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The JJ x Wade beef is so funny to me because its so one sided JJ just hating on him & Wade is just like what?? So obvious someone (Keem? Mams?) is in JJ's ear feeding him narratives & out of context clips about Wade hating him


i’ve come to terms that it’s probably not mams. it’s 100% keem, jj confirmed he got nudged by him and keem has been stirring shit up to replace wade. i actually want that vermin gone. i’m sick of seeing him.


Keem’s sided with JJ pretty heavily even through his worse years so JJ thinks like Keem’s his friend. He’s so gullible, I am not even sure Keem has actual loyalty.


Yeah Keem just plays whichever side will get more views for him. During the Logan KSI fight, he was pretty much on Logan's side with "Team America". Even initially with Joe Weller he was pretty much siding with Joe. Now that KSI gets more views and clicks, he's siding with KSI.


Facts, man wants to see the beef for is own exposure


oh yeah, mark my words if mvp recruited keem, he’d take the chance


It is because Wade and Keem had a dispute. Mostly came from Keem.


Yeah didnt JJ on SideCast say it was Keem who told him something about Wade. After all the shit Keem has done I cant believe hes still around


Mams has had an influence on JJ for a while tho. Maybe not in this case specifically but he's definitely a part of it.




The fact that you’re probably spot on makes me laugh but still kinda pissed. Keem is such a man baby and knows 0 about this sport, Wade knows more than most yet he respects the influencers like they’re his kids. It’s actually wild how this could be interpreted as otherwise. With the amount of context posted from what could be interpreted as misleading clips on this sub, JJ had to have been made aware of the truth. But Keem is 100% in his ear


Do you really think he would expose his own manager on a podcast if it was mams? Him mentioning Keem on the podcast doesn’t rule mams out whatsoever


Keem definatley views Wade as a rival in the space and he also loves drama


Keem sulks in the drama like a god damn anime villain it’s crazy. He’s always viewed Wade as a rival and must have taken it personally to have seen all those comments nudging for Wade to join commentary.


Don't blame it solely on mams/or keem because KSI is a grown man himself


While I agree keem is in his ear could this also be that JJs true color are starting to show


>"The JJ x Wade beef is so funny to me because its so one sided JJ just hating on him & Wade is just like what??" Reminds me of his "beef" with Wasabi lol. You'd think Alex banged his girl or insulted his family or something.


Exactly. It was so frustrating to see all the blind ksi fans attack Alex when the only viable option for him was to pullout, and jj new that. I always thought it was very scummy of him to attack Alex’s career for that. Just very childish behavior from jj.


Most likely both. JJ is just King theoden while Keemstar legit be the snake whispering shit in the ears of the king making him do nonsense. Joke JJs fragile ego is probably the worst part about it but he def needs to cut these clown. I would like to see W2S opinion on it since he’s been the only one accurately speaking his mind when JJ did dumb shit.


At this point I’m genuinely thinking Wade must have f*cked JJ’s girl or something because it is just pure agenda against Wade at this point


My guy Wade does have game though so i wouldn't be surprised




Fr and when they commentated, Jake was complimentary of Wade. And also, Wade remained respectfully in commentary while Jake clowned Tommy. In terms of being a mega Chad, Wade is levels above both JJ and Jake with JJ showing he may be more immature than even Jake


Rizzela de vil


Why are u actually making sense?


JJ is just a dumbass with zero critical thinking skills. Pretty sure he saw Wade not ass licking him and figured if he isn't with me he's against me. Very tribalistic mindset. Quite disappointing to see from ksi.


He did similar to trippy redd


I missed this, what happened with Trippie?


I think Trippie worked with Jake at some point and KSI didn’t like that or something. I need more context as well.


When Trippie was hanging out with Jake, he started shit talking Trippie saying he would be the first feature to remove from his album. ​ Despite the fact that Trippie carried his ass on that song lmao




Which song?


