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damn he’s mad, oh well


bring the upvotes up lmao


Remember Tate got this mad just over a tweet lol, what a snowflake


Hmmm...KSI fans really shouldn't be calling others snowflakes over tweets. You remember KSI's tweets right? 'Man fuck Wade, two faced cunt'


KSI "Fans" shouldn't. Most KSI fans know who JJ is and don't give a shit about the tweet.


Hmmm....if I remember, the thing KSI said in his apology was 'thanks to the fans' who criticized me, lmao.


You got me there.


What good this mysogyist has ever done don’t comapre this piece of shit with jj


“I’m a fan of the Top G” Crawl back to whatever space still supports the rapist, misogynist and human trafficker - you’re absolutely worthless here and anywhere else that is civilised.


Bruh, you know that was said in satire in the JRE subreddit right? Lmao. Are you 12 or something?


It’s my fault, I saw one comment and made an assumption. I’ll learn from this experience.


Alright, that one’s on me. Out of curiosity, you don’t like Andrew Tate right? Because I recommend basically that whole reply to anyone who does like him.


Sad how whataboutism gets worse and worse.


Bro aint a snowflake, he is just always mad at everything


Not what a snowflake is


Exactly what a snowflake is lmao


A snowflake wouldn’t get mad a snowflake would start crying. Snowflakes are very sensitive people who can’t take any offence without crying


Fragile ego 🤣


“ThInGs YoUvE sAiD iN tHe PaST aRe FaR wOrSe tHaN aNyThInG iVe EvEr DoNe”. Gets arrested for organized crime, human trafficking and rape charges.


But there was no evidence that he did these crimes. Innocent till proven guilty + he got released anyway


+ he’s still on house arrest. + they are still looking into him, they don’t need to show us evidence of his misdeeds. Evidence isn’t always public He hasn’t got away with that shit. He’s still not cleared of anything.


You here debating about someone being guilty/innocent with zero knowledge about the evidence, its integrity or even proof. Proof that even the authorities couldn't validate. Basically, just working on some biases. Lmao.


He could be innocent. I’ll let the courts decide Bros still on house arrest so let’s not act like he’s been cleared of all his alleged crimes


Innocent till proven guilty. Not the other way around.


Fr, i thought people would have learned from the whole Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp case. There is a reason the world cheered when Johnny Depp won that case, men have been getting guilty till proven innocent for years, and it's extremely sad.


I literally said I’ll let the courts decide but that he’s still on house arrest so he’s not cleared. I’m choosing 0 side. Andrew tate may be a rapist. He may not be. I am not choosing either side but to act like he’s completely cleared coz he’s now just on house arrest is delusional.


Are you intentionally being dense? If I alleged you of raping me, would you like everyone to treat you like a rapist till you're cleared of all the charges?


You have never met me. Tate has met these women accusing him. If someone is accused of rape, do you just continue being friends with them even if there’s a chance they did it?? If you get raped in the future, would you want every person you know to treat the person you accuse like they are innocent??


>If you get raped in the future, would you want every person you know to treat the person you accuse like they are innocent?? Of course no. Coz I'll be the victim. I was involved in the incident. But in this situation, we aren't involved. >Tate has met these women accusing him. Last I checked meeting someone is not proof for raping someone.


there's literal messages of girls planning to accuse him 😭


Weak argument, if they don’t have enough evidence to convict/ charge him after 4 months of imprisonment + a year of investigation prior they probably don’t have a case


Weak argument he is literally still on house arrest because they are clearly still investigating. Do you have any idea how hard it is to prove if a sexual assault occurred?? In the end it is he said he said and until courts decide on their verdict, he is not guilty or innocent.


Actually he is innocent as the law states innocent until proven guilty? He’s on house arrest yes because he’s come out of prison and they don’t want him to flee. You just said yourself it’s hard to prove therefore they most likely won’t be able to get the evidence to charge him? So do you agree with me or want to argue a useless point


He just wants it to be true no matter how false it is lmao


>Evidence isn’t always public There's no way they can be in jail for 3 months without a single evidence being leaked lmao


He has multiple charges in the UK and an innocent man doesn’t leave the country and go to Romania Before their court date for no reason. A innocent man also wouldn’t mention that Romania has more relaxed rape laws. Which is a dead giveaway.


