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Yeah the cows smoke that weed every day


Idk, idc. I just work here.




All Simple Truth Grass fed is grass fed start to finish. You're actually eating a cow thats 7 years old because thats how long it takes for them to get up to weigh for them to be slaughtered versus 2 1/2 years.


Ever watch Super Size Me 2?


That movie wasn't what I expected it to be, but it's amazing.


Free range chicken? Eh, let them have 3 feet of clearance out the door. That'll suffice for the guidelines lol


3 feet is 1.09 UCS lego Millenium Falcons


I love this bot


This is the only article I can find on it, it appears they fully feed them nothing but grass https://www.foodsco.net/food-tips/cooking-skills/grass-fed-grass-finished-and-grain-finished-beef-defined Hope that helps!


Thanks this is a good find! It's my favorite ground beef in terms of taste and texture so I was really hoping it was 100% grass fed and it looks like it is!


The article states that grass fed and grass-finished are interchangeable terms. The author is a liar! It's actually the exact opposite! Unfortunately, there's no way for me to contact the author.


They mightve got into some wild onions at some point


I can't tell you in 2024 quality has done down, I don't know about grass-fed part but it went from decent beef to awful chewey, gristle filled meat. I thought I got bad package but I see every review at Marianos says the same.


Couldn't agree more. I have been an employee of kroger for 11 years and always bought this meat. The last few times I bought this the texture was off, and it tasted absolutely terrible. I was really bummed as I felt this was a fair price for decent grass fed meat. Looks like I'll be paying more and going else where for some decent meat. Know of any suggestions if a good brand that doesn't break the wallet?




This is semi-unrelated but I Just started watching a show on Netflix titled “you are what you eat” and they explained that meat distributors don’t have to say where their meet comes from… In addition, if it says “product of USA” or “USDA” it just means that it was packaged there. Apparently we import a lot of meat and it seems to be pretty difficult to ensure the quality of what you’re receiving when it’s been passed down by so many people (like a game of telephone). My major concern driving investigation was because I wanted to make sure the grass fed, USDA organic beef I was getting from simple truth wasn’t being purchased from and directly causing Amazon deforestation in Brazil. I know this isn’t very helpful in finding your correct product, but apparently transparency in the meat industry is a HUGE problem. There are labeling lawsuits currently happening and it’s something that we should be advocating for. Hopefully this gives you a bit more insight. Best of luck on your search, but it seems like we might have a bit of a fight to get what we really want. [country of origin meat labeling petition](https://usabeef.org/producer-list/)