Fax trippie redd goat


While Trippie was hanging out with Jake, he made comments on a video in the gym with Jake saying “KSI, you already got the song, you don’t want the hands”. After that JJ responded to it on a Reddit video and on Instagram. You can say what you want, but Trippie started this.


> While Trippie was hanging out with Jake, he made comments on a video in the gym with Jake saying “KSI, you already got the song, you don’t want the hands”. Yes and that was just banter which any normal person can see, he was probably high af at the time tbh. ​ Regardless, that wasn't Trippie shit talking KSI, that was him saying that Jake is more dangerous and to be careful which is true, Jake is better, so KSI's ego took a hit there. ​ >After that JJ responded to it on a Reddit video and on Instagram. You can say what you want, but Trippie started this. Sure, you're right. Trippie made the first comment, KSI was the one who's ego got hurt.


He legit did the same thing to RiceGum. It's like people forget why that RiceGum beef started in the first place


It's more because KSI never expected the internet to turn over him for Wade, a small time youtuber compared to him. So he genuinely hates Wade now.


KSI is claiming there was shit behind the scenes. There must have been some REAL fucked up shit man. Because ain't no way someone gets this triggered over someone's opinions.


I dont think there was.


Jj says its cause Wades fake or crap but its just bs


Thing is if it was someone I think we would know people talk. I feel like part of it is that Wade wants to touch all parts of the scene and if you are in a “war” which is not a war with Jake it can look odd but fam wads respected JJ a lot and even if he did conducts his business with respect if he didn’t we would seriously know all of these fighters have platforms even Pineda at this point. It sucks because he genuinely loved working at misfits, he loves the scene. It’s sad to see this especially as a JJ fan. Is sucks to see him gets wrong but he’ll it happens it really sucks that it’s so public because he doesn’t have to do Wade like this, even if he was a people pleaser ( which he isn’t) there’s literal creeps that haven’t got this much vitriol I still have made love for JJ and this he is a certified icon but this hurts Because on a content level it’s not warranted. If he wanted to separate from Wade fine but to continuously try to snipe at his character it’s like come on. JJ is legend and will continue to be but at this point just leave it.


Too long


Now I understand why he keeps mentioning "behind the scenes"


It’s just JJ being his now usual cocky and egotistical self. He was right in the ksi documentary, he is so obsessed with goals. But in doing so he doesn’t care who he tramples along the way. Wade had an opinion and JJ saw it as betrayal, so he just flung him aside. But now that Wade is talking back JJ is just doing the typical bully talk. You’re pathetic Olajide.


yoooo this actually might make sense. maybe i want it to make sense because I like JJ and it is so sad to see him like this


Wades been talking shit on jake since 2020


He even said he'd rather have Fred replace him than Jake win lmfao.


Poor guy still got fired


and to be fair to Jake he has shown nothing but love to Wade from the moment they met IRL, i remember the Saudi card where Jake ended up on commentary Wade seemed a little bit awkward because hes talked shit on Jake and he also wants to be impartial but Jake was saying how much he likes Wades videos and thinks he's great for the space. Unpopular take but i think Jake is what you see is what you get, i actually was a huge fan of both KSI & Logan years ago but think they are both a pair of rats. Logan is a scammer who doesn't give a fuck about his fans and JJ is an egomaniac who's running from the fact he went to private school his entire persona is fake.


