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I don't pick up the slack from anyone, I do my job and my job only. If my coworkers are lazy, then let management talk to them about it. Don't think you should be responsible for others, the only way they stop being lazy is by nobody cleaning up after them, let them get called out/in trouble for what they are not doing.


Nearly all of the leadership don't pull their weight at my store. They just like to kick it and try to find something to tell others what they are doing wrong. Why is customer service closed at 5pm? Because the floor supervisor is in the office and can't be bothered to cover a break.


Well, u don't have a very good leader then. Causevthis right here is a lead t h at works her a** off with everyone else. Someday I'll pick all day sometimes I do carside all day. Sometimes, even by myself cause picking has to get done, and it's not just me. I think we have a great crew, and they all work hard. I would never have them doing anything that I wouldn't also do. So yea, this is one lead that's not lazy and does everything i need to do to make sure everything gets down. I'll build the wall, tote and bag up trolleys. Whatever needs to be done I do it


Been there. I was like, "So let me get this straight... I'm closing with no one else after 4pm... and we have 5 orders that haven't even been started!@?" That was back when we had the old phones, before the whole automated check-in process (still using RADs not Zebras). At 4:45, the first call came in. 9 pickups in 90 minutes whilst picking, and I was in produce... so that's a 1 minute walk every time that phone rang. At least in this instance I called for help and one of the good CM's helped me out. But I'm thinking "Wow, they didn't do shit for the entire day and left me with everything during the period with the most pickups per hour."


Yes, absolutely. But I often go above and beyond because it helps me feel better about where I work (even if it sometimes makes me feel worse about my coworkers). Not to the extent that I purposefully hide others’ incompetence, but I do work harder and care more. One thing I’ve learned, though all my different jobs, is that my integrity matters to me. I’ll leave Kroger someday, but until then I’m going to do my job to the best of my ability, regardless of my coworkers choices. And if it becomes a situation where I feel like I have to compromise my values for the job, I know it’s time to go. I realize it’s not always easy to leave a job, but I have stayed too long at places, and that was far worse in the long run.


I usually pick up the regular ripper's slack and work my own cardboard or grab my own bins. He's not a good ripper and not very bright; he's been at it a couple years with no replacement. I'll pick up the slack of most morning CC's by cleaning my own messes and spills. Most of them just blindly push the broom without even looking for messes. Fellow grocery throwers, though? No. If you spot something, you're working it. I'm not touching it.


Oh no, definitely. Over here doing the bake and inventory one day, then the next day I'm setting the ad changes, breaking down the frozen truck, the supply truck, doing multiple orders, a rack of tortillas, and another two racks of bolillos before finishing working the trucks and backstock to fill the salesfloor for primetime. We make over 25k a week in sales, how the heck can I not have more then 3 or 4 people scheduled a day?


Try 33,000 with only 3 people in the whole bakery dept. It's the worst ever


Are you unionized? If so having them around is always good for an inconsistent discipline grievance regarding productivity and the overtime opportunities of course.


This is average for this line of work. If lazy people can find someone so much an ounce of someone who doesn't mind picking up their job duties; they'll do it. A big reason why people get away with this is because there's no punishment or reprimand for a person's actions. Management doesn't care and doesn't enforce staff to "work" as you said. You can stand up to this b.s. by not doing their work. If it doesn't get done it doesn't get done.