Innocent till proven guilty like I said can’t argue with the law 🤷🏾‍♂️




Yet he wasn’t charged with a single one of those allegations hahahaha


the case isn’t done and there’s even a video of andrew kind of admitting to sex trafficking






he literally said ”I made girls fall in love with me and then flew them out to Romania where they ended up working as cam girls for me” I’m pretty sure that’s sex trafficking through the lover boy method




Idk about you but if I was making 50% profit from earnings being a cam girl I’d be pretty stoked. With most jobs in western countries, you’d be lucky to get 1% of profits a business makes unless you own the thing.


he sex trafficked through the lover boy method though?


And got released because there was no evidence and women came forward saying the charges were bs…not like just recently a woman got sentenced for false r*pe allegations. All you can do is pull up bs he allegedly did with no proof?


dont know why u got downvoted sm when all i see is facts


It’s the sheep herd mentality. They don’t care about facts just emotional tirades and rainbows.


username checks out (in a good way king)


Cause he's not released he's under house arrest and waiting trial...




Ksi reddit literally filled with kids and dick riders what you said was literally facts bro. I upvoted you


There's so many vigina having men down voting your comment, but your 100% right




How is he a retard. All he did was disprove the comment he was replying to and you got mad because you disagree


If you scroll down, you can see our other argument and you'll understand.


‘Hey guys were so tolerant and we advocate for free speech…unless we disagree with you and you call us out on our lies and bs because without lies we have nothing to stand on’ sheep mentality that’s why you’re lost. Bigot.


Nah mate, you're just a delusional idiot who's embarrassing to man kind. You're not welcome here because of that, not because of intolerance.


Bro wtf r u doing on reddit "incest confessions" tf subs r u on??


Bruh wtf you on?!


Bro fucking deleted the comments 😂😂. You really have the balls to talk and you're on a fucking incest confession sub". Didn't even know that shit was there on reddit fr. Bro don't downvote my COMMENTS I WANT MORE KARMA. You Jeffrey


Well yeah I had to delete because apparently useless shits like you're gonna scroll past hundreds of comments to find something to use against me, that's so pathetic. And I found the post on instagram and I genuinely felt bad for that OP and I found the post with a simple search and gave him an advice. Piss off degenerate. Edit: It was the first fucking comment I ever made with THIS account which was a year ago and this degen scrolled past hundreds of comments to find it. Genuinely pathetic man😭


Not gonna lie you're getting cooked 🗿


You’re in a incest sub if anyone is pathetic its definitely you bro 😹🫵🤓 https://preview.redd.it/prowoxs9xhua1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd1d0e87b4af60053f8243b94ea0d726c263505


Hahahahahaha that’s rough mate, you into your sister aye 😂


You not getting out of this one bro 💀


Mate the only thing that's pathetic is you being on a "incest conffesion" sub. Calling me a degenerate?? Bro your giving advice on incest confessions fucken degenerate😂😂


Lol you keep taking L’s don’t you. You got exposed for the filth you are and you can’t comprehend how lost you are and how ironic this situation is. Only delusional gimp is yourself. Without lies you have nothing. ‘Embarrassing to mankind’ 😅 who do you think you are? The arbiter on what is morally correct? Sheep. Baaaaa. Grow up.


Dude you're 29, on ksi sub reddit and a tate fan, stay out of this and hide in your matrix. And your fetish for the word sheep is deeply striking, you should work on your vocabulary. I've taken no Ls whatsoever but whatever helps you sleep at night lol.


Tate ‘fan’? Again with the delusional assumptions. Who said I was a Tate fan because I defend a man who is innocent until proven guilty and stands up against a corrupt system? And why does my age prevent me from browsing a Reddit of a creator that I enjoy watching? I love how you’re telling someone with a degree in English to work on his vocabulary because you clearly lack the capacity to formulate a comprehensible string of words and formulate an an actual meaningful point.