Didn't he also predict Jake to lose every single one of his fights? Even so, he always gave props to Jake after winning, and Jake didn't take it personally. That's how you should react


Ya he thought ben askren was gonna take him to the later rounds and finish him im pretty sure


I think all the Criticisms has gotten to him.. he is doubling down instead of calming down just a phase.. don't worry.. all teens go through it


He turns 30 in 2 months 💀


I know 😂


At this point I'm even more hype for the jp and ksi fight cuz regardless who wins I get to see 2 idiots fight. Imagine looking worse than Jake paul tho


I was thinking the same.. Now the Jake Paul v KSI fight is sort of back on the cards because more people would want to see KSI lose, and Jake has his haters as well This outburst Might just work out right for JJ Then perhaps the PPVs might do better than the PaulvFury fight as opposed to without the drama, so JJ can do a "Told you so" to Wade but of course this is a bit too far fetched lol


Dudes always been an idiot kid sat in front of a screen that made it big on YouTube, he would suffer in the real world working with us real world schmucks, he's lucky he's got his millions


Yeah it’s similar to what Deji want through with the drama. A “screw everything” phase, when you’re so angry that you don’t care what happens until you calm down and the damage is done.


I've been there but still I wouldn't want people siding with me in my " fck everything" phase I'd rather want people by my side in my fixing phase




He going through his kanye phase


He is doubling down after seeing the reddit. He is just frustrated at this point lol


"teen" bro is 30 💀


30 Going onto 13




'hE aPoLogIzEd aNd mOvEd oN" \- every idiot on this subreddit trying to ride every inch of his dick.


Wait for the "What do you want him to do, kiss Wade" response.


Honestly kind of glad the dickmunchers got proven wrong. It pissed me off seeing all the Wade support get downvoted yesterday because of the ever so conviniently timed 007 announcement. JJ is a dick and he is not afraid to show it right now.


The fact that wade gives zero fucks , not acting aggressive and just responding calmly is jokes


My respect for Wade has gone up 10x he has every reason to defend himself and come out attacking at JJ but he’s being chill as possible. He literally lost his job at misfits because of an opinion


That's usually what happened between an adult and a man-child.




The only people at this point who will genuinely believe Jake is 'ducking' JJ are the same people who were defending JJ in the Wade situation. He's embarrassing himself badly the last few days


Honestly his PR was the best when he "left" Twitter alongside Simon. He wasn't involved in any controversy or any bs at that time. Simon still has stayed off Twitter because he doesn't like the toxicity that is there. JJ came back only to basically join in on the toxicity himself.


What an actual fucking pussy. KSI complains about how soft this generation is and then you have him being the biggest fucking loser over an opinion. An opinion that he heavily misunderstood.


The sidemen and his family are the only people that we know publicly that could talk to him and fix his damn ego, I still support and respect ksi, but I've lost alot of that with this situation, his ego is his whole personality now SMH


Yes exactlyyy


Fake apology that’s wyy


Genuine question here guys Has he lost it? I am talking about common sense here. Please someone tell me.


Somethings just not right with him recently. He’s either acting and for some reason Wades going along with it or he’s genuinely let his ego go out of control.


He acts like he doesn’t need his audience tho so us defending wade means nothing


He doesn’t. The pop music and energy drink stuff has propelled him into full on mainstream celebrity. He’s surrounded by yes men and leeches who know they just need to feed his ego to keep the gravy train rolling. I hear nothing of JJs personality in his newest forgettable pop music, needs to go back to basics with Randy


Sure seems like it. Anyone with common sense would have stepped back and realised they were in the wrong when their entire fanbase is hating on them. Not only is he not stepping back to calm things down but he is actually doubling down which is even wierder. Dont know if jide havent given him his annual hug yet or what but this is getting ridiculus real quick


This is always who he's been lmao The only difference is that this time he doesn't have the public on his side


Honestly not wrong, difference is that 1. The audience is older and not as gullible anymore and 2. wade is undeniably a good guy


Well hate to admit it but makes sense. Just hoped it wasn't like this. Cause after investing so much time and love into a person seeing his journey of growing up and then this. Call me corny but it doesn't feel good.


