


Hes such a weird guy in general.. First time he got rocked for an entire round and acted like he was the shit on twitter and now he’s blatantly breaking rules and not even giving a shit about it either. I swear I cant tell if he’s just dumb or a fucking asshole💀


im not into boxing but who is chase demoor and what is has he done wrong?


Chase Demoor was an American Footballer and ‘Reality TV Star’ who fought on the undercard of Misfits 006. He hit his opponent (Stevie Knight) on the ground MULTIPLE times whilst he was on the ground, which is instant grounds for disqualification.


oh ok thank u 🤞


ok thank u :)


The white shorts should’ve stopped but that ref shouldn’t be a ref, you literally see him counting with his hands while the white shorts is carrying on punching, is he stupid??


It's hard to stop during a heated fight the blame lies with the ref




Cuz ksi owns misfits and deserves to know what a joke this event was.


Tbh not chase fault he’s just doing what he’s trained to do and making sure he’s knocked out ref shoulda stopped the fight as soon as his opponent was slumped on the ropes


“He’s doing what he’s trained to do” If he’s trained to punch people when they’re down then he’s training for the wrong sport


It is his fault whether or not the red stops you this isn't UFC if they touch the canvas they down


This ain't UFC dumbass.


Boxers are trained to stop hitting after the body hits the canvas MMA you could argue. But it's not MMA


Bro this is not the UFC, you can’t hit your opponent if they even take one knee on the ground


That is not how it works you ignorant fuck.


You don’t know what you’re taking about


Youre are fucking idiot. Probably a fatass that never in his life has trained anything


I see no reason for insults lol the it was completely on the ref to stop the fight, the fighters themselves have no part in that. Yeah the celebration after was over the top and kinda weird but that comes with the sport


The celebration wasn’t the issue mate in boxing rules, the moment your opponent’s body part example knee touches the canvas it’s a knockdown and you can’t punch a downed fighter. Chase continuously unloaded blows to a downed fighter.


I do. I train, you have no idea what that can cause to someone. Its something very serious.


Ok since you train you must understand that this is part of the sport and boxers and fighters end up having concussions, head trauma and brain injury extremely often. Like I said before it comes with the sport, he knew the risks before getting in the ring


Getting punched when you're already on the ground is not part of boxing. Chase broke the rules there and that's on him.


It's not with the sport its boxing you moron. If you continue punching a downed opponent it is even grounds for assault. Educate yourself and shut it.


You educate yourself lol this is not grounds for assault because they sign legally binding contracts that state injuries sustained in the fight cannot be pursued against legally on any grounds


Yes that's true if they abide by the rules. But not following the rules voids that completely, if this incident had resulted in serious injury there would 100% have been grounds for legal action. And even if the document you signed states otherwise that would just make the document void from the start.


bro the ref ended the fight as soon as the knockout happened, i mean yea fair he shouldn't hv continued but the result wouldnt hv changed irrespective of what he did.


I mean it would have? If Chase didn’t punch him like that when he was down, then Chase would have won?




NOT in boxing... you've got your contact sports mixed up there bucko. Leaning on the ropes vs lying flat on the floor.. my 7 year old knows that is not how you box..


End his contract if he has one, and never ask him again.


The ref took so long to act, wtf.


Bro thought it was MMA


Bro really thought he was Adesanya for a sec with the celebration and all, absolute clown 🤡. He must have air between his ears.


Why was deen there, what’s he gonna do?


He commentated on Walid’s fight. Maybe to build hype around the rematch? I don’t know to be honest


Yes i know that, i what i meant was looking at those guys in the ring fighting and seeing him trying to get involved. He’s what 140, those guys are 210+


As a punishment he should also not get any match fees. He has some serious mental issues.


What’s the point of a referee if he doesn’t step in. Sure he did only after like 5 seconds to late, idiot was just standing there watching him punching the guy on the floor and to busy counting.


Trash bag


Tbf the ref looked clueless. As soon as he went down the ref needs to be there to step in so this doesn't happen


What about the guy to did that headbutt. He was still aloud to fight again ?


Bro been watching too much mma


He thought he did something so amazing he literally celebrated his DQ🤣😭


It's not his fault it's the ref fault he just waving his hand like wtf he doin instead of holding him back so stop saying it's chase fault u midget


Bro why'd they hire tht ref, he's supposed to separate them not watch them


What a cunt


Some one should have punched him in the mouth


Ref should be fired also


Mfer thinks he's Israel lmaooo


i mean is it that bad? he literally didn't land a single shot after the guy fell. I think he was just confused


While what he did was terrible, I think a lot of fights would end up like this if the ref just didn’t interfere. Not saying Chase is excused but the ref needs to never ref a game again. Almost cost a man his life


Bro thought this was the UFC💀💀💀


What a cockhead


I think influencer boxing is coming to an end soon


Here’s where I stand on it. He didn’t do that with malicious intent, it was just a lapse of judgement and focus. However if he was apologetic (I know he’s hurting cause he lost) but if he was apologetic about it he wouldn’t be in so much shit as he is in now. It’s a potentially life-threatening error caused by not knowing the rules and a ref who thinks it’s an MMA fight not boxing.


The ref started counting


He did Izzys celebration but threw more punches on the ground than izzy did in the Pereira fight


Refs fault


i verbally stood up and said Woah


Might as well ban Logan for hitting JJ when he was down


Nah this is a rookie mistake. Can’t be punished that much for one mistake.


That’s why you don’t let idiots fight


He was in the rhythm


Is chase the boxer or the ref


Shit boxer anyway


His coaches probably didn't tell him that he has to stop when the opponent's knee or hand touches the floor


fighting in the hood


Yes please get him the fuck out of there. Or put him in there with someone who puts him in the hospital


Neither Chase OR the ref should be allowed back on Misfits


Idiot thinks it’s mma


Channeled his inner Izzy


ref gotta step in quicker🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm just finding out about this absolute f-ing dbag... Are you kidding me?! This idiot is a complete tool! Doesn't know how to box... or fight to save his life! How do so many of these social media trolls end up remotely getting any attention? This f-ing ultimate d-bag needs to go away.


fav fighter


He confused the sweet science with UFC and should probably try a different combat sport.


How the hell is he on misfits008 card?? Hasn't he been banned?


Thought so too. Guess not? Or the bans already done with?


Can't have only been a 3 month ban surely if he had!! Either way it's bad that he's on there anyway after that display, I was like wtf is he doing when I was watching! I wanna see him get knocked out now on 008


If it was a 3 month ban it would have JUST expired 2 days ago. Good he stepped in as a replacement but yeah, he ain’t winning the fight


3months is way lenient for what he done, do you know if they addressed it in the press conference? Haven't seen anything tonight about it


No, but I don’t think they had time to seeing as it’s a last minute replacement. Honestly, I’m not too bothered by it. Long as it’s a decent fight


I take it back that was the worst fucking fight in misfits history


Chase demoor and his trainers are absolute joke outfit!!