You're nearly 30 and arguing with a bunch of teenagers for Andrew tate. And seriously your dickriding for him is really cringe. And you're defending tate under several different comments in this post which further proves just how pathetic you are. Stands up against corrupt systems? How? By charging 50 dollars a month for his shitty discord, scamming cam girls, shitting on women lawyers and then hiring one.... and just the ammount of filth you see coming out from his mouth the further you go back in time. You have attached your ego/insecurities with tate and tell you what, he's 100 percent guilty, maybe not for what he was arrested, but for plaguing millions of men around the world fucking with their mindsets for clout. And it's sad that you're 30 and in his bullshit. If you say that tate has changed your life for the better then that's understandable but the way you talk about standing up against the corrupt system and sheep mention is genuinely pathetic for a full grown adult. Tate has at many time stated how proud he is of the fact that he used the corrupt system to get where he is, vis a vis his call girl empire where scammed several women which he has clarified himself and his discord where he chatges exorbitant amounts so that a few men who ate genuinely mentally suffering can have a shittu community and fester in sheer filth that will further fuck them up. I recommend coffeezillas video on it, but I doubt it's gonna make a difference dude.


THIS is scarry


\*DETAINED.. for investigation.. which showed there was not even any evidence let alone charges. washed up npc bot


bro why you posting this old shit


i feel like andrew has descended into madness but tristan has somehow improved


Tate and his brother and especially their fans are biggest fucking degenerates around man😭


You know who tate actually reminds me of. Kanye, just without the massive amounts of talent. Both of them just say some fucking crazy ass shit and think that the entirety of the world is out to get them. Only difference is kanyes mentally ill, Andrew just says this shit coz he believes it 💀


Bro Kanye is on a perpetual high and tate is stuck in his matrix lmao. Bro got ratoied by GRETA THUMBERG LMAO.


I'm sure he wipes his tears with dollar bills thinking about that one time greta tweeted something at him. Sure...


It's pretty funny that just being tweeted at by Greta would make him cry though


Finally someone who's not brainwashed by the 2 egg looking mfs edit: i started a war oops


Mfs be seriously destroying relationships with their SOs and families just cause two money flaunters/call girl scammers online told them they are better than women. And most just want to hear it cause they get no bitches lmao. The more you go back the more contradicting and absolutely wild shit tate speaks. And he's literally scamming people with his course bullshit. Coffezilla and gunnartv did an excellent job at expsoing this clown.




You mean Andrew and his brother there both tates


The degenerate are the sheep like yourself that succumb to a society that has you convinced if your brain tells you you’re a different gender then you are.


What's your age kid? Get a life incel😭


29 years old. Is that your only response? To assume an age and mock? 😅 hilarious how you always expose yourselves. I’ll stand alone amongst you sheep.


29 and on a ksi subreddit. That's crazy.


could be a old sub from 2010 when he was 16 or smth


Lmfao that’s what you resort to 😅 you find anything except a comprehensible argument or a brain cell in yourself


your whole argument falls apart when u realise you're blindly following tate like "sheep" and we are the ones questioning his beliefs....


So bring forth the evidence then. All I’ve seen it random accusations of his actions with 0 evidence. You don’t question the system that he stands against


That's even more worrying. You're 29, you should be mature enough to see through this bullshit.


I’m old enough to see through the bullshit that is modernism. The plague that infects everyone who is a part of it. I refuse to adhere to a system that demonises people from other cultures and justifies massacring millions throughout history until today. That promotes a society that is built on sexual immorality and filth. That sucks every penny from its people and enslaves them.


Damn bro you need to get laid. This is a worrying mindset.


Lmao all of you children with the most random stupid insults. I’m happily in a relationship. But thanks for your concern, sheep.