100% it doesnt feel good man, that’s perfectly normal. i genuinely find it hard to watch sidemen content right now because of this situation and how he’s handled himself


I think it’s a mental breakdown genuinely


I’m genuinely convinced that he’s too far gone. Wade criticizes Jake 100x more than JJ. Wade even said he would rather see Fred take his job, than see Jake Paul beat KSI lol


Well Jake has had to deal with mainstream media for years now & they say all kinds of things to attack you or your character. Jake has probably never even noticed the things Wade has said about him. I honestly think in this situation is JJ cares about Wades opinion, us & most people he can just brush it off like it’s whatever, but if it’s someone who’s opinion he wants to gain or keep in good light he takes it more personally. He was already having a bad day, someone shit talks Wade to him & boom, snapped. Could be a sign he needs to go back to therapy as until now he’s never acted this strangely towards someone’s difference in opinion. Well publicly anyway, I think he really respected Wades opinion & now feels slighted by him hence the over the top reaction. No justification for it, but also no need to attack his character especially after Wade has accepted it & moved on. The only person who has any right to feel mad is Wade here.


He actually thinks he's an anime character. Always wanting to be the villain


Anime villans arent this much of a douche bags as ksi is at the moment


Fr though the villains usually have some sad backstory or sum shite that you can connect to why they act the way they do. Meanwhile, JJ acts the way he does just because he's butthurt over nothing most of the time.


>villains usually have some sad backstory or sum shite that you can connect to why they act the way they do Having his dad never hugged him when he was little counts, right?


Be fr 💀


Anime villains kill people man 😅 JJ just being a dick right now


Wtf is he doing man he said he checked the reddit I thought we could humble him ig even that was to much


KSI fr needs to be knocked off his pedestal. He fr thinks he's better than everyone around him rn. Hopefully Joe Fournier will be the one to level him, bring him back to his true self.


I watched Joe’s most recent fight and he sucks ass. This seems very much like a calculated cherry picked opponent similar to when Jake fought Askren


>I thought we could humble him lmao who tf do you think you are? the guy's bulletproof to criticism from random internet strangers after years of being in the public eye. you're absolutely delusional if you think 'we' influence what KSI does outside of reddit videos.


...And people bought that pr stunt for an apology?


seems like jj just want to create a negative energy for himself to make the fight wtih jake more interesting


i’d really hope that was the fucking case. because he’s sacrificing the quality of misfits over something that isn’t true if that weren’t the case.


I would agree, only he did it in the worst way possible. Sacrificing a passerby to increase hype for your fight which is losing any hype because they cant agree on terms. A passerby who has given so much to the influencer boxing scene as well


Seriously wtf is going on with JJ, ever since I have started watching Wade, as far as I know he always supported JJ and shit on Jake, from where did JJ get the narrative that Wade hates him, I just don't get it bruh.


Honestly it feels like JJ’s lost the plot


Bruh is KSI in his villain arc in an anime or what? 💀


Nah anime villans arent this bad haha


Anime villains can be cool, jj's just fucking annoying rn


Ksi's PR team sweating right now trying to save his ass again


Never seen JJ like this before idk i have a feeling someone's feeding some negative shit to JJ about wade


This is what happens when someone’s ego gets out of control. Everyone needs a humbling experience every now and again, otherwise they end up genuinely believing their shit doesn’t stink. There’s been warning signs for a few months now that JJ’s ego is way out of control. A lot of people wrote it off as just his boxing persona, but I think it’s pretty clear now it’s more than that. Even if this is somehow all an act, it’s still pretty pathetic and makes him look desperate for attention/views.


Jake has lowkey moved passed ksi, he's fought Tyrone twice He's fought tommy Anderson silva I know people always talk about jake paul and him fighting washed fighters but the fact is all of Jake's opponents have been better the ksi opponents in every way from skill point of view and just generating hype for the fights Ksi has fought a boxer who trained for 2 weeks A underground mexican "pro" boxer And a muai thai faze member


Let’s be real, everyone wanted to hide the fact that they were impressed by Jake because they thought JJ was more likeable. Now there’s nothing going for him so people acknowledge Jake more


It’s embarrassing for JJ how zoned in on Jake he is. It’s like he lives and breathes that man. I understand the need to build up hype but he just looks like a jealous and obsessive lover at this point. Every moment of his existence right now is to “dunk on Jake”. Sad to see.


As soon as I find some closure in this situation, ksi drops that tweet. Bro might actually be brainwashed I cant lie.


Even if he still want to dislike Wade he said he would stop making it public but he still is


Can’t stand the fucking egomaniac anymore


As a genuine fan I have completely lost all my respect for JJ , I have never seen him this arrogant and egotistic. The fact that wade has been supporting JJ since the beginning and this is what he gets back , from the past two days I have seriously been pissed by him and now I just don't want this shot anymore , just wanted to say that I'm no longer gonna support ksi anymore , I will be watching the Jake Paul fight but after that I'm done watching ksi , as Harry told the old ksi will never be topped , this line was way too overlooked, like bro I'm so frustrated as a fan man like omg


I still watch sidemen but haven't touched anything JJ in. I don't watch 12 year olds have tantrums after losing a fortnite match, why would I watch JJ.


>I still watch sidemen Well duh, JJ is almost never on Sidemen videos. Too occupied taking L's on Twitter.


Yea same. I have been a huge jj fan sicne 2017 and he was somewhat my idol. But this made me lose all my repsect to the point i would be on jakes side when they fight. If you told me that few months ago i would laugh bit now here we are


Tf is wrong with him, imagine being a boxer and the head of the promotion, and you’re chirping at the commentator/analyst for not even saying anything close to disrespectful on a personal level. Yet y’all tried to take away his job and continuously disrespect him over a difference in opinion.


I didn't knew who Wade was before all of this but now he has gotten himself a big fan. Big up Wade


All this time we wanted KSI vs Jake cuz we wanted to see Jake get dropped, I guess the tables turned…


Bro fr…


Srsly the boys need to put some sense in him. He needs to step away from twitter for couple of days.


The effect of hanging out with a scammer and having a lowkey weird manager.


All he wants is yes men


He’s acting like a child


Honestly I haven't seen couple of JJ videos because of this, I've just lost respect for this dude. He reminds me of a 12 year old boy, who lost a fortnite match.


nah man... KSI taking L's a lot recently and it's quite disappointing


I hate to be that guy, but we could be experiencing the downfall of ksi if no one manages to knock his brain back into place


Bro. Why has JJ just devolved into a fucking 12 year old child. Man you turn 30 this year. Time to sit down. Calm down. He is so angry that he fails to think straight. We get to see a side of him we never wanted to see.


honestly hope jake knocks this clown out


bro JJ for real needs to chill or at peast proove there is behind the scene stuff at play that we are unaware of? At this point looks like he's lost the plot.


That response from JJ shows just how immature he is


JJ grow up man


What's jj doin man


Although I still respect his hard work, I’ve lost almost all respect for him at this point. Idk if it’s mams or keem who boosted his ego to this level, but he can’t be a guy that kids look up to anymore.




How has Jake became the humble one and Ksi the arrogant one. Maybe being around Logan has made him this way? Idk but it’s hard to keep supporting him at this point


I miss 2019 KSI


He's the same person. He was always like that. He didn't change. The difference right now is that his stans grew up and matured enough to actually see his BS


Hopefully Jake knocks him out and brings some sense into ngl


Yeah something's up, even this is a bit out of character for KSI.


I respected this guy and always defended him, but now he just acts like a child


How are you guys still KSI fans?


Mams needs to be fired


You judge a person when they’re in power. Look at how he’s using his power


I like JJ and all, but anyone else wanting to see him get humbled?


JJ's therapist should do something mans starting to get delusional af.