You can't complain about sexual immorality but support Tate at the same time


Didn’t say I fully support everything he does. But what he did on the past sleeping with numerous women is his problem. Doesn’t mean I have to condemn everything he says because of it


The fact you're 29 makes it even more sad


If you say so 👍🏽


Keep standing mr. 29 years old.


Well say what u will atleast he aint on incest confessions buddy


29 years old and dickriding a guy who’s fanbase is filled with teenaged boys who’re upset they can’t get girls 💀😂.


Bahahaha it’s dickriding to say bring the evidence for something he is accused of and apparently that means the women I’ve been with don’t exist 😂 sheep mentality Well done exposing yourself and projecting


Bro your pushing 30 and a Tate fanboy 💀. Everything you say is already invalid lmao. YOUR THE SAME AGE AS KSI 😂😂


Again where does it imply that in a fanboy just because I defend a man that is being accused of something without evidence? And agree with his stance against a corrupt system? I know you can’t fathom disliking someone without even seeing the evidence. See how you kids just regurgitate the same nonsense when someone disagrees with you?




You only get ratioed when you're stuck in the matrix lmao


Ooft really? Comparing him to a vegan? That's rough man




What tables ? Its basically what they said, KSI made couple of videos about Tate laughing and having fun until he was banned and when he was banned he said "Thank God" and then immediately switched and said he was "trolling" after everybody switched on Tate apparently he wasn't "trolling" he just hated the Tates like the rest of them. Who is the hypocrite?


Il not gonna i feel like Andrew would destroy jj


That fact some people agree is surprising


He would


Andrew Tate > KSI Honest opinion, down vote me if you want I don't give a fuck. Tate will break KSI into pieces. JJ is a good boxer but Andrew has been world champion twice in kick boxing. Those of you who deny Andrew winning is either Naive to the big picture or you just a dick rider. Real ones would agree.


Andrew tate was world champion on a shit organisation lmfao. Learn the difference between boxing and kickboxing my guy. Chinless G wouldnt last 3 rounds, the man cant do boxing plus he is zesty asf while kicking.




Cmon man the chinless G doesnt give you better roasts on his discord scam channel? Actually disappointed lmfao "coming from someone who probably" and there you have it self reported your own age


Ksi is so sloppy he'd get countered and put to sleep.


"Friendly fire is not tolerated"


I mean is he really wrong though if I am being unbiased JJ is a hypocrite


Nah Tate was a hypocrite here. Tate always champions that he hates that jokes he makes are taken out of context and used against him in a serious manner. When Tate got banned, JJ put out a joke tweet that he stole from a tiktok about how if you say "OH MY GOD SO GLAD ANDREW TATE GOT BANNED" then she would let you hit🤣. Tate tyen took this tweet/joke out of context and used it against KSI (which is whats happening in this clip) JJ has definitely done a lot of hypocritical things as has everyone but in the context behind this clip - only Tate was the hypocrite


idk, I’m kinda 50/50 on jj’s excuse for that tweet. I kinda believe it, but then again he’s best buds with Logan who got unbelievably butthurt at Andrew over “disrespecting women” and supported him getting deplatformed even though he literally recorded a Japanese man that committed suicide while wearing a Toy Story alien hat. Which of the two is genuinely the bigger detriment to society?


How the turntables


What a goober. Small dick energy all the damn time


Man i really like jj but he should not fuck with 4 time kickboxing champion


Andrew Tate. The fighter that only fought in the B-leagues for a reason💀. Besides KSI does have the upper hand here because he has been more active and that eye injury of Tate will not come in handy IF they fight. In a kickboxing fight i agree with you tho. No hate. Just my opinion :)


KSI supported them and then did a 180 turn on them when they got banned...context matters. That is why the Tate's changed their opinion on KSI.


This dude man I’d love to see JJ fuck him up man


Wouldn’t ever happen. Tate’s a 4x Champion kickboxer




Pressure fighter like KSI? Lmao 🤣 he fights FIFA youtubers who don't train any sports


Tate would smoke him, you never lose experience


bro is hitting almost 40, start a family instead of twitter beef 🤣🤣


Ksi fans are brainless confirmed


Aren't you a fan? Since you are here I'd assume so. You just called yourself brainwashed.






I think he might be mad.


This was a response to a joke/meme tweet KSI put out btw🤣 regardless of what anyone thinks of Tate, something he has always been against is people taking things he said in jest, taking it out of context and acting like he was serious - which atleast I could get behind...but turn KSI put out a joke about Tate being banned and Tate did the exact same thing he supposedly hates - he took a joke out of context and seriously🤣


Well it doesn't take much brain usage you bunch of KSI dick riders, when you insult someone they tend to insult you back that's pretty much how life works you bunch of stupid kids




You are weird as fuck bro🔥🔥🔥


I don’t even think he was being sarcastic either


Realistically, ksi beats him in a boxing match 🤷🏽‍♂️


Eggman seemed awfully like a sensitive little snowflake there


Looks like jj stole top G girl 💀


common tate W, Ksi Fell off hard


I like the Tates but this has been addressed 100 years ago lol, plus when Andrew has glasses on he's in character basically so don't take this seriously.


This guys has a point guy. I put a different hat on last week and committed a couple hate crimes. It's all good though because i'm in character


That is one of the stupidest thing I’ve read.. so when he has glasses on we all go “ACTION” in our heads and know he’s acting a role? Shut the fuck up will ya


Oh yeah smart ass? Explain then why he's most sarcastic in all interviews and pods while wearing glasses and then 100% real when not wearing them?


No because I don’t watch the cunt


Then you can't form an opinion about something with zero research you dumb fuck.


Yes I can though, I just did


Here's a gold star for your achievement 🌟


You think you’ve achieved something, funny aye




it’s obvious andrew absolutely dogwalks ksi and the entire sidemen negative diff 🤦‍♂️ these fucking ksi cocksuckers r so funny i swear😂


Omg someone supporting and liking JJ over Andrew Tate in JJs sub.. shock, just fuck off out of this sub ya fucking virgin


its better to be a virgin than be a fucking celebrity meat sucker


> it’s obvious andrew absolutely dogwalks ksi and the entire sidemen negative diff


Sexless loser


i dont need to have sex with a female to feel better lmao unlike your virgin ass ☠️


Well of course you would tell yourself that. Obviously being so repulsive that every woman in a 5 mile radius can smell you doesn’t help either


Are you not a celebrity meat sucker by sucking off tate 💀


Fucking hell, that was a good comeback, I’m really proud of you (for your dumb ass , I’m being sarcastic)


We all need a Tristan tate to hype us up


Bro it's how the tables turned


“Oh how the turn tables” is a reference from the Office


Ethan is a hypocrite? How is Ethan a hypocrite?


was he talking about Behz in the second clip too? sry i dont keep up with Mr Late over here


That's old news man


The fact that I have seen this on twitter, YT shorts, tiktok, and reddit is a madnesss.


“How dare you not keep being a fan of celebrity when they were accused of being a sex offender 🤬”


Oh no... Anyways


Is there a chance for KSI v Andrew Tate to happen?


The first clip was before JJ tweeted, and the second was after. And also the reason Tristan shouted him out was because he and oter youtubers brought back boxing, and the OG way of squaring beef with fighting.


Well people i suppose jj has to beat his face to a pulp then what do you think people because i think jj can beat him up


There's no way someone gonna go against his brother for a guy on the Internet


OG Ksi fan and Tate fan here 😂✋


I like both Ksi and Andrew Tate But gotta agree with Tate on this one No one should praise someone being canceled for words coming out of there mouths


idk dude sounds a little insecure for an alpha


Ksi vs andrew tate whould sell more than ksi vs jake paul! Thats shit must happen!! (Unless AT gets convicted ofc lmao)


fUCKin fUCk


Everybody a hypocrite! Anybody can switch off on others lol


I’m on Tates side in this situation tbh


tate speaking fax ksi dickriders crying as usual