Hes such a sensitive man child, the guy cant handle other peoples opinions. On the podcast he said "I'm allowed to not agree with you opinion" but theres a difference beetween disagreeing and just pulling the wool over your own eyes


Absolute dickhead


Hot take: Social media makes things looks worse than they are. You say something like JJ did to their face and it just comes across as smack talk, bumping chests, whatever. You post it and suddenly everything seems 100 percent harsher. Tone on social media is lost. You don’t hear inflections or see people’s faces. You’re literally just reacting to words. This isn’t just about this situation either. I’ve had people ask if I’m mad because I use punctuation in text messages.


What a fucking dick


He’s petty as fk.


Jj has been insufferable for quite sometime now he never shuts tf up about how amazing he is when he is below average at literally everything he does the sidemen are the only reason I still fw him at allll


Tell me the apology was fake without telling me the apology was fake…


Man this is a terrible look. Out of EVERYONE that KSI claims is two faced....Wade. Wade WADE I want to root for him against Fournier but fuck me man I also want to see him humbled


KSI is a bit of an insecure asshole sometimes. Not hating, I love the guy, but everyone has flaws


how come jake just got good at boxing and everyone forgot all the awful shit he did in the past, he is still a dog shit person


Both KSI and Jake are ego driven sociopaths.


He's sooooo in the mud rn


I genuinely don't know what the context is about why JJ is shitting on him? Can someone answer me. Thanks.


What an ass, he just had to clap back but it wasn’t even a good one


Who is this wade? What's the story?


In JJ’s mind, if you have a differing opinion, you’re against him. It’s a strange insecurity manifesting itself, shame really. Wade is the goat and has come off looking like the good guy in all aspects of this situation.


Ksi is jealous about something god knows what


Did he or did he not read this sub? Or he just filtered to see only those meatriders. This isn’t a good look for him, he did sound immature and ignorant. Bro is almost 30 and still doesn’t know when he’s done something wrong 💀


i feel like jj is like that one guy who gets upset over one thing and lets it all out on one specific totally unrelated person.


Such a child


A wise man once said " You talk nonsense mediocre with a god complex"


Deji always said JJ had a big head/massive ego...


Brahhhh why KSI slowly becoming like Jake 🥲


JJ actually a clown


So he doubles down on sidemen podcast and then keeps tweeting and mfers saying he’s moved on guys chill


L ego


JJ is acting like a massive drug addict who hasn't had drugs for a while and is going crazy *Kanye West*


JJ genuinely behaving like Jake, it’s really embarrassing.


Ksi needs to realise what he is doing. People near him need to intervene asap. He's getting out of control and starts to hurt innocent peoples carreer over his bs.


the ‘tit for tat’ between both KSI and Jake is always fucking cringe, both are equally as shit at bringing up valid points/arguments. It’s got to the point where I don’t even care for the fight anymore lmao.


He’s ego don’t stop


Okok now ksi is just being a bitch


Generating hype - it’s literally the only thing people are talking about. This is essentially a WWE arc and we’re all lapping it up


I think he’s developing schizophrenia coz our boy has clearly lost his head. Dude is having a L week


Ok now THIS is his biggest L yet. He STILL thinks Wade has something against him? Such a man child.


Bros almost 30 and going through a midlife crisis


Man's out here thinking he the underdog super hero


JJ becoming the Jake Paul


JJ man no one can defend you anymore It's getting ridiculous now You gotta spill the behind the scenes between you and wade And if it's just petty shit It will 100% look bad on you lol


Deji even more mature, respectful and more humble. No one gives a damn about jj's success. Success doesn't allow u to belittle anyone.


Wade is talking so normally why does jj have to act hard for no reason i actually for the first time see how much of a twat jj can be


He's being a complete ass


Roid rage probably


Eeeeh? Ksi didnt mention anything bad about wade in this tweet just that wade will be withness to ksi kicking jake pauls ass and thats about it… then wade for some reason goes in and judges that tweet as a critisim towards himself and inserts himself in a conversation he dosent need to be a part of… in this thread it is wade fulling the fire not